Why it’s cheaper to pay a lady of the night, rather than waste your time and money trying to “pick up” women in bars and nightclubs.

Ugly bastard

Don Juan
Feb 20, 2023
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This! This is one reason Chads would choose an escort. One & done. No baggage. No risk of a phone call to wife/gf.
You’re right a certain degree, but Chads rarely pay for sex, because they get it for free from civilians.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Sigh. You guys don’t get it. You’ve got one who is racked with guilt for calling a hooker, another one who only calls hookers, and both of you guys look at women as if they are aliens, worse aliens that you resent since they have something you need (hoo ha).

This is repugnant energy. It’s icky. I can pick up the icky vibe reading the darn thread, I cannot imagine how repulsive it is live in real time.

Work on conversation. Work on being likable. Likable conversant people get ahead socially and that includes in dating interactions.

Quit treating women like the enemy for Pete’s sake.

Some of you are consistently your own worst enemy.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
I’d posit something that was told to me once by a female friend and have confirmed several times over the years with women actively dating:

Women know in 60 seconds IF they might be willing to have sex with you, not if they are going to.

But seriously guys, hookers? Really?

You don’t seduce women, they either PRESELECT you, or REJECT you based on your looks, not what comes out of your mouth.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
I’d posit something that was told to me once by a female friend and have confirmed several times over the years with women actively dating:

Women know in 60 seconds IF they might be willing to have sex with you, not if they are going to.

But seriously guys, hookers? Really?
Right. A woman knows if she would be open to the idea of sex with you right away. So if she MIGHT, (as opposed to Oh HELL No!) then you as a dude are not out of the woods. And that is where “Game” enters the picture.

Even the most genetically blessed man around can screw it up if he’s absolutely abominable to interact with.

That’s what you constant complainers cannot seem to wrap your brain around. Why? Simple. It removes your flimsy excuses.

Good game levels the playing field. The best playboy I know is trim but is nothing to look at really. But he LOVES women & Ive seen him literally talk the panties off the girl of his choice & go bang in the parking lot.

He’s now been in a LTR some 4 years with a friend of mine. A tall bombshell blonde who is 20 years younger than him. He is no Chad, but she is so into him it’s ridiculous. He’s a blast to be around. No Fs given, that guy.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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You don’t seduce women, they either PRESELECT you, or REJECT you based on your looks, not what comes out of your mouth.
This is very black pill. While I agree that looks are an important part of Game, it's not everything. Game is some combination of looks, money, status, and your personality.

Ugly bastard

Don Juan
Feb 20, 2023
Reaction score
This is very black pill. While I agree that looks are an important part of Game, it's not everything. Game is some combination of looks, money, status, and your personality.
Yes, Black Pill and 100% factual.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Yes, Black Pill and 100% factual.
At 54 years old, you are an older member of Generation X. The black pill has been more associated with Millennials (the oldest ones are in their early 40s) and Gen Z. It's somewhat unusual for a Gen X'er to be black pill.

I've really seen the black pill grow in the last 7-10 years.

I would like to think of myself as more red pill than black pill but there are ideas from the black pill that make sense to me. I commonly post links to Wheat Waffles videos and Wheat Waffles has the most subscribers of any black pill content creator on YouTube.

I don't think having a black pill ideology helps men in terms of getting the penis wet. I don't know of any black pill guy that's getting a lot of poontang. Most top tier guys are not black pill. The black pill is more negative than the red pill. Why would a top tier guy getting a lot of poontang be negative?

I desire to attract and seduce.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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You don’t seduce women, they either PRESELECT you, or REJECT you based on your looks, not what comes out of your mouth.
Looks are part of the story, not the whole story. They preselect based on your perceived status with them: how are other women responding to you,? do you look comfortable in your own skin? There are people on here who have classical good looks but they are not vibing properly because they don't believe in themselves and those insecure vibes undermine their good looks. You have ugly people on here that play the numbers game, don't care about rejections and score some victories that they feel great about (ie what is a victory for an ugly person is just another girl to a chad right so the feeling of reward and happiness is different)?

You are seriously limiting yourself by your beliefs and you should take note of posters like @characternote who are ugly but successfuls seducers. He cold-approaches because OLD won't work with his looks. His secret? He doesn't give up and keeps trying. Try modelling successful seducers with ugly looks like him. You have normie-tier seducers like @SW15 who also focus on cold-approaching and he is doing well for himself. So, I think if you are really motivated you should be able to seduce a woman as uglier guys have charmed women.
If you are spoiled because you are having hot sex with hb8+ model escorts then that's another story. However, why are so many guys saying the chase is better than the reward? You might really be missing out by limiting yourself to just using escorts.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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It's somewhat unusual for a Gen X'er to be black pill.
You don't say? The issue is that Millennials and Gen-Zs are more vocal on the internet and are able to express their views as streaming broadband internet was not as established in the 00s compared to now. It doesn't mean that these issues didn't exist before. In 2005 you had a movie out called "40 Year Virgin" and the 00s was a Gen-X decade (ie where Millennials are today). There was allot of hype and discussion about incel guys who were virgins going into their 40s in the mid-00s. The OP would be 36 years old in 2005.

