Women Don't Want a Semi-Successful Man

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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Because the guys that drop out were already invisible and weren't good for most of these women barring simp beta roles i.e. pic liking, IG following, free meals at Salt Bae's, being Onlyfans subscribers, etc. Chad and Tyrone aren't dropping out, Bob and John are.
You're correct. Bob and John were only useful as OnlyFans paypigs and Instagram followers.

There are not enough Bobs and Johns dropping out though. Also, are all these MGTOWs not following women on Instagram and OnlyFans?

Middle market men aren't desired by women and aren't always dropping out.

The top tier guys might stop committing and getting married but because they are top tier men, they will still get offered vagina.

Men who might have committed if not sent to the rejection pile by emboldened and entitled women are the ones dropping out.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Advice from the old lady:

Interesting thread. I’m a big believer in the old cliche that water seeks its own level. And yes I’ve seen that the dating market is skewed because fewer people go out and socialize in real life.

So what kind of level are you? How do you level up?

You’ve got to be honest about who you are and where you are in the matrix. Women must do this too. That’s the problem. Too few people understand where they are. Hence women’s entitlement; hence frustration.

Hell. I’m a 54yo divorced business woman with 3 kids, two still at home. What others have said is indeed true. I am entirely self-sufficient financially, FFS I subsidize my ex husband too. So I don’t need a man for resources.

That gives me a unique power of choice. I can choose based on sexual desire. I’m not worried about money except that I’m not going to date a financial project. I require (yes require) a man who has his finances together and is similarly self sufficient. I’m not his sugar mama. I expect a man who is a gentleman in the true sense (I.e. a REAL man who is self assured enough to be kind.). Kindness is born of strength folks. It’s the insecure & the immature dolts who are running around acting like ass holes. Pass on that.

I also only choose from men who choose me.

I waste utterly zero time on men who don’t show interest in me nor do I waste my time on men who I’m not interested in. Either is a waste of time and my time is valuable, VERY valuable.

So is your time guys. Value your time.

My next birthday with a zero in it is 60. You guys who are 20s & 30s, even 40s may not feel the clock ticking but it is. Quit wasting time chewing on this and instead focus on 2 things:

1. What are you looking for?

2. How do you attract it?

Believe it or not it is no different for me. I want a fit, stylish, successful man who is good looking (which I have)….so what is required of me? That I am thin, beautiful, fit, stylish, confident, pleasant, interesting and have my life together.

Notice the list of the requirements I must meet is longer than the list of things I’m after.

Notice also that I am acutely aware of that.

Finally I am honest about myself and where I am relative to others. I know my value. Hot 28 year olds have zero interest in me, Duh. But a successful established 45-55 year old? I’m what he’s looking for in many many cases, trust me.

Last night I went to dinner with a girlfriend. When the check came some man had paid for my drinks already, but the bartender wouldn’t disclose who. I simply asked her to thank him for his generosity, I am taken after all.

If you want a Victoria’s Secret model you are going to have to be a rock star, celebrity, multi millionaire or some such. Those are the circles those women have access to and who they pair off with.

But you can level up your social circles if you are willing to make the effort. Have some hobbies, leave the bloody house on the weekends for God’s sake.

If you refuse to play you cannot win.



Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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It helps to have an exotic angle. Take a semi-successful British guy with good but not great looks and status and plop him down in the middle of the Dallas suburbs, and vice versa. I bet these same dudes would do much better in the new environments due to the accents alone.


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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If you want a Victoria’s Secret model you are going to have to be a rock star, celebrity, multi millionaire or some such. Those are the circles those women have access to and who they pair off with.
I think these are highly overrated and beside what you mentioned, the guy probably also has to be a beta. Two examples come to mind: Heidi Klum ... Seal got together with her while she was pregnant with Flavio Briatore's child ... eww, that's just disgusting. Miranda Kerr ... divorced, single mom, with a string of failed relationships behind her, at 32 she got together with Spiegel, a billionaire 7yrs younger. Getting into a relationship with any of these 2 doesn't sound like an accomplishment if you're a guy on an average income, let alone being multi millionaire.

I’m a big believer in the old cliche that water seeks its own level.
100% agree.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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I think some MGTOWs had this fantasy that they were going to spite women by dropping out of dating. Or guys would drop out of dating in sufficient numbers (which they have), but women would start to panic. Or a dropped out MGTOW would suddenly turn into a puzzy magnet because he DGAF.

It doesn’t work that way.
Mgtow to me is something similar like no contact.

It allows a man to take a break from dating and all the "trouble " that comes with it ,especially when dating becomes troublesome instead of a fun thing to do .

It allows a man to find his own way , so when he does meet a woman he is better able to LEAD her down HIS path. He went to restaurants concerts and trips by himself. Oke. Now he meets a woman and he established his own places and preferences, which makes him WAY more attractive. Because she will see that he doesn't need her to live his best life!!

