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  1. B

    she said Im FAT, my biggest **** test ever!

    First thing, if tou are overweight there's not guarantee her friend even said that. It might be an example of womens' covert communication and she is telling you that she thinks you are fat. Secondly, if you are overweight, do something about it. You don't need to end up with a body like...
  2. B

    HELP! W/ Girlfriend Hanging out With EX-Boyfriend!

    If you don't like what she's saying when you pick up the phone, stop picking up the phone. Bar the number, cut all contact and begone! Trust me, it will be easier for you in the long run too, and if you keep strong you will look back in a year and shake your head in wonder that you even thought...
  3. B

    Is it cool to take advice from women about dating?

    Take advice from women as much as you can, just make sure you're learning from what they do, not what they say. This is the best advice they will give you, especially coupled with all the verbal contradictions. When you start observing women's behaviour, all their 'advice' to men is just...
  4. B

    Does playing online poker mess up your social skills?

    I went through a brief phase of online poker playing and found that yes it did make me a bit anti-social. That and the money factor were why I stopped (oh yeah and being cr@p at it). There are a lot better, more rewarding and social things to be doing with your time. Remember that every minute...
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    Newbs - forget about women...

    I look through the general discussion and see a whole load of guys with very little experience of anything wondering how they can pick up bevvies of gorgeous women and be some kind of super pimp. Sorry guys, but you won't. Not yet at any rate. You need to start at the very beginning or you're...
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    The Starter Husband

    What a lovely package. I can only wish I'd been fortunate enough to be her first husband just for the privelege of some time, however short, with such a pefect catch.
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    Ways Women Avoid Responsibility

    Yeah agreed about the overall lack of accountability (which is a much better word for it). Then again, do they really have the fortitude to deal with it? They go on about how tough they have it but most of them would crumble in a day if they had to deal with a tenth of the responsibility that...
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    Ways Women Avoid Responsibility

    Read the post again! It was one module which I was forced to take as part of the course I'm doing. It was a liberal hippy hell from start to finish. Humanist, I agree that not all humanities are havens of loony left thought and that things like history are ssential to understand our place in...
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    Ways Women Avoid Responsibility

    When faced with this I confront it by simply standing my ground. She can try hissy fits, tantrums, crying, character assassination, silent treatment, sulking and everything else in the book, but if I know I'm in the right, I'm not going to budge. It helps that I have an excellent memory for...
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    Why do girls make out with eachother?

    Attention all the way. Most of them know that if they do this in a club, they won't be paying for another drink for the rest of the evening. This reminds me of a girl I dated a good few years ago. She was a good 9 at the time but mad as a box of frogs and not in a good way (ended up sh@gging...
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    Mix it up-an early stages LTR mindf*ck trick

    So you've approached her, you've got the number and even had a few dates. You've screened her and she seems reasonably normal. The IL is quite high and building but you want to get it to the next stage, the worshipping the ground you walk on, gooey eyes, you can do no wrong stage. If you're the...
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    Man makes a mistake trying to propose to his girlfriend on the radio

    Next track: Kanye West's Golddigga... What's the odds this guy's going to turn up on this site one day when he's finally decided to man up and stop bottom-feeding on skanks?
  13. B

    Need advice on another man's girl

    Everyone's got to make their own decisions on this one and set the bar where they feel is right for them. Personally I've had some experience with married/attached women and for me its not worth the headache. I also feel like a scumbag afterwards and that's not a feeling I think is worth living...
  14. B

    Shut the f*ck up!

  15. B

    What is the womans "book of rules"

    Have seen several of these books kicking around in bookshops and there's loads of cr@p in women's mags based on this premise. I've never actually been able to overcome my nausea at them and read them but they all seem to be along the lines of some Sex and the City-esque "turn men into begging...
  16. B

    Your top tips

    Just wanted to start a thread where people can put down the essential tips that they would identify as the mainstay of their game/DJness. For me they are: 1) Just do it! Whatever it is you want to do to improve yourself or your game, just do it. Don't sit there and think about it because...
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    the PUA community is full of nerds

    Just think what he could do if he lost the paedophile 'tache and all the chins!
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    A melancholy moment

    Sorry, but the DJ materials definitely contradict the AFC beliefs of love. The supplication, winning her over, star-crossed lovers fantasy that is the basis for being an AFC is exactly what being a DJ is NOT about. That doesn't mean for a second that I don't believe in love at all. On the...
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    Emotional reactivity

    Precisely. And the key for me in putting an end to this childishness immediately is to not be afraid to let her know that I WILL walk at any stage of the relationship if it continues. I won't shout back, argue about things or start point scoring/game playing, but is she crosses the line once too...
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    Tips for going to a strip club.

    WTF? Tips on going to a strip club? Are you serious? Get drunk as f*ck, stare at the hos, let them rub their ******s in your face and don't touch them unless you want a bouncer with arms the size of your waist stamping on your face in the alleyway behind the club. Do you really need to be told...