Yell And Scream!!


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2005
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Los Angeles
Let's just let him use his tactics and we'll come back in 40 years, as a reunion of sorts, and see where he's at with his "yelling and screaming" =)


May 22, 2007
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Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
thats why the planet is going to ****. If you idolize hitler then you are obviously delusional. I doubt anything you say is true and your likely some kind of speed freak that gets off on saying stupid wierd shyt to people. by by

Mr.Sexy said:
No wonder some of you can't get laid! Read history. Go buy the Financial Times or Economist tomorrow. Read about who shapes this planet. It sure isn't a bunch of limp wristed men or tough acting women. Nope. Just a bunch of hard a**ed men.

Ever hear of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Ceausescu, Chavez, Lukashenko, Hussein, or hundreds of other leaders on this planet (ever hear recorded tapes of Nixon or Johnson?)? What about all the Fortune 500 CEO's who throw fits of rage every Friday afternoon so that midlevel management will have an extra crappy weekend? Ever hear of Bob Knight or Vince Lombardi? What about Patton? All these men have used rage as a tool for power.

98% of the people on this planet were born to follow. Freedom? Yeah, nice idea if people actually wanted freedom. To most men freedom is simply the right to look at pornotube clips after work. The opposite sex wants to be told what to do and when to do it.

Women yell and scream because you let them dominate your lives. You think women yell and scream around me? I think not. They yell and scream at you because they have no respect for you as a man. Take charge or be a b****.

Was she scared of me or flirting with me? Shows how little you know. A girl craves a man with power. These days most of you are more concerned with your abs than with power. The opposite sex uses and disrespects those that she feels lack power. You have been brainwashed into thinking nice cute boys win. They don't. Only on TV and in the movies. Life isn't so sweet, Sunshine!

And yes it does make me feel good to dominate those smaller than me. It is the food chain, Sunshine! Eat or be eaten. Does it feel good to be laughed at by girls? To be ignored by them? To have self-doubt around them? To wonder what is wrong with yourself? If you are not dominating - you are being dominated. There is no middle ground. Almost all of you are being dominated by anything that doesn't have a d***.


Nov 11, 2007
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Update: Was just asked for my number or email from a real beauty. I was in line and dropped my keys. I asked this college student to pick them up for me. At first she hesitated. I gave her that, "***** pick them up look". But wait a minute. She notices I am on the phone undressing a chump for pretty much no reason. She starts to realize that I am more than just a horny desperate loser (sound familiar?). She quickly picks them up and hands them to me as I get off the phone. She starts asking me if I had a tough day. I tell her that the more important you get the more people want to take you down. She smiles and says that she is too young to be so important. I tell her that I already noticed that. She seems interested. Asks me for a number or email. I give both to her but tell her that I would prefer an email because I only take important phone calls. A moment ago I received a very cute email from her. She included a few photos from when she wasn't "so tired". When was the last time this happened to you? She was turned on by my commanding nature. Put that in your Don Juan books!

I hope that she can cook. If I let her sleep with me I expect a nice breakfast in bed.

Is this forum the "NICE GUY WHO HOPES THAT SOMEDAY A FAT CHICK WILL LET HIM TOUCH HER LEFT BREAST" community? Huh? That isn't how winners operate, Sweety!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 27, 2007
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Mr.Sexy said:
She starts to realize that I am more than just a horny desperate loser
More like a super horny desperate loser?


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2007
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Glacebay Nova Scotia
Lmao. Here is why she thought it was ok for you to act like that.

*She thought you had a rough day. = Stress meaning she thought it was ok for you to be upset.

*You made her think you were some important hot shot and probably had a lot of money.

*She is most likely one of those clingy girls who want anything they can get.

Another question for you though is... Obviously on this site most people post about what their girls look like in the 1-10 rating system. What is she? A 2?

I really don't respect people like you. If I ever met you I'd be more liable to spit on you then listen to anything you had to say. (Unless you controlled my paycheck in which case I would do the most god-awful job ever.)


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2007
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About the coffee. She would've given you the coffee anyway, it's her job. You sound like a spoiled brat, people will generally do whatever the spoiled brat wants just to get them out of their face, because in the larger picture you're nothing. Mother's give children treats to calm them down (your free pie.)

When i see people act like that in public i assume they are uneducated or have emoitional/ mental problems. Mostly i feel really bad for them. Sometimes i laugh, because it's funny to see a grown man act like a child.

Are you uneducated? Because you seem to think you only have two choices; either be an ass or a total wimp. Distiction is a good sign of intellegance, and you seem to be without that quality.

Those dictators you mention didn't just yell and scream to make people listen to them, they killed people. They used the fear of death to get people to do what they wanted. These people didn't follow because they were dogs and needed an owner, they feared for their lives.

