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  1. W

    Why is the term w0manese being censored?

    Has anyone noticed this? if you type the term "w0manese" it gets blocked. Has any angry feminist taken control of this site? Does someone find it sexist or something? I'm very curious.
  2. W

    Keeping Your Leverage in a Marriage / Live-in

    I don't see many specific examples here of how to retain a certain amount of leverage (ie. challenge) when living with a woman or in marriage. Much of my success with my current gf stems from the challenge I present in the form of withdrawal. For example, occasionally "forgetting" to call her...
  3. W

    A Girl's Night Out

    I've been dating this girl for about 5 months now. She's very attractive, I'd say a 7 or 8. Her interest level is extremely high. I'd say in the high 90% bracket. She always calls or e-mails me when we're not together telling me how much she misses me, etc, etc. And she expresses her feeling...
  4. W

    Disagreements = drama = sex

    This post is inspired by "Rio's 101 and emotional swing theory" post, as well as some recent experiences I've had with my gf. I recently learned, through experience (and various articles on this site), the value of the "argument". Or in other words the value in expressing disagreement when...
  5. W

    What to do when there's no real plan?

    Got a date with an HB8 tonight. I met this one at a mutual friends house a few weeks back. We hit it off pretty good. Strong eye contact, good conversation, and a number close (not asking but telling her I'd like to call her :) ). The only thing I negleceted was kino. Saw her a 2nd time...
  6. W

    Unsuccessful Cold Approach

    I tried a cold-approach at the gym today. First-off let me start by saying that I never really thought it to be a good idea to do this at a health club. But I see it listed here as one of the "great" places to meet women. The problem I see with it is that first off, the girls are sweaty and seem...
  7. W

    The Sexy Neighbor

    Hey guys, This is a great website! I've read most of the material here and have learned alot. Let me tell you a story that eventually led me to discover this website. I'm a single 32 year old guy. I recently purchased a house back in April (living alone). Within the first week or two of...