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The Ramblings, Musings and Encounters of a Manchild.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
I've had a really bad 2 weeks in terms of everything, as I suspected before the end of university, a lot of sh!t came out. It's actually stressed me out because a lot of good people have been hurt but it's how the cookie crumbles. So I'm nearly done picking up the debris from the bomb that was set off but it's taken a tole on me. I mean I knew it was coming because certain people were coming back but I never thought it was escalate to the level it did.

Other than that, I've been doing no approaching in any way, literally been with my main chick for the last 10 days, not sure about how she's going to take me leaving. Really not sure if I'm going to cut it off though because she's a great girl who thinks the world of me. I don't want to make my decision where it can be clouded by the university air, which seems to make me just bolt at the first sign of anything too clingy.

I think I may be suffering from something because I've been sad the last few days and let everything get on top of me, which is unusual. I'm going home soon so hopefully that should get me back to normal.

In other news, the World Cup is starting today and I'm so excited :up: I would love to think England are going to win but we won't, I'm backing the Germans.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Tracking Sheet

My benchmarks:

- Being able to cold approach and meet one hot girl every week who is a solid lead.

- If I were to completely abandon my rotation, within a month, I'd have a new one with equally as hot or hotter girls. (3-4 girls)

Until I get to this point, I'm going to be keeping track of what I'm doing. I know that I do not approach enough but when I do my general success rate is quite high.

The Tracking Sheet

Number of approaches

-Setting(street, shop, night club)

How many lead to conversations

- Perhaps I may find a topic which leads to more success
- Do I always go for the close? what's the success rate?
- Do boyfriend objections always come early or later?

Phone numbers (text to response ratios)

How quickly can I get these girls out on dates, is there a trade off between how soon you send the first text and her coming out? So far I've found that the first 3 days after getting the number is the best time to get her out.


- What type of dates am I going on with these girls?
- What is the best point to kiss her?


- How many of these chicks am I banging? what's the golden ratio?

In other words, I'm going to track pretty much everything and update weekly/fortnightly. Hopefully there will be some improvements because I feel like I've stagnated recently.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Leaving university for good. It feels weird. Been here for a long time made some great friends, had some amazing experiences and have plenty of stories I will probably never forget. Got an interesting few weeks coming up now, need to find work and some new girls back at home.

Also sent a random message to my old oneitis and she sent back a pretty eye opening message along the lines of "why do you feel the need to check up on me once a month?" and to be fair I do kind of do that, for no real reason. Which lead to me deleting all the girls in my phone whose numbers I have for no real reason to have their number. I'm not fücking them and they definitely aren't potentials. That was something I really needed to do, I feel much better for it now. So now the only female numbers I have in my phone are family, actual prospects and genuine friends who I hang out with.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
The prospect of not having drunk chicks on tap is starting to freak me out. Really going to miss university but it's onto the next chapter and finding girls at home.

Also the girl with the boyfriend tried to act like we were going to be friends and I shut that down pretty quickly. Lol that she thinks she can just have me as a friend after spending the best part of 8 months shagging me. No danke.

Last night I had a really good insight into how girls think, it was actually with a few female friends of mine. A lot of them have "boyfriends" or guys they're seeing but it's only on the cusp of being exclusive and put it this way they are exercising their freedom if you know what I mean. Last night this girl was upstairs with a guy, another friend and the guy she was seeing was downstairs texting her, I casually read the messages and he even mentioned about how she sometimes gets with her friends and pretended it didn't bother him when it obviously does. I think it's typical of the way people behave. But oh well. As for me, I'm having a chick hiatus which good, I haven't hit on a chick in anger for a long time and it feels good. But I have to snap out of it soon because I can't go for much longer than 2 weeks without sex.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
I've decided to essentially take time off from actively gaming and get some other things in my life in order. I already have a good basic level so it shouldn't be hard to get back to where I was. I also have a chick staying at mine for a while who I'm sleeping with so it's not like I can go out and hit on girls anyway so it's all good. I've been thinking about a few ideas and concepts recently though.

I've also been more socially recently, getting into a few more random conversations when I'm out and about. But I see this as the calm before the storm for myself.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
I still haven't done any approaching, which feels weird. I'm definitely getting the itch back, my main plate has basically turned into my girlfriend now which kinda sucks. But I still have control of the situation because we'll be going long distance is the very near future and she's also starting to exhibit behaviour I don't like. So this one's a right off. But I still have my youth :up: Hopefully in a couple of weeks once all this is done, I can get back to posting real field reports that people can read and actually do something with.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Went out daygaming for the first time in absolutely ages today. It was weird. I just went with the mindset of being social and having fun. I was quite nervous so I just stuck to bookshops to give myself a situational opener and slowly found myself opening up. I also realised in terms of "game" what I was doing and saying sucked but the girls were still digging it which supports my view that game in general is 70-80% vibe, once you come across as a normal guy and have some attractive qualities about you, you have a chance. Going to keep it up now I'm back home and in terms of girls at the moment I don't really have anyone locally, which is proving frustrating.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Just got back from holiday, it was one of those quiet scenic types, which is a welcome change from the hedonistic booze fests I've been used to. Saw some mountains, castles and museums but now