AlexLefty’s 3 Month Vegas Immersion Journal of Awesomeness


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
I had a good night in Vegas last night. These girls from Austin started talking to me and my boys, and it just got better and better from there. The club was crazy packed by 2 am. This tall chick from Austin asked me for my number and asked me how long I was staying out here. We work in the same field so there was instant connection.

It's crazy how I meet these girls from the South when I'm in Vegas and they are so friendly and approachable. I can like instantaneously tell where they are from. We also had these girls from Colorado come and hang out with this, two 7's and one whale. At one point I was trying to game both the Colorado girls and the Austin girls at the same time and it got confusing. I think I was able to manage cause I was drunk and super outgoing lol.

Going to Drai's later tonight... Should be fun.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2016
Reaction score
Aaaaaaaaannnnnddddddddddddd here's a quick update:

Finally got into the clubs! It's literally the dopest dope I've ever smoked. My message to all of you is that you need to move to Vegas immediately if you're serious about game. Now just to work out the logistics of being able to go every night from like 10pm till close and we'll be good.

Talk to you soon,


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2016
Reaction score
You should definitely hit up the pools for some gaming also. I was there at the pool and talked to some women. Hung out with a few later that night and am going out with one next week since we live close to each other. The pool is kinda like the club scene except you can be seen better and I think that helps a bit


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Yup. I went to the day club at Mandalay Bay. Not only were the women insanely hot, but it was easier to game. DJ Mustard was spinning and the weather was perfect.

Later that night I went to Marquee and saw RSD Luke, it was pretty cool. Me and my friend had like 7 girls talking to us but unfortunately they all left early.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2016
Reaction score
Yoooo that's dope! Yeah we gotta get into some day clubs, and all clubs in general ASAP


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2016
Reaction score
Went out to XS tonight! Firstly, this place was ****ing awesome. Vegas is so much better than Utah. Every time we go to a new venue I almost need a shell shock period to adjust. In terms of approaches and such, I'm only going to focus on the positives. Because I honestly feel like I did ****, but I berate myself too much so I'm focusing on the positive.

I opened a couple sets, which was actually really hard for some reason. But before we got to the club I did like 5 approaches in like 10 minutes on the street, so that was good. I'm obviously getting better at doing approaches faster and more consistently, at least on the street. Remember my posts from before where it took 3 hours to do 3? So, much improved. I also managed my energy pretty well in the club. I was in a good mood and everything -- dancing to the music and staying upbeat. My biggest problem is just inertia. For some reason there is this inertia with approaching right away. So for me it's key to approach right away and lower my time of reaction. But overall definitely a good night, and it was one step forward!

I'm doing day game tomorrow, and then going to the clubs as well.

Talk to you soon,


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2016
Reaction score
So this was a very interesting day. I woke up around 1pm and went out to do some daygame on the strip around 3pm, by myself. It's so much harder going by yourself because you don't have a "home base" so to speak. But, I actually really enjoy it because I know it's something I have to get used to, especially for when I move back to Utah.

So, it pains me to say this, but I only did two approaches that day. However, the second was the longest interaction I've had so far and ended up in a makeout on the strip. I got her SnapChat. Looking to set up a threesome.

Then I went to Marquee that night with Brandon. It was our first time there. The staff is a little pretentious but it's a nice venue. Only did a couple of approaches, but I'm happy with it; it's 250% better than what I could've done a week ago. One thing I've noticed is that I do an approach pretty quickly, and then wait too long before I do more. I need something like 3 or 5 quick ones to get warmed up, or rather, into the "it's ok to talk to strangers" mindset.
Fast forward to the night of 6/14/16 and I went to Omnia by myself. Actually, I just got back. I was extremely nervous being alone, so I only did a couple of approaches. I know what you're thinking, but I honestly consider it progress because there's a huge disparity between going alone and with your friends. I stayed until closing which forced me to be social. I talked to a number of dudes though, and tried to just be friendly. The past few months have made me an extremely awkward person, so just being able to be social is pretty cool.

I'm kicking it into high gear though! I've basically postponed all my other focuses until I get some significant gains in pickup. So I'm going out everyday, and every night. Thus, I'll just be getting a few hours of sleep and then I'm off to Marquee day club -- my first day club. I'll check in afterwards.

Talk to you soon,


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
I went to Vegas Memorial Day Weekend. Pu$$y was being thrown at me the three days I was there. I knocked down 5 broads during that trip. I definitely have to make a trip back to Vegas.

I know that you are having a blast!


