Recent content by VIVAlasVEGASBaby

  1. V

    Ex Broke Up With Me

    So you think doing more of these things will somehow bring her back? You have to do your best to let this go man. You might think you have a chance at getting her back but you really don't. She made up her mind weeks before she told you anything. Now shes out with other guys. For your...
  2. V

    Ex of 4 years..

    I doubt the sex would be worth it. Don't let her creep back into your life in any way. Tell her you thought about it but you don't think seeing her would be a good idea.
  3. V

    Who Are You?

    Very good (but long) read. Check it out guys.
  4. V

    Life is a bitter competition

    I'm beginning to come to the same conclusion. Life is harder than i ever imagined in my previous reality. Nice way of putting it
  5. V

    It finallly hit home.... We've all been there bro. Cut all contact and give it time.
  6. V

    I'm ready to finally become a DJ

    A "true DJ" wouldn't ask what to do on a forum. Don't play games. Don't try to flirt. CUT THROUGH ALL THE BULL**** first chance you get. "Hey, you're kinda cute. We should hang out sometime" She then either says yes or no, you know if she's interested and you don't need to over analyze...
  7. V

    Hurtful Breakup

    What you did was unacceptable to her because YOU did it. She wasn't done screwing with you, which is why she came back, and she was upset that she didn't get to land the final blow to your self-esteem. She did all this to BOOST HER OWN SELF-ESTEEM. You absolutely did the right thing...
  8. V

    breaking up with my gf tomarrow

    We all know the feeling. Good luck again.
  9. V

    breaking up with my gf tomarrow

    Probably so. I think you should be very quiet and listen carefully tomorrow. See what she says and see if it has substance or if it is just excuses. If she has legitimate reasons for being upset then you need to address them. However, girls rarely tell you the real reasons they want to break...
  10. V

    Why did God have to make women so emotional?

    She has to deal with these issues on her own. You are her boyfriend, not her psychiatrist. Offer your support. People have to find out who they are on their own, and it's just something you have to accept. If she's dragging you down with her perhaps you deserve better? Maybe she just needs time...
  11. V

    Dealing with girls you find unattractive?

    "Let's just be friends" It works both ways.
  12. V

    Do I forget about her or do i not give up?

    Yes cooking does get you "bonus points". But high school girls aren't really mature enough to appreciate that anyways. If you like to cook, great! Who cares if it makes a girl like you or not? You need to begin to move away from this line of thinking. Do things because YOU want to do them...
  13. V

    I want her

    READ THE BIBLE. The link is in the bottom left of the page.
  14. V

    Do I forget about her or do i not give up?

    Lol do you really not know the answer to this question? YES MOVE ON AND MEET OTHER GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First mistake. You should have "got to know her" ON A DATE. FACE TO FACE. Not on aim. You were interested, you should have asked for her number, called her a few days later and asked...
  15. V

    How does a relationship start?

    Nope. This is a completely immature and harmful attitude to hold. This is just an immature need to "fall in love" with a pretty body that you have decided to project all your desires onto. Movie and a dinner is just that. A MOVIE AND DINNER. If you ask a girl to a movie and dinner, you are...