What has happened now is the younger generations are taking up a mantle and gen-Xers, who were formerly ridiculed, now have that voice taken up by younger people who have succesfully mainstreamed the same issues.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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The best playboy I know is trim but is nothing to look at really. But he LOVES women & Ive seen him literally talk the panties off the girl of his choice & go bang in the parking lot.
That's supposed to be an accomplishment? The pinnacle of seduction? :rolleyes:
First off, that woman must've been a combination of drunk/on drugs/seriously messed up. Secondly, sex in a parking lot with that kind of a woman sounds much less appealing compared to sex in a room with a hooker.

A busy man who's on his purpose and just wants to have some fun and unload has the options of 1. go to a nightclub/bar and hope to find a really messed up woman, amenable to being 'seduced' and have sex in the parking lot or at a nearby hotel that same night 2. hire a hooker. It's a no brainer.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
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If you do a cost to benefit analysis, it’s actually cheaper to just pay a hooker for sex, rather than waste your time and money trying to pick up a woman in a bar, or nightclub.

Think about it logically, when you factor in the cost of nightclub entry fees, alcohol, food and taxi/Uber fares, it’s cheaper to pay for it, plus the sex with a hooker will be better (if she knows what she is doing).

You know it makes sense.
While Its cheaper for your pocket, its heavy priced for your soul.

Paying for sex is like degrading yourself to be a loser because you basically admit to yourself that you cannot pull chicks on your own when you have to pay for it = I'm a fvcking (Maybe ugly too?/self image), loser with low confidence.

You might not say it out loud to yourself or even being aware/thinking it directly on a conscious level, but deep inside your soul knows and will keep nagging and reaffirm to you that you are loser every time you buy sex from a hoe. So in the long run its a self-destructive path.

Let me give you an other example with using a supercar as an analogy:
It's like the guy that wins millions on the lottery and then proceeds to buy a Ferrari he has not earned and do not have clue how to earn those millions he won on the lottery because he never made the effort to educate himself or/or make the effort to self improve himself to build this kind of wealth.

Every time he goes up to the Ferrari, the car is mockingly laughing at him; telling him that:
Ha, ha, ha!! You are fvcking loser!
In reality you never cannot afford me you tw@t!
The only reason you have me is because you won the lottery. You are not worthy of me!
So his self belief is never going to be real, but fake every time he sees his sportscar. It will never reaffirm him or boost his confidence in a real sense. It will always give him a feeling that he is a fake. Because deep inside his soul, (while he might not admit it consciously), he knows he did not earn it by himself.

While on other side of the fence you have the guy that made it by himself and built a business and worked hard on himself to make it happen. He went through the very tough struggle, the highs and lows of starting his own business. He buys a Ferrari too.

But to this self-made guy the car greets him with excitement; You are fricking AWESOME, you made it, and one of the very few kind that can afford me! You are worthy of me!
So when this guy sees and drives his Ferrari it reaffirms that he is just that and boosts his self-confidence.

Same thing goes with picking up/pulling chicks vs. buying cheap used up hoes on the street. While both cost money; one will boost your life and give you more confidence while the other will not but drag you down and deprive you of your confidence and self worth.
The difference between those two is paramount.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
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Yeah, then get a std. Imagine the amount of people she is having sexual intercourse with


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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@AureliusMaximus your Ferrari analogy would work if you'd compare a guy who seduces a clinically sane, attractive virgin vs a guy who won the lottery and buys a virgin from some dirt poor family.

You might not say it out loud to yourself or even being aware/thinking it directly on a conscious level, but deep inside your soul knows and will keep nagging and reaffirm to you that you are loser every time you buy sex from a hoe. So in the long run its a self-destructive path.
Oh, and it's very soul enriching to spend nights in bars and nightclubs and come home with nothing to show for it except blue balls. And when you finally manage to score, it's with a ditzy bimbo full of baggage.

