well , what I can tell you that there are enough guys who are poor but still manage to get laidWell before my new job I made less than 20k a year. I was trying to change my life and all that Tony Robbins bs but it turns out my skill and talent wasn’t up to par and taking massive action doesn’t matter if you got no skill. So now I’m making way more money (3x as much), but I’m an employee again.
Sinking all my excess into my stock portfolio as I think I figured out my niche. I was able to live off my stocks since November of last year and things played out just as I suspected. So I want more money to snowball it big enough so I won’t have to work forever.
Any how, that’s the finances side. On the women side things have been weird this year and I’m always looking for ways to improve my own style because I’ve tried the PUA usual advice and it just doesn’t work for me. It comes off as incongruent and repels women. I only got laid when I went my own way.
but something about your post made me think you had some insight I could use that would be natural I dunno.
being poor is mainly a battle with yourself . Because you feel poor , you kinda auto sabotage yourself in life. A lot of self pity
if You do not want to be poor , you can always reskill . Guys who are handymen ( plumbers , electricians , etc ) get as much money as guys who are in IT for example
in regards to stocks or crypto , you are just to poor to play this card , as unfair as it seems . If you get let”s say a 5-6% return per year , you will need to have like 1.2 millions invested only to get 5k per month
this is a rich man game
girlschase.com has good content , the problem is that they also tend to exaggerate some stuff
i think that your main problem is mainly about how you perceive life and how you see yourself
if you see yourself poor and a loser , very difficult to surpass it
the thing is that you never know if you are at the bottom or at the highest point in life . So do not think too much about it
if you want …you can make changes in your life
but If you just want to believe that you are just super poor and that is why you do not get laid , that is ok too
your life , you decide how you want to live it