Search results

  1. J

    Current Situation - Mixed Signals and Games

    The Girl Very attractive and funny. HB 8/9. Got out of a 3 year relationship about 6 months ago. Said she didn't want to commit to anything but wants to keep "this" going. High social status, always busy, getting invited places, etc. Me Good looking, good personality and great job. High...
  2. J

    Meeting women when you have no time

    Waking up at 7 for work, going to the gym during lunch and getting home around 8 pm exhausted Monday through Friday. Saturday just want to relax and recover from the week. In college I was out 2-4 nights per week and it was no problem. I'm working in NYC now in an area filled with...
  3. J

    Lost all of my plates! Need Encouragement/Advice

    I broke up with my girl 7 days ago and since then have gotten 5 plates. I was happy about being single again and was very excited but after I lost all of my plates, I became very upset, lonely and started missing my ex. I need encouragement, please! and xanax... Plate 1 - Girl I hooked up...
  4. J

    Groups of Girls but Want only ONE!

    This situation is a little different than hanging with a group at a bar and giving the uglies more attention, etc. These 4 girls live above me and I exchanged numbers with all of them last night. The one I'm interested in gave me two IOI's. (asked if I was single and I caught her staring at...
  5. J

    In a Relationship...Help with these feelings

    I've been seeing this girl for over a month. She met my parents this weekend, we really like each other, and last night she asked if we were 'together' which I confirmed. I really do want to be in a LTR with her. Here's the problem: I can't stop thinking about her! When I'm not with her and i...
  6. J

    How Often to Contact??

    So there is this girl I'm kind of seeing, she sleeps over often, we have sex and we like each other. However, she usually never texts me first, however when I do she's pretty responsive. The only other girlfriend I've had was in High School and we texted all day long. Now I'm 21, and I go to...
  7. J

    I'm being led do I handle this?

    I asked this girl out a year ago, got rejected. we have mutual friends so we've had casual interactions. Last week we made out at a party and I walked her home, then again yesterday at a party. However, she ignores my texts, and her friends tell me not to pursue her. I'm definitely more...
  8. J

    Strange Situation and Oneitis!! me

    This girl is smokin. We have mutual friends so I'd see her often in casual settings, never got sexual or anything with her but she knew I was interested. I asked her out, she said no and I basically forgot about her completely. I have a class with her now, and hardly talk to her. Saw her at a...
  9. J

    Girls Dont Want to Go On Dates Anymore

    So I'm in college, and I've noticed that when I ask a girl who gave me her number to go out to the park or something, they'd always rather meet at a party...That's cool and all but during the summer when you're away from school its WACK. Just my thoughts..
  10. J

    Planning approach for!

    Hot looking athletic girl in my 400 person lecture. Planning what it will hopefully go like tomorrow. When she walks in I'll go over from where I currently placed my stuff. Hey, is this seat taken? You're a cool looking girl and I wanted to meet you before the end of the semester. Name...
  11. J

    Text Fail or Major B****

    So I call this girl around 3pm and no answer, I leave no message Her - Sorry I'm at work whats up? me - ive gotta go train this kid at my gym i cant talk gimma a call later 6 hours later me - so where do you work that they keep you this late at night? lol her - Lol i was doing some office...
  12. J

    Help, what is my next step?

    I hung out with this girl, we have mutual friends. I found out she was interested through our mutual friend. I decided to message her, and it went like this: Me: Hey, if you're gonna be around this weekend let's go out and have some fun. What's your number? Her: hey, yea we should do...
  13. J

    Sending Appealing Facebook Message

    If you know a girl is somewhat interested in you and only casually hung out a few times how would you write your message? I was thinking: Hey, if you're gonna be around this weekend let's have some fun. What's your number?
  14. J

    Blow Her Off?

    I made plans earlier in the week to hang out with this girl, and we ended up going out to a party last night. We hooked up, good times and I drunkenly asked her out to dinner, tomorrow, which is today lol. She agreed What's the best way to go about this?
  15. J

    Hotties In Class

    With the new semester starting, and plenty of new prospects in large classes, how do we meet them? Just sit right next to the cutest girl you can see obviously looking for girls?
  16. J

    WTF Happened?!

    This girl I've been talking to for a few weeks used to watch my dog and i'd flirt with her. Suddenly she started texting me more asking to see my dog more etc. We hung out a couple times and she was giving soo many ioi's. One night after she left the bar she came to my house drunk with her...
  17. J

    Let Them Contact You?

    I hung out with this girl twice before class and once at a party. Last time I saw her was yesterday before class. Last night she sent me a quick text asking if I had something that her roommate needed If I don't contact her at all and she is genuinely interested will she contact me this...
  18. J

    Need some advice please

    I asked a girl if I could copy her notes before class but I couldn't finish so I asked if we could meet before class the next time and I asked for her number which she gave to me. After class, I asked her about a tattoo she had and where she was from because I didn't recognize the area code...
  19. J

    Jonblood's FR

    I'm starting this log in hopes to better my experiences with women through my experience and your help. Many of you guys are very helpful and I'm hoping that you would be generous to give me advice. My current situation is that I've been becoming friendly with as many girls that live on my...
  20. J

    Help! I Effed Up!

    So, I just moved into an off campus house on a block with many attractive girls. I was sitting on my porch with my dog and started conversations with different girls walking by trying not to be creepy. I need to work on my porch game...So one girl I was interested in told me she worked at a...