Tying the Knot


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
Congrads man. :)

prenups = i know its not gonna work out so sign this paper...
Prenups = don't try anything funny when were old b*tch....like poison my oatmeal....

actually...that wouldn't be the case but I find it kinda amusing....:rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
Re: Re: Re: Re: Tying the Knot

Originally posted by jiza101
ASIF... Its called being smart. Over 50% of marriages fail and letting your gaurd down because you think shes the one will come and bite you in the back. If youve got a lot of expenses protect them, you worked hard for it. Its common sense nowdays to get a prenup and to the women who say don't why would you, what do you want out of it ;)

well lets hope you never want any of her stuff.. cause you will be s.o.l.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
Originally posted by Oxide

And penkitten... yeah baby, no prenup, that sounds REALLY GOOD, if you are a woman about to get married. I dont give a sh1t what this "love forever" thing you might think, but prenup is a way for me to cover my ass... whethever we stay together forever or not. Less worries, less hassle, more time spent happily together.
actually, i think you better get married for the reason it is intended or do not do it at all.
why get married if you feel you need to protect your back ?
is there no trust?
i would never marry someone i didnt trust... but thats just me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
Originally posted by InsidiousNstinct

Prenups = don't try anything funny when were old b*tch....like poison my oatmeal....

actually...that wouldn't be the case but I find it kinda amusing....:rolleyes:

haha they would catch her poisioning your oatmeal, im sure there are funnier ways to go.
wait til hes 80 and begging for oatmeal , telling his friends , " she is withholding all my fiber intake because of that dang pre nup 65 years ago "


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
That's when you cut your losses and find a nice young vixen that will take care of you because she know's your filthy rich. By this time you won't d*mn care about a prenup haha.

The old guy would show the young chick off to all his old buddies while playing bridge....muhahaha.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Who is she?
How did you meet her?
How did you decide marriage was the way to go? (similar to "how did you know..?" but different).


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Awesome, happy for you man!

Is she spanish? Man, I will marry a Latin girl when I am ready for it (if ever).

Lol about the tax tips! haha, but then again, tax laws are very different in every country, no? At least I would think so (guess the qualified lawyers and accountants of the board would know more about this).

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
Originally posted by penkitten
trust me dude, the chick does not want your old spiderman comics you keep in the closet or your new pair of nikes.
You havent seen the way she's been eyeing my Spidey trading cards. They are mine godammit, MINE!!! :mad:

Seriously though, I signed this contract long before I met her. It was a jaded time when I felt no woman could ever be trusted. In all honesty, I would not sign a prenup if it was not already stipulated in my contract. But thats the beauty of this idea. If its already in place, then a woman cant b!tch or whine about trust issues when this thing was in place long before she entered the picture. If any woman did throw a hissy fit, it would be a sure sign that she had ulterior motives and not worth marrying to begin with.

Originally posted by AverageFC
was the 2 year manwh0re stint worth it?
Definitely. I needed to be a slvt just once in my life so I could look back with no regrets. Sometimes you gotta experience the things you don't want in your life in order to discover the things you do.

Originally posted by SamePendo
Who is she?
How did you meet her?
How did you decide marriage was the way to go?
We met at a club. I was DJing and she was the best dancer in the house. We finally linked up but she resisted my advances for MONTHS, because she thought I was too much of a player. We became close friends over the next year and I had chalked her up in my mind as a good-natured buddy until she attacked me one night. It was all my fault, snuggling her so much got us both too excited to keep things "friendly"

As it turns out, we ended up totally mad for each other and though it's well over a year later, the passion seems to intensify every day. We were going to wait another year to get hitched, but I want to move back to Spain and live with her, so yes it is partially to get my papers. But that's not the real reason I am settling down with this one.

It sounds really corny, but since you asked...I knew I wanted to marry her when we had a pregnancy scare and I was more excited than scared! When I look into her eyes, I see the love of my life and the mother of my children. I have never felt such a certainty about any of my lovers and there is no doubt in my mind that fate brought us together.

Originally posted by CLOONEY
Is she spanish? Man, I will marry a Latin girl when I am ready for it (if ever).
All I can say is that I highly endorse Spanish women! They got a good sense of family and know how to take care of their men. (Not to mention they are ANIMALS in the sack!)

