9 trillion dollars missing from Federal Reserve

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Razor Sharp

Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2010
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Desert of the Real


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
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im pissed.

I just bought a rifle and am considering joining a local militia organization.

T-dog put it best.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
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Enough with the Anti-American rhetoric! Love it or Leave it! Personally, I am going to thank a soldier and pray for the poor Israeli people while cursing at the Russians, Cubans, and those Muslim people that scare me and my neighbors....

American Male who loves hot chicks (as long as they are not too young for me :cool: )

BTW, I saw this hot 19 year old. I am 40 and I swear she looked my way. How do I appear younger? Do I lift weights? She is such a young girl. I am nervous. Damn, I wish I was in college again.

Finally...F--- You, Big Jimbo! Enough with your Ukraine and Eastern Europe. America is the best! We have hot chicks from all over. Go be a pervert while I better myself as a man!


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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How else can the US military outspend and outmatch the rest of the planet combined?


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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5string said:
If you are pissed....vote. I am tomorrow. If you are not pissed, vote anyway.
I'd vote to abolish the fed, but I don't think that option is on any of the ballots.

How else can the US military outspend and outmatch the rest of the planet combined?

True, our DoD receives 10 times more than the next highest federal department.


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
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San Francisco
Yes, abolish the fed.

Hand control of the money supply to the House. Great times.

Razor Sharp

Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2010
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Desert of the Real
I don't think abolishment would change anything if the same policies are in place. What we really need here is TRANSPARENCY. These fools should not be able to handle trillions of OUR TAX DOLLARS in secret like this.


If you really want to make a difference and help track down the 9 trillion, then I encourage you to sign this petition:


For the first time in history, Congress is calling for a full-on audit of the Federal Reserve. The more people we can get behind this, the closer we will come to taking back at least some of what the Fed has been robbing from us for the past 4 generations.

I'd like to see full-on reparations for all the people they have scammed over the years. That sure would give the economy a nice booster shot in the arm.

I know my personal economy would be pretty sweet if I had that 30,000 in my pocket right now
Oct 3, 2010
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rogue said:
And why should we give a damn?! They sprinkle our food and water with drugs so we don't give a damn. Just let us die quietly fool. This thread is racist, you should be banned.

Idiot. :kick:
Oct 3, 2010
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Luke!! said:
Clearly this is a homemade movie. Did nobody else but me notice Dan Akroyd?

It is highly possible this is sh!t.

Authorities, namely RAND corporation, spread bull sh!t, for example aliens, reptilians, jews, so that a happy go lucky guy like yourself researches it, finds out its crap, and moves on, dismissing everything as sh!t.

I haven't heard of 9 trillion missing. :up:

Though that does not mean money isn't missing.

Just visit www.infowars.com and see what they talking about, those guys really DO THEIR RESEARCH.

For example there is this "Disappearing Act: $8.7 Billion of Iraq Development Money Missing" with documents and everything. This is real.


As a general rule, it must be covered on trusted sites like infowars.com or prisonplanet.tv. Those people do their research.

It's an infowar, war on your mind. Simple really, money missing out of there, they create a fake news, saying this and that, people see it's crap, and bye bye your money. During 9/11 people saw planes crash into towers, and that's what brought them down they said, never mind melting point of steel is much higher than temperatures in that fire. Termite brought down the towers, it was a demolition, and they collapsed at free fall speed, just like a normal imploding building would. Go ahead and try to convince the group to have a look at the evidence. People as a whole, as a group, don't think, they monkey see monkey do whatever is popular.

Razor Sharp

Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2010
Reaction score
Desert of the Real
This is definitely real people. I think we can all agree that Bloomberg is a reputable source, and it has been following this story since last year. Their papers are the basis for the proposed audit.


This is basically bailout money that nobody can account for. Bloomberg is actually SUING the Fed right now!

The Bloomberg lawsuit is Bloomberg LP v. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 08-CV-9595, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).
It doesn't even take that much digging to find this stuff. Yet more info here:


This is making the rounds in Congress as we speak. Definitely sign that petition if you'd like to see some justice served on the biggest financial criminals in history

Of course most of you will just ignore this. Seriously, I am not sure what angers me more. The audacity of these bankers or the apathy of the American people. Most just do not seem to care and are willing to just bend over and get reamed. Honestly if you do not care enough to send a simple email, then you deserve to get raped IMHO.

Also, where the hell is Fox News, CNN, BBC and all the rest? When Clinton got a bl*wjob they had 24/7 coverage. But the Fed loses 9 trillion and it's business as usual? People need to wake the f*ck up.

Edit: Your beloved infowars reported this months ago BTW, http://www.infowars.com/banksters-rally-round-fed-to-keep-bailout-trillions-secret/
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Oct 3, 2010
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Razor Sharp said:
This is definitely real people. I think we can all agree that Bloomberg is a reputable source

WikiLeaks is reputable source, Infowars.com is a reputable source, RT is a reputable source. Not sure about Bloomberg. Who controls Bloomberg? Is it independent, or owned by same corporations as US government?

In any case. This is what it's all about, all of it, 9/11, Iraq, money missing, etc.

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." -Albert Pike, 1871

The completion of the 'great work' is a unified word under one government, one god, one system, one race.

