Master Don Juan
I especially agree with the covid & OLD parts.
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I'd say nightlife game is much more difficult compared to OLD. You have to physically go out of your way to show up and attend, so there is an actual investment of time, energy and money. You then need to physically initiate some sort of interaction with a woman, who very likely is with there with at least one friend or possibly even multiple friends. This itself can be challenging and thwart your efforts, anyone who has gone out knows what I am talking about. Then there's a huge chance of them just not being interested and you just wasted a good chunk of time scoping out the scene, attempting to open, etc.It's a good video. I'll give my initial thoughts first and I'm likely to comment on other posts as this thread goes on.
I think that men of the 2010s-2020s are more aware of the return on effort of visiting nightlife venues more than men of the 1970s-2000s were. For most men, visiting nightlife venues to get dates or get laid isn't worth the effort and the financial costs. In the 1970s-1990s, there might have been a more justifiable return on effort in going out to nightlife venues. I did not turn 21 until 2004 so I don't have firsthand experience with nightlife venues until then. During the 2004-2009 era in nightlife venues, it wasn't not that easy for most men to generate interest from women in nightlife venues. Around then is when high speed internet became more common in households and more men could anonymous compare notes on nightlife visits. Comparing notes on the internet spread the word about a lack of a return on effort faster and made it more widespread. Prior to higher speed internet and smartphone with internet in our pockets, word traveled more slowly. In addition, conditions within nightlife venues have hanged sine the latter part of the 20th Century.
Dating apps have served as a dis-incentivizing factor for women in regards to going to nightlife venues. This is far more true for women than for men. Women can generate far more interest from men by using dating apps and Instagram more than they would from standing inside nightlife venues for 2-3 hours at a time on only 1-2 nights a week. In the 1990s-2000s, a woman might generate interest from 10-20 men in nightlife venues. Now, she can generate interest from 100-200 men in half the time on swipe apps and Instagram.
Both dating apps and nightlife venues are worthwhile efforts for the Top 10-20% of men. Lower tier men don't get much of a return in either venue. If you're a man in the middle of the bell curve on SMV, the best use of time is going to be meeting women through social networks or through some non-bar approaching efforts.
This was mentioned in the video. Inflation is a macroeconomic issue more than a mating environment issue. Inflation is the #1 issue right now.I think the costs of going to these venues is a huge part of this as well. When your budget starts getting tight, the very first thing that people eliminate is luxury type expenses. As was discussed in the video, drinks are incredibly expensive at clubs and bars and can easily add up. Then you have to factor in things like cover charges, parking or paying for a taxi or uber. I'd wager that the average person in a average city is spending close to $100 for all of this, maybe even well past this.
I think it is a valid point and I would like to explore it some more. Something I saw with my own eyes last weekend was the complete opposite of this but what I saw might not be valid on a broader scale.COVID definitely did a lot of these clubs in for sure and I don't think the nightlife scene ever really recovered from it. I've seen tons of posts/reviews about places in my area complaining about this very thing about things have declined and were "not the same" compared to Pre COVID. From what I've seen, a lot of it seems to relate to the atmosphere and that it's much trashier overall. Fights are far more common from what I've heard, which has lead to a higher police presence.
I think your point on Generation Z is valid. Older Gen Z's were in elementary school when smartphones started to get popular. Generation Z did all of their junior high, high shool, and college years with cellular phones. In my senior year of high school (2000-2001), almost none of my classmates from my graduating class had a cell phone and I'm considered an early Millennial.I also don't really think Gen Z is really all that into the club or nightlife culture like you would have seen with previous generations. A huge part of this is because they grew up with the internet, social media and other forms of communication. Older generations basically had to go out to interact or meet people, so naturally if you are looking for the opposite sex a club or bar is a way to go about it. I actually could see nightlife really struggling because of these cultural changes and because of the other factors I've mentioned above.
Both are difficult for the majority of men. There is a perception that using swipe apps is easier than real life approaching. With swipe apps, a man is able to sit at home in casual, comfortable clothing (sometimes a T shirt and underwear) and just swipe and text. That's appealing to a lot of men in the Millennial and Gen Z generations.I'd say nightlife game is much more difficult compared to OLD. You have to physically go out of your way to show up and attend, so there is an actual investment of time, energy and money.
This is a good point. Almost all women go out with their friends. Every man will need to find a way to isolate the woman they are targeting from their friends. It's one of the fundamental principles of nightlife venue approaching. It's really annoying. Those who prefer non-bar approaching (aka daygame) often mention this as an advantage of non-bar approaching. With most of non-bar approaching, isolation is already built-in. A woman is already alone and isolated from her friends when she's at the grocery store and many other non-bar venues.You then need to physically initiate some sort of interaction with a woman, who very likely is with there with at least one friend or possibly even multiple friends. This itself can be challenging and thwart your efforts, anyone who has gone out knows what I am talking about.
This is all true. It was also true 20 years ago before articles were being written about the decline of nightlife.there's a huge chance of them just not being interested and you just wasted a good chunk of time scoping out the scene, attempting to open, etc.
This is true. Nightlife venues tend to favor more extroverted personality types.I'd also add that nightlife is just not something a lot of guys are into or a place where they would even be comfortable, I'm one of them. There is a particular type of vibe to the atmosphere itself and the types of people that are really into the club scene that simply will or will NOT work for you.
This is interesting. San Francisco has a reputation for being a metro area filled with sissified men who would not be inclined to approach women in person. The typical San Francisco male is some variation of either an autistic tech worker guy or some other sissified beta male type who would be more inclined to swipe on apps.I was on Valencia St. in SF on a Friday night recently. Absolutely packed. Clubs, bars, cafes & restaurants. Very lively.
Don’t forget. Despite its decay, SF is still a heavily touristed place.This is interesting. San Francisco has a reputation for being a metro area filled with sissified men who would not be inclined to approach women in person. The typical San Francisco male is some variation of either an autistic tech worker guy or some other sissified beta male type who would be more inclined to swipe on apps.
Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.
Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
That's amazing to me. I have no desire to go to San Francisco now. I now perceive it as a disgusting place overrun with homeless people pooping in the streets.Don’t forget. Despite its decay, SF is still a heavily touristed place.
Imagine SF as a thumb. If you stay along the edges, say, a half-mile or so from the water, it id fine.That's amazing to me. I have no desire to go to San Francisco now. I now perceive it as a disgusting place overrun with homeless people pooping in the streets.
Have you read Shellenberger's book San Fran-sicko, and if so, what were your thoughts?Imagine SF as a thumb. If you stay along the edges, say, a half-mile or so from the water, it id fine.
More precisely:This is interesting. San Francisco has a reputation for being a metro area filled with sissified men who would not be inclined to approach women in person
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no. I might check it out.Have you read Shellenberger's book San Fran-sicko, and if so, what were your thoughts?
Add to that: We moderns are far too squeamish and fixated on "emotional safety" to have THIS much funBecause they don't create club bangers like this anymore...
They used to leave in ambulances from being too dehydrated from dancing so much. Now they simply stand around the bar watching.Add to that: We moderns are far too squeamish and fixated on "emotional safety" to have THIS much fun
When we're out on the town for the evening. Barely any party goers leave the dance floor in body bags these days, but that makes clubbing at lot less fun than it used to be
Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.
Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.