The Young OG Project (Journal)

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
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Well, I finally decided to make a journal. My ex/kids mom really messed me up in the head for a good year or more. Her and the horrible luck I have had with woman after our 8 year LTR ended is what drove me here. I am very glad I found this site. It has really helped turn my life around.

January 2015, I was severely under weight, no muscles, depressed, and coming off an addiction to pain killers. I had a buzz cut and dressed like a gangsta/thug. I used to wonder why women wouldn't even look at me lol.

October 2015. I weigh more then I have ever have in my entire life and I'm not fat. Its all muscle and I have okay abs. I'm happy and no longer depressed. I hit the gym 6 days a week and I'm drug free. My hair is longer and I style it. I now only wear collared shirts (polos & button ups). I went from wearing basketball shoes to Ralph Lauren shoes lol. Everything fits properly, nothing is baggy. I do now get some looks from women.

Things I need to work on:
Approach Anxiety, abs, and getting teeth white as paper.

I think the biggest thing I need to work on is approach anxiety. I think I do okay talking after approaching, but I just need to grow some balls and approach. I want my abs to be more defined. I recently started hitting them harder. I keep getting lazy with whitening my teeth. I need to keep with it.

I'm thinking of taking some good shirtless pics soon and trying out Tinder. I hoping I can get some dates, since I don't have to cold approach it might be easier for me. Then it might also help me get more confident with cold approaches.

Stay tuned.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
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Good to see more journals popping up. Do you have a game plan to attack your approach anxiety?


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
im sure that the only way to do so is to approach
No not necessarily. You start off by just trying to get 50 Hi's similar to the SoSuave bootcamp that was popular a few years back. Alternatively, you can set some guidelines like I want to spend 3 hours per week in the field, taking a public speaking class to get more confident talking to strangers or aiming to approach 3 people per week. Simply stating that you want to get over AA without a gameplan is going to be a vague goal that you can consistently avoid.

That is why I prod people a bit when they start an approach journal but only report back on things that are not directly related to talking to strangers/women. Yes, going to the gym is a good look, but it will takes a long time for you to translate that positive energy into having the confidence to cold approaches. In my limited experience, a lot of people who have great gym bodies lack the confidence to approach women and use their bodies as a bait and hope that a woman talks to them That is why you want to find ways to directly (but slowly if necessary) put yourself in situations where you are out of your comfort zone.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
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No not necessarily. You start off by just trying to get 50 Hi's similar to the SoSuave bootcamp that was popular a few years back. Alternatively, you can set some guidelines like I want to spend 3 hours per week in the field, taking a public speaking class to get more confident talking to strangers or aiming to approach 3 people per week. Simply stating that you want to get over AA without a gameplan is going to be a vague goal that you can consistently avoid.

That is why I prod people a bit when they start an approach journal but only report back on things that are not directly related to talking to strangers/women. Yes, going to the gym is a good look, but it will takes a long time for you to translate that positive energy into having the confidence to cold approaches. In my limited experience, a lot of people who have great gym bodies lack the confidence to approach women and use their bodies as a bait and hope that a woman talks to them That is why you want to find ways to directly (but slowly if necessary) put yourself in situations where you are out of your comfort zone.
Should I just say hi or add in a how are you with it? I don't have a problem talking to strangers. What's funny is I could easily approach a guy or a woman that I'm not interested in. But, when it comes to approaching a woman I want to bang, I get approach anxiety. I used to get women in my younger days from cruisin the strip with my car or from my social circle. Neither of those are options now. So, I need to approach. I only have Saturday night and all Sunday to do approaches. The other days I work and have my kid.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
Saturday, I took my kid trick or treating because her mom bailed out like usual. I dropped her off at her moms afterwards, but I had to get up early on Sunday, so I didn't go out.

Sunday I went a car meet/bbq I had to attend and then afterwards went to a sports bar with a friend. We shot some pool, got wings, and drank. The bar mainly had couples and families. No single woman to try to approach. Well, I guess there is always next weekend.

