Why do you want a "relationship/gf?"


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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Both LTR and short term rotations have advantages/disadvantages and I wouldn't ever suggest to someone that heavily favors one should abandon their methods for the opposite.

Disadvantages of rotations could include things such as vetting of the occasional garbage, the lost time spent on such pursuits, and while you may value new pvssy, you'd be kidding yourself if you occasionally ended up severely disappointed.

After nearly 2.5 years, I suffer from none of the items you suggested from LTRs... None. She hasn't once told me no, she wants sex far more than I do. The argument's are minimal, but sometimes necessary. Let's not pretend you've never had arguments in your rotations though, so that's a moot point.

What your missing entirely in short fleeting relationships is someone to call you an "idiot". Nobody is perfect and sometimes we act like idiots. Fleeting casual relationships never truly engage in the battles of relationships that cause you to question the purpose of your actions and your words. If you're being a pissy little a$$hole, she can go fvck off. Why? Because you have someone else to take her place that will put up with $hitty behavior.. for a period of time...

It's almost as of you have to draw a line; a line of values essentially. But you have to walk the line, and be willing to cross to each side on occasion. I feel like the AFC and the consummate player both are unable to maneuver across the line easily; one on the values of pleasing their partner and the other on the values of pleasing themselves
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Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2018
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My biggest issue with a rotation is that I am extremely picky. So picky that it's just not feasible to be consistently 3+ deep in women who meet my standards. So I have adjusted to having 0-2 really hot young girls that I am seeing. Sometimes it's 0, sometimes 1, sometimes 2. But the big change in me in the last four years since my divorce is that I now recognize that I'd rather have 0 than have 1 who I latch onto, lose my frame with, and start putting up with things I don't want to deal with that leads to misery. A relationship is not the answer to avoiding the work a man must do to be happy in life and enjoy success with women. A relationship is NOT the answer to loneliness and insecurities that cause a man to be dependent upon validation from women.

If you find a girl, take your time screening her in order to determine if she displays the characteristics you desire that are least likely to result in the things you outline in your "cons" section. If she passes this screening, I think an LTR is fine but you have to remain seeing it as a day by day thing, it could change any time without your control, and you should always be ready to walk away if she crosses your boundaries after you've clearly communicated them to her. Once you start relying on her for any component of your happiness, you lose.


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
He is very well off. He divorced her, used everything against her in order to basically throw her out on the street with what she came into the marriage with......about nothing.

Oh- he is a rotation guy now too.
Smart on the divorce, unwise on the rotation; medically speaking.


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
@Glassguy - Here you go dude. I wouldn't want to be in this position, but hey, it's your life.



Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I do not follow ghosts, demons or anything that cannot be backed by science or logic. Demons, just like floating people, demigod's, and other holy bull crap scientifically do not exist.
This is why its worst than an std. But antiobiotic stds sound very bad too.

Black Widow Void

Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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Unfortunately, there are times when we will encounter an 'individual' (and i use that term loosely) that will pose as if they are asking a question for open discussion.... when in actuality, their motive all along was to use the topic as a means to talk about themselves.

this makes me wonder...

If they demonstrate such attention desperation to strangers on the internet, no less... how likely is it that...they are (in real life) achieving any degree of success (as they continually outwardly claim) with women?

These types are easy to spot. They rarely lend a hand to the new member that enters this site. Instead, they use the new member as a means to put down (in order to feel better about themselves) or .... an additional opportunity to talk about themselves.
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Mar 12, 2011
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What can you get with a "GF/Relationship" that you cant get from a rotation?
If want to have a kid, you’d want to know her fairly well. Now whether that means she has to be your “gf” or you have to be in a “full blown relationship”, not sure. But I don’t think a lot of men want to have a kid with plate 3/5, they would want to have some sort of stability with the mother, know her well.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2019
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I think the general answer to your questions is the fact that the regular dude just wants to fvcking relax and be himself with ONE girl and to be loved for who he is and don't have to deal with the stress. Red pill aware men know better. I mean both have advantages and disadvantages and do what you please. Personally i want a family one day which makes me looking for more stability for my future offspring, there's something to be said for building up a deeper connection with someone you truly care for.

