Search results

  1. M

    Tall women

    With long long legs. Met a new gal, she's taller than me. By 2 inches or so. Let me tell you, with those legs wrapped around me while having sex is nothing like I've ever experienced before. Imagine getting this leg massage while you are banging away, nothing short of amazing...
  2. M

    Question for you happily married men...

    I have a question for the men on this forum who are in happy marriages. Looking back, the day you met your wife, did you know she was the gal when you met her? I'm in a situation and my mind is lost in thought. In my 40 years, and having dated many women, I find myself having met a...
  3. M

    A man's own sense of value

    Regarding hypergamy, while I believe it's critical to understand hypergamy with our interactions with women, there's also a side effect to that can wreck havok on a man, and his sense of self-worth. It's important to truly believe there's no 'better' men. Yes, there's guys richer, better...
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    Banks derivatives stacked in $100 dollar bills. Pretty amazing the magnitude of this whole thing.
  5. M

    Close call at work

    Hey guys, Not sure if any of you can relate to this, or offer any insight. A few days ago, I had a close call at work. The whole accident happened extremely fast, under 1 second I image. It's just a stroke of luck I didn't die. Anyway, I can't stop thinking about it, even a few days...
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    Let's Get Rich

    Pretty darn smart, sounds good to me!
  7. M

    Inter-racial dating

    Hi Folks, I could use some advise... I've recently met a gal, and we've really hit it off. The connection with her is unlike any gal I've dated, in the recent years. Don't worry...I'm immune to 'oneitis'. :) My question, and concern, is that I am white. She's black. Also, she's...
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    The future of human evolution

    Lol, yup this sums it up!
  9. M

    Deadlift shins

    I could use some advise..I believe I have finally perfected my form on the deadlift, thanks to Ripptoe's advise. I am making gains, usually 10 pounds each time I hit the gym for deadlifts. Everything is going great, I'm addicted like crazy to the lift. I love the feeling of going into...
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    Personality types and women

    Anyone of you guys ever find out your personality type, based up the Jung/Myers test? I found this very interesting, and learned a bit about myself. It turns out I'm 100% introverted, which explains a few things. According to this test I'm an ISTP, "crafter", and I've got to say this I was...
  11. M

    Damnit ... silver

    It's broken the $25 an ounce mark. I was saying buy it when it was $12 an ounce....nobody listens. Mark my words. Silver is going to keep going up and up and up. Why? Because we devour more silver than we mine. Simple economics. We eat more than we grow. It is really that...
  12. M

    Definitions of man

    We tend to put ourselves in labels, such as alpha's, betas, etc. These terms are easy to see, and we can separate men based upon any social interactions, such as weddings, bar scenes, etc. The man surrounded by women must be an alpha, etc. However, in my experience, there's a third 'type'...
  13. M

    Michael Ruppert - Peak Oil, collapse

    I doubt 99% of the population could stomach watching this. I also doubt 99% of folks on this site, will bother to watch this either... Perhaps most, would be better off watching american idol, or playing, their favorite video game. For me, this long video 90 minutes or so, is perhaps the...
  14. M

    The decision making process simplified

    I think the decision making process is probably one of the biggest differences between men and women, that process on how we make choices,every single day. The media, and advertising knows this, and it's apparant based upon commercials. Take a car commercial for example, a truck commercial...
  15. M

    The mother of all cold approaches

    Aside from mingling in bars/parties, I've personally found that women rarely cold approach me in normal daily life. They do however, make it easy for me to approach them on occassion using subtle hints. The handful that have approached me directly, were terrible at it, nervous, didn't make...
  16. M

    She has 3 gay roommates

    Hey folks, could use some thoughts on my current situation. I've two gals I'm getting involved with right now. One, is an old flame from a year or so ago, moved back into my area...and we are having temp fling, just enjoying time spent together, as she may be moving again. The 2nd gal...
  17. M


    Now real point to this thread, other than to just say Fvck. Fvck. Sometimes, it's just good to vent. It's good for the soul. So, Fvck it all. :cool:
  18. M

    Natural Progression

    We've created systems, behavior models, how to succeed, gain the upper hand...yet, the bottom line to it all is this. Both men and women, want something from each other. Whenever you want something, or need something, from another person...that person really does the choosing, the leading...
  19. M

    Flirty would you handle this?

    This is an interesting situation. Now that the weather is great, it's bikini time where I live. I have this neighbor that is a massive attention seeker. She spends all day, dancing in the sun, in a bikini. People stop by, and watch her dancing. She is the happiest person you would...
  20. M

    Getting married in secrecy.

    Marriage if often discussed here, and I'm sure most of us agree under current marriage law, men have the disadvantage legally. We also discuss how marriage can often completely change the relationship dynamics because of this, and the importance of completely qualifying women before taking the...