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  1. T

    On Fox News: 'Have male bashing ads gone too far?'

    jonwon you s.uck. You respresent the BULK of this entire f.ucking forum. A poster posts something that goes against the "groupthink" around here, and all you do is PERSONAL ATTACK the poster. You do NOTHING to prove the stances are wrong. You are so f.ucking DEEP in your theories, any...
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    On Fox News: 'Have male bashing ads gone too far?'

    jonwon, IF my views are so WRONG, prove them wrong. All you do is personal attack. The "man-gina" is so LAST YEAR, that's all you got? Didn't you call me a "man-gina" last year and say you were DONE with my rants? Then why the f.uck are you commenting? You stupid, Rollo riding...
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    On Fox News: 'Have male bashing ads gone too far?'

    Get the F.UCK outta here with that, please don't talk about double standards Rollo! You and your Mature Man ball followers spit so much double-standard around here it makes no sense. And when I CALL you out on it, you are AFRAID to debate me on it and instead just resort to...
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    Justin Beiber

    This thread is just a prime example of how stupid and cartoonish this site has become. Is Justin Beiber a DJ? WTF? The guy is selling out concerts, selling records through the roof, and has millions of girls around the WORLD screaming over him. His video on Youtube has three hundred...
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    How about this???

    Damn I wonder how she feels about her profile being plastered around like that on a "Mature Bitter Men's Board"? :confused:
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    The True Alpha

    Dude WTF are you doing, following me from thread to thread? I'm going over in the Health and Fitness section next, you wanna come??
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    The True Alpha

    The problem with the concept of "alpha" is that it's difficult to define (you have about 100 different definitions of it) and I don't know of ANY girl that f.ucks a guy because he's "alpha." And are you "alpha" all the time and in every situation? You lead/dominate every situation? Really...
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    Marriage Counsler killed by her ex convict husband.

    Still waiting......LOL. You know I think I give you guys too much credit. I think I see you guys as MATURE MEN that are willing to discuss actual topics and I'm way off base. You guys don't want to discuss anything. You want to continue to neglect discussion for the safe "clique" route of...
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    Marriage Counsler killed by her ex convict husband.

    This is complete and utter bull.****. I have never been any type of "save-a-h0e" poster around here and even my response in THIS thread wasn't anywhere NEAR attempting to "save-a-h0e" in any fashion. My response in a nutshell AGREED with the overall stance of this thread that the woman made...
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    Marriage Counsler killed by her ex convict husband.

    Warrior....settle down... Ha, the same guy that's pinpointing the problems! Then what is the point of this thread? So you just admitted that you have no solutions to these so called problems that you keep pointing out, so the point of this thread is just to b.itch, bash, and vent? To...
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    Class and Dating

    No I don't think that "class" is a bigger influence on dating compared to a woman's own individual motivations, goals, ambitions, choice of friends, and what they deem as "attractive" or "cool." 1.) You have some people that are lower class that have a mentality of higher class individuals...
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    Marriage Counsler killed by her ex convict husband.

    Now wait a minute Razor, statistically speaking people WITH a college education tend to make more than those without one, based on statistics. However, common sense should prevail in the end and everyone should know that it's what you actually DO with the education and how you MANAGE your career...
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    Consumer Reports: Warns Against Whey Protein

    LOL. But you know what I meant though. Every month there's a new fad or piece of "advice" on how to "get fit." With the mass amounts of people out there that are overweight (which is the REAL problem), they should promote more common sense priniciples in getting people to change their lifestyles...
  14. T

    Consumer Reports: Warns Against Whey Protein

    SMH. There's something new out everyday isn't it? 1.) You should consume a good amount of fruits. NO wait, you shouldn't drink apple juice. 2.) You should consume a good amount of veggies. NO wait, you shouldn't eat corn. 3.) You should consume a good amount of healthy carbs. NO...
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    Needing some perspective on changes I need to make (Long)

    No one can control the actions of another person. Unlike what seduction forums tell you, the truth of the matter is that you have NO CONTROL OVER WOMEN and no other man does either. You can present yourself in the best light, be attractive and eventually get laid, but you CANNOT CONTROL THE...
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    Girl just re-confirmed it: Women cannot be trusted.

    Here's my overall stance on alot of seduction/Sosuave material, the foundation of it is off to BEGIN WITH, thus, all of the various layers of bricks built on top of that foundation is obvious going to be flaunty. What do I mean? Well, I can go into alot of the various "problems" that men...
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    Girl just re-confirmed it: Women cannot be trusted.

    Well Danger this is rather patriarchal lol. Okay but isn't everything you just typed mostly just Sosuave babble? Does it even truly apply in REAL LIFE most of the time? You mentioned Pook, but even Pook began to change alot of his concepts and stances on things through his blog and sort of...
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    Girl just re-confirmed it: Women cannot be trusted.

    LOL, I agree with most of the advice but isn't it ironic how everyone is telling the OP to dumb the girl because SHE was spinning plates, but the solution you are prescribing to the OP is that HE should be spinning plates lol?? While the solutions prescribed already are fairly accurate...
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    Not 5 years ago...this stuff used to be fun...

    I kind of feel the same way, in other words, life and my relations with women are based more upon my choices, personal development, personal value, etc., rather than the "Matrix," "Feminism," or any other type of cliche' Men's Movement concept of how women have more favor in the playing field...
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    Not 5 years ago...this stuff used to be fun...

    No. Rollo is saying what he said, which is this stuff DOES work on every girl and in damn near every situation. Did you read his response? Have you been reading ANY of his threads?