Yell And Scream!!


Nov 11, 2007
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I scream and yell whenever anything really small goes wrong. I find that the ladies get right in line. People are no different than dogs. They all want an owner.

The key is to not always yell and scream. Be extremely kind one moment but BAM! Change pace. Start yelling, screaming, and demanding when the smallest of things goes wrong. Don't do it if something really big goes wrong. It is important that it is something really small. Most people need to be broken down. The biggest lie out there is that you should treat everyone with respect. Try doing that. Then try treating people my way. Compare the difference. You will be surprised.

Example. Just today I had an espress con panna. Anway, the espresso was poorly pulled. It had an acidic taste to it. So when the waitress comes to my table I yell at her. I tell her how I will never come to the cafe again if this is what I get. People were turning and looking at us. I didn't care. I kept right at it. Before you know it she gives me a good espresso con panna, a free slice of cake, and starts to flirt with me.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
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Daaamn you the man!
I wish i was more like you!!

...the sad part is that some people will actually interpret this anecdote as serious advice, and try to follow it lol


Nov 11, 2007
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I am totally serious. Not like I advocate laying a finger on anyone. No law against screaming or yelling at someone for screwing something up. There is a reason why dictators are so popular. People need to be subservient to someone. Every pack has its leader.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Women yell and scream because they are addicted to the attention. You do the same thing what are you becoming? Dictators do not yell and scream. True leaders don't have to talk above a whisper to get things done.

Silence is golden for a reason.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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Have you read posts by Don Juan by Nature?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
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but in reality dude,
Think of a guy who wants to have something his way going all berserk ...
or someone who speaks soft, but sccomplishes the same.
A quiter, strong assertive man has alot more impact than one who comes off as a psycopath.

Besides.. your way could be okay possibly if you can pull it off. If your very skinny for example, it wont work.

By the way here is one of the rare cases a guy pulls it off well:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2006
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Mr.Sexy said:
I scream and yell whenever anything really small goes wrong. I find that the ladies get right in line. People are no different than dogs. They all want an owner.

The key is to not always yell and scream. Be extremely kind one moment but BAM! Change pace. Start yelling, screaming, and demanding when the smallest of things goes wrong. Don't do it if something really big goes wrong. It is important that it is something really small. Most people need to be broken down. The biggest lie out there is that you should treat everyone with respect. Try doing that. Then try treating people my way. Compare the difference. You will be surprised.

Example. Just today I had an espress con panna. Anway, the espresso was poorly pulled. It had an acidic taste to it. So when the waitress comes to my table I yell at her. I tell her how I will never come to the cafe again if this is what I get. People were turning and looking at us. I didn't care. I kept right at it. Before you know it she gives me a good espresso con panna, a free slice of cake, and starts to flirt with me.

You're an idiot.

She wasn't flirting with you man, she was afraid you were going to complain to her manager...

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
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Yelling and screaming just shows that you haven't progressed your problem solving skills past the level of a three year old. Sometimes I raise my voice to people that have done something wrong but theres no reason to stress someone out and yell at them, that negative karma will come back to you in some way.

Those who really have social or physical power seldom need to yell and scream to get things done. I've gotten plenty of free things and flirty waitresses too but because I act like a man during a crisis and not a little kid.

Does it make you feel good to intimidate someone smaller than you? piece of ****. trust me that will come back to you sometime if it hasn't already.


Nov 11, 2007
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No wonder some of you can't get laid! Read history. Go buy the Financial Times or Economist tomorrow. Read about who shapes this planet. It sure isn't a bunch of limp wristed men or tough acting women. Nope. Just a bunch of hard a**ed men.

Ever hear of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Ceausescu, Chavez, Lukashenko, Hussein, or hundreds of other leaders on this planet (ever hear recorded tapes of Nixon or Johnson?)? What about all the Fortune 500 CEO's who throw fits of rage every Friday afternoon so that midlevel management will have an extra crappy weekend? Ever hear of Bob Knight or Vince Lombardi? What about Patton? All these men have used rage as a tool for power.

98% of the people on this planet were born to follow. Freedom? Yeah, nice idea if people actually wanted freedom. To most men freedom is simply the right to look at pornotube clips after work. The opposite sex wants to be told what to do and when to do it.

Women yell and scream because you let them dominate your lives. You think women yell and scream around me? I think not. They yell and scream at you because they have no respect for you as a man. Take charge or be a b****.

Was she scared of me or flirting with me? Shows how little you know. A girl craves a man with power. These days most of you are more concerned with your abs than with power. The opposite sex uses and disrespects those that she feels lack power. You have been brainwashed into thinking nice cute boys win. They don't. Only on TV and in the movies. Life isn't so sweet, Sunshine!

And yes it does make me feel good to dominate those smaller than me. It is the food chain, Sunshine! Eat or be eaten. Does it feel good to be laughed at by girls? To be ignored by them? To have self-doubt around them? To wonder what is wrong with yourself? If you are not dominating - you are being dominated. There is no middle ground. Almost all of you are being dominated by anything that doesn't have a d***.