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2016
Reaction score
I went to Vegas Memorial Day Weekend. Pu$$y was being thrown at me the three days I was there. I knocked down 5 broads during that trip. I definitely have to make a trip back to Vegas.

I know that you are having a blast!
Very nice. I should have been where you were


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2016
Reaction score
Being sick...

So fvck, my roommate got sick, or food poisoning or something few days ago and then I came down with it as well yesterday. We were planning on going to Skrillex at Surrender but I just couldn't make it.

Oh, I also met up with that one chick from daygame earlier in the day. I started feeling my sickness come on like 30 minutes before I met up with her. Anyways, we talked at one of the bars for like 30 mins to an hour. It wasn't until after that, when we was about to leave and we were talking sort of by the elevators that I saw her get anime eyes. It happened basically when I was talking more and being more of a boss, and specifically, like validating her beliefs. She doesn't drink or do drugs and I told her I didn't either and all of a sudden she's like ready to suck my ****.

So there's two important things to note here: 1. When I first met her a couple days before we madeout and she had the anime eyes, etc. But when we met up again a couple days later it wasn't exactly the same. It was like the attraction had died off a little bit. So you almost need to start from scratch. It's crazy, but all relationships and friendships have a sort of momentum to them. The stronger the relationship is, the more time it takes to kill the momentum. But if you only meet a girl for like an hour and then don't see her for 2 days, you obviously haven't built that much momentum and you'll basically be starting from scratch. On the other hand, I've been friends with some of my boys for well over 15 years. As you can imagine, our friendship has built a ****load of momentum, and we could go months, probably even years without talking and not loose THAT much momentum in our friendship.
MAIN POINT: Don't be surprised if you have to work your way back up from scratch on a day 2

2. Whenever you can validate peoples' ways of thinking of their beliefs by showing that you feel the same way, or something, they will perceive you as more valuable. It's fairly obvious yet it surprises me everytime. People want to hear what they want to hear. And if you tell them what they want to hear then they'll like you more. Obviously there are stipulations to this but you get the idea

ANYWAY, going back to when I was sick and supposed to be going to Skrillex. The chick texted me at like 2am basically saying she wanted to bang. But I was so sick I didn't even reply. Noooooooooooooo. And I've been sleeping for, I don't even know how long, haha. Like I feel very weird right now. It feels like no time has passed at all, but also that it has. I think I've been sleeping in my house for a day or more. Like I'm pissed that I've lost 2 days of game now because of this ****ing sickness, but it's also not that bad because it's almost like no time has passed at all, haha. Anyways, I don't think I can go out tonight, because I can't handle being out for 7 hours. I'd rather take the time to get 100% better. It's a ****ty shorterm plan and I'm vehemently fighting against it, but I know it's for the best long term, so I'm going to do it. However, depending on how I'm feeling in like 4 hours I might try to bang that chick. She leaves on Saturday so the clock is ticking haha. Wish me luck

Talk to you soon,


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2016
Reaction score
Almost Lay Report Below

So like 3 or 4 days later I'm finally over my sickness. It was pretty bad, and I slept the majority of the time. I think it was the flu...

Last night I picked up the Australian chick that I met via daygame on the strip a few days ago at like 3am. We headed back to my place and I thought it was going down. Unfortunately, it didn't. She was putting up some pretty sever obstacles. I think a more experienced pimp could have pulled it off, but I just didn't have the skill set to work through it.

Here's how it went: Right when she got in my car I grabbed her head and did a little makeout sesh. Instant man to woman and setting the tone -- she responded well, check. Did it again as we were driving back to my place. Despite only being 80% recovered from my sickness I was upbeat, cracking jokes, and bringing a lot of value. Once we got into my place I simply took too long to escalate. I immediately laid down on my bed just in one of those "damn I'm tired" flops. She stayed standing above me for a couple minutes, seeming to resist the idea of laying down with me. So I stood up and got some water from the fridge, as I did this she finally sat on the bed. Coincidence? No. I think she just didn't feel comfortable enough. I suppose I could've tried to make her feel less slutty and more normal but I'm not exactly sure how. Keep in mind awesome conversation is going on throughout.

Then I sit on the bed but she doesn't get too close. At this point I think I ****ed up because it took me about another hour before I tried making out with her again. I guess I could just feel that she wasn't all the way into it. I think the reasons she wasn't into it were: 1. Being very tired. 2. Not having enough sexual comfort, or perhaps sexual attraction? 3. I wasn't sexual enough in our previous interactions, and set the frame as too talkative and friendly rather than sexual. 4. She masturbated the night before and said she wasn't horny?