You seem like you're after other people's approval. Very weak. Very sad.


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
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I use to have a Chemistry teacher at school- he could not control the class and had to eventually resort to using 'rage' and shouting- it worked at first, gotten the class's attention. Briefly.

People in the class started to tune out this supposed 'rage' and used this rage as the standard of this teacher's behaviour and siliently ridiculed him- the teacher only got superficial 'respect'- eventually everyone in this class got together and got this teacher fired. The teacher got no respect, when his back was turned everyone stuck their middle finger at him and flicked bits of their erasers at him.

He resorted to using a biscuit tin, slamming it onto the lab table to get the class's attention- a biscuit tin- a fvcking rusty and dented biscuit tin. Tragic isnt it?

The moral?

Rage is only used as a last resort, when all else has failed. If everybody treated everybody with the same way the OP treated the waitress- how can we live in a society like that? How will people cooperate with each other? How can civilization exist if everyone blew up in rage if something did not go their way?

And how can you have a relationship with somebody? The true definition of a relationship is MUTUAL. Meaning TWO people COOPERATING! That is how society and civilization came into fruition! Because people tolerated each other!

If I was the waitress, I would have taken the espresso back and made a 'good' one. Then spit in it.

What the OP did was the direct example of how to NOT act in the REAL world.


Nov 11, 2007
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T-Roy said:
Lmao. Here is why she thought it was ok for you to act like that.

*She thought you had a rough day. = Stress meaning she thought it was ok for you to be upset.

*You made her think you were some important hot shot and probably had a lot of money.

*She is most likely one of those clingy girls who want anything they can get.

Another question for you though is... Obviously on this site most people post about what their girls look like in the 1-10 rating system. What is she? A 2?

I really don't respect people like you. If I ever met you I'd be more liable to spit on you then listen to anything you had to say. (Unless you controlled my paycheck in which case I would do the most god-awful job ever.)
You are 16 years old! Already an expert on life, eh? You are like the annoying little pricks who are always touching and looking at my car. Hands OFF! Remember, any girl that you are chasing after would dump you in a second if she thought I would give her the time of day. Girls that live where you do don't often see beasts like me. Grrrrr!

Ratings? Since when did girls have numbers pasted on their foreheads? You are 16 and live in a place that I don't ever want to visit! 8 to you is probably 3 to me.

Spit on me? Sure, so tough on the Net. Once again, you are 16! Grow up. Yes, I probably would control your paycheck. Yes, you would probably work your a** off to please me. Everybody does. Fear and being laughed at are the two greatest motivators known to man.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Mr.Sexy said:
You are 16 years old! Already an expert on life, eh? You are like the annoying little pricks who are always touching and looking at my car. Hands OFF! Remember, any girl that you are chasing after would dump you in a second if she thought I would give her the time of day. Girls that live where you do don't often see beasts like me. Grrrrr!

Ratings? Since when did girls have numbers pasted on their foreheads? You are 16 and live in a place that I don't ever want to visit! 8 to you is probably 3 to me.

Spit on me? Sure, so tough on the Net. Once again, you are 16! Grow up. Yes, I probably would control your paycheck. Yes, you would probably work your a** off to please me. Everybody does. Fear and being laughed at are the two greatest motivators known to man.
Said 16 year old has a better control of the English language than you do, dumbass.

You're trying to justify feminine behaviour to men and wonder why you're getting your ass handed to you?


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
Sun Tzu said:
If only they were taught that, and if only they had the moral aptitude to understand that this behavior is fundamentally repulsive and abusive.
i was taught that. surely others were also...


Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
KarmaSutra said:
Said 16 year old has a better control of the English language than you do, dumbass.

You're trying to justify feminine behaviour to men and wonder why you're getting your ass handed to you?
I am curious. Why the juvenile shots at me? Can't you cite examples? I give you dozens of people who have made a name for themselves using my techniques. I give concrete examples. What do you give? Name calling and immature rants. Results are what I base my life on. I get them and you don't. I think I hear Oprah calling you.

My writing skills are excellent. Why do you spell like a boring Brit., yet you claim to be from Florida?

Please, would the trolls leave me alone. If you don't agree with me you can at least do better than this sloth. This board is supposed to be about sharing different viewpoints on how to get girls. I am sharing with you mine. You are calling me names. Don't you have to go get some rest so that you will be ready for school tomorrow?

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
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Welllll I just got another hot girls number and i have a nice car and I control people's paychecks. Now will you guys believe me?? pleaseeee??? :flowers: Won't anyone agree with me? haha. validation seeking at it's finest.

Man I would love to slam you into the dirt so hard. By the way I wouldn't go around yelling at people all the time for the reason that there are really unstable people out there and a lot of states are legalizing concealed carry.