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
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I can just as easily make a list of influential leaders who did not use physical power. I do amateur boxing and wrestling so I like to dominate people too.. But it's more fun if they are the same size as me or bigger. I don't get laughed at by girls, I'm 5'11 180 sub 10 bf. I just think your life philosophy is immature and not well thought out. That said I would love to kick your ass.

Your interpretation of the word "power" is very one sided also.
I don't know why your calling me sunshine cuz I'm pretty sure what I **** in the toilet and cough up in the sink in the morning is tougher than you. Once you have real physical power, and realize it's implications, you wouldn't be acting like such a dumbass. Some women have low self esteem and need someone to boss them around, but I bet you wouldn't do the same thing to a waiter who was your size or bigger. That's the definition of a *****. Yelling at waittresses doesn't make you tough.

I hope you're still a teenager so you have the opportunity to outgrow this onesided idiocy and learn to serve your fellow human being, cuz we're all in the same sinking ship man.

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
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By the way google "quiet diplomacy". And here is a quote from another famous leader since you are so educated about world leaders.

"Speak softly and carry a big stick". - Teddy Roosevelt.

The point you are missing is that people can sense if you truly have power, influence, the ability to kick some ass, whatever you call it. And if you have to yell and clamor to bring attention to yourself, you probably aint got it. Peace!


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
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there's a saying..

"the loudest one in the room is the weakest"


Nov 11, 2007
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You give people way too much credit. If only people were so logical. Sorry, but people are not adept at figuring out who others really are. They simply react to what they see. The world says that demanding men are important and should be respected. Demanding women are b*****. Universal. Read about the Indian guy building the $1 Billion house. He is a jerk. The man is building it over an orphanage! 46 stories for his small family! People are starving around him and he is building a $1 Billion skyskraper for his clan. Guess what? Most Indians adore him. Bill Gates seemed nice and soft. That was until his email were uncovered! Ouch! Not so nice and soft.

Remember, important people demand. They get used to others trying to avoid their wrath. I know because I see how others treat me.

Nobody kicks my a**. Tough talk on the Internet. Look, the last thing some waitress needs is some emasculated boy coming to her defense. That is very P.C. Don't you think? Here is a hint. Don't feel sorry for them. If they are too stupid to learn that you get ahead in life by crawling in bed with the right guy then f***'em. I know your college teaches you that girls don't need men. Yet who is getting out of the $80,000 plus cars? Working women? Hardly. A bunch of broads who found angry men who kick a**.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2005
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Rochester, NY
The Inside Man said:
I can just as easily make a list of influential leaders who did not use physical power. I do amateur boxing and wrestling so I like to dominate people too.. But it's more fun if they are the same size as me or bigger. I don't get laughed at by girls, I'm 5'11 180 sub 10 bf. I just think your life philosophy is immature and not well thought out. That said I would love to kick your ass.

Your interpretation of the word "power" is very one sided also.
I don't know why your calling me sunshine cuz I'm pretty sure what I **** in the toilet and cough up in the sink in the morning is tougher than you. Once you have real physical power, and realize it's implications, you wouldn't be acting like such a dumbass. Some women have low self esteem and need someone to boss them around, but I bet you wouldn't do the same thing to a waiter who was your size or bigger. That's the definition of a *****. Yelling at waittresses doesn't make you tough.

I hope you're still a teenager so you have the opportunity to outgrow this onesided idiocy and learn to serve your fellow human being, cuz we're all in the same sinking ship man.

As for you yelling and screaming at a waitress, that is the most pathetic thing i have ever heard.
And yes it does make me feel good to dominate those smaller than me.
it seems that you have self esteem issues if you crave a buzz from yelling at someone for bad coffee; that or your life is so boring and uneventful that you try to stimulate your pathetic existence with acts of frivolity.

there is a very big difference between a CEO, president or anyone else of such influence screaming at someone for making a costly mistake, and you screaming at a waitress for bad coffee

sexism is not only a sign of an uneducated mind, but of a pansy who isn't man enough to treat women as an equal.

Mr Sexy, :moon:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2007
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vagrant said:
there's a saying..

"the loudest one in the room is the weakest"
Agreed. Speak softly, but carry a big stick. You'll go much further.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 27, 2007
Reaction score
Silence Lloyd, is f*cking golden!!!

My step-dad used yelling and rage a lot when he and my mom first got married. My mom left him because of it and now me and my 3 siblings hate him. But hey, whatever you wanna do.


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2007
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Mr.Sexy said:
Example. Just today I had an espress con panna. Anway, the espresso was poorly pulled. It had an acidic taste to it. So when the waitress comes to my table I yell at her. I tell her how I will never come to the cafe again if this is what I get. People were turning and looking at us. I didn't care. I kept right at it. Before you know it she gives me a good espresso con panna, a free slice of cake, and starts to flirt with me.
A free slice of cake and some imaginary flirting doesnt prove that you know how to seduce women.


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2005
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Los Angeles
That sounds weird to me. Yeah, it's the same attention seeking behavior the people on the subway try to use to scam money off you.

Get real skills. She won't sleep with you - if she does, she has issues. BIG ISSUES.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
I'll rephrase.

Tantrums are for women and children. And no, great leaders do not yell and demean those under thier command. Those who try that end up getting found in a foxhole with fleas in his beard and both of his sons obliterated.