Eventually we did start making out again. I was sucking on her nipple, and trying to kiss/bite her neck to turn her on more but she seemed to resist it. Also worth noting is that we were pretty much stationary -- like she was resisting me throwing her down and climbing on top or vice versa. Very weird, never have had that happen before. I was grabbing her ass and rubbing her pvssy from outside her pants, even with her seeming to try and stop me every once in a while. Then I kind of made her be on top of me, and it just faded out. She obviously just wasn't into getting ****ed right then. By then it was like 6am and I drove her to her hotel at The Paris because she had a flight to LA at 11am. And that's that.

The ****ty thing is that if I saw her the night before I would've had a much better chance at banging. She was texting me really late trying to get me to pick her up, etc.. But, as I noted in a previous post, I was too sick to even consider it. She ended up fingering herself that night. Hahaha man fvcking unlucky sickness bastard horse ****. Oh well :)

As far as the sickness goes, I'm pissed off that I missed 4 days of game. Honestly, though, I feel like I haven't lost that much macro-momentum because I can't really even remember the last 4 days. They're really all a blur when I try to think about them. Also my sleep schedule is completely ****ed now so that'll be fun haha. I have some obligatory things to do on Sunday, and then watch game 7 of the NBA finals, and then I'll go out to either Drais, XS, or Omnia -- whichever is free due to EDC weekend.

Also I made a list of all the clubs in Vegas and whether they're day clubs or night clubs and when they're open so that I could keep them all straight in my head. If you're interested in seeing it just let me know.

Talk to you soon,
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Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Here's how it went: Right when she got in my car I grabbed her head and did a little makeout sesh. Instant man to woman and setting the tone -- she responded well, check. Did it again as we were driving back to my place. Despite only being 80% recovered from my sickness I was upbeat, cracking jokes, and bringing a lot of value. Once we got into my place I simply took too long to escalate. I immediately laid down on my bed just in one of those "damn I'm tired" flops. She stayed standing above me for a couple minutes, seeming to resist the idea of laying down with me. So I stood up and got some water from the fridge, as I did this she finally sat on the bed. Coincidence? No. I think she just didn't feel comfortable enough. I suppose I could've tried to make her feel less slutty and more normal but I'm not exactly sure how. Keep in mind awesome conversation is going on throughout.

Then I sit on the bed but she doesn't get too close. At this point I think I ****ed up because it took me about another hour before I tried making out with her again. I guess I could just feel that she wasn't all the way into it. I think the reasons she wasn't into it were: 1. Being very tired. 2. Not having enough sexual comfort, or perhaps sexual attraction? 3. I wasn't sexual enough in our previous interactions, and set the frame as too talkative and friendly rather than sexual. 4. She masturbated the night before and said she wasn't horny?

Eventually we did start making out again. I was sucking on her nipple, and trying to kiss/bite her neck to turn her on more but she seemed to resist it. Also worth noting is that we were pretty much stationary -- like she was resisting me throwing her down and climbing on top or vice versa. Very weird, never have had that happen before. I was grabbing her ass and rubbing her pvssy from outside her pants, even with her seeming to try and stop me every once in a while. Then I kind of made her be on top of me, and it just faded out. She obviously just wasn't into getting ****ed right then. By then it was like 6am and I drove her to her hotel at The Paris because she had a flight to LA at 11am. And that's that.
This situation is common when you're escalating. Just think about it this way, she is in your apartment, making out with you, she's there to get fücked. She seems to be the kind of girl who wants to be seduced, every time she stops you, you start again.

I'll refer to something I posted on another thread:

I translate these kind of things as "are you man enough to take what you want?"...and yes I am.

Once it's at this stage. I know she wants me. She knows I want her. She would rather fück me than make it work on time. She would rather have sex with me, a guy whose name she doesn't even know because I make her wet, rather than a guy she's known for years who does nothing for her. Both of these things happened to me last weekend. Objections are the question, are you man enough? And boy do they reward you when they feel that masculine energy and there's that male-female polarity that nature intended. That occurs when a woman has been properly seduced.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
Here's how it went: Right when she got in my car I grabbed her head and did a little makeout sesh. Instant man to woman and setting the tone -- she responded well, check. Did it again as we were driving back to my place. Despite only being 80% recovered from my sickness I was upbeat, cracking jokes, and bringing a lot of value. Once we got into my place I simply took too long to escalate. I immediately laid down on my bed just in one of those "damn I'm tired" flops. She stayed standing above me for a couple minutes, seeming to resist the idea of laying down with me. So I stood up and got some water from the fridge, as I did this she finally sat on the bed. Coincidence? No. I think she just didn't feel comfortable enough. I suppose I could've tried to make her feel less slutty and more normal but I'm not exactly sure how. Keep in mind awesome conversation is going on throughout.

