Diet Report


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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I’ve adopted a 100% Mediterranean diet. Not what people think the med diet is. The actual one from the studies of Cretan farmers in the 50s. With more protein given I’m training hard.

LOTS of dark leafy greens. Tons of them.
only olive oil, no butter (pipe down, I know it has its fans)
Organic chicken
Yoghurt and fruit and walnuts.
a plethora of vegetables
tiny bit of bread.

I haven’t wavered once.



ENERGY. Huge amount of energy, almost unbelievable given I’m cutting and eating to lose 1-2lb a week.

MOOD. Feel much more emotionally stable.

I have an infection in my nose which never really goes away. It has after a week of this.

Heartburn/indigestion is gone.

Better erections and drive.


have to drink ridiculous amounts of water.
(Nothing to do with sodium. Sodium is lower and potassium really high. It’s the fibre I think)

Sleep, for some reason I wake up. Main reason is I’m getting dehydrated in the day and drinking before bed and waking up p***ing. Not diabetes FYI as I know that’s indicative - this came with the diet and a stupid water pattern.

Time. It’s hard work cooking all the time.

Other than these minor points it’s been incredible.


Dec 30, 2022
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I eat alot of mediterannean cuisine.. Its the best hands down for nutrition/healthwise. Can't think of anything better.

That and I eat alot of seafood too. I'll have steaks though at least once a week if not twice. Nothing wrong with good grass fed beef.

I think once you just learn how to manage your macros and eat the right kind of whole foods and nutrients/get adequate proteins and healthy fats and not too many carbs and raelly pay attention to what type of carbs you're consuming.. and most importantly get alot of veggies in/fruits.. nutrition becomes so easy...

I used to log my nutrition a long long time ago. Haven't had to in many years... because its so easy to understand what I can eat and what I cant and how much of it , etc.


Sep 10, 2014
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I grew up eating this way as my Dad is from that area and this was our standard diet...

Currently don't really have a description of my diet, I eat tons of fresh veggies and lots of low glycemic fruits and try to eat the rainbow every day with those.

Lean protein on lower fat days, fatty fish(mackerel, sardines and salmon mostly) and sometimes grass fed beef on higher fat days.

Quality carbs like oatmeal, sweet potatoes, basmati rice, etc

Quality fats like avocados, olive oil, raw nuts and raw seeds..

85% dark chocolate and dole whip are pretty much the only processed things I eat, everything else is comprised of one ingredient.

I track calories like a fiend otherwise I tend to overeat.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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This is great to hear. I need to improve
My diet and will do what it takes. Ive been feeling run down alot


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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I eat alot of mediterannean cuisine.. Its the best hands down for nutrition/healthwise. Can't think of anything better.

That and I eat alot of seafood too. I'll have steaks though at least once a week if not twice. Nothing wrong with good grass fed beef.

I think once you just learn how to manage your macros and eat the right kind of whole foods and nutrients/get adequate proteins and healthy fats and not too many carbs and raelly pay attention to what type of carbs you're consuming.. and most importantly get alot of veggies in/fruits.. nutrition becomes so easy...

I used to log my nutrition a long long time ago. Haven't had to in many years... because its so easy to understand what I can eat and what I cant and how much of it , etc.
yeah I am a compulsive logger too. I am an eater so without this I will just always be fat as I love food.

I will be deviating from the pure med diet by eating as you say, good quality grass fed beef once a week. We have a tradition that I cook Beef Pho on a Sunday for my fam. My wife is Viet but I cook better viet food than she does
Except spring rolls, she’s the don in that regard.

Really am struggling with digestion and bloating. My body is not used to this volume of veg and legumes.

I hope that after a few weeks it will cope better.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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I grew up eating this way as my Dad is from that area and this was our standard diet...

Currently don't really have a description of my diet, I eat tons of fresh veggies and lots of low glycemic fruits and try to eat the rainbow every day with those.

Lean protein on lower fat days, fatty fish(mackerel, sardines and salmon mostly) and sometimes grass fed beef on higher fat days.