I think I have been hanging out on this forum to much. It really isn't doing me any good anymore. I already have read the DJ Bible and I believe I have established the mind set now. I feel there is not much more I can read about cold approaching. I just need start doing it, so I can I learn from trial and error.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Should I just say hi or add in a how are you with it? I don't have a problem talking to strangers. What's funny is I could easily approach a guy or a woman that I'm not interested in. But, when it comes to approaching a woman I want to bang, I get approach anxiety. I used to get women in my younger days from cruisin the strip with my car or from my social circle. Neither of those are options now. So, I need to approach. I only have Saturday night and all Sunday to do approaches. The other days I work and have my kid.
What do you like to do for fun and/or where are you likely to meet like-minded women on a Saturday/Sunday? I definitely feel like nowadays there is not as much educational information about women as there are complaints about women but I am interested in your journal and seeing you progress fwiw.

I think you need to be actively aware of where you are going and what the odds are of you having success. For example, if you are going to shoot pool with the fellas, instead of going to a sports bar, you could go to a day party that is showing the game or a more female-friendly venue. If I had two days a week to find women, I'd want to make sure there were some potentially females wherever I went socially. I can be a little girl-crazy at times though so take that with a grain of salt I suppose.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
What do you like to do for fun and/or where are you likely to meet like-minded women on a Saturday/Sunday? I definitely feel like nowadays there is not as much educational information about women as there are complaints about women but I am interested in your journal and seeing you progress fwiw.

I think you need to be actively aware of where you are going and what the odds are of you having success. For example, if you are going to shoot pool with the fellas, instead of going to a sports bar, you could go to a day party that is showing the game or a more female-friendly venue. If I had two days a week to find women, I'd want to make sure there were some potentially females wherever I went socially. I can be a little girl-crazy at times though so take that with a grain of salt I suppose.
Let me start out by saying I appreciate you taking interest in my journal.

I actually live a pretty boring life. I only have 3 friends. 2 of them usually work on Saturday nights and the other one is down to go to bars. None of them are good wings, but the one who is down to go out I have him talked into trying out game. Saturday I start the night out by showing my car at a big car show. I have a group I hang with while there. They all have girlfriends and go home after it ends around 9pm. Then I usually go hang with my friend I mentioned earlier. We have been going to bars recently. Sunday, I don't do much besides hit the gym. I didn't grow up in this state, I don't know a lot of people, my ex suppressed me from having a social life, and I work alone. I really don't have any hobbies besides cars. My friend and I are planning on starting to hit bars by the big college campus.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
I haven't posted for a couple weeks, so its time for an update.

I haven't went out to the bars or the car show for the last 2 weekends. One weekend I was sick with a bad cold, last weekend I was still getting over the cold and just straight beat from the work week.

Earlier this week, I decided to try out OLD again. I had tried it around a year ago or more for 2 months and it was horrible. I couldn't get any replies and no women were sending me messages. Back then, I was blue pill/afc and didn't work out. My profile pick is me with my shirt off, looking cut up, with my abs showing. Now, I am getting replies back and women are actually sending me messages. The only bad thing is, it seems to be a ton of work sending all these messages and checking the women's profiles out to see if they look good enough to message. Some messages I receive are from fatties. A lot of women on OLD are flaky and won't give out there number. If they don't give me a number, I just move on. I have a good opener for Tinder and a different one I use for POF. I have a date set up with a POF chick tomorrow night, but I think its a 50/50 chance she might flake. If she does, its all good, cause its her loss. Plenty of other women out there. I'll report back...


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
I haven't posted for a couple weeks, so its time for an update.

I haven't went out to the bars or the car show for the last 2 weekends. One weekend I was sick with a bad cold, last weekend I was still getting over the cold and just straight beat from the work week.