Then I sit on the bed but she doesn't get too close. At this point I think I ****ed up because it took me about another hour before I tried making out with her again. I guess I could just feel that she wasn't all the way into it. I think the reasons she wasn't into it were: 1. Being very tired. 2. Not having enough sexual comfort, or perhaps sexual attraction? 3. I wasn't sexual enough in our previous interactions, and set the frame as too talkative and friendly rather than sexual. 4. She masturbated the night before and said she wasn't horny?

Eventually we did start making out again. I was sucking on her nipple, and trying to kiss/bite her neck to turn her on more but she seemed to resist it. Also worth noting is that we were pretty much stationary -- like she was resisting me throwing her down and climbing on top or vice versa. Very weird, never have had that happen before. I was grabbing her ass and rubbing her pvssy from outside her pants, even with her seeming to try and stop me every once in a while. Then I kind of made her be on top of me, and it just faded out. She obviously just wasn't into getting ****ed right then. By then it was like 6am and I drove her to her hotel at The Paris because she had a flight to LA at 11am. And that's that.
Right when you got in the car you grabbed her head and did a little make out session. She responded well. you were being a MAN and you were leading. You were dominant. You led. She was submissive. She followed. You did it again on the way to your place. She's expecting you escalate even more passionately when you get to your house. She's expecting sex where you are equally dominant, if not more than you were with her when you grabbed her head 2x and kissed her.

It seems when you get to your house, you drop your frame and treat her like a friend who is over for a visit to chat.

She's confused because she is expecting you are going to passionately escalate as soon as the door closes behind you. She is there to be fvcked by you. She WANTS to be fvcked by you.

You flop on the bed, without her. She's expecting you are going to have your hands all over her and be closer than ever and instead you have just put distance between the two of you. Now you are over there. You separated your self from her. To her that feels like a man who doesn't want to fvck her anymore and she's likely very confused, feeling a bit rejected and wondering what happened to the passionate fvck she imagined with you.

She keeps standing there waiting to be led, waiting to be dominated. What do you do, you wait for her. You are waiting for her to join you on your bed. She's wondering where the MAN she was with in the car went because the 'man' on the bed looks like him, but certainly doesn't offer the same experience.

You grab her head and are dominant in the car. She is anticipating that MAN will grab not just her head when he wants to kiss her again, but when they get back to his house, that HE WILL take her. He will take hold of her whole body and make it his. He'll dominate her and embody his masculinity while simultaneously fvcking her and appreciating her femininity. That's what she expected, hoped for, and imagined.

Instead you plop on the bed, as if you are suddenly too tired to give a fvck about her. You essentially walk away from her, even if it's just two feet away. You are no longer Being the MAN who wants to ravage her. You've become a chat buddy. She didn't come over to talk. She has girlfriends for that. She's confused. What happened to the MAN that wanted to FVCK her?

You think it's not a big deal for her to just crawl up on the bed next to you. I understand why you would think that. In your scenario it was a game changer because you were no longer leading, you were no longer dominant, you were waiting. You were being polite, chatty, and waiting for her. And you wait.....

What you missed is that she was waiting for you, as the MAN, to lead her to be on your bed. I know this seems petty. Bear with me, the difference is huge in what a woman perceives is about to happen.

She wants to "be taken" and fvcked like she's never been fvcked before. That's why she's at your house (in Vegas).

The MAN who was in the car would have pulled off her clothes, while kissing her, would have thrown her on the bed, would have escalated straight away. That man would have given her the best fvck she's ever had. That is what she was anticipating.

The man who has now been chatting for an hour, not escalated but just passing time together...what kind of fvck do you think she imagines he'll give her? Seriously...think about it. Women feel the difference. One makes them wet and dying to be taken and the other not even close.

The chit chatty man is not the man that can and will dominate her and give her the fvck of a lifetime. Even if wanted to, it's not his nature. Sexual tension has dropped way down if it's even there at all. He's acting more like a friend than a man who wants to fvck her. She feels like if they have sex she'll have to lead because he hasn't led her for the last couple hours. She can't trust that he'll lead in sex then. She doesn't want to lead (at this point). She WANTS to be taken.

