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  1. M

    Just launched my website 'the friend zone'

    Hi lads, I built this site a few years ago, I've just relaunched it. I know the site looks like it was built in the 90's... ha! It was actually the first website I built, when I was 16 years old. Since then I have launched my own web design company, running out of...
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    at the lowest point of my life

    hey fellas, this will be very similar to a lot of posts you read on here! but i messed up bad and need to vent ha. I'm sure you've all had a oneitis in your time, i managed to tune mine and started seeing her 2 years after we became friends. when i met her she was an innocent shy girl who...
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    how to get your girlfriend back after you dump her

    i broke up with my girlfriend because i got bored. now I'm regretting it haha. she came over last week, i chomped out and told her i miss her. she said she "kinda got used to just being friends" and said no. what do you guys think is the best way to win her back?
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    how to handle a flake, when she is your girlfriend.

    title explains it all. really. my girlfriend flakes on me. in every other area the relationship is normal and stable. when she flakes it is always for a legitimate reason, but i think, and i hope most of you would agree that she should be jumping through hoops to see me all the time. or...
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    how to end an on-and-off relationship with a girl?

    pretty weird situation, ive been hooking up with this amazing girl who im pretty crazy about, but she plays a lot of games with me.. not sure if she does it as an attempt to make me like her more, or just because she is a girl, either way it has gone on for long enough and i want to put my...
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    hooking up with friends little sister

    I am currently hooking up with hottest girl ive ever scored. strangely she happens to be my good friends little sister. (both are girls) she is also a really nice/good girl. has never had another guy before me so yeah she is really shy and nervous about the whole thing. ok so we both really...
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    make her dream about you

    i took a girl ive been seeing for a few months to a carnival a few days ago, while we were there i showed her who was the boss of the open-mouthed-ball-swallowing-clowns (me), by winning her a totally awesome furry green teddy bear wearing a super gay tophat. anyways, when i dropped her...
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    called her out on her games, what now?

    ive kissed this girl about 5 times, been on a few dates, things are going fairly well with her, last night she was meant to come over but about 2 hours earlier she texted me and said her sister was having a party and that her sister was making her stay at home.... obvious bullsh1t i know...
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    how to deal with a flake

    We've all dealt with it before. You make plans with a girl. You're excited to see her. You spend hours visualising the date, thinking of witty lines and remarks. You pretty much have the whole night mapped out in your head. So when you get the call or the text message from her telling you she...
  10. M

    how to respond to her test?

    i am meant to be going out with a girl tonight, she texted me today and said the following: hey i forgot whether im seeing you today or not? im feeling kind of **** right now so if we're doing something ill just sleep and hopefully wake up feeling better. let me know! I have no idea...
  11. M

    how to get her to pay?

    last week i went ice skating with this girl, when we went to pay, the guy at the counter said "paying together?" which totally threw me, and i stupidly said yes. before me and this girl had got onto the rink she realised that she didnt have any socks, and since wearing ice skates with no...
  12. M

    holding it together.

    guys I need some advice. I've been 'friends' with this girl for about 2 years, and a few weeks ago I threw caution to the wind and kissed her. she was a little thrown off but kissed me back and all was fine. After that I kept my distance and she texted me a few days later asking to catch up...
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    girl writes about me in her blog

    last year i got really close with this girl. we've kissed a few times, talked heaps but nothing really ended up happening since we are both so busy i guess. anyways we still talk once or twice a week, and lately shes been telling me she misses me, asking me to catch up etc... then, last...
  14. M

    7 rules for texting girls

    Okay, it has happened to everyone. You send a girl a text, then you wish you had a time machine so you could stop it being sent. It's usually not a HUGE deal but it can make you feel pretty stupid sometimes. Follow these 7 rules and you should be able to avoid any post-text-remorse :)...
  15. M

    are you stuck in the friend zone?
  16. M

    the dreaded friendzone

    hi everyone.... not sure if im allowed to put links to my website on here? let me know if it's not allowed and i will remove it! if anybody is interested, have a look and give me some feedback. i just finished building it. thanks guys.
  17. M

    what to do when a girl turns cold?

    last week, i got a text from a girl ive been tuning asking me to come over on saturday night: "hey, on sat my sister is going away, and my parents will be interstate, so i was wondering if you wanted to come over"? I went over obviously, we watched TV and slowly got closer. she never been...
  18. M

    have i just escaped the friend zone?

    at the start of the year i was 'friend zoned' by a girl i really liked. i was an AFC then. when it happened, instead of turning even more AFC, i decided to stop being a little wuss and do something about it. i cut contact with her for a long time and had a few things with other girls...
  19. M

    is this website for real? should i do what it says to get out of the friendzone or will it screw my chances with this girl even more? (im deep in the friendzone here)
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    does she like me?

    ive liked this girl for ages, but shes giving me heaps of mixed signals.. im no pro with the girls, but me and her really get along and i dont want to screw this one up. last night she came over, we hung out all night and went really well, except shes really really quiet and i want her to...