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    Forums devoted to people's progress?

    So I've been in a career/financial slump and I'm trying to get motivated. One thing that always inspires me is progress threads. People tracking and recording their journey to success. Anything from losing weight, learning a skill, getting over addiction, finding a career, starting a...
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    HOw does one maintain a TRUE sense of humor and still be goal oriented

    This is something I'm trying to develop and has been difficult for me to apply. How do you have a constant sense of humor about life, things around you, and other things but not get that over-inflated sense of self-importance that I see so much of in life who have goals in front of them at all...
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    Action! (Not Inspiration)

    Just take action. EVERYBODY has potential. There should be better writers than J.K Rowling. There should better fighters than Anderson Silva. There should be better swimmers than Michael Phelps. But those people don’t exist quite simply because they have not taken action followed through on...
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    Rate my Plenty of Fish Profile

    So I;m just now trying out Online Dating. Been on Plenty of Fish for about a week now and haven't gotten any responses. Critique my profile if you can since I'm new to this: I have sense of humor, a bit of a health nut, and a love flying away whenever I can. One of my major life goals is to...
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    DJ Bootcamp

    I'm not sure if you guys still do these anymore? I want to do a DJ Bootcamp with a bunch of guys. I know this is a very public forum so it hast he possibility of a lot of people flaking out because you can remain very anonymous on these sites. Still, I'd like to get a bunch of guys to go...
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    Most Pickup Material is Outdated

    I remember when I first came to this site one of the first pieces of advice I got was "Always get the girls HOME PHONE number...anything else doesn't count." In todays world of texting, cellphones, myspace....this is complete joke of a gaming rule. However theres a **** ton of other...
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    Learning to run on little sleep?

    Ok, so I just wrote down a list of everything I need to work on in my life and I realized how much of a serious uphill battle I have. Not to go into details but it covers relationships, and career. So in order to get all this stuff done I'm probably going to lose about 3 hours sleep on...
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    Exercise and Diet for the Mind

    Exercise and Diet for the mind Eating and exercising are staples of physical readiness and mobility. Eat the calorie…the right kind of calories and it will make you function better in more ways than I have time to list on this page. But the concept of diet and exercise can also be applied...
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    A facebook question

    OK, I usually never post stupid questions like this (in recent years at least)but it's something I want clarity on to improve my game. It happens alot and I need some 'mature' opinions on this matter. I get unprovoked messages on my facebook wall of a girls simply writing, "Heeeeeeyyyyyyy"...
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    So I just finished the reading the Book "Mastery: The Secrets to Success" by George Leonard and as a thanks to this site I thought I would post the notes I took while reading it. It was on DD's reading list for DYD and I can understand why. So here we go. This isn't everything, just the...
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    Sperm Wars by Robin Baker (discussion thread)

    This is one of the quintessential community books that formed the PUA community and I just finished it up...I have to say I learned alot of interesting things and am now seeing the world from a different light. I haven't really been this inspired by pua material in over a year and I've been...
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    The Perfect Wingman...who used to be gay.

    So my friends like brother gets tons of *****. The past 4 times we've gone to a bar he has ended up rawdogging a girl in his car everytime. He is also fearless when it comes to approaching and has approached girls in 6 sets, 8sets in restaraunts, bringing girls to other guys, and he has solid...
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    I Want to be Like..

    The philosopher David Hume believed that nothing in life is 100% original. Everything imagined has been the product of something that has already existed. For example. If you wanted to envision a golden mountain (which doesn't exist) you have to think of gold and you have to think of a...
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    Rick Wright (Pink Floyd Keyboardist) dead

    A sad day for me...there will never be another Pink Floyd and he is responsible for their best musical pieces. A true original, and a kind gentle person. This is how I'll always remember him... RIP
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    4 Years Later I've Grown Tired of Pick-up.

    Pick-up has consumed a great deal of my time since Oct 2004 when I was at a low point in my life. I've approached hundreds of sets, tried out a TON of theories and ideas (Half of them bull****), and winged with more guys I met online than I can count. However, I remember the main reason for...
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    I can't dance

    Seriously, I really have no rythm and I don't know what to do about it. I'm really good looking so girls always want to drag me onto the dancefloor. I was at a wedding a month ago and I was dancing with this one girl, thinking I had some sick moves. But when I watched a videotape the other...
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    My New Hero: Corey Worthington

    Haha, I love this kid. Not for what he did but for the way he handles the bull**** sensationalist media. Good form, Corey.
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    Cracky joints

    Hey guys, I've had cracking joints my whole life, to the point where when I'm rotating my shoulders, twisting my hip, or twisting my wrist it cracks on the spot. I'm 25 years old and have good diet and I don't have any diseases. I can crack just about every joint in my body and sometimes it...
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    You Can Learn ALOT from an *******

    Think about all the self-proclaimed *******s you've ever known. Not the depressed, miserable, I hate my life and don't talk to anybody losers. But the people who when attacked with "You're an a-hole" proudly proclaim...."Yes I am!". Just to name a few think Gordon Ramsey, Simon Cowell...
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    Indian Girls

    Where's a good place to meet Americanized Indian girls. I don't see many. I see like 1 every year and a half or so. Since I found this site a few years ago I took advantage of getting the phone number of 1 chick who is indian that I met through another girl. I lost her number and I was...