She was there because she wanted and expected to be taken/fvcked by a MAN. There is no MAN in sight/available to fvck her. Is there any appeal in awkward sex with a man who doesn't have enough confidence to get her clothes off and get it going. No. That has no appeal. What is she thinking? She's tired and has a plane to catch in a few hours. She sacrificed her night of sleep before traveling because she imagined she was going to be fvcked like she'd never been fvcked before. Worth the sacrifice. Absolutely, had it happened. Did she sacrifice her sleep to chat for hours? No. To have an awkward lay with an unconfident guy? No. Her pvssy dried up when that confident, dominant guy left the game. She'll think about that guy when she gets home. She'll wonder about him for a long time.

The friend guy laying in bed talking for hours, she just wants to figure out how to get out of there politely. She needs a ride from him. So finally you take her back and she's on her way.

I know this is long. I wanted share the other side to hopefully give you even more of a drive to embody your masculinity, and escalate without hesitation when you bring a woman home.

I understand that my perspective may not match the events exactly as they unfolded. This is not intended as a judgement of your actions. It is intended as an opportunity to understand what she was likely thinking, experiencing, and expecting. Don't use what I wrote to judge yourself. Use it to understand women and what they are hoping for and wanting so you can match that, with what you want, when you are inclined.

A few takeaways to consider. I suspect you put on "your game self" when you go out to approach women and then you "let it go" and relax when you come home each day. It seems you did the same when you were with her. Your game was full on, until you walked in the door at home and the you relaxed (like any night) as if you were hanging with friends, game off. Have awareness of this and keep it in mind next time you bring a girl home. Eventually, you'll come to a place where there is just an integrated you, with no game on/game off, but just you in the moment, whatever it is that serves you.



Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
"continued" (When SS makes you split a post, it is clearly way too long! By the time had I stopped typing, I had no idea this one was soooo long.--Yikes!)

I hope you read this, not with criticism, but knowing my intent is simply to offer insight into the female perspective that perhaps will allow you to be more bold. The more masculine you are, the more feminine she can be. The more dominant you are, the more submissive she can be. It's a dance of polarity that is hotter than hot when played well. Once she has decided she feels safe with you, she WANTS you to be bold and take her!! She WANTS you to embody masculinity!! It is massively attractive!!! She WANTS to surrender in her femininity to your masculine dominance!! She WANTS....

She doesn't want' that with an overly chatty man. She doesn't want that with a friend without sexual tension. She doesn't want that with an unconfident man. She doesn't want that with a man who hesitates to take her clothes off. She doesn't want that with a man who is stuck in his head wondering if he's doing it right. She doesn't want that with a man who is still worried about his d1ck size. She doesn't want that with a man who hesitates.

She doesn't want to be with a 'man'. She wants to be with a MAN. She wants to 'BE TAKEN' by a MAN. Understand, a 'man' can never take a woman. It's not his nature. He hesitates, is waiting for IOI's, is distracted with thoughts of what he "should do" next, is insecure, is too busy wanting to do it right, that he fails to do much of anything at all.

A MAN isn't necessarily an expert lover yet, but he doesn't hesitate. He knows he will learn along the way and so he engages action, knowing he's only going to improve for having done so.

Wow this got long. I really need to wrap this up, but there two things on my mind to share.

When you were waiting for her to join you on the bed, to her that's like asking her to get on top and fvck you. It has no seduction of her. Because of that it is like asking her to be dominant instead. I know that wasn't your intention. Down the road, absolutely let women seduce you and pleasure your body, with all that they are. That comes later. You have to seduce HER first, in this interaction. The better you seduce and dominate her, the better it will be.

Remember context, you are in Las Vegas! What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Women are there, as much as men, to hook-up. They are not expecting or looking to find the love of their life. They are there, wanting an experience that they'll never forget. Be that MAN. You want practice, you are in the right place.

Make it your mission when you find a woman who perks your interest, to be the MAN from Vegas, that she'll never forget and that you enjoy fully, without hesitation. She doesn't need to know your life story. She needs to quickly know she feels safe with you and that you are confident enough to lead her, bold enough enough to excite her, and centered enough to know that her resistances are habitual and intended to see if you are a man or a MAN, because her inherent feminine nature wants to be fvcked by a masculine MAN (not a man, who would be halted or thrown off by her LMR's). Be the MAN that

Embody your masculinity. Breathe masculinity. Own it. Every step you take, take it as a MAN and feel it, in your whole body and Being (yes, even if that sounds weird.) And if you find you have slipped into being a 'man', immediately re-center into Being a MAN. You guys were doing push-ups before, maybe some of those, lift weights, refocus in your head or go consciously take a walk with each step focusing on embodying Being a MAN. When you fall out of Being a MAN, recenter ASAP in the essence of masculinity. You are a masculine MAN.

