How to become a great clubber


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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I went out clubbing tonight and noticed a lot of things that i find interesting. It's time to share some of them.
So get a cup of something tasty and get to reading, for you are about to become a great clubber...

Ok, let's start at the top. First, if you are looking to greatly increase your chances to make girls notice you, go to clubs where you are at the top of the age scale.
What do i mean? I am 20, and when i go to 18+ club i am surrounded by 21, 22, 26 year old dudes... all the girls i am aiming at (18-22) are looking for older guys.. decreasing my odds. However, when i go to 16-20 clubs, i am simply the man. First, i am taller than 85% of the guys in the club, simply cause they still got some growing to do. Second, i am bigger. Third, i look older, so i catch the eye of many girls, the only problem is a lot of girls are 16.. and that is a no-no in my book.

We all know dancing is essential to your success in the club..right after your looks that is. ;)
There are plenty of dancing threads so im not covering that.

Ok, let's talk about girls and the way they dance.

First type. Cold fish. The type of girl, when you start to dance with her, you get bored as hell becuase she barely moves her butt. You literally push her side to side to get any enjoyment. I have no patience for this, no matter how hot the girl is. Remember, if you move your hips well, you will be more fun/better in bed.

Second type. Wild thang. This girl will go nuts when you dance with her. She will go off beat and move her ass 82343 different directions. Variety is good, but chaos isnt. It is Very hard to follow this type of girl who wishes to go nuts when dancing. Plus you cant lead the dance as well. I tell these girls to slow down a bit and make it smoother.

Third type. Barely dancer. This is a girl who will hop side to side/up and down with you, but you wont get much besides that. There is no going down to the ground and back up with her ass..there is no playing with your hair and your hands.. She is just good enough to get by through a dance or two.

Fourth type. Soulfly type. This girl dances well and crazy exactly like you want her to. Your bodies are synchronized. You change up the moves and the rhythm. This is an awesome find. In my whole clubbing carrer, i can count only as many as 5 or 6 of these girls that i had the luck to dance with.

Oxide, oxide, but how i do get the girl to dance with me?! I try to jump them from the back but their friend always takes her away from me! Damn, i hate those lesbians! ;)

Ahh, the good old get her to dance with you thing...

Ok, first of all, if you look good and dance well girls will actually come up to you and try dancing with you. Sounds too good to be true? Dont worry, you'll get there Romeo. ;)

When I am walking through a club, sometimes i look above everyone when i know girls are checking me out. I make it look like i dont really care about her shoving the breasts in my face. You gotta keep your cool and see what's around. Now, when you are walking towards good looking girls, see if the girl you are interested in is looking, but ALSO pay close attention to her friends.
Girl friends are the science of their own. Her girlfriends will evaluate you and give the girl you are dancing with signs whethever she should leave or keep dancing. They will feel jelous if noone is dancing with them, so they will pull your girl away. Learn how to read body language, when all her friends open their eyes and smile to her and then look at you, it's a good idea to know what's going on.

I usually notice a girl looking at me, then come to her dance area, look at her and then put my hand on her shoulder/ grab her hand and say "let's dance". That is basically it. Nothing fancy. it really shouldnt be.

However, i got one interesting trick you can pull and get on the girls "cool guy" list and dance with her at the same time.

Ever notice how many girls are getting grabbed by a random dude, the girl takes a look at the guy and has this "Oh my God! i cant believe this ugly dude is trying to dance with me!" look on her face. However, she doesnt have a girl friend nearby to "save" her, so she continues dancing.

This is where you come in. Approach her, put your hand around her waist/neck and say to the guy, "Sorry man, this lady is taken", and start dancing with her. Do not pay anymore attention to the guy. The girl will dance with you, plus thank you very much for getting rid of the creep. Dont be shy to ask for a kiss for being prince charming ;) (if you are feeling the vibe after a couple of songs)

On Dressing You will notice this fad going on right now: a white/light color button up shirt and jeans with some white sneakers. This seems to be the hot look for all the teens right now. But you dont settle for average, so let's kick it up a notch. First, try a dark colored shirt. Dark blue is beautiful, in general solid color shirts are not as effective for clubbing as stripped shirts. (dont get as much attention). Second, your shoes. I remember going to a newest best club in minnesota. I wore my new basketball shoes. I didnt get in.. i went out and bought a pair of good looking shoes.. they complete the outfit and i get a lot of compliments.
I would recommend buying a pair of upscale jeans. I am not a fan of wearing khakis to a club, actually that screams "dork" to me. Nice looking jeans that fit you right will get you noticed.