Quality carbs like oatmeal, sweet potatoes, basmati rice, etc

Quality fats like avocados, olive oil, raw nuts and raw seeds..

85% dark chocolate and dole whip are pretty much the only processed things I eat, everything else is comprised of one ingredient.

I track calories like a fiend otherwise I tend to overeat.
(I can’t delete the fking table!)

lucky you, if your dads med then you must do well with the ladies. My own Anglo Saxon heritage isn’t particularly highly prized here but Asians prefer blue eyes/lighter hair and complexing. They actually really like gingers which is seen as negative here.

my standard diet was corned beef and mash or egg and chips (big fries)

will try the dark chocolate but am trying to keep anything remotely sweet to once a month.

On that theme….dark choc with creamed Coconut is banging.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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Well done man, looking forward to you getting cut


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Nicely done! Med is a great eating pattern.

For the bloating, make sure you drink enough water. Minimum 3 liters per day. It helps a lot.
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Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Silly me. Mate gave me some edibles which led to munchies and after about 8 days I ate about 700 cal above maintenance. With a lot of refined sugar sadly.

while refined sugar (cornflake cakes almost a whole box!) is always a bad idea I did eat a ton of protein too and I feel amazing this AM.

average even with this is a 500 cal def for the week.

I know they say you shouldn’t have cheats but I was getting a bit tired and strung out so perhaps I will incorporate a weekly higher cals day. Next time w/o sugar.

gonna try to go another 7 days and then plan out next Saturday to be a refeed but just clean foods and this might avoid the rebound eating.


Sep 10, 2014
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Silly me. Mate gave me some edibles which led to munchies and after about 8 days I ate about 700 cal above maintenance. With a lot of refined sugar sadly.

while refined sugar (cornflake cakes almost a whole box!) is always a bad idea I did eat a ton of protein too and I feel amazing this AM.

average even with this is a 500 cal def for the week.

I know they say you shouldn’t have cheats but I was getting a bit tired and strung out so perhaps I will incorporate a weekly higher cals day. Next time w/o sugar.

gonna try to go another 7 days and then plan out next Saturday to be a refeed but just clean foods and this might avoid the rebound eating.
Who says you shouldn't have cheats?

If done correctly it can help lead to quicker and more effective weight loss by resetting leptin, your fat burning thermometer, and revving thyroid spiking your metabolic rate.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Who says you shouldn't have cheats?

If done correctly it can help lead to quicker and more effective weight loss by resetting leptin, your fat burning thermometer, and revving thyroid spiking your metabolic rate.
Can you explain “doing it correctly”? Thanks


Sep 10, 2014
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Can you explain “doing it correctly”? Thanks
What's always worked best for me is to have a cheat day on your heaviest lifting day(usually legs or a full body workout) and then follow it with a fasting day.

Basically you try to limit the fat being stored by involving your larger muscles and then once you set your body up to burn fat optimally, you follow it with a fast day in which you burn fat.

If not fasting, I would drop calories significantly, maybe go 700-800 deficit versus 500 and do a lower carb day.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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I would highly recommend turning "cheat day" into "cheat meal", because too much damage can be done in a day.

Unless you are able to keep yourself to a "strict cheat day" where you actually follow a diet plan on your cheat day, then the point is moot.

Yes, cheat day either on the day or day before heaviest training session, which is usually legs (unless you have a planned Manual Labor day, which most people don't). This can also be done via Carb Cycling where your deficit undulates throughout the week - and you plan your training in coordination with your higher carb days.


Sep 10, 2014
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I would highly recommend turning "cheat day" into "cheat meal", because too much damage can be done in a day.

Unless you are able to keep yourself to a "strict cheat day" where you actually follow a diet plan on your cheat day, then the point is moot.