Practice looking at women through the eyes of a MAN, not the eyes of a man. Go out sometime, not to approach, but just to look at women. Spend some time being a 'man', hunch your posture a bit, be unconfident and look at women as if they are scary, unapproachable and unwilling to share their pvssies. Feel what it feels like. Then let that go! It's a story! You are done with it!!! You are moving on!

Now embody masculinity and what it feels like to be a MAN! Sit confident and upright! Feel your masculinity as if it is coursing through your body! Feel your inherent strength as a MAN! Know women WANT to be fvcked by a MAN!!! They WANT what only-a-MAN-like-you can give them!! They can't get it anywhere else!! They yearn for it. They fantasize about. They read stories about it. They wish for it. Look around at them, knowing that and thinking about how you have what they yearn to be given by a MAN. Appreciate their femininity. Realize they are yearning to BE TAKEN by a MASCULINE MAN. Realize you are the prize. (Don't get me wrong. I love women too and they are amazing, but I am talking to you right now.) Walk around a club and know YOU, as a masculine man, are the prize! Spend time doing that. Feel it. Recognize that there are a ton of men in front of you whose appearance may be masculine, but will never be able to deliver what you can to a woman. They will never be able to fulfill a woman like you can! Take that in.

A man not centered in himself and his masculinity isn't on the same playing field as a man who is centered and does embody his masculinity. The more you know it, the more your confidence will rise, and women will sense it. It is massively attractive!!! Women will start to look at you different and even approach you more. Own what it is to Be a MAN!!!

Let's wrap this up.
1. Embody your masculinity
2. Figure out what you need, if anything, to know, you can confidently fvck any woman, HB10 included, that you home bring home, without hesitation. That you know you will give her an experience, like she's never had before. You will be a MAN with her and she'll know it every moment she's with you. You'll lead and dominate without hesitation thus allowing her to surrender and submit.
3. Marmel has recommended some videos before, about women teaching a man how to fvck them (or something along that idea). One can download them for free. I haven't seen them myself. I can't view them on my computer, otherwise I would have. I am curious like that. From what I have gathered they are well worth the watch. My sense is, after a man watches them a few times, his confidence in pleasing any woman and dominating her in bed shifts more to that of a MAN. I don't recall the title. Maybe someone can post the link to the free download in the thread and if not then PM and ask Marmel. I recommend that you let go of the idea you know enough about sex already and just find and then watch them, at least twice. I am not suggesting you are not a fantastic lover already! I am saying I know you want to maximize your time in Vegas and leave a MAN, so just do it anyway.

This turned out crazy long! Yikes!!! This is what a stream of consciousness ramble looks like out of a woman's brain. lol I am not going to invest the time to proof read it. Don't hesitate to ask if something is not clear.

If you actually read that whole deserve....

TL;DR Know that women want and yearn to be taken and fvcked, by a MAN (not a man). Most women in Vegas are hoping to a meet a MAN, for an experience they'll never forget. Use your time in Vegas to anchor your transition from 'man' to MAN. See women, approach women, lead women, seduce women, dominate women and fvck women like the MAN you are.
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Don Juan
Apr 6, 2016
Reaction score
@Mr Wright Awesome feedback, thank you sir!

@LiveYourDream ****ing hell...what a post! Haha and yes I did read it all. Though, I'll need to reread it a couple times to fully get it. Thank you, that was so helpful. I hope it was also helpful and therapeutic for you to write that stream of consciousness. Again, thank you! I am curious, how do you know all this? I might assume that it's fairly obvious to you because you are indeed a woman. But then again, understanding one's own desires is sometimes the trickiest thing of all. I feel like I hardly understand people and myself sometimes, despite having a lot of pickup and related knowledge. So does this all come naturally to you, or do you have to really think about it, or maybe something else entirely? Because many of the points you make are very nuanced.


Now I'd like to share something with you, one of my intellectual formula's for success. This came to me many years ago and applies to basically anything you're trying to accomplish. The explanation I give here is not very nuanced but I believe it's good food for thought for when you are trying to accomplish a task. I'll keep this brief. In order to be successful you must be/have 3 things: work ethic, organization, consistency.

Work Ethic
Being a hard worker is probably the most obvious requisite of success. Although many have become successful without working hard, many more have achieved success through hard work. Work ethic involves many things, which I will not go into here, but maybe the most important of them is strong focus -- such that you are able to concentrate on a task for an extended period of time. On a planar graph, high focus on the Y-axis coupled with a lot of time on the X-axis leads to a strong work ethic.