Paying for sex is like degrading yourself to be a loser because you basically admit to yourself that you cannot pull chicks on your own when you have to pay for it = I'm a fvcking (Maybe ugly too?/self image), loser with low confidence.
Directly with cash or indirectly with your time, you pay either way. If you value your time, it's illogical to spend 10x the amount with no guarantee of getting sex. So it's not that you can't pull chicks on your own, it's that the time and effort investment make no sense.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
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Directly with cash or indirectly with your time, you pay either way
I said that too and there is a difference between both methods.

x. So it's not that you can't pull chicks on your own, it's that the time and effort investment make no sense.
Well all good things takes investment and time thus is kind of a natural law e.g. input you put in equals --> the outcome and the result.
So I cannot see the issue in that.
Oh, and it's very soul enriching to spend nights in bars and nightclubs and come home with nothing to show for it except blue balls
Nightclubs are probably the worst place to game, though dating apps are worse. But it also depends on your mindset. If you do not like it, you need to find other creative methods that works for you. Doing like everybody else and thinking it will work is madness.

@AureliusMaximus your Ferrari analogy would work if you'd compare a guy who seduces a clinically sane, attractive virgin vs a guy who won the lottery and buys a virgin from some dirt poor family.
I don't see it that way. The guy that won the lottery is just the normie AFC that buys sex because he thinks that is his only option, plus it is the pathway of least resistance. Its too easy. Most people do not want to put in the effort and will end up with car that laughs at them on daily basis.
To grow and win you need to put in the hours to get the results you want. Everything comes at a price. To grow will give you loads of resistance that life will throw at you and also a lot of rejection.
But in the end its the wins you will remember, not the rejections.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Nightclubs are probably the worst place to game, though dating apps are worse. But it also depends on your mindset. If you do not like it, you need to find other creative methods that works for you. Doing like everybody else and thinking it will work is madness.
Nightlife venues and dating apps are the two most common places for men to game. It is interesting that the two worst places are the two most common. It's very common for men to have bad experiences in both nightlife venues and while using dating apps.

Approaching strangers in non-bar venues is also a difficult path too.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
Nightlife venues and dating apps are the two most common places for men to game. It is interesting that the two worst places are the two most common. It's very common for men to have bad experiences in both nightlife venues and while using dating apps.

Approaching strangers in non-bar venues is also a difficult path too.
Well George Bernard Shaw said it once and I cannot say it better because I do believe its true:
“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them.”
That's it.
Nothing more too add. ;)

Ugly bastard

Don Juan
Feb 20, 2023
Reaction score
At 54 years old, you are an older member of Generation X. The black pill has been more associated with Millennials (the oldest ones are in their early 40s) and Gen Z. It's somewhat unusual for a Gen X'er to be black pill.

I've really seen the black pill grow in the last 7-10 years.

I would like to think of myself as more red pill than black pill but there are ideas from the black pill that make sense to me. I commonly post links to Wheat Waffles videos and Wheat Waffles has the most subscribers of any black pill content creator on YouTube.

I don't think having a black pill ideology helps men in terms of getting the penis wet. I don't know of any black pill guy that's getting a lot of poontang. Most top tier guys are not black pill. The black pill is more negative than the red pill. Why would a top tier guy getting a lot of poontang be negative?

I desire to attract and seduce.
The Blackpill is simply the truth on how male-female relationships work in the real world, I wouldn’t say the Blackpill is negative, just brutally honest.
Yeah, then get a std. Imagine the amount of people she is having sexual intercourse with
Whilst what you say sounds plausible in theory, yes, a sex worker having a higher body count than your typical civilian woman has a greater chance of both spreading and catching a STD, statistically you have more chance of catching an STD from a civlian woman you hooked up with in a bar/nightclub. A few years ago, I checked the New South Wales Department of Health website (New South Wales is on the east coast of Australia, where I'm from), where it compiled all the statistics of the STDs caught by both civilians and sex workers, and it was actually civilians who had the highest rate of STDs, not hookers.

Ugly bastard

Don Juan
Feb 20, 2023
Reaction score
I’d rather be an Incel then hunt for women at a night club lol.
Technically I am an incel, a life long one, and I hate nightclubs (i can't stand dance/hip hop music, plus I don't drink alcohol), and I did approach women, but I gave up (too many instant rejections because of my ugly looks), so I said f*ck it, I'll just pay for it, and that's excatly what I've been doing for the past 35 years.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
The Blackpill is simply the truth on how male-female relationships work in the real world, I wouldn’t say the Blackpill is negative, just brutally honest.
What is your take on the red pill? The red pill is better than the blue pill.

New South Wales is on the east coast of Australia, where I'm from
Trying to form healthy relationships with women in Australia isn't easy. Australia is a woke feminist shiithole. New South Wales is the state where Sydney is located. I can see why you have been judged harshly on looks in Australia with entitled feminist women chasing top tier men.

past 35 years.
That's harsh. 35 years ago, at age 19, you were sent to the rejection pile by Australian women. Ages 15-19 must have been brutal for you.