Recent content by saber

  1. S

    I finally figured out what is wrong with me. A day in prodigy746 life (LONG READ)

    I think you are on the right track prodigy746. I'm 24 and also in the same situation because I just don't care enough to make an effort. Mbing is always in the back of my mind as the culprit by a means of chemical deficiency and by raising the benchmark for arousal. Good luck on the two...
  2. S

    How to close a deal in 1 minute?

    dude. its a almost hopeless situation unless the girl hits on you. No offense but no girl wants to come home to the guy who takes peoples coats at the door. If you try and hit on them you may become the sex starved/creepy coat guy. Not saying you aren't a great catch because you sound like a...
  3. S

    article: How porn is affecting the libido of the American male

    So true. I have always suspected porn as a huge damaging factor in my life because I have unreal standards and reduced sexual needs. I have experienced doing some kinky **** that is good in porn but not good in real life.
  4. S

    Maybe Facebook is good for something afterall

    so she lies to you and you give her ****? seems like a DLV guilt tripping her and blowing her off would have been better imo
  5. S

    Let's take a visit until an avg household shall we?

    lets murder them and make candles for the don juan forum
  6. S

    women are slvts

    I never understand how these people dig up two year old threads
  7. S

    Xmas lbs went straight to my... Chest?

    First thing I thought. Try spreading out your 5 day routine over two weeks instead of one.
  8. S

    Dealing with depression

    Its weird reading this because just a few months ago I felt really really alone. Even when I was seeing someone there just wasn't a connection like you said. I saw my old oneitis drive by last week and those feelings hit me like a brick wall. Its weird how you can have more emotion from...
  9. S

    Virgin at 22

    Hell yah, shes gonna have a problem with it. Lets be real here. Lie your ass off and enjoy the first 5 seconds before she asks if its your first time.
  10. S

    Dealing with depression

    I was in the same situation. Living alone, had a few friends and was mostly single. For me it was moving into a place with other people living there. It just helps having people around when you get home for the day.
  11. S

    Where do you guys FIND women these days?

    i found a sweet spot between a chipotle and a tanning salon. yah dig?
  12. S

    Which DHV's Works best for you?

    a small sausage stuffed in your pants. add a string and some duct tape and you can make it
  13. S

    My Councellor is gay

    hahaha sry about your marriage.
  14. S

    Nice Guys will always be Losers forever. Part 3

    your articles are interesting like a car accident. You talk about rape and sex with little girls. Its really weird. Hopefully you don't actually follow through or believe this crap.
  15. S

    9 trillion dollars missing from Federal Reserve

    im pissed. I just bought a rifle and am considering joining a local militia organization. T-dog put it best. "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up...