I agree that most of the time men use all these "strategies " in hopes of becoming more attractive instantly. Same with nofap. But it should be a temporary solution. One step back to take 2 steps forward.

I wonder if most men think mgtow means you can just give up on women. No, it means you pull back temporarily, while still leveling up mentally, physically, financially and spiritually untill you start to notice women respond better to your presence.

Even "hb9's" will bw fed up with dating every now and then and go on a voluntary dryspell. All these things are related to each other and separated by thin lines, incel and mgtow are as closely related like love and hate. You could say that a man going mgtow is the definition of being Voluntary Celibate, so a volcel.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Mgtow to me is something similar like no contact.

It allows a man to take a break from dating and all the "trouble " that comes with it ,especially when dating becomes troublesome instead of a fun thing to do .

It allows a man to find his own way , so when he does meet a woman he is better able to LEAD her down HIS path. He went to restaurants concerts and trips by himself. Oke. Now he meets a woman and he established his own places and preferences, which makes him WAY more attractive. Because she will see that he doesn't need her to live his best life!!

I agree that most of the time men use all these "strategies " in hopes of becoming more attractive instantly. Same with nofap. But it should be a temporary solution. One step back to take 2 steps forward.

I wonder if most men think mgtow means you can just give up on women. No, it means you pull back temporarily, while still leveling up mentally, physically, financially and spiritually untill you start to notice women respond better to your presence.

Even "hb9's" will bw fed up with dating every now and then and go on a voluntary dryspell. All these things are related to each other and separated by thin lines, incel and mgtow are as closely related like love and hate. You could say that a man going mgtow is the definition of being Voluntary Celibate, so a volcel.
Fair enough. I was thinking of MGTOW as a permanent or at least long term avoidance of dating.

What you describe above, I think of as “Monk Mode.” But, whatever we call it, yeah, I think taking breaks can be very beneficial.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Fair enough. I was thinking of MGTOW as a permanent or at least long term avoidance of dating.

What you describe above, I think of as “Monk Mode.” But, whatever we call it, yeah, I think taking breaks can be very beneficial.
"Cope " imo is a negative term. Instead of cope we could say " medicine ".

Nofap, mgtow and nocontact are ways to cope with unanswered desires. Instead of going nuts, you go your own way.

I think most men have trouble with these "medical " solutions because they're terrified to be alone. Because even a man (A) on a dryspell doesn't necessarily means he went mgtow; it just happens to him and if he had the chance he woukd feck 365 women a year,instead of zero. On the other hand you could have a man (B) openly stating he goes mgtow, but he stumbles upon some unexpected poosy few weeks later(the real mgtow-er might even decline this poosy at times) .

Man A will be the lonely and perhaps frustrated one despite actively chasing women . Man B in my imagination is way more confident because he realized women took too much energy (maybe a failed LTR or a sudden pull back from a woman caused this reaction from man B), although he always knew he would be able capitalize on future opportunities. Man A is way less confident living in contact scarcity . The outcome is the same for man A and B ; no poosy for a while. Question is how do you handle this as a man.

I like the term monk mode,i do think thats the most positive way to describe a voluntary pullback from dating and women (which will be necessary every now and then!!!)


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Fair enough. I was thinking of MGTOW as a permanent or at least long term avoidance of dating.

What you describe above, I think of as “Monk Mode.” But, whatever we call it, yeah, I think taking breaks can be very beneficial.
When a man takes a short term break from dating, it is usually due to some sort of failure. Here are the failure circumstances I see...

1. Too many failed first dates (mainly from swipe apps) or too many failed stranger approach
2. A bad breakup of a non-marital relationship, usually one lasting one year or longer
3. A divorce

The fallout from a divorce results in the longest breaks.

Longer term MGTOW behavior is usually the result of trauma from too many failed interactions, often failed shorter term interactions. Most longer term MGTOWs didn't voluntarily go their own way. They were rejected repeatedly and walked away as a broken man.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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"Cope " imo is a negative term. Instead of cope we could say " medicine ".
cope to me means an excuse used to justify, “it’s how someone copes with a situation they don’t like or agree with”


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Personally speaking, my own flirtations with MGTOW and black pill were related to my recent experiences.

I met a few bunny boilers and self centred wenches and it was deep into the rabbit hole. Then I had some good times: A chick I met on match who was an exec who just wanted someone to come on her business trips for no strings fun (although I’m almost certain this chick spiked my drink with viagra when I got too drunk once lol), a couple who it didn’t work out with, one of which was totally straight about why (no likey having a family) and then my wife….suddenly you look back on all that resentful stuff and you realise there’s good and bad everywhere.

