She HAS to be a virgin


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2021
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Right, but if women are not having sex then nor are men.

You can't say "women should not be having sex" if you still want to have sex yourself.

Regarding pair bonding, I think we have to be realistic. Expecting a relationship to last a lifetime is not realistic. Finding some naïve person with no life experience is not the solution.
I kind of agree with you. I once dated a girl who was 25 and I'm pretty sure had a notch count of 20+. I don't think she had a problem with pair bonding. On the contrary she was pretty much attached. Needless to say I let all this sh1t get to my head and I messed it up. Hahaha

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
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I kind of agree with you. I once dated a girl who was 25 and I'm pretty sure had a notch count of 20+. I don't think she had a problem with pair bonding. On the contrary she was pretty much attached. Needless to say I let all this sh1t get to my head and I messed it up. Hahaha
Yeah, if someone actually likes sex then I think it's natural that they will do it.

You can't expect to find someone that likes sex but that has never done it in their life despite having plenty of opportunities.

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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This is not going to be groundbreaking information but I think its important to remind ourselves of this. Once a female has had 1 or 2 bfs her pair bonding ability is done. I am just now realizing this. I used to think it was 5 or 10 sexual partners. But it is as little as 1 or 2 boyfriends ( they dont even have to be sexual partners).

When a virgin with no previous partners falls in love it is rock solid. You set the basis of their expectation. They aint going no where unless you make them leave. They dont have anything to compare to and this intoxicating feeling of limerance is new to them.

The say that first high of any drug is the best. With virgins you are giving them that first high or euphoric love. They will always be chasing that dragon.

Once a girl has gotten her heart broken even is ruined. Her heart has lost its innocence. She will never be able to "love" you. This is why virginity was so prized in the past.

I am talking to a virgin now and the levels of simpery I get away with is astounding. My simp behavior does not turn her off because she has nothing to compare it too. She is also still riding off the high of being in love. I have had another virgin gf in the past and I couldnt get rid of her.

Virgins or nothing at all.
I wouldn't say "HAS to" but it is ideal, yes. The thing is, it is kind of rare to find virgins, let's be honest here. But if you come across one (and virgin for good reasons), they are gems and, generally speaking very down-to-earth women, therefore you are almost guaranteed a successful relationship. If that is what you want. If that is not what you want, don't waste her time. Plenty of girls you can have your fun with.

However, I will have to disagree with the "levels of simpery" in the sense that should simply not SIMP at all. For your own sake. Simping is not a switch men should have to flip on when "allowed" and flip off otherwise. You should still set a strong frame and have a strong masculine energy, show her that as a standard. Don't simp. My two cent.

Modern Man Advice


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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If she's blown ten guys but not had intercourse is she still a virgin?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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you're gonna struggle to find many virgin girls that are older than like 15 nowadays, bro lol
Tread carefully! haha
I'd say 18. 16-17 are common ages to lose virginity.

The best way to meet a woman like this is through social circle, usually in highschool or college. Outside of that you are fighting an uphill battle that only gets tougher as you get older.
Correct. If you meet a virgin, it is often in social circle. It is also in a social circle that is more likely to be devoutly religious. Very few virgins exist after one's early 20s. A 35 year old man is not likely to find an 18-20 year old virgin. Virgins often marry early due to religious convictions.

You disagree? Why.......I think thay engaging in casual sex means that she has given up on the true love fantasy that every girl is born with. She got her heart broken. Now she is a flight risk.
Flight risk increases with additional partners.

I kind of agree with you. I once dated a girl who was 25 and I'm pretty sure had a notch count of 20+. I don't think she had a problem with pair bonding. On the contrary she was pretty much attached. Needless to say I let all this sh1t get to my head and I messed it up. Hahaha
She did. It doesn't necessarily manifest early, it manifests when commitment gets difficult.
Both true. It is impressive that in an early stage, a woman displays strong attachment. Many women, especially those meeting men on swipe apps, do not display a lot of passion because they know how hundreds of men are chasing them.


Sep 10, 2014
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This is not going to be groundbreaking information but I think its important to remind ourselves of this. Once a female has had 1 or 2 bfs her pair bonding ability is done. I am just now realizing this. I used to think it was 5 or 10 sexual partners. But it is as little as 1 or 2 boyfriends ( they dont even have to be sexual partners).

When a virgin with no previous partners falls in love it is rock solid. You set the basis of their expectation. They aint going no where unless you make them leave. They dont have anything to compare to and this intoxicating feeling of limerance is new to them.

The say that first high of any drug is the best. With virgins you are giving them that first high or euphoric love. They will always be chasing that dragon.

