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  1. B

    Really thinking of making my workplace even

    So the top earners make 70% of the money. 2nd make 20%. 3rd makes 8% and the bottom rung workers make 2%. The bottom guys do about 40% of the work. 3rd does 20%. 2nd does 15% and the top earners do about 25% Its the top and 2nd tier that make the decisions and show where the money...
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    The Four F's: Fighting

    Got in my first fight this year, not proud, but not disappointed either. It was a rather awkward way it came about, and I felt like the guy from "Of mice and men"... "Don't hurt my friend!" Well I've decided to move up a bit in my fighting life. There are a lot of ways I saw that I was...
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    So be it

    StevenR has asked a question about alpha males. I have seen the answers from the high school forum, and from the general forum. What is the response from the mature men? Do you have an opposing point of view, or do you agree that you are a "beta geek" like Steven has classed himself?
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    Are you a beta geek?

    StevenR has asked a question about alpha males. I have seen the answers from the high school forum, and from the general forum. What is the response from the mature men? Do you have an opposing point of view, or do you agree that you are a "beta geek" like Steven has classed himself?
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    Touching while they sleep

    Would you ever do it? I woke up to a great ******* this morning. I know the girl but it got me thinking. I've had girls suck me off and had me come during my sleep when I was piss drunk. The girl from last night told me it really turns her on to find people touching her. Other girls have...
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    Can't find anything on dealing with alpha wannabe friends

    Apart from kicking his ass how do I get a friend to stop trying to be macho? "I wanna fight tonight" kinda **** he pulls off at parties is a piss off. He's a hook-up for a lot of my friends and he's pulling lame immature insults and games out of his ass. The only reason the others are keeping...
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    Women are born actresses, what are men born as?

    If women are born actresses what do you think men are born as?
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    Can you teach me how to do ONE of these pushups?
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    How much do you think you know about "seduction"?

    On a scale of one to ten how much do you know? I'd rate myself at 6, I know diddly squat. I can handle myself better than most men because I have SOME experience, but I don't have the routines or openers learned. I haven't watched any videos about seduction and I haven't read any books...
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    Aw, you look terrible...

    new haircut?
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    fixed links 2007: The Speed Seduction Bible

    Hello everybody[;)] Originally brought to you by Awkward, revided (and stickied by?) Oscar Wilde. For a taste of Awkward click on his name. Vronski too for the hell of it. When you get to their names click on "Find all posts by Awkward" and "Find all threads started by Awkward"
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    Raising your own kid...

    Starting today I'm a father. Serious, I found out from the hospital that I'm a dad of a two month old kid. Awesome eh? I need some advice on how to raise him! Is there anything you guys can help me with? If not, I'm just going to work, go to school, and leave the baby to be raised by...
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    Becoming a father

    What is it like to become a father? I'm still young (26) and I just got a paternity test back confirming the baby is mine. He's two months old, has blue eyes and brown hair. He's so freaking cute... I'm still in school, every girl in my class is a single mother. So if they can do it, so...
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    I'm extremely self conscious behind the bar. I carry a mindset that people love me, but I still get the coquettes and the jerks trying to make me feel like ****. I treat bartending like I treat the game its freaking weird. It works but its weird. My biggest obstacle right now is developing...
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    I'm a bartender, how do I use it to get laid more?

    Just don't tell me that I should get them drinks on the house.
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    Is it better to compliment all the time or to never compliment at all?

    I find myself making friends and not getting slapped by bytches more now that I started complimenting people after neggin them. "Nice shoes, buy them at the flea market? They look good." I added the "they look good" only last week and I stopped getting looks like I should go to hell.
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    I can't explain this to myself!!!

    I want to sleep with a crack *****, but at the same time I don't. I just figured it out, my friends are saying I'm slumming, like hitting on chicks from the slums... I just realized it was true. She was riding my tail all last night, must've asked every bouncer where I was at least 3 times...
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    What to do when...

    Friends accuse you of slumming? Theres this one girl that I've had my eye on for about a year now. I still have morals, I wouldn't sleep with while she had a boyfriend, and now she is single. Last night I was a nervous wreck. I could barely speak with her, I was always thinking back to...
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    What to say to girl who asks you if shes fat?

    I was in a ****ty mood so I said "only if you want me to" and I got slapped. When a girl asks you if shes fat, or if another girl is hotter than her what should you say?
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    What do girls think of guys that always talk about sex?

    I don't know why nobody ever talks about this... oh wait because most guys on this site are KJs. Anyways back to the question, what do they think?