Earlier this week, I decided to try out OLD again. I had tried it around a year ago or more for 2 months and it was horrible. I couldn't get any replies and no women were sending me messages. Back then, I was blue pill/afc and didn't work out. My profile pick is me with my shirt off, looking cut up, with my abs showing. Now, I am getting replies back and women are actually sending me messages. The only bad thing is, it seems to be a ton of work sending all these messages and checking the women's profiles out to see if they look good enough to message. Some messages I receive are from fatties. A lot of women on OLD are flaky and won't give out there number. If they don't give me a number, I just move on. I have a good opener for Tinder and a different one I use for POF. I have a date set up with a POF chick tomorrow night, but I think its a 50/50 chance she might flake. If she does, its all good, cause its her loss. Plenty of other women out there. I'll report back...
keep your head up OG


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Whats the opener you use on Tinder. I just got the app yesterday. Trying to see wasup.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
Well the girl I said I had a date with in my last post went ghost when I asked for her number. But since then I met this really cute 28 year old Hispanic chick on POF. She has no kids and has a good job. She gave me her number. Since then she's been texting me almost to much. She even texts goodmorning and goodnight. I haven't been responding to quickly to every message. She is kind of shy. She wanted to meet me tomorrow night but I cant. We might meet on Sunday or otherwise next Saturday. Stay tuned...


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
Hello Young OG,

You are doing well. Keep going at it diligently. The key to expanding your options is to constantly be on the lookout to approach.

Approach anxiety is non-existent. You have absolutely nothing to lose. I couldn't bare to stand a rejection, but hey, if my self-confidence is as high as i believe it to be, a 'no' will not even begin to scratch the surface.

It's all about Carpe Diem. Lead by example and you'll rise above the masses. Confidence is the most attractive trait you can demonstrate to the opposite sex. Exude it, bathe in it and interiorize it.

Fortune will only favor the brave. Those who dare to chase after it. High risk = High reward.

It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
That hispanic chick might be the move! I love hispanic girls. 100% co-operation and they know how to treat a man. On the other hand they are really crazy and they are clingy as hell.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hello Young OG,

You are doing well. Keep going at it diligently. The key to expanding your options is to constantly be on the lookout to approach.

Approach anxiety is non-existent. You have absolutely nothing to lose. I couldn't bare to stand a rejection, but hey, if my self-confidence is as high as i believe it to be, a 'no' will not even begin to scratch the surface.

It's all about Carpe Diem. Lead by example and you'll rise above the masses. Confidence is the most attractive trait you can demonstrate to the opposite sex. Exude it, bathe in it and interiorize it.

Fortune will only favor the brave. Those who dare to chase after it. High risk = High reward.

It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.
Thanks for the input. I know I need to work on my confidence.

That hispanic chick might be the move! I love hispanic girls. 100% co-operation and they know how to treat a man. On the other hand they are really crazy and they are clingy as hell.
I have never dated a Hispanic girl. I have always wanted to. She told me she has never dated a white guy. I've heard they are crazy but didn't hear they are clingy. She seems like she might be clingy. The way she texts me is almost like we're exclusive even though we never met. She told me she's shy and is nervous about meeting me. Her last boyfriend must have been a total afc. She said she had to dump him because he was to pushy and trying to get to serious, to fast. I guess he wanted to marry her and have a baby after only 2 months. Lmfao. I dont want to get married or have any more kids.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
Thanks for the input. I know I need to work on my confidence.

I have never dated a Hispanic girl. I have always wanted to. She told me she has never dated a white guy. I've heard they are crazy but didn't hear they are clingy. She seems like she might be clingy. The way she texts me is almost like we're exclusive even though we never met. She told me she's shy and is nervous about meeting me. Her last boyfriend must have been a total afc. She said she had to dump him because he was to pushy and trying to get to serious, to fast. I guess he wanted to marry her and have a baby after only 2 months. Lmfao. I dont want to get married or have any more kids.
are you white, young og?