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  1. G

    Body Odour

    Most defintelly changing your diet helps, and could very likely be your problem. But the type of deodrant makes a quick fix too. I like natural deoderants but soemtiems they are just not strong enough. I live in a place with extreme heat and some humidity during the summer, so during that...
  2. G

    Things I wish I’d know when I was younger.

    100% agree, this was an very good one. Thank you for sharing!:woo:
  3. G

    why don't you have a girlfriend?

    Everything ace of Flames said is brilliant. Then ""It's a highly lucrative position and all the candidates have been underqualified."" is also great. I guess the principle is to say anything but, "i dont know" haha
  4. G

    How to deal with bullies (help!)

    That is tough. Of all things that irritate me are people like this. But consider this... one of my good friends is REALLY skinny, and flinches everytime you make quick movements. :) I remember sitting with him, and this **** head just pimp slapped him in front of this girl he was flirting...
  5. G

    Dealing with a Tease

    What the hell? I am a drama nerd too. F((king balance yourself. Wow. :eek: (that movie suggestion comes from experience.)
  6. G

    Controling My Mind

    Haha. That's great when you have a profound experience when doing something stupid. (You have a realization while punching your best friend....) How to let go? Practice makes perfect. DIVE IN! Just do it once. My favorite technique is to go somewhere public and do something so ****ing retarded...
  7. G

    Dealing with a Tease

    wtf you guys??? You don't just ignore her. we all eat food Up your f*cking social status! Level up, evolve! I know you've been at this for a while, get a girl to come in with you one day... one that is infatuated with you. Don't just ignore her completely, flirt and kino, but half way in, THEN...
  8. G

    Finally taking some steps.

    Thanks for sharing. Don't you dare start slacking on us.
  9. G

    I'm a legend

    Hey, I've been out of the forums for a long time, so I'm not sure If I used to talk with you, but a definte congradulations. To all the other people learning about DJ Philosophy, take this man as example. The goal seems so far away, but step by step... it comes true. As it go's with...
  10. G

    Don Juan was a Seducer, people!!

    oh thanks for setting us straight... I guess our years of involvement in the DJ movement has led us to be foolish, while you seem to have a supreme handle on all of it. For many people, it IS about self improvement. For others, it is not. :kick:
  11. G

    Ugh New Semester New Troubles

    Disaster... clearly define what your issue is. Are you just simply bored? If you are bored with them, tell them, "wow, all you guys talk about is XYZ. I listened to it for 2 days because your cute, but if you want to keep someone like me around, you're going to have to start talking...
  12. G

    New Year, New Hottie (hopefully)

    :woo: :cheer:
  13. G

    joining other peoples conversations

    what is the "sorry I asked", nah, don't explain it. My suggestion... keep doing class work but keep listening to their conversations, and if they get onto a subject that is something general, ...tonto, jump on it! Story time. Last year there was this really hot girl I sat next to, and she...
  14. G

    Timing truly works wonders.

    hahaha You're funny, man. Keep it up.
  15. G

    Ain't got no car

    This has been my biggest issue! (truthfully, I don't know why you would have a problem having her drive you around. Get over your ego brother. Use the situation to your advantage. start up a joke that she's your sugga momma. I used to have a relationship with a girl like that, and it was so...
  16. G

    I got De-Alpha'ed

    riiiiiiiiight... Back on subject... I can relate. Any guidance I can give? Deal with your life issues. Re-Balance yourself Get yourself into the "Alpha" state of mind, and take over. Once I joined a camp, and there were 2 very popular kids. Me & some other kid. I knew that we...
  17. G

    Playful insulting- taken too far

    If she get's sincerely mad, hold a STRONG physical stance, grab her hand, bring her in to hug you and say "I was kidding, Jane, you know it's all good with me." Now, I love INNER GAME, but a few TECHNICAL things happen here, so let me get into the technical parts of what you do. By holding...
  18. G

    Direct Game In High School

    Fycking Brilliant. Beautiful look at "The Natural Inner Game".
  19. G

    TOTAL STUD: Field Report

    wtf, you seriously have no Idea how bad I want a cookie right now. I'm starved anyway It's no secret AC/DC, dances are BEAUTIFUL. There is no better way to get women.
  20. G

    Can this possibly be right?
