A melancholy moment


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2008
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Just walked my gf back to her house tonight. She came round to look after me this afternoon as I'd been off work ill and while we were talking she admitted that she was "really falling for me" and such like. All good but on the way home I realised something. This is exactly the sort of girl I'd have got a serious one-itis for a few years ago: the exact look I go for, enough curves but not too many, all over me and grateful to be spending time with me etc. Now though, that 'magic feeling' of one-itis, the fantasies of the perfect Hollywood romance and happy ever after is gone. I'm not at all sad or bitter but I've seen too much of the way women (and men) can be to believe any of that stuff now.

Basically its the price we pay for 'unplugging from the matrix' and seeing how things really are. I wouldn't ever want to go back to that because I see how screwed up guys still in it end up in the long run, but there were a definite few moments walking back on my own where I felt something of a loss for the old thrill and romance of falling head over heels for a girl. Kind of like how Christmasses were so much more magical when you were a kid. Needless to say I won't ever be returning to that way of thinking (and couldn't if I wanted to now), but sometimes you can't help but think there were a few little perks to taking the blue pill...

Anyone relate?


Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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wow man! amazing post. i mean it. a little background on me first though. i'm an average looking guy. i'm not superconfident or rich. so last year the hottest girl in my company starts persuing me ....hard! we ended up in a 6month relationship. the high of being out with a HB9 was incredible. i was playin it great. i literally felt like she made me a better person. the little annoyances of life never got to me anymore. i was superconfident and happy. eventually i let my guard down and went afc. she ended it. i was a fkn wreck..........the point im making here is i understand how you feel jaded to the process. the high in the beggining is amazing. but once u see how far things can turn from that high u get jaded. ex. "big deal i got this hb8's number." the chances of it going far are low.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2008
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Yeah its just sad to think sometimes that all the dreams you had of finding a girl who's as sweet as pie and who will love you for you and for being nice to them are just that - dreams. I'm turning into enough of a natural to be dominant and not pull any AFC sh*t without having to think too much about it, but we're brought up on the "be yourself/be a nice guy" thing for so long that when we realise it doesn't work it's still hard to accept the harsh reality.

Yeah, nice guys finish last, but I'm a decent person and it still saddens me every time to think that most women will never fully appreciate that because they will just be led by the emotion of boredom and move on if I express it too much. On reflection, maybe that's their (biggest?) loss in life generally - the inability to recognise and see the value of decency and integrity. Sometimes I can't help but feel sorry for them...


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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I relate totally which is why I wish my father had, had more experience with which to teach me from and raise me from birth to be matrix unplugged.

Then the Sosuave/Tom Leykis reality would of been my reality growing up and deeply internalized and I would have had magical feelings from living that lifestyle similar to the fantasy feelings AFC's still get to have briefly before their sweety runs off with the pool boy at which point they are forced to either close their eyes and ears to reality and keep on AFCin it up chalking that one up to a "low quality woman" or accept the knowledge that we have here and destroy the lace curtain veil over their eyes forever which for them can lead to dissilusionment and momentary depression.

So basically I'm saying I think the kids who had fathers who taught them how to deal with women and how women really are early on have it a lot better than us because not only do these kids avoid getting screwed over they also find the same kind of magical joy feeling about their lifestyle and future that an AFC gets when daydreaming about his oneitis soulmate.

And who knows maybe they get an even better feeling than the AFC does.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2008
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Just walked my gf back to her house tonight. She came round to look after me this afternoon as I'd been off work ill and while we were talking she admitted that she was "really falling for me" and such like. All good but on the way home I realised something. This is exactly the sort of girl I'd have got a serious one-itis for a few years ago: the exact look I go for, enough curves but not too many, all over me and grateful to be spending time with me etc. Now though, that 'magic feeling' of one-itis, the fantasies of the perfect Hollywood romance and happy ever after is gone.
You are simply looking for them and this is way to get to know many like them. That's all, if you like to attract these types then just do the same things.

I'm not at all sad or bitter but I've seen too much of the way women (and men) can be to believe any of that stuff now.

Basically its the price we pay for 'unplugging from the matrix' and seeing how things really are.
What are you talking about is among the first things that happen when you unplug. When you are out of the matrix you simply manifest in your life..in matter of days results that take to other people months or even years.

there were a definite few moments walking back on my own where I felt something of a loss for the old thrill and romance of falling head over heels for a girl.
Even if you are out of the matrix you can go back and live in every way you want. As a metaphor..you can go back and play a game(warcraft, cars etc) and with the rules of the game and still get the thrill and the experience. Being out of the matrix doesn't cancel a whole bunch of beliefs.

Kind of like how Christmasses were so much more magical when you were a kid. Needless to say I won't ever be returning to that way of thinking (and couldn't if I wanted to now), but sometimes you can't help but think there were a few little perks to taking the blue pill...
You can play the role of the kid anytime you want. There is no rule, outside of the matrix, against it. Probably, one big advantage of being out of the matrix is that you can be many people & you can have many personalities.
This is the magic of it...you can zoom out from your perspective and because you understand other people's perspectives really well then you can relate a lot better with them.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 30, 2008
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BadsnakeUK said:
Just walked my gf back to her house tonight. She came round to look after me this afternoon as I'd been off work ill and while we were talking she admitted that she was "really falling for me" and such like. All good but on the way home I realised something. This is exactly the sort of girl I'd have got a serious one-itis for a few years ago: the exact look I go for, enough curves but not too many, all over me and grateful to be spending time with me etc. Now though, that 'magic feeling' of one-itis, the fantasies of the perfect Hollywood romance and happy ever after is gone. I'm not at all sad or bitter but I've seen too much of the way women (and men) can be to believe any of that stuff now.

