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  1. M

    Long Conversation w/ A Girl....

    Thats F**king Hilairious! Damn, You got some great C/F. Mad props. I think you got this biatch. If you have anymore of these conversations, post them. These are great examples on how to use C/F and work them into a convo. Good Work
  2. M

    Prom Problems/ short

    Okay, earlier this month my girlfriend and I broke up on mutual terms. Two months to prom. I have girls who are friends of mine who won't mind going but I prefer having an actually date. By the time spring break is over I will have little over a month left to find somebody. I don't know many...
  3. M


    Dude, I completely understand. All these girls think say I'm hot and then tell there friends and then I find out but when I want to take it to another level it fvcks up somehow. I'm not popular at my new school and I know I'm a lot better looking then some of these guys getting these hot...
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    Joining a group

    I got a little crush on a girl and she is in certain group of popular kind of kids. I just moved here and I haven't really established a group. I like this girl, she is very shy, I'm a senior she's a sophmore. Should I try to finess her friends first and join the group before making any...
  5. M

    explain this to me...

    Jeez, you ask her out and she acts like your in love with her, so immature. Here's what you do. Stop giving her a lot of attention, block her on your MSN chat thing. Don't wait for this dumb chick to make up her mind. Go out and meet other girls. Flirt with other girls infront of her if...
  6. M

    A few minor obstacles...

    NYC Dude is right, do it man. Go for it, you only have one life and a billion other girls out there.
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    its bugging me (help me out guys)

    Next this ***** right now!!!! WOuld you rather her break up with you instead! Do it, this wh*re is on her high horse and she needs to be kicked off, fvck her!:mad:
  8. M

    A few minor obstacles...

    Why does she have a bf in Arizona? That's so stupid, long distance relationships almost never work! Flirt with this girl, go out somewhere alone for fun and see how it goes. She'll end it if she wants to! Whether she feels bad or not. From my experiances, that has never stopped girl from...
  9. M

    No idea what to do at the moment.

    Dude, I'm sorry to break it to you but it's over. Next her. Never again admit your true feelings to a girl unless your secure she loves you and even then... ANyways.... READ THE BIBLE!!!! It's over,you made too many mistakes. You can try Ganji games (look it up in the seach here) and...
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    An actually real confusing case of she likes/doesn't

    Okay, your right sammo. End of discussion about this girl. I nexted her anyways, found a girl who doesn't play games
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    An actually real confusing case of she likes/doesn't

    hehe, never said I wanted her but I want to know if she likes me. I guess I'm on an ego trip a little. Porky, I'll try it. Should I tell her alone?
  12. M

    An actually real confusing case of she likes/doesn't

    I have a question, I've run into an interesting situation with a girl (I'll call her Z). Z saw me flirting with a lot of girls , she got jealous cause I didn't pay attention to her. Now Z thinks I'm a player and is constantly joking around saying that I'm so hot or whatever(sarcastically). I...
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    "#1 Thing- DONT THINK, DO! If it dont turn out how you want, thats ok, theres plenty of opportunities. Relax, and realize everything isnt that important" I completely agree with this statement. To many worry, worry worry about this and never get anything done. It's okay to make a mistake...
  14. M

    The Staring Contest Approach

    Once though I made a mistake and she wasn't staring at me. I don't really like this approach. It doesn't work very well with me I guess. I can't imagine going up to a girl whereever we are and ask her if she likes staring contests. She probably will be like "what?" All confused and it would...
  15. M

    The smelling works... ooohhh yeahhhh!

    Ohhh yeahh!!! I just tried this technique on my girl last night and I got laid. NO FVCKING Joke. It was our first time and I even did some during sex. I would kiss, suck, and sniff her neck, hair, face and tell her she smelled really good. She was so turned on she Wet the bed!! LOL
  16. M

    Its her birthday, dammit.

    A thong!
  17. M

    is she not attracted to me?

    If she's kissed you, and now she isn't. NEXT her. That is extrememly ridiculous. I don't know, maybe she hates public affection but three weeks. Yeah, this probably won't work out. Get her on a date alone, and I mean nobody around so you can kiss her. Sounds like she has lost any...
  18. M

    How do I get her to stop acting mad?

    I don't know how you remembered all that...:rolleyes: ....but I dont' like this girl. Not one bit. I don't care how cute she is, she sounds so much like one of my ex girls it's not even funny. She's crazy, and your infatutated with her. Not that it's bad to be but this is the wrong person to...
  19. M

    Dude likes my girl....keeps hanging around.

    He's being a c*ckblocker. If he's hanging out with her constantly and you get serious with this girl and it bothers you, then you need to put your foot down with this girl. She may be keeping him around because he always puts her on a pedistal and gives her gifts. It makes a girl feel good...
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    Best Friend kissed my GF

    Okay, I told her what she did was rude to me and plain and flatly ask her if she liked my friend. She said absolutely not and that she liked me which was good. The she told me that she was stressing alot due to her grandma dying of cancer and all this medical stress and I said break up with...