Originally posted by CLOONEY
Lol about the tax tips! haha, but then again, tax laws are very different in every country, no? At least I would think so (guess the qualified lawyers and accountants of the board would know more about this).
To my limited knowledge, you can register a business anywhere in the world and still draw up this prenup contract.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Fingers my man, good luck to you in this endeavor. If anyone can make it work, it's you.

Be sure to share pictures of the wedding! I'd love to get to Spain for the wedding, but I am balls deep in my school work and am a poor ass college kid to boot :D


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Mr. Fingers,

Big fan of your posts here.

I have a question I am curious about, and I don't mean this in anyway immature.

Were you her first?

I was just wondering if when it comes to marriage it bothers you if she has been with other guys sexually.

Some guys talk about wanting a virgin



Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Tying the Knot

Originally posted by penkitten
well lets hope you never want any of her stuff.. cause you will be s.o.l.
you'll be sol regardless bud, not a very strong argument

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
Originally posted by Jayer
I was just wondering if when it comes to marriage it bothers you if she has been with other guys sexually.

Some guys talk about wanting a virgin
I can understand the appeal of virgins...it's an alpha thing where only you get to mark your territory and no man likes to think of his lover being touched or kissed by anyone but him. All I can say is that in my adventures of seduction, I have deflowered three women and the experiences did not live up to my expectations. To each his own.

I used to get hung up on a girl's sexual history when I was younger, but as the big 3-0 approaches, I couldn't care less. Don't get me wrong, if she had slept with hundreds of guys it would definitely bother me. But I really can't fault her for sleeping with 7 guys over 12 years when I have slept with that many women in one month.

While I do not dwell on the idea of her being with other guys in the past, personally I prefer a woman with some experience because she has tried other flavors and when she gets a taste of the best, she can forget about the rest. She is also much more comfortable with her body and although I may not be her first, you can bet your ass that I have done things to her that all those other guys were too lazy and uninspired to even dream of.
Originally posted by DJDamage
So how is the marriage going? and what have you learned?
No wedding yet. The red tape has been a nightmare and I have had to make several trips to NY because the spanish bureacrats can't decide which papers I need to make myself legit. The light is at the end of the tunnel right now, but we still have a ways to go.

In the end it has turned out to be somewhat of a blessing as me and Mrs. Fingz have had time to live together, discover each opther's annoying habits and decide if we make a good team. They say it takes about a year into a relationship before people get comfortable and show all their faults and we have definitely passed that mark.

I have discovered that we both certainly are not perfect by any stretch, but one thing I appreciate is how well we communicate. I love the fact that we never let things bother us for a long time. If something is on our minds, it gets brought out in the open and dealt with on the spot.... not like my ex's who would always punish me for sh!t I did last month...so annoying.

Overall we compliment each other very well. She is a type "A" personality...very organized and yes, sometimes anxious and uptight. I am type "B" super laid back and sometimes lazy and disorganized. We have rubbed off on each other so now she much more chilled out and I have my head much more together. We still don't see eye to eye all the time...but I don't want that either...too boring. I am just glad I found someone who has earned my trust, friendship, respect, and makes me laugh everyday. It also helps that we have wild monkey sex as much as humanly possible and that spark of passion grows every day.

As far as the wedding goes, we are looking at two dates...one in April and the other in July. It all depends on my family's schedule as they will be flying in for the occasion. Thanks for the good wishes yall, I will update this thread when I seal the deal.


Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Monte Carlo, Monaco
A couple of things for a marriage to be successful.

The man must dominate, in all aspects. Spiritual, financial, etc. Even if she earns more, he must control!

The man must not accept any form of disobeidence, from he's wife, from he's son. Each act of disobedience must be severly punished, physical and mental. He must dominate without apology. It is never the man's fault, even it is he's. He must stand his ground, he must never apologise. ever

The man must have vision in all aspects of life. He knows what he wants in life, and does what must be done to make it happen. He also knows what he wants for his family 5 years from now, for he's son. He plan's meticuliously and achieves that goal

The man must take his family with him on his vision. He's son, he's wife must be part of it, a house divided CANNOT stand. Take's his Son EVERYWHERE He goes, even the first 13 years the son sleeps on a bed beside he's father's.