However, i would definately say having a rotation has more benfits than being in a LTR. Just having options and the abundance mindset is huge along with not setting yourself up to catch too many feelings and the biggest reason of them all - The more commitment you show, the worse she will behave towards you.
I believe we come to a point in life where we just sacrifice some of those things for something more meaningful.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Bless your heart.
I took offense to your statement because it sounded like you are making a mockery out of my experience after visiting those hookers. I did actually visit a shrink back in February 2015 once the acute symptoms abated and I was left with residuals. I don't have money for either hookers or a shrink there is no point if the only starting point is a day after visiting a hooker.

Look at the absurdity of your statement in context of this thread. You are advising people to stay away from casual sex because of antibiotic resistant STDs, and that LTRs are a safer bet. You are advising me to see a shrink, for what? That I can be enabled to visit hookers and feel comfortable that I won't get demons from them, or maybe even start a lifestyle of casual sex because my religious beliefs, which you regard as fiction, is keeping me back from having all that fun?

That is allot of gymnastics. It's allot easier to have just ignored what I said and take that as an additional point that, hey, casual sex is a bad idea, whatever.

People will always think they can get away somehow from catching an STD. Before I visited the two hookers I was aware of STDs and that didn't stop me. However, had I been aware that I would have got a severe demonic attack afterwards then I would have thought twice or maybe not visited. At the end of the day, you could always take a chance with STDs and even do a cost-benefit analysis as to the risks involved and the reward pay-off. Maybe you would just cop-a-feel, or have outercourse or some other sexual activity that doesn't involve penetration or just have a bear hug with a naked woman, whatever.... The point is, once you add devils into the equation, then this is something that doesn't have a solution since you can't protect yourself from that.

Yet you want to convince me against one of the only barriers against visiting hookers by trying to convince me that devils transmission from hookers is not real and all in my head, and by extension, it's okay to have casual sex without worrying about the devil? Why take a side against casual sex then?


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Just as the thread states. What are the perks? What can you get with a "GF/Relationship" that you cant get from a rotation?

The following things come from a rotation:

*Regular sex
*Fun dates
*More regular sex
*Multiple plates/rotation/options strengthens your value in other women's eyes (abundance mindset)
*Easy to maintain a solid frame due to not being around a woman 24/7
*You can replace one of your plates if she acts disrespectful, withholds sex as a quid quo pro and find another candidate to fill in the open seat in the rotation
*Women will be very submissive both mentally and sexually
*If one of my plates leaves the rotation I have already been screening for the replacement and that is that. No worries

With a rotation I have never experienced the following and CARED because I have more than one option. But the chance of them coming up in a singular relationship and effecting you are extremely high:
*Routine arguing
*Sex turns in to a ransom note
*Relationship gets stale, boring, mundane schedule
*Woman turns into the victim when she doesnt get her way
*She will get mad at you if you get attention from other women
*She will put less emphasis on her looks
*She will eventually lower your value, thus the exact reason she monkey branches and leaves you when the next best option comes around and gives her attention
*Scarcity mindset on losing her once she has broken down your frame
*Once she has left you will have to deal with the emotions of the break up and it will literally take you weeks/months/even years to get back on your feet
*Impacts of the breakup will leave you chasing, negotiating and being a total mess which will take your already broken frame and burn it to embers.

So for you guys that are "seeking" a relationship, what exactly do you see as the benefit? I have been back in the game for 6 years. 3 of those years were in fact in a singular relationship. I went through some of that stuff above. My last 3 years have been total rotations. I can tell you that for me anyway, it is not even a comparison in terms of how a rotation benefits ME.

I would love to hear someone on the other side of the fence tell me what they can get from a LTR that they cant get from a rotation.

Happy hunting
On the eventually they will lower your value bit... Ive observe similar but i was wondering how you think that occurs over time ? Put it in words.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
I took offense to your statement because it sounded like you are making a mockery out of my experience after visiting those hookers. I did actually visit a shrink back in February 2015 once the acute symptoms abated and I was left with residuals. I don't have money for either hookers or a shrink there is no point if the only starting point is a day after visiting a hooker.