A strong work ethic, however, is nothing without organization. Organization is the key to bridging the gap between working hard and working smart. Ideally you want to work hard, but no harder than you have to. This is called working smart, and it allows you to be extremely efficient. Organization is probably my favorite piece of this equation because it goes hand in hand with planning. Creating schedules, graphs, checks and balance, and motivations and punishments are all parts of being organized.

The most important part in attaining success (assuming minimal initial luck and a big goal) is consistency -- without it, the first two variables do not matter. It's a rather simple concept really, and says that you can work hard, even smart via massive organization, but that if can't do it for a long time then you will fail. The question of how to be consistent is the real trick. I have some ideas, but I'm honestly not too sure. I'll get into the deeper parts of this later, if you're interested.

And there you go! I'm not sure why I shared this, but I hope it is of some value to you. I suppose I was just thinking that with pickup right now I'm lacking most in my work ethic and consistency. In terms of work ethic I just need to be going harder and more intense when I'm out. I'm confident that I'll get out enough now, at least 7 hours per day, but I just need to make more of my time. And consistency has been a real frustration, mostly because I haven't been following my schedule as well as I would like. I suppose it's mostly because I created my schedule about a week ago, and then caught a 4 day bed-ridden sickness. So I haven't actually had a chance to follow it haha. There's no logical reason to be upset at myself, but still, I want to follow it perfectly.

Anyways, I'm out.

Talk to you soon,


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2016
Reaction score
A positive night.
I went to Omnia by myself and did about 8 opens overall, 2 of which resulted in makeouts. Before you tell me this is sh1tty, trust me I know. But I'm focusing on the positives here! There's no way I could've done this a month ago. And while progress has been slow, it's definitely upward sloping. My biggest problem is obviously developing my trigger muscle and just approaching right when I see them. Other than that, I was disappointed with my inability to keep sets going for very long. My conversation and banter skills are obviously very weak, weaker than they have been in the past at least. Though, they're probably on par with the vast majority of people. The solution? I realize it's a slow and steady process. More approaches begets more experience and thus allows the brain to be calm during said approaches, and also hones conversational skills via pure repetition. Brandon is having a hard time accepting this, but I know it to be true because of my past experiences.

Two years ago I did a 1 month immersion period in San Diego. I started from the bottom, and by the end of the month I hooked up with 5 different girls 5 nights in a row, all from cold approach pickup in the mall. After that I was a vastly more confident and happy man, and my conversational skills were at their peak.

So it's been a month now, why haven't I reached that level yet? 2 reasons:
1. I'm coming from a much darker place than before. Basically my face was driven into the ground by school and work that past 2 years and I became very unhappy. I was successful in my focuses, and was the best employee in the history of my job, but I still wasn't happy. I'd say it took about two to three weeks out here in Vegas to just become "normal" again. It's funny because I never really realized how low I had sunk until I climbed out.
2. I haven't been hitting it has hard as in San Diego. The reasons are because instead of just staying at my mom's house (like in San Diego), I've had to start the building blocks of the rest of my life out here. Basically more life responsibilities and setup costs have slowed my progress. But now I'm to the point where I can go just about as hard, aka 7 - 12 hours per day of pickup.

However, I am confident that through perseverance and repetition my conversational skills will be sharp as a nail very soon.

It has been a liberating experience and I can feel the macro momentum really kicking in. I'm not good, but I'm getting there! And I'm excited!

If your wondering, here is my planned out daily schedule:
2 hours: personal stuff
3 hours: day game
3 hours: lunch and essentials
7.5 hours: game

wash, rinse, repeat!

Talk to you soon,


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
A positive night.
I went to Omnia by myself and did about 8 opens overall, 2 of which resulted in makeouts. Before you tell me this is sh1tty, trust me I know. But I'm focusing on the positives here! There's no way I could've done this a month ago. And while progress has been slow, it's definitely upward sloping. My biggest problem is obviously developing my trigger muscle and just approaching right when I see them. Other than that, I was disappointed with my inability to keep sets going for very long. My conversation and banter skills are obviously very weak, weaker than they have been in the past at least. Though, they're probably on par with the vast majority of people. The solution? I realize it's a slow and steady process. More approaches begets more experience and thus allows the brain to be calm during said approaches, and also hones conversational skills via pure repetition. Brandon is having a hard time accepting this, but I know it to be true because of my past experiences.

Two years ago I did a 1 month immersion period in San Diego. I started from the bottom, and by the end of the month I hooked up with 5 different girls 5 nights in a row, all from cold approach pickup in the mall. After that I was a vastly more confident and happy man, and my conversational skills were at their peak.