Once a girl has gotten her heart broken even is ruined. Her heart has lost its innocence. She will never be able to "love" you. This is why virginity was so prized in the past.

I am talking to a virgin now and the levels of simpery I get away with is astounding. My simp behavior does not turn her off because she has nothing to compare it too. She is also still riding off the high of being in love. I have had another virgin gf in the past and I couldnt get rid of her.

Virgins or nothing at all.
One of the most ridiculous posts I have read in a long time that has zero basis in reality.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Even in a world where women remained virgins, it wouldnt work:

1) Life on this planet will do a number on any human relation. Whether it's from death, abuse, sickness, crime, disfiguration, infidelity or dumping, it's inevitable that a good amount of people wont be living the disney fairytale but will still be well-meaning and have to try to make their life work. I dont want to condemn these people.

2) Probably the most ugly reason, men who subscribe to this idea would still not take responsibility for their own behavior anyway. They will goad women into having casual sex, and they will cheat on or dump them. And just as importantly, despite their own sins, they will not have any sense of forgiveness. This is morally wrong.

That's why going along this route is unfortunately only a path to even more misery than there already is on this planet, rather than helping anyone become more happy. If we want to do good then we have to deal with the world as it is and make the best of it, not condemn ourselves to wish for the impossible.
Im not sure I am understanding your point brotha. Can you elaborate?


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Maybe not 25, especially an attractive one....

However, I gave exclusivity to an attractive 22 year old one last month after she gave her virginity up to me. She also has solid familial relationships and aspires to go to graduate school next year.

I would have not even considered giving exclusivity if not for the fact she was both a virgin AND had a great upbringing & relationship with her parents.

Given my career aspirations in the near future, I was at a point in my life where I didn't even want another relationship for years. Ironically, when I internally accepted I wasn't settling down until at least my early 30s (I'm 27), this opportunity presented itself and I eventually decided it would be foolish & overly cynical not to give it a shot...

I was casually dating two women (plates) when I began dating the virgin, and I used the plates for sex while I built rapport, comfort, and trust with the virgin. She's a genuinely good person, so I didn't want to take her virginity just to take it if I knew I had no intentions of allowing anything more to possibly develop. I dated her for a little over a month when we brought up the exclusivity conversation and we discussed a few days later what that would look like. I took her virginity the following weekend.

After that weekend I let my plates go, which admittedly was tougher than I thought... not because I like liked the plates, but because getting rid of my current options put me in a position where I'm more susceptible to pedestalize the virgin and develop one-nitus. As another poster mentioned, at least with a virgin their naivety allows more margin for error when it comes to relationship game.

I am fortunate that a lot of the groundwork for this to happen had been inadvertently laid. I knew of her for over a year through social circle, in which rapport, comfort, and trust began to build before we even started dating. She still lives with her parents (one of whom I actually knew and had rapport with before her) who she's close with, plays sports, is school-focused, and she doesn't party -- all positive factors I considered before LTRing her.

I just share this to suggest that virgins are out there, and they are attainable. Are we likely to find one whose attractive enough to you, had a healthy upbringing, AND is interested in you? Probably not.
Great story man thanks for sharing. Any updates? Is this relationship easier with this virgin? You guys still together?

Virgins are what true femininity looks like. They are soft, innocent, naive and generally pleasant to be around. Men in the West are surrounded by *****s. They confuse *****dom with true female nature. What we are seeing in the West is an aberration of female nature. It is a mutated version. The reason the women dont care about men in the West is because they are not virgins. They simply can not pair bond anymore. What use does she have for you if she cant pair bond. Its over and she knows it. This is why they are so toxic.

A females ability to pair bond is the #1 quality she possesses. Without this ability she is useless. This is why virginity was so highly protected. A women can only TRULY love 1 or 2 sexual partners tops in her life. After 1 or 2 just forget it man.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Beleiving in the cult of virginity is like beleiving in the tooth fairy.

If a woman is a virgin:

- It could be because of societal pressure, not her own values. Therefore when she gets the chance, she will cheat.
- It could be because her highest priority in life is locking down a guy in order to ride his wallet
- It could be because she doesn't like sex and is totally frigid.
- It could be because she's a manipulative, conniving biatch that would do anything for status and money
- Or she could simply be lying.

Virginity and holding back sex is like a sexual cartel. The less the supply, the higher the price.

And what price could be higher than marriage?
You make good points. Let me offer some counterpoints.

1.) In my experience virgins generally are stuck on you like glue. They do not cheat very much. Yes on a long enough timeline in a marriage everyone gets a little curious. But virgins are the least likely to cheat out of any type of woman. Virgins tend to associate sex with love.