Yes, cheat day either on the day or day before heaviest training session, which is usually legs (unless you have a planned Manual Labor day, which most people don't). This can also be done via Carb Cycling where your deficit undulates throughout the week - and you plan your training in coordination with your higher carb days.
It's a fair point. When I used to go all in on my cheat days, I probably took in close to 8-10K calories, then followed with a fast day. Net weight gain was zero, then basically lost the rest of the week. Kinda like a slingshot.

However, I will admit that was likely overdoing it even tho I had rapid weight loss doing it along with 2 fast days.

I'm kind of settling into a series of what I would call mini-cuts (4-6 weeks) followed by 2 weeks of maintenance/slightly over maintenance as my best fat loss tools.

Helps keep fat loss steady when doing the cuts and the maintenance helps keep metabolism from tanking like a prolonged caloric deficit would.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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My Pro Tipp: remove vegetables, "dark leafy greens" and legumes from your diet and replace olive oil, better all primary sources of fats with with ghee or grass-fed beef tallow and you shouldn't have any of these problems anymore.
Not sure where you are getting this information. Removing vegetables, legumes, and olive oil for red meat and ghee will not make a diet healthier. Quite the opposite.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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If you have bloating, then your Diet isn't healthy at least not healthy for you.

You know you have a healthy diet when:

you have no bloating after eating,
your skin is glowing and you get compliments about it,
you feel more energized immediately after just eating a piece of the right food, lets say a piece of grass fed red meat (feels like a incredible caffeine kick, a high mental clarity and focus effect,
Better High-Quality Sleep,
No to less allergies, sensitivities and illnesses,
No mental problems such as depression and anxiety
No problem with stools and digestion

If only one of them is missing, you don't have a healthy diet.

My Pro Tipp: remove vegetables, "dark leafy greens" and legumes from your diet and replace olive oil, better all primary sources of fats with with ghee or grass-fed beef tallow and you shouldn't have any of these problems anymore.
Lol at removing olive oil for animal fats for health.

Where you getting your BHA/EPAs from?


Sep 10, 2014
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Not sure where you are getting this information. Removing vegetables, legumes, and olive oil for red meat and ghee will not make a diet healthier. Quite the opposite.
LMAO...that is about the worst advice someone could give...literally every time there is an article written about lowering chances for a certain disease at the end of the article they mention "by eating more green leafy vegetables".

Also, most Olive Oil you get isn't real olive oil, many people are using processed garbage in place of olive oil. Fake Olive Oil is one of the biggest sources of revenue for the mafia and organized crime. It is more profitable than drugs with far fewer penalties for getting caught and likely no jail time.

You have to select olive oils very carefully.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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It will, at least for him. Many People don't understand that certain foods, especially vegetables and legumes contain compounds that aren't gut-friendly. Legumes and beans are full of PHA (phytohemagglutinin). They are completely toxic when you eat them raw f,e. Lectins like PHA can lead to gut dysbiosis and gut inflammation and legumes already exceed the threshold to experience the side effects such as bloating, digesting issues, and frequent urinating. He basically mentioned all of the side effects. And it's basically a matter of time until it "happens". Your body is basically fighting the compounds off.
No one in the west eats raw beans.

You get your BHA/EPA/DHA from Seafood such as fish..
Via the algae. Seafood is in a different tier than ghee and red meat though.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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LMAO...that is about the worst advixe someone could give...literally Everytime ther is an article written about lowering chances for a certain disease at the end of the article they mention "by eating more green leafy vegetables".

Also, most Olive Oil you get isn't real olive oil, many people are using processed garbage in place of olive oil. Fake Olive Oil is one of the biggest sources of revenue for the mafia and organized crime. It is more profitable than drugs with far fewer penalties for getting caught.

You have to select olive oils very carefully.

Exactly. Vegetables and legumes are proven to be health promoting foods. Olive oil is neutral, and possibly has health benefits. Why would we remove proven health promoting foods for red meat and animal fat?

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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Fake Olive Oil is one of the biggest sources of revenue for the mafia and organized crime. It is more profitable than drugs with far fewer penalties for getting caught and likely no jail time.
Is this satire or is Don Corleone just full vegan now?