So it's been a month now, why haven't I reached that level yet? 2 reasons:
1. I'm coming from a much darker place than before. Basically my face was driven into the ground by school and work that past 2 years and I became very unhappy. I was successful in my focuses, and was the best employee in the history of my job, but I still wasn't happy. I'd say it took about two to three weeks out here in Vegas to just become "normal" again. It's funny because I never really realized how low I had sunk until I climbed out.
2. I haven't been hitting it has hard as in San Diego. The reasons are because instead of just staying at my mom's house (like in San Diego), I've had to start the building blocks of the rest of my life out here. Basically more life responsibilities and setup costs have slowed my progress. But now I'm to the point where I can go just about as hard, aka 7 - 12 hours per day of pickup.

However, I am confident that through perseverance and repetition my conversational skills will be sharp as a nail very soon.

It has been a liberating experience and I can feel the macro momentum really kicking in. I'm not good, but I'm getting there! And I'm excited!

If your wondering, here is my planned out daily schedule:
2 hours: personal stuff
3 hours: day game
3 hours: lunch and essentials
7.5 hours: game

wash, rinse, repeat!

Talk to you soon,
That's a lot of time running game. You could use that time to work and make money which will make it easier to go out more. This summer I'm working 12 hours per day, working out, and still have lots of time for game.

Since you are there for so long, you can apply to be a promoter at Hakkasan. You won't need to do day game anymore, cause you will have so much pvssy falling into your lap.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2016
Reaction score
That's a lot of time running game. You could use that time to work and make money which will make it easier to go out more.
In general I agree! But I've specifically planned this trip so I don't have to work. Aka working a lot the past 3 months and saving enough money to live on while out here. I also have a small, semi-passive form of income coming in. When I move back here after next semester though I'll have to find some work.

This summer I'm working 12 hours per day, working out, and still have lots of time for game.
Hell yeah man! But if you're doing that you can by definition only have 2 - 6 hours per day max for game. I probably suck more than you so I need more time haha.

Since you are there for so long, you can apply to be a promoter at Hakkasan. You won't need to do day game anymore, cause you will have so much pvssy falling into your lap.
Yeah I might do that next time!


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2016
Reaction score
Quick Update:


*Didn't go out during the day.

*Went out at night to Surrender/EBC. That sh!t is ****ing awesome. Besides XS, it might be my favorite club because there's a large area to actually talk. There's also a loud dance club area, but I don't care much for that. Didn't have a large breadth of approaches, but my approaches did have significant depth. I'm getting my **** funny and improvisational humor back, finally! I think my brain is finally calming down while in set due to pure repetition and exposure.


*Went out during the day by myself. Went ok, but I found it much harder to approach by myself. Only did 3 approaches

*Tried to go out during the night but we got there too late. If we get there by 11 at the latest we don't have to pay because we're locals and there ins't a huge line. So had to go back home and reset for the next day.


*Went out during the day by myself. Went a lot better. Did 100% more approaches in about 3/4ths the time. Getting more comfortable being myself. It's just harder to be self amused and break societies rules of social conditioning when you're alone, but I'm pushing through it.

*Went out early during the night and each went for 30 approaches in 30 minutes as a warm up. I got into set faster than I ever have before and felt like these were some of my best sets yet! Though Brandon makes a good point that my best sets have been when I brought that Australian chick back to the house and my makeouts. I partially agree, but I was definitely the most comfortable I've ever been tonight.

*Good thing is I approached a couple very hot sets. One was a 4 set with ~8s and ~9s, and I held my own pretty well. Only thing is that we were at a crosswalk, and when the light came on I panicked and didn't cross with them. However, the set was a big move for me because I have a tendency to get intimidated by hot sets easily...I can feel that tendency fading though.
*Otherwise, I need to push the sets longer and go for the pull, and approach even more instantaneously. I also need to work on my hook point, and create more push pull to get them genuinely chasing my validation. Because now that I'm getting more comfortable in set I can really focus on increasing my ability to create attraction.

Overall, I'm still only like 1% of where I need to be in the grand scheme of things, but there's definitely progress! I'm so much better now than a week ago! And the progress is increasing at a rapid rate.

I will do some day game on the strip for a couple hours.
Then we'll go out at night and go for 50 approaches in 60 minutes, each. We've finally conceded that we can't get into *most* clubs for free on the weekends. So Friday and Saturday will be "practice mass approaching on the strip" day. Obviously we'll still try and pull, but I'm really looking forward to getting such a high number of approaches in such a short period of time. Every time we do this I feel my skill level shoot up like crazy. I'll let you know how it goes

Talk to you soon,