Now, where do you buy all this good stuff? One thing to remember is QUALITY costs money. If you wish to buy good stuff, you will spend good amount of money.
However, always buy stuff that is on sale. Even on sale shirts i buy run me $25-40 so it adds up rather quick.
Sales usually happen about a month before the season change.

The stores to shop at:
Express. Definatelly nice stuff, however it is becoming a little too popular today. I love their undershirts. Hanes doesnt compare. But the price is $15 a piece too.

Banana Republic - always a winner, expensive. I got $80 pair of jeans there, you can easily tell the quality difference between those and old navy jeans.

Abercrombie - i am not jumping on a bandwagon. Some stuff there is great. A lot of it sucks. I still dont understand the idea of tearing a pair of jeans to sh1t then spilling crap on them and putting a $60 price tag on. Stay away from worn out/ torn jeans. You shouldnt pay money for stupid sh1t like that. What to buy at abercombie? Shirts. Good looking shirts.

Ralph Loren (Polo) - Very good stuff.

I suggest staying as far away from Sean Jean, Enyce, Fubu, Makaveli, Vocal, and the rest of the hip hop inspired stuff. The stuff costs an arm and a leg and doesnt look good. Even if you are black, stay the fukk away from this.

Shoes. Skechers critics are my weapon of choice. I got blue one with stripes on the sides and they look good as hell. Fair price. I also got similar looking ones in leather.

Skechers Critics


Watches under $100 that look great:
Fossil (im rocking an arkitekt. love the style)

Shell necklaces look good. Dont get any fake bling bling, dont get metal characters and stupid sh1t like that. Simple leather thread with a shark tooth/ shell necklace is all you need.

Bracelet - little leather band. I wore a blue one i bought at hottopic, the thing was $3 and lasted me a month.
Dont get jewelery unless it mixes in nice and doesnt cost a lot. (Dont buy huge golden chains.. who the hell are you impressing? the golddiggers?)

Ok, some Last Wordz
Going to a club doesnt guarantee you a lay/make out session. It depends on your confidence and the girl. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesnt. Life goes on.

Dont be too stressed if a girl stops dancing with you. Look around, there are plenty more. Dont be afraid to touch/play with girls as you are walking/dancing by. I like giving a girl a big smile and gently touch her stomach as im walking by. Or running my hand down her back, or playing with a girl's hair. As long as you smile and make it look playful girls will like it. Dont be afraid to push people out of your way just a bit when trying to get by, but be assertive at the same time, would you want some dude to push you over as you are getting your groove on with a hot girl?

Alright, now you should know a lot of stuff about clubbing now. Next time you are going out, remember to have a great time.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Happy Hunting Grounds
Originally posted by Oxide
On Dressing You will notice this fad going on right now: a white/light color button up shirt and jeans with some white sneakers.

Ralph Loren (Polo) - Very good stuff.

Shoes. Skechers critics are my weapon of choice.

Shell necklaces look good.

Bracelet - little leather band.
M8...there has to be a cultural difference going on here 'cause of we wore any of this stuff in the UK we would be arrested by the Fashion Police.

Ralph Lauren? Damn man! Where were you in 92?!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
Fashion Police? wtf :rolleyes:

All of these sounds good but this should be under tips ;)


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
can't go wrong with banana republic shirts i got 5 of them :D

don't get too nice leather shoes for the club urban sport sneakers are probably better.

besides you don't want you nice shiney shoes getting the sh!t stepped out of after a night of clubbing.

as for necklaces...yeah i'll pass.
for the braclet...maybe.
the watch? i like watches.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
ye, u would get laughed at wearing stuff like that in the UK.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
Bro.. Its cool to dress how you dress but saying that wearing any thing hip-hop is wrong, that is just dumb..
Dress how you want to dress.. I Personaly am very into hip-hop and urban clothing...
So what I am trying to say is people should dress the way they feel comfortable and wear what ever style fits them. I mean yea dress fresh and take care of your self and your clothing but just wear what fits you, what ever it be preppy, hip-hop, rocker what ever....