Basically its the price we pay for 'unplugging from the matrix' and seeing how things really are. I wouldn't ever want to go back to that because I see how screwed up guys still in it end up in the long run, but there were a definite few moments walking back on my own where I felt something of a loss for the old thrill and romance of falling head over heels for a girl. Kind of like how Christmasses were so much more magical when you were a kid. Needless to say I won't ever be returning to that way of thinking (and couldn't if I wanted to now), but sometimes you can't help but think there were a few little perks to taking the blue pill...

Anyone relate?
I think you've greatly misinterprited the Don Juan materials if you believe that they contradict so called AFC beliefs of love.

If anything, I think being unplugged is solely a good thing. We see things for how they are; not for how we are told they are by those living within the Matrix. This makes us more resistant to hurt, to wasting our time on poor prospects and to personal stagnation. It also protects us in love because we know that we could find it again should the current one end for what ever reason. We are far less likely to be in a relationship where we are the givers of love and they are the takers. It's far easier for girls to love us for who we are, because who we are is far move loveable now.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2008
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Smack said:
I think you've greatly misinterprited the Don Juan materials if you believe that they contradict so called AFC beliefs of love.
Sorry, but the DJ materials definitely contradict the AFC beliefs of love. The supplication, winning her over, star-crossed lovers fantasy that is the basis for being an AFC is exactly what being a DJ is NOT about.

That doesn't mean for a second that I don't believe in love at all. On the contrary its a very powerful force and one of the highest states its possible to achieve, but what I'm getting at here is that it is in reality a far more multifaceted and complex thing than the AFC/gooey eyes at each other/'now my life is complete' fantasy.

To use the chiildhood analogy again, its like any aspect of growing up. Life becomes far more complex and fulfilling as you get older and understand more of the world. Only the psychologically damaged would want to remain a child forever. But in the process of developing you sacrifice the comfort and security of a one-dimensional, black and white existence. Ultimately I believe the benefits of growing up will always far outweigh the disadvantages, and that doing so does not mean that you become cynical or jaded. We all need to keep something of the child alive in ourselves but be aware of the bigger picture too.

What I was getting at in the OP was just that there is sometimes a sense of nostalgia in looking back at the simplicity of what used to be and what we thought life would be all about. Its the price we pay for a more expansive view of the world.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 30, 2008
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BadsnakeUK said:
What I was getting at in the OP was just that there is sometimes a sense of nostalgia in looking back at the simplicity of what used to be and what we thought life would be all about. Its the price we pay for a more expansive view of the world.
Sorry, I took your post to mean that love itself was an AFC notion. Sorry for the confusion.

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
I can totally relate to that. Ignorance is bliss... Or isn't it?

A little more than a year ago I fell in love for a girl and I was 200% sure that we were ment for each other and that it was just a question of time until I would be with her... This was a great time I guess. This feeling of being totally in love and the resulting creativety. I used to write poems then without having to think for even a few seconds they just came out of my keyboard. Well, she LJBFed me...

And then this guy came up to me and gave me this red pill.

So is this really a choice of a dream world or the real world? Did we loose the feeling of real love? Certainly not. There are lessons to learn yes. In the past, we were heartbroken, again and again. Was this feeling of unfullfilled love worth the pain? I say it's not!

But keep in mind that we didn't wake up to never dream again. But now, we can use our dreams and make them come true. Imagine yourself, maybe 20 years from now, when you finally found a "perfect" woman. You'll know that there could be others but you have so much in common that you might want to settle down.

Then you have it, this feeling of love. But you'll never repeat your past mistakes of showing your vulnerability to her again. You are not going to turn into an AFC. You will act like a man. But inside of you, you'll feel it again. Why not? This feeling of one-itis isn't necessarily bad. The resulting actions are.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
BadsnakeUK said:
Basically its the price we pay for 'unplugging from the matrix' and seeing how things really are. I wouldn't ever want to go back to that because I see how screwed up guys still in it end up in the long run, but there were a definite few moments walking back on my own where I felt something of a loss for the old thrill and romance of falling head over heels for a girl. Kind of like how Christmasses were so much more magical when you were a kid. Needless to say I won't ever be returning to that way of thinking (and couldn't if I wanted to now), but sometimes you can't help but think there were a few little perks to taking the blue pill...
I think unplugging from the matrix is a great thing. For me I see people as being more than a body.. I'm begining to see people are far deeper than that so it is possible to connect with somebody on a deeper level. All the spiritual teachers say that we are all spiritual beings in a human body that we think is us.

If you want to love somebody and find somebody who loves you for you I would imagine you'd have to give out love to people by tapping into this spiritual being within. Like attracts like after all.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
It's basically the illusion of selfless unconditional love that is lost.