Travel memoir21
Master Don Juan
One of my daily routines during the day is the following in this order:
1.) Yoga/exercise
2.) Japa meditation- Chanting God’s Holy names
3.) God centered lotus meditations
4.) Reading The Bible or The Bhagavadgita
5.) Praying, Praying for people I know and around the world
6.) Gratitude prayer
7.) Playing acoustic guitar Holy music
8.) Offering that worship session to God
9.) Doing chores around the house
10.) Spray my room with nice smelling air freshener
11.) Get a cup of wine or water
12.) Sit down and enjoy this relaxing, refreshing mood by connecting with support Groups such as this.
I’ll name one Facebook group which I think is cool. It’s called ‘ A group of people that pretends to be a family’, Love the vibe and positivity of that group. It’s from people from all walks of life. And the Groups you go to, shouldn’t be about dating either, it could be a comradery with your careers, hobbies, an illness or depression your suffering from, a habit you’re trying to get rid of etc.
Just going to those Support Groups day by day is a good form of social momentum and a natural way of connecting with others from a technological sense. So these type of things definitely helps.

1.) Yoga/exercise
2.) Japa meditation- Chanting God’s Holy names
3.) God centered lotus meditations
4.) Reading The Bible or The Bhagavadgita
5.) Praying, Praying for people I know and around the world
6.) Gratitude prayer
7.) Playing acoustic guitar Holy music
8.) Offering that worship session to God
9.) Doing chores around the house
10.) Spray my room with nice smelling air freshener
11.) Get a cup of wine or water
12.) Sit down and enjoy this relaxing, refreshing mood by connecting with support Groups such as this.
I’ll name one Facebook group which I think is cool. It’s called ‘ A group of people that pretends to be a family’, Love the vibe and positivity of that group. It’s from people from all walks of life. And the Groups you go to, shouldn’t be about dating either, it could be a comradery with your careers, hobbies, an illness or depression your suffering from, a habit you’re trying to get rid of etc.
Just going to those Support Groups day by day is a good form of social momentum and a natural way of connecting with others from a technological sense. So these type of things definitely helps.