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
I already cited several examples.. so theres some results for ya. Once you make all your money and intimidate your LSE chicks and climb to the top of the corporate world...what then? Is that the only meaning of life for you? lol. I'm done on this thread, you're a complete failure as a human... Your parents should have raised you right.

Sun Tzu

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2006
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penkitten said:
i was taught that. surely others were also...
I'm sure you were, and I'm glad there are a few of you left. My point, though, is that precious few are this way. Society teaches women that they are not accountable for their actions. Needless to say, I beg to differ with that teaching.

Sun Tzu

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
Mr.Sexy said:
I give you dozens of people who have made a name for themselves using my techniques. I give concrete examples.
Quoth Mr. Sexy:
"Ever hear of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Ceausescu, Chavez, Lukashenko, Hussein?"

Mass murderer who killed himself.

Ally of Hitler. Killed by partisans and publicly hung upside down at a gas station.

Killed an estimated 20 million of his countrymen during the "Great Purge".

Executed for genocide.

Left wing dictator considered by the civilized world to be a loose cannon. Known for dispatching gangs to "take care" of his opposition.

Proponent of authoritarian political ideology. Admires and publicly praised Hitler.

Need I say it?



Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
While I personally do not agree with Mr. Sexy's actual principles, I have to say he does a great job of defending his viewpoints, and he is also doing a great job of handing his dissenters their a$$es back to them. Whoever says he doesn't have a good grasp of language or whatever... yeah right. His posts are extremely clear, to the point, and funny!

I find this whole thread amusing, and I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Sexy is someone else's alias, and that this thread is just to make a point.

I could be wrong. He does cite examples.

I think people could indeed learn from this post, however, do NOT treat food service people like crap. They will crap in your food, some how, some way.

When I say learn, I don't mean completely literally. I really think this guy is bullsh!tting mostly. But his attitude is confident in a way most people will never grasp.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2007
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Mr.Sexy said:
Ever hear of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Ceausescu, Chavez, Lukashenko, Hussein, or hundreds of other leaders on this planet (ever hear recorded tapes of Nixon or Johnson?)? What about all the Fortune 500 CEO's who throw fits of rage every Friday afternoon so that midlevel management will have an extra crappy weekend? Ever hear of Bob Knight or Vince Lombardi? What about Patton? All these men have used rage as a tool for power.

With all due respect, you have no idea of what you're talking about.

One of Hitler's most important characteristics was his ability to make people laugh. I'm not kidding. His contemporaries found him to have a quick wit and a good sense of humor. He achieved the level of power, and was able to successfully commit the sort of atrocities he did because so many people found him to be rational, not irrational. That is what made him so dangerous. His stump speeches were not the mindless harangues you seem so keen on, but rather were filled with historical and symbolic subtexts that spoke to the people of Germany at that time.

CEOs of Fortune 500 companies do not throw fits on Friday afternoons. They run publicly traded companies, and billions of dollars are riding on them. Should they, in any instance, be regarded as unstable, or falling apart, it has important ramifications on the share price.

Johnson made his way by using something called 'the Johnson Treatment,' whereby he would corner a friend or enemy, and spend hours just trying to schmooze, reason, cajole, or do whatever he could do to sway them to his point of view. He did not 'yell and scream.'

Other people here can deconstruct the value, or lack thereof, of your tactics with regard to meeting women better than I can. But I can assure you that if you're basing your strategy on world-class leaders, your analogy is worthless.

It would be more accurate to say that you appear to have modeled yourself after high-school football coaches, sales managers at mortgage brokerages, and managers of fast food establishments.

Chase Dat Skuht

Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
Reaction score
Yelling and screaming over small problems has to be the most immature thing to do I have ever heard of. You're just going to look like a little baby throwing a tantrum because your milk isn't warm. Have fun with that

Sun Tzu

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
iqqi said:
While I personally do not agree with Mr. Sexy's actual principles, I have to say he does a great job of defending his viewpoints, and he is also doing a great job of handing his dissenters their a$$es back to them. Whoever says he doesn't have a good grasp of language or whatever... yeah right. His posts are extremely clear, to the point, and funny!

I find this whole thread amusing, and I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Sexy is someone else's alias, and that this thread is just to make a point.

I could be wrong. He does cite examples.

I think people could indeed learn from this post, however, do NOT treat food service people like crap. They will crap in your food, some how, some way.

When I say learn, I don't mean completely literally. I really think this guy is bullsh!tting mostly. But his attitude is confident in a way most people will never grasp.
Your confusion is as apparent as ever. I admire your consistency.

I would love to hear your thoughts after being on the wrong end of one of his tirades.

Here's a thought:
How about not "treating food service people like crap" because doing so is morally repugnant, rather than for fear of reprisal?