I sometimes wonder if it failed with my wife if I’d go back and end up black pilled but I dont think so. if she screwed my best mate or something maybe. if we just split, i think for tje sake of kids we would make it amicable. id actually want to help my daughter financially and wherever my daughter went i would be there anyway so im kind of forever tied to my wife. if we werent together id not even be that bothered. more time for golf, doing my own thing. Id lose a wife i love but hey, id get to date others.

Life is really really short. Dont waste it in resentment or trying to protect your riches and ego.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Auckland, New Zealand
You guys are way over analysing this OR you're dating mediocre women to find a wife.

Success with ANY Women does NOT directly come from the material OR Physical attributes you bring to the table !!! You NEED to get this through your head if you want to be successfull !!!
This isn't an exact Scientific Formula where you put in Variable A,B,C and expect result 1,2,3. You need to make her feel "Different", "Special", Make her "Gina" tingle aka "GAME".

You NEED to show her why she should choose "YOU" over the dozens of other men that might be chasing after her, and this can be done in any socioeconomic or political landscape !!!

Careers, Cars, Gym, Hobbies are all null and void if you're using them to "Get" women or "Impress" women. These achievements are for you to enjoy and fulfill YOUR life nothing else.

You want a wife then screen every women like you were about to purchase your favourite car and don't seettle for anyting less than what you want. If they can't match your desires/standards you simply walk away even if that means you go without sex. This puts you in a position of power ......... and for some strange reason this ability to go for what you want and be willing to walk away in extremely attractive.

You can use this same mentaility if you're after getting your notch count up BUT you can be a little playful.

AGAIN, this has to be fun otherwise you're mimicing the exact toxic women you're trying to avoid. Energy attracts energy and you need you own style to be successfull.



Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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All MGTOW is is “Not giving in to society‘s demand and pair up with a non-virgin women in her 30s who needs some sort of security and access to his resources before she completely loses her looks and fertility.“

It’s a way to give power back to men with women, it’s not a way to give up on dating.

Yeah, a hot young sexy 27 year old meets a man in an elevator and wants to go out with him, and he responds “Sorry, I’m MGTOW”

Come on.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Agree. You have it sorted out.

Women are not that tough to sort out. You lead, and they follow. It’s not hard to sort out…..

And if they refuse?

Next. Period.
Next period? That’s when you leave on a fishing trip for 3 days.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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Everything is pointless here and futile.

If you aint talking about LEADERSHIP you are wasting your time, Evrything is about leadership.

Some ppl meet their partners in clubs and social gatherings. Now, if the club is not properly run and managed the couple cannot have a good time and meet each other and form relationships.

First the LEADERSHIP creates the environment, the club was just an empty building. The leadership came in and with its own energy turned that empty building into a club. There they brought a DJ, lighting, a bar, drinks, barman, security, ENERGY.

The club and its energy attracts women, like moths to a flame. Men see women in the club, and the like moths to a flame are attracted. Men go to the club and spend money buying drinks for women. The women love it, they love the energy of the club and they love the attention from men the drinks those men buy them. Here relationships can form and women and men can meet in the positive energy created by the leadership.

Without the leadership who created and managed the club nothing else can happen. If the leadership is poor the vibe is poor, the same men and women can form positive relationships in a well-run club will not be able to do so in a poorly run club.

When the women say they want a succesful man or a man on a certain level, and the men say they have game or money or whatever, it is all futile and irrelevant, for without leadership nothing else can function. If the leadership is competent everything else works and if not everything else falls apart.

For women it is simply that they want leadership. No evry man can be a leader, but evry man can influence leadership, critisize it, find another leadership or create his own leadership alone or in alliance with other men.

A team can have the best players in the world but will not perform if the manager is incompetent, while a great manager can take average players and make a great team. The total ability and contribution of the all the players is 50% and the manager alone contributes 50% to the outcome.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Men in this category, $75k-$125k salary, relatively in shape, drive a good car, has a few hobbies, women do not want. Why? Because this man has standards. Women do not want to work for their men. Women of today want a simp or a millionaire.
A lot of men in this salary range simp for women online on OnlyFans and on Instagram. These are the white collar guys who barely get any attention.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Men in this category, $75k-$125k salary, relatively in shape, drive a good car, has a few hobbies, women do not want. Why? Because this man has standards. Women do not want to work for their men. Women of today want a simp or a millionaire. Simple as that. This is what society aka social media is telling them. Get a man who accepts you for you are OR "you deserve better queen!"

Yes I am posting this out of frustration. I'm meeting many women (in their late twenties) who put in very little and expect a lot. I've never in my life had to put up with so much arrogant and self-entitled garbage from women of today.
Especially if he is a manlet too. :mad: :mad:


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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I find that this same attitude carry’s well into their 30’s too. Some even into their early 40’s. I’ve noticed the same thing though. They either want the guy that doesn’t have a pot to piss in or Warren Buffet fvck you money.
But the guy that doesn't have a pot has to have the right millimeters of bone on his face, and centimeters of bone in his legs & back. :rolleyes:
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