The Family must be all or nothing, The father must support the wife, vice versa. And when the son grows up, he must support he's father. The Son must obey or GET OUT!!! Even if he shows resistance at a young age of 4-5 years. The Son must know the father is smarter than him.

The man MUST keep the family together, Divorce or Separation is NOT an Option. He must make amends by being playful and at the same time not apologise for his vision and dominance. He must play with the wife often.

The man must take the family to church or a bible centered church once a week. The family and the son must know that there is since of purpose in all this time of hardship in life. That God loves them and Jesus Christ died for them. That God has the whole world in his hands, and has a gift for them.

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
Thanks for the support fellas.

I am a little nervous about this big step...after all most marriages are doomed to failure. But some risks are worth taking and so far Mrs. Fingz has turned out to be one of the best things that has happened to me. I am one lucky dude.

Originally posted by bbestar
The man must dominate, in all aspects. Spiritual, financial, etc....
The man must have vision in all aspects of life. He knows what he wants in life, and does what must be done to make it happen. He also knows what he wants for his family 5 years from now, for he's son. He plan's meticuliously and achieves that goal
Beautifully said. Could not agree more.
The man must take his family with him on his vision. He's son, he's wife must be part of it, a house divided CANNOT stand. Take's his Son EVERYWHERE He goes, even the first 13 years the son sleeps on a bed beside he's father's.
That might be a little awkward when Daddy wants bang Mommy, don't you think? Aside from that, this type of relationship would make junior too dependent on poppa. Children need guidance but they also need space to grow and apply what they have learned.
The man must not accept any form of disobeidence, from he's wife, from he's son. Each act of disobedience must be severly punished, physical and mental. He must dominate without apology. It is never the man's fault, even it is he's. He must stand his ground, he must never apologise. ever
I will be the first to say that there is a serious lack of discipline in today's families. If you don't set boundaries and enforce them, your kids and wife will walk all over you. But your "no apologies" stance will make you a difficult person to love or trust. We are all wrong sometimes and nothing is more annoying than someone who doesn't own up to their sh!t. A real man takes responsibility for his actions, the good, the bad and the ugly.
The man must take the family to church or a bible centered church once a week. The family and the son must know that there is since of purpose in all this time of hardship in life. That God loves them and Jesus Christ died for them. That God has the whole world in his hands, and has a gift for them.
Whether or not I agree with this is irrelevant. I do admire you for trying to share the peace and joy you have found in your beliefs... just one bit of advice:

Jesus never had to beat people over the head with his message to be heard. The multitudes gravitated to him because he gave them the hope, compassion and love that they were sorely lacking in their lives. Like the old saying goes "You attract more flies with honey than vinegar" the more you push Christianity on people, the more they will become repulsed by your pushiness. Heads can already see what you are about from your sig, so when you drop Jesus in every other thread, especially when no one is talking about religion, it makes you look more like a desperate salesman than a man of God. I hope you don't take this the wrong way. You seem like an intelligent guy and I can tell your heart is in the right place. Your approach just needs some fine-tuning, IMHO.

If you really think about it, religion is just another form of seduction and the same basic rules apply. Instead of "attracting women" your goal is to "live and spread the word of God". To do this you must live in harmony and understanding with those around you and have genuine love in your heart. I am not saying you should stay quiet about your beliefs. By all means, be proud of who you are and what you stand for. Just remember that your actions and the way you carry yourself will speak infinitely louder than words. Astound people with your patience, wisdom and all virtues of the spirit and you will discover them to be far more curious about what you believe in.


Oct 25, 2001
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Re: Re: Re: Tying the Knot

Originally posted by penkitten
not only does it sound very not legal but it also sounds like if i was this girl that had to sign the prenup and was told it was because of his newly founded buisness, i would know immediately that the buisness was founded just to make me sign a dang prenup.

trust me dude, the chick does not want your old spiderman comics you keep in the closet or your new pair of nikes.
prenups = i know its not gonna work out so sign this paper...
I disagree...I never intend to get married again, but after the financial reckless behavior that was my ex husband... *I* would insist on a prenup too. Women should utilize them to protect themselves as well. The wedding vows already cover all this stuff, but no one takes them seriously anymore. There shouldn't have to be prenups...but unfortunately, there is a need. Ironically, they don't usually hold up in court anyhow. All the person has to do is get a greedy lawyer and claim to have signed it under duress.