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  1. M

    I'm still too scary looking

    What the **** are you going on about about again? Gynecomastia vests now? You're judging this based on what exactly. Orson Welles had a round face, and he wasn't fat when he was younger. If I dropped to 190 it'd be suicide. 210 and I'd already be at like 0% bodyfat. Stay out of my topic.
  2. M

    I'm still too scary looking

    A rapist?:rolleyes: Tele tubbies :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Seriously, there're a LOT of conflicting opinions going on here, and I'm not entirely sure what to make of it. I'm more confused than ever. But then, I guess that's the charm of I mean, honestly, thanks for the feedback and...
  3. M

    I'm still too scary looking

    Thanks for your input Mctwist, but if I started wearing clothing from any of those shops (and I'd have to actually drive a fair distance to do so), I'd stick out like a sore thumb. The only ones I see pulling that look off around here, are essentially a laughing stock. I mean seriously. Even the...
  4. M

    I'm still too scary looking Better? Actually that pic is from a few years ago, and I don't know why I look so pissed. I think I was mad at my guitar or something. Anyway, piercings aren't a big deal around here. There's a tattoo shop with a piercer on...
  5. M

    I'm still too scary looking

    I used to have really long hair, like down to my waist, but I started going bald when I was 22, so off it went. If I let it grow back at all I get told I'm starting to look old, so...
  6. M

    I'm still too scary looking

    Ah, what the hell... (^^^ That last one was after like 10 hours of drinking, and I nicked my...
  7. M

    I'm still too scary looking

    *sigh* I've written countless posts about this (well, maybe two), but I can never make any sense of it. I've been trying really hard to appear friendlier, and it doesn't seem to be working. Stopped bulking, started eating less, dropped 22 pounds. I try to smile once in a while, but I have...
  8. M

    Mainstream music that girls dig?

    What didn't you like about, if you don't mind me asking? My favorites are Discouraged Ones and LFDGD, but TGCD comes in a close third. I honestly hated it at first, and had to force myself to listen to it for a month, because I was expecting something more diverse and bombastic, like Viva...
  9. M

    Mainstream music that girls dig?

    I can never shut up about 'em. Always telling people to check them out. It's mind boggling to see a band as talented, and accessible, as that go so criminally unknown. Now, back on topic: I can see where the OP is coming from. Four years ago I was living with this guy who listened to...
  10. M

    Mainstream music that girls dig?

    It's an aquired taste, and I grew up on it. Having said that, there are a lot of really good bands that are unfortunately stigmatized as metal bands, even though that's pretty far from the mark. They usually start off as metal bands when they're teenagers, and after a decade they evolve into...
  11. M

    Mainstream music that girls dig?

    Heh, Aborted is a death metal band. Most of what I listen to is of some metal subgenre, but I've always tried to remain as open minded about music as I can. I just don't like a lot of what's been mainstream in the last decade. I'll check out Alpha. Never heard of 'em. But you'll have to check...
  12. M

    Mainstream music that girls dig?

    Personally, I would probably not socialize with anyone, man or women, who is so vapid that they would listen to modern, mainstream music. Having said that, most of the girls I know are into a lot of this hipster, indie stuff. I don't know what to call it, since I'm not into it in the least...
  13. M

    Taking a week off

    1,000-1,500 calories a day?! That's like a pre-breakfast snack.
  14. M

    iron deficiently

    It's SQUAD. Not squid. Oh, and to the OP. If you drink distilled water, stop.
  15. M

    Are PUAs lonely?

    I was flipping through the channels last night, and came across some show, who's name I failed to catch. I only caught a little bit of it, but I think it was some sort of dating thing, where this woman sets people up, or something. I don't know. Ultimately, it's not important. Getting on with...
  16. M

    there's too much salt in everything!!!

    Well I don't think it was quite like a heart attack. More like I felt my heart racing like crazy, and I felt sick. And it was a week ago. I've been plenty physical in the meantime, and I'm not dead, so all's well. I've just been keeping a closer eye on sodium intake. I dumped out all the V-8 I...
  17. M

    there's too much salt in everything!!!

    The other night I ate a roastbeed sandwich, along with some of these Morning Star mushroom nugget's w/some marinara. Washed it all down with a can of V-8 (I like the "Heart Healthy" claim on the label). I sat down in front of the computer, and 5 minutes later felt like I was having a fvcking...
  18. M

    iron deficiently

    there's too much salt in everything!!! Oops.
  19. M

    iron deficiently

    Are you sure it turned me into a squid?
  20. M

    iron deficiently

    I had a severe iron deficiency as a kid, and my parents made me eat a lot of liver. I guess it worked, yeah?