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by nero
Bro.. Its cool to dress how you dress but saying that wearing any thing hip-hop is wrong, that is just dumb..
Dress how you want to dress.. I Personaly am very into hip-hop and urban clothing...
So what I am trying to say is people should dress the way they feel comfortable and wear what ever style fits them. I mean yea dress fresh and take care of your self and your clothing but just wear what fits you, what ever it be preppy, hip-hop, rocker what ever....
agreed. if you are a baller then it doesn't matter what style of clothing you wear, its the attitude.

just don't look like a bloody scrub.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score
Toxic that dancing ****block technique is as bold as it is brilliant. The other guy will think you're her BF or something and she will be impressed (hopefully). Definitly gonna try that one.

On clothing. The trick is to be original in a good way. I found a store were they sell Armani, Hugo Boss among other high end clothing lines. But also Italian/French design clothes of lesser known designers. I'm a student so don't have the resources to purchase the high end stuff, simply way to expensive. For example $400 for jeans, $250 for a blouse. The price for the lesser known design clothes is half or less. I got a pair of jeans that is original in it's kind because it's the only one made.

It's not easy to find this stuff but here are some brands:

Circus Red
JustK : Check out


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2004
Reaction score
I usually just walk around in my muscle fit abercrombie tee, trendy jeans and Reebok classics. Seems to work fine. I dont feel comfortable in those trendy button ups, even though I bought a pretty sweet one from Gap the other day.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Ok UK guys, what do u wear there? I'd love to know.

To the "ballers"- i've had phat farm and other stuff before, the quality sucks and the prices are high. Imagine the same guy in a club. One is wearing sean jean, the other one has nice shirt/pants on. Which one is going to impress a woman more? Not to mention you wont be able to get in the club in the first place becuase of those soft cloth pants... (saw it happen three times yesteday)..

Jager, up to a year ago i never wore button ups. I would always settle for a nice tshirt. If you are not very big, having a button up is a big plus, becuase it makes you look bigger. I thought i would be overheating in one of those, but it actually isnt bad at all.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Oxide
Ok UK guys, what do u wear there? I'd love to know.

To the "ballers"- i've had phat farm and other stuff before, the quality sucks and the prices are high. Imagine the same guy in a club. One is wearing sean jean, the other one has nice shirt/pants on. Which one is going to impress a woman more? Not to mention you wont be able to get in the club in the first place becuase of those soft cloth pants... (saw it happen three times yesteday)..

Jager, up to a year ago i never wore button ups. I would always settle for a nice tshirt. If you are not very big, having a button up is a big plus, becuase it makes you look bigger. I thought i would be overheating in one of those, but it actually isnt bad at all.
Thats why I DONT like them. Because Im muscular and I like to show it off. Call me vain, but whatever, it works. You can still tell I work out in those button ups, Ive just never really liked wearing them. We'll see tonight if I decide to wear it. I usually wear "dress boot/shoes", I think thats the main reason I dont like dressing like that...I like my white Reebok Classics!!!

Also, do you ever wonder if the kids wearing 3x size PHat Farm ever actually get girls? I dont get how they can, they look like douches. I use to dress in FUBU and all that when I was in highschool, but that craps a joke, you look rediculous.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Oxide
Ok UK guys, what do u wear there? I'd love to know.

To the "ballers"- i've had phat farm and other stuff before, the quality sucks and the prices are high. Imagine the same guy in a club. One is wearing sean jean, the other one has nice shirt/pants on. Which one is going to impress a woman more? Not to mention you wont be able to get in the club in the first place becuase of those soft cloth pants... (saw it happen three times yesteday)..