2.) If a woman wants to ride his wallet she will behave like a **** tease *****. She will dangle her sexuality in front of potential suitors and buyers. Most virgins are very awkward sexually. They are awkward with their nudity. They tend to be introverts.

3.) A virgin will not know if she likes sex or not unless she has had sex. I found that most virgins actually like sex alot they just needed the right guy to bring them out. Its the *****s that more often dont like sex . The *****s are traumatized from so many bad sexual experiences.

4.) She could be a manipulative conniving biatch but.....have you ever met a virgin that is a manipulative biatch? Most virgins still are very sheltered and have sheltered personalities.

5.) She could be lying but I am not talking about the lying ones. Any man with experience will be able to tell if a girl is actually a virgin or not. There are big signs.

And the price of sex should be high. Sex is a big deal. It is too powerful to be giving away freely. This is what got us in this mess in the first place. The sexual revolution was a big mistake for humanity.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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The approach anxiety manifests once more, she doesn't need to be perfect.
? huh what do you mean bro.......virginity was the standard a few decades back. Or close to it. Maybe just 1 or 2 partners.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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One of the most ridiculous posts I have read in a long time that has zero basis in reality.
Explain why? I am curious to know why you disagree. Don't just insult I want you to share your thoughts.

Do you think ancient cultures just valued virginity for no reason at all? They just did it arbitrarily right. Have you even ever dated a virgin? If you have never dated a legit virgin then you have no idea what you are talking about. It is like night and day. They are the polar opposite of the modern woman. I am not saying they are perfect. You still need to run a little bit of game on them but its reasonable game. Not the game on steroids of the average slut.

Many of the Redpill dark triad traits backfire on virgins. They get attached very quickly. This is why they had that joke in Wedding Crashers of the stage 5 clinger. Modern *****s do not get attached at all. They will fu*k you then the next day not even return you text. It is night and day.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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Im not sure I am understanding your point brotha. Can you elaborate?
I can combine it into one point.

Even if women remained virgins there will still be external events they cant control, that destroy their relationships, and thus force them to date again as non-virgins. It could be death, it could be infidelity, it could be being dumped, it could be needing to get away because of a man's abuse or addiction. IIRC you yourself have cheated on and dumped what you said were virgins, or at least one, so you are a case in point of how it takes two to tango.

This means even if women did exactly what you ask them to do, many of them would still end up having to date as non-virgins. And unless the men who commit these behaviors are either prevented from dating so they cant "destroy" any women, or show some selfreflection about their behavior and a sense of forgiveness for women who are not virgins anymore because they were "sabotaged" by those men, there would be no positive path to take to solve it.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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There seems to be varying opinions on this. Some people think it matters, others think it doesn't.
It is the primary thing that matters. The people that say it does not matter have only dated *****s ( or are delusional). Every man that a woman bangs makes her more jaded towards life. It ruins her mental health. That thousand cawk stare is the face of a woman who has lost her zest for life. If what I am saying is false then there would not be a 1000 cawk stare. *****s have these dead eyes.

If a woman has slept with many men it ruins her self esteem and she starts to resent men. In her mind love does not exist anymore so nothing in life matters. A woman that does not believe in love is the most dangerous female. She will just see men as tools. This is why women are able to treat men so disposable in the West.

I am not saying that a virgin will not divorce or cheat on you. Of course we live in a toxic culture that encourages female hypergamy. But the best bet you have at a long lasting marriage is a virgin that lives in a foreign nation.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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I can combine it into one point.

Even if women remained virgins there will still be external events they cant control, that destroy their relationships, and thus force them to date again as non-virgins. It could be death, it could be infidelity, it could be being dumped, it could be needing to get away because of a man's abuse or addiction. IIRC you yourself have cheated on and dumped what you said were virgins, or at least one, so you are a case in point of how it takes two to tango. This means even if women did exactly what you ask them to do, many of them would still end up having to date as non-virgins.
Yes because we live in a culture that promotes casual dating. I am not saying that life is perfect. My point is simple. The most pure form of female is a virgin. Her personality is still feminine and soft. The more cawks a woman has the more callous and masculine she becomes. If you want ANY chance at having a semi stable long term relationship she must have as low body count ( preferebly zero) as possible.
What you are saying does not invalidate this claim.

About 40 yrs ago virginity was the norm. In the 1950's and 60s women were mostly virginis until marriage. In less Western cultures virginity is the norm. I also agree that men need to be held accountable. We should not be out here creating *****s out of virgins.