The nuke mushroom is set to go off next year, around this time, according to one very reputable source.

Razor Sharp

Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2010
Reaction score
Desert of the Real
highconscienceness said:
WikiLeaks is reputable source, Infowars.com is a reputable source, RT is a reputable source. Not sure about Bloomberg. Who controls Bloomberg? Is it independent, or owned by same corporations as US government?
Michael Bloomberg is CEO and also happens to be the mayor of New York. Up till now I've always hated the guy for turning a city with real character into a Disneyland for tourists, and generally perpetuating the link between big business and government (if there is no church and state, then the same rules should apply to other powerful groups with "special interests")

Having said that I have to give him props for taking this case. Now his company is siding with the Alex Jones of the world and going after these criminals. As I stated in a further edit, this news has been featured on infowars a few times. These guys are the real deal and I applaud their efforts.

Also, I think this situation clearly illustrates which sources are truly enemies of truth and the American people - basically every single news network in the f*cking country. C'mon.. Fox? ABC? NBC? New York Times? Any takers? ANYONE??!

Just googling the term "9 trillion dollars missing" yields many links, NOT ONE OF THEM from a mainstream source. Apparently the American people getting robbed 27 trillion dollars since 2007 is not newsworthy :confused:

Seriously guys I urge you to spread this around. Post it on your facebooks, your twitters.. talk about it with your workmates, your families. It's already painfully clear that we can only rely on ourselves to report what's actually happening.

Knowledge is power!


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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If you're serious about an independent and honest audit of the Federal Reserve and are prepared to take the consequences of doing so, I'd suggest:

1) Store 3 months of food and water in your house, enough for everybody.

2) Buy a gun, learn how to use it.


Everyone knows your economy has been looted to the bone by the Fed, but if it becomes mainstream news, and if we ever discover the true extent of the damage ... Well, what do people do when they've found out that somebody has stolen 96% of their wealth, and can put a name/face/location to the people that did it?

Congressmen discussing the original Stimulus bill in 2008. The top banks and the Fed came to congress and said "We need your money or you're screwed." Congress said "why?" Fed said, "Because we'll bring this country to its knees if you don't."

Like a cancer telling the doctor: "If you cut me out, I'll die, but so will the patient. So let me live."

Don't take it from me, take it from Representative Brad Sherman:



Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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highconscienceness said:
.... Termite brought down the towers ....
Yes, sure, those termites are wicked little beasts. The steel eating type are serious bad news, and their concrete eating cousins are not much better.

EA Gold

Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2009
Reaction score
No anger or resentment here.

I've learned to forgive and put these people in God's hands because ultimately we will give an account for what we have done and that includes the people in the federal reserve. (Psalm 37)

Why should I waste energy and time on these people who don't deserve it when God will take care of them at the end.

We all have freewill. you guys can worry about these people, get angry at them or vote and do something within your power.

But as for me I'll be happy as much as possible right now and live life to its fullest.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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I suppose some people find comfort with their head in the sand, EA Gold. ;)

I agree with your spirit of living life to the fullest, however if you have children you may be concerned for their future and their childrens future.

A little rundown of what has happened recently:

From July 4, 1776 to September 2008, your government issued $12t (trillion) in debt to finance your nations expenditure. Examples, all the wars you have fought from civil war through Iraq war, all roads/bridges, all government programs, everything.

Since September 2008, your government has given another 12 trillion dollars to the central banks which hide behind your Federal Reserve.

So all the expenditure of 232 years worth of nation building has been doubled in just 2 years. And for what? I do not see any new roads, new bridges, doubled space program, or anything worthwhile to justify it.

What you have seen is the central banks have bought out most of the assets of your country and many around the world.

For instance, the violence you are seeing in Greece is average citizens being pissed off that the central banks bought off thousands of their beautiful islands, that the government put up for sale to repay the debt, which was financed via derivatives (essentially a criminal market). The government was caught holding the bag, and the nation (taxpayers) were left footing the bill. They couldn't pay the enormous bill, so they sold off some of their national treasures to satisfy the bankers.

Little wonder I have no regrets seeing the government officials who sanctioned that takeover receiving bombs in their mail. They're called terrorists and militants in the media, but who is it that really cares about their country? The politicians who allow banks to rape the citizens, or the citizens who desire change in their leadership? Not saying violence (bombs, etc) is the right way to go about it, but when you get enough people pushing for change you're going to have some individuals who resort to force.


Your children will not have a nation to stand on, if this isn't halted and reversed. In 5 years you may very well become like Greece or worse. Average Americans mailing parcel bombs to Congressmen and and other unfortunate things.

So you keep living your life to the fullest, while others of us try to educate people like you who have no idea what has happened, so that when a day may come where we can make a difference, we'll be ready.

Nothing says I can't live my life to the fullest either ;)


Why should I waste energy and time on these people who don't deserve it when God will take care of them at the end
Why did you waste time fighting against King George? God would have dealt with him in the end, so why fight for independence at all?

In England, the American colonialists who resisted King George were called terrorists and militants. Food for thought.

In my mind, your reasoning is flawed. That's just me though.


edit: oops, nevermind, just saw your nationality. thought you were american.
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