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  1. C

    Some advice?

    She answered your question right there. Ask her out and go for a cupcake or a coffe or something
  2. C

    Bono of U2 has the best singing voice of any rock band?

    Agreed. He even did a better job singing Where the Streets Have No Name than Bono himself (at least present day Bono)
  3. C

    Is there a cheat code to getting laid?

    Careful with this one though...might get you to places you aren't supposed to go :D
  4. C

    Withholding attention

    Maybe it's a cultural thing (I'm Latino in a Latino country), but in my experience, withholding attention hasn't worked. Of course i'm not saying you have to smother her with attention, but whenever things are starting to go downhill and I've tried to play the "mysterious" or "busy" game, the...
  5. C

    4 Years Later I've Grown Tired of Pick-up.

    thefonz, did you read The Game by Neil Strauss? Throughout the book he arrived to the same conclusion you have recently reached. I think The Game should be required reading to anyone coming to these forums, to open a few eyes and make people realize that the road of the PUA may bring a few...
  6. C

    Kissing girls

    Ummm could you tell me where it is? I just enabled PM's, so I didn't get it
  7. C

    Kissing girls

    Hey everyone! I was wondering if any of you could help me with my current problem. I have been visiting this site for little less than a year, and have taken care of many self-esteem and confidence issues. However, there's a problem I'm dealing with right now, and I'd like to hear from people...
  8. C

    To kiss or not to kiss?

    Hey everyone! I'm having some sort of dilemma and would like to know your opinion on it. About two weeks ago I had my first date with a girl I had known for some time. I kissed her at the end, and she reciprocated briefly before kissing me on the cheek and walking away. Later, she texted me...
  9. C

    This crap has got to stop... rant

    What's the worst that can happen? She doesn't answer back? Well fck her she isn't worth your time! Awkward conversation that leads nowhere? Remember she's half responsible for the conversation! Anything that could have happened is better than this. Look at all the regrets you're having right now...
  10. C

    best cardio exercise?

    Can somebody post what this "proper diet" consists of? Thx!
  11. C

    what do you do in your free time? aka are you always improving??

    I have the same problem. I've always been too much into videogames and only recently have I started to quit them and only play like 3-4 hours a week. I know you're supposed to take hobbies that have something to show for the time you've spent in them, and I've considered web design or php...
  12. C

    what do you do in your free time? aka are you always improving??

    I have the same problem. I've always been too much into videogames and only recently have I started to quit them and only play like 3-4 hours a week. I know you're supposed to take hobbies that have something to show for the time you've spent in them, and I've considered web design or php...
  13. C

    Muscleman's Path To All Things DJ

    Hey muscleman good work! Seems you're on the right path to becoming a true DJ. I discovered this site a couple of months ago after ending a relationship where I was completely AFC, and feel lucky because it only took one botched relationship to discover the wise words of Pook and all the others...
  14. C

    Reducing fat on legs

    Thx Throttle those threads have been very helpful. Unfortunately, I am not able to visit a gym regularly, for now, so I will focus on fat loss. The link you provided lists four basic things I should be doing, but I have some questions: 1. Doing cardio 5 days/week. 45 minutes per day, HR at...
  15. C

    Reducing fat on legs

    LOL! Concise and to the point! But could someone elaborate a bit more? Frequency, quantity, etc?
  16. C

    Reducing fat on legs

    Hi everyone! I'm just wondering what are the best exercises/routines to reduce fat on your legs, especially your thighs/butt. Thank you!