Anyone here have a drinking problem?


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
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New York
I do...I sometimes finish 10-12 beers a night, by my self, alone in my room. My drinking problem lead to the breakup of my last relationship. I only started drinking to help me sleep at 19 years old(35 now). As time went on it got worse and worse, I even ended up getting a DWI at 22 years old and spent a night in jail and put on probation. After that I stayed sober for 6 months then gradually started drinking again. The drinking really got worse about 3 years ago when I was in my relationship. I would go as far as a to hide it from her since she didn't like me drinking because she knew i went out of control and changed to a completely different person.

Funny enough i don't want to stop drinking, I want to cut down, but i cant do it like that. For me its all or nothing, I either drink or I don't, no in-between...

Anyone here been in this situation before and can relate in any which way?

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Mar 6, 2017
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Try the "I Am Sober" app. Its free.

There is other stuff you can try to help you sleep. Good luck brother. We are all rooting for you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2022
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My cousin who was a drug addict and alcoholic and was in and out of prison never knocked his habits through rehab. His father my uncle was an alcoholic and gave him this book. He isn't sober and still smokes weed/cigs, but cut back the drinking immensely. Worth a shot

Allen Carr's Quit Drinking Without Willpower: Be a happy


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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I do too, it phucks up my lightweight stomach and I have to limit how much I can drink. Meh.

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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I do...I sometimes finish 10-12 beers a night, by my self, alone in my room. My drinking problem lead to the breakup of my last relationship. I only started drinking to help me sleep at 19 years old(35 now). As time went on it got worse and worse, I even ended up getting a DWI at 22 years old and spent a night in jail and put on probation. After that I stayed sober for 6 months then gradually started drinking again. The drinking really got worse about 3 years ago when I was in my relationship. I would go as far as a to hide it from her since she didn't like me drinking because she knew i went out of control and changed to a completely different person.

Funny enough i don't want to start drinking, I want to cut down, but i cant do it like that. For me its all or nothing, I either drink or I don't, no in-between...

Anyone here been in this situation before and can relate in any which way?

I don't have a drinking problem but I can tell you that reaching out to seek perspective is very admirable and I respect that.

From what I know about alcoholism is that it has one of the, if not the most, bad withdrawals of any drug because of how dependent your body becomes on it. I think that is the reason why just cutting it down is not feasible or recommended.

So you are right, it is all or nothing. Go cold turkey, use the app that @Dr.Suave recommended, seek a therapist, a support group, someone that can keep you accountable for, etc.

Whatever you do, do not do it alone. There are many people going through what you are about to go through if you decide to quit cold turkey.

You got this man. And continue seeking perspective and support through the manosphere community.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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I have a love hate hate relationship with alcohol. I believe I can control myself, but after the sweet spot of having three beers I ALWAYS drink more, and especially more often.

Again, I used to believe I wasnt a alcoholic and I could cut , or control drinking anytime. Nobody gave me that title officially (also due my habit of binging rather alone than in company of other peopele) .

For me alcohol ( thank GOD) has serious repercussions. I'll swole up like a feckkng balloon, I cant train, I am spending money going out more, I "randomly" wake up feeling sick throwing up. The worst perhaps is that I devolped this personality that can only appear due bing drinking and I just feel like I am shorting my (quality)time on this earth.

So I came to the conclusion that I had to cut it out completely. Nada. Kinda anxious about next summer, because I still love parties and year after year I manage to quit, drink a few at parties and boom ,back to almost daily heavy drinking . Just gave you a personal view as that was your initial question.

I would seriously consider quitting all together ..if you are anything like me, than you are part of the club of people who simply cant handle the bottle and should be extremely cautious and conscious about your drinking. What really helps for me is exercising like a maniac. I started doing boxing again, hit the heavy weights. I just started with drinking less while training until I could completly let it go.

If you believe there's a underlying problem or reason to your drinking such as depression, that I would advice you to seek professional help.



Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
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To echo @Gamisch , You should think about just quitting drinking altogether if you have this bad of a problem. If you don't, you're going to wake up one day with some kind of condition (cirrhosis, cancer, prison, etc) that you could have prevented if you'd quit.

I struggled for years to quit weed, but once it started causing me asthma after every time I smoked, it got VERY easy to quit when I started thinking about things like lung cancer and emphysema.


Sep 10, 2014
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Have you gone to AA?

You are going to have a very short life if you don't make some significant changes soon.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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Have you gone to AA?

You are going to have a very short life if you don't make some significant changes soon.
My other suggestion, stock up on sweets while you go cold. Alcohol and sugar are cousins chemically, and you will need to replicate the effects so your body can absorb the hit from the withdrawal. Soda, candy, cookies, and AA. If you really feel like it’s going to be ugly, there is NO SHAME in getting over to a hospital and spending a couple days. Medical insurance not necessary. All emergency rooms have to take you. You’ll be fine. PM me if you want.