Look at the absurdity of your statement in context of this thread. You are advising people to stay away from casual sex because of antibiotic resistant STDs, and that LTRs are a safer bet. You are advising me to see a shrink, for what? That I can be enabled to visit hookers and feel comfortable that I won't get demons from them, or maybe even start a lifestyle of casual sex because my religious beliefs, which you regard as fiction, is keeping me back from having all that fun?

That is allot of gymnastics. It's allot easier to have just ignored what I said and take that as an additional point that, hey, casual sex is a bad idea, whatever.

People will always think they can get away somehow from catching an STD. Before I visited the two hookers I was aware of STDs and that didn't stop me. However, had I been aware that I would have got a severe demonic attack afterwards then I would have thought twice or maybe not visited. At the end of the day, you could always take a chance with STDs and even do a cost-benefit analysis as to the risks involved and the reward pay-off. Maybe you would just cop-a-feel, or have outercourse or some other sexual activity that doesn't involve penetration or just have a bear hug with a naked woman, whatever.... The point is, once you add devils into the equation, then this is something that doesn't have a solution since you can't protect yourself from that.

Yet you want to convince me against one of the only barriers against visiting hookers by trying to convince me that devils transmission from hookers is not real and all in my head, and by extension, it's okay to have casual sex without worrying about the devil? Why take a side against casual sex then?
I wouldnt call it the devil or spirits but some hos or criminals even have alot of power in their negativity and just communication with them or laying with them can affect your own state of mind.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
I wouldnt call it the devil or spirits but some hos or criminals even have alot of power in their negativity and just communication with them or laying with them can affect your own state of mind.
Think of it as you will as an intense "powerhouse" of crime, negativity, hate, pain and loss. Just like we have power lifters and big thinkers and extraordinary visionaries, there is the same intensity in the opposite direction.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I wouldnt call it the devil or spirits but some hos or criminals even have alot of power in their negativity and just communication with them or laying with them can affect your own state of mind.
It's still a non-tangible (i.e. something that can not be scientifically measured) and it becomes a factor, IN ADDITION TO, STDs, (i.e and antibiotic resistant STDs) that could exist as an additional risk.

I like STDs because they can be measured, you can define it. A non-tangible can not be defined and is more haunting. Its the monster in your bedroom closet that your mother can't find but comes out when she's gone. What can not be diagnosed can not be cured. Sure, they can come up with a catch-all phrase for such conditions like Anxiety disorder and pop Ativan pills, etc... or panic attacks, but it doesn't really deal with how you got there or what's causing those symptoms. So even if you don't define it as literal devils or spirits doesn't make it any less haunting.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Think of it as you will as an intense "powerhouse" of crime, negativity, hate, pain and loss. Just like we have power lifters and big thinkers and extraordinary visionaries, there is the same intensity in the opposite direction.
So I should go with a more expensive hooker next time or one who is bubbling with positive energy? I should be more sensitive to these type of cues. Avoid cheap hoes since they more likely attract lower level strata in society because of the lower price they are charging? If you go to hookers that are a more upscale setup then it would have a different effect?


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
So I should go with a more expensive hooker next time or one who is bubbling with positive energy? I should be more sensitive to these type of cues. Avoid cheap hoes since they more likely attract lower level strata in society because of the lower price they are charging? If you go to hookers that are a more upscale setup then it would have a different effect?
I'm sure an expensive one is even better at it. They have higher end more powerfully positioned targets that they interact with. Many of these are even MORE powerful criminals on an international scale, that's who they are associating with. The only thing me and you can do is if you get a bad feeling to leave it alone. That bad feeling is there for a reason.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I'm sure an expensive one is even better at it. They have higher end more powerfully positioned targets that they interact with. Many of these are even MORE powerful criminals on an international scale, that's who they are associating with. The only thing me and you can do is if you get a bad feeling to leave it alone. That bad feeling is there for a reason.
That's a good observation. So how do you choose your hookers? You go by what vibe or feeling you get from them? How much do you usually spend?