Jager, up to a year ago i never wore button ups. I would always settle for a nice tshirt. If you are not very big, having a button up is a big plus, becuase it makes you look bigger. I thought i would be overheating in one of those, but it actually isnt bad at all.
clearly you are under the false impresssion that ballers = urban fashion.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Happy Hunting Grounds
Ben Sherman or Fred Perry, Base London Shoes, Jump the Gun (Brighton) Harrington...Levi 518's

Thats the style on the Uk South Coast 5th Wave Mod Scene

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Good posts. I've been going to clubs off and on since I turned 21. I've pulled more chicks in clubs than anywhere else by far. I'll just add a few things here and there.

"We all know dancing is essential to your success in the club..right after your looks that is.
There are plenty of dancing threads so im not covering that."

I think conversation is at least as important. All the times I get #'s in clubs, it's when I actually say something. Club makeouts without convo is rare, does that happen to you often?

"First type. Cold fish. The type of girl, when you start to dance with her, you get bored as hell becuase she barely moves her butt. You literally push her side to side to get any enjoyment. I have no patience for this, no matter how hot the girl is. Remember, if you move your hips well, you will be more fun/better in bed."

Hahaha damn I hate those! You know the ones that stand 2 feet away from you and when you try to move in or grab their hands to spin them around they tell you "I don't do that" or something like that. Wait until the song is over and leave.

"Second type. Wild thang. This girl will go nuts when you dance with her. She will go off beat and move her ass 82343 different directions. Variety is good, but chaos isnt. It is Very hard to follow this type of girl who wishes to go nuts when dancing. Plus you cant lead the dance as well. I tell these girls to slow down a bit and make it smoother."

The Elaine Benes type. These are a pain too, you can lead them if you're forceful enough, if you want to do the effort.

"Third type. Barely dancer. This is a girl who will hop side to side/up and down with you, but you wont get much besides that. There is no going down to the ground and back up with her ass..there is no playing with your hair and your hands.. She is just good enough to get by through a dance or two. "

These frustrate me since they kind of dance with you enough to tease you. I haven't had too much luck gaming these types and they annoy me.

"Fourth type. Soulfly type. This girl dances well and crazy exactly like you want her to. Your bodies are synchronized. You change up the moves and the rhythm. This is an awesome find. In my whole clubbing carrer, i can count only as many as 5 or 6 of these girls that i had the luck to dance with. "

Yes!!! These are the best. I know exactly what you're talking about. It's like being in a zone.

"This is where you come in. Approach her, put your hand around her waist/neck and say to the guy, "Sorry man, this lady is taken", and start dancing with her. Do not pay anymore attention to the guy. The girl will dance with you, plus thank you very much for getting rid of the creep. Dont be shy to ask for a kiss for being prince charming (if you are feeling the vibe after a couple of songs)"

Hahaha clever. That's good. One thing I do that works for me is I'll simply point to them and motion them towards me or I'll just simply grab their hand and lead them to the floor.

Another thing to add is don't be afraid to walk away. If you're dancing with a chick and she isn't in to you, don't waste your time dancing with her for 6 songs. Walk away and find a better target.

Great post.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
At my country, most of the action doesnt happen in the dancefloor, but actually in the sorroundings, with the people talking around the dancefloor, near the bars and stuff.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
everytime i read the part:

"Second type. Wild thang. This girl will go nuts when you dance with her. She will go off beat and move her ass 82343 different directions."

i can't help but bust out laughing becuase its so true and mad chicks are like that moving their asses in "82343 ways" HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA, ahh too funny.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Awesome posts here. I'm too young to be a clubber (4 more freaking years to go), but this is some useful stuff. Im just getting into fashion. Those pants 6 sizes too big and a burlap sack for a shirt just won't do in Uni.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
Like I said before it dosent matter what you wear as long as you wear it well...


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
I just think of it as looking good in what you wear not looking like a scrub as the guy a little above said..

Not looking out of place in what you wear.
Wear what your comfortable in.

What I mean is if you are comfortable in preppy clothing go for it, if you are comfortable in urban clothing do that, same with the punk thing, just try to be clean and well put together.

At least that is what I do and it works for me.

OW and for the comments about not getting into the clubs I do not have the prob
I go to a lot of underground hip-hop shows/clubs a lot and a lot of jungle,breaks and house clubs also..
There is no dress codes....

But thats all I got to post I am done....