Recent content by Jager_Boy

  1. J

    What would you do?

    The guys protecting our country and you want to move in on his girl...your a low life. Bang her and move on.
  2. J

    FR: Post Lay Problems

    Do people really need this much help in real life?
  3. J

    Shallowness of women

    Wow, that makes me feel better about getting old, Im 24 and it sucks. :D
  4. J

    If you are good looking then you will get #. If not, then you wont

    I think its true for the most part, not to sound ****y, but Im good looking and its not hard to do. I rarely see ugly guys that cold approach pick up girls. Example: I was at the club, getting a drink next to these two girls, just kind of Bs'ing, nothing big, wasnt even looking to get digits...
  5. J

    The truth about height

    Im about 5'8" sucks...but oh well....
  6. J

    a group of girls insulted me and now i feel horrible

    Best advice in this thread.
  7. J

    Is it corny to use French to deliver a compliment to a girl?

    Complimenting in ANY languange is a bad idea IMO.
  8. J


    < 400g of protien a day or bust. :(
  9. J


    LOL. I have protien farts all day from all the protien I have to eat, sucks sometimes....oh well....
  10. J

    How to become a great clubber

    Thats why I DONT like them. Because Im muscular and I like to show it off. Call me vain, but whatever, it works. You can still tell I work out in those button ups, Ive just never really liked wearing them. We'll see tonight if I decide to wear it. I usually wear "dress boot/shoes", I think thats...
  11. J

    Where to go for first date?

    I dont like dates. Tell her to meet you at the bar....
  12. J

    How to become a great clubber

    I usually just walk around in my muscle fit abercrombie tee, trendy jeans and Reebok classics. Seems to work fine. I dont feel comfortable in those trendy button ups, even though I bought a pretty sweet one from Gap the other day.
  13. J

    Aniston, Pitt separating after 4 years of marriage

    I was gonna make the same point. DOesnt this go along the lines of the whole DJ philosophy of not putting a girl on a pedistool and assuming SHE is the one making the decisions? I dont know, Ive never read it ...
  14. J

    approaching girls who already have a guy on them

    :rolleyes: Nice back tracking...
  15. J

    approaching girls who already have a guy on them

    And I would like to edit my first reply. You are a douche because of the whole "im friggin huge and can kick anyones ass" reply. Other than that, if a girl isnt dating the dude, then you can game on her all you want. But it is a ****head move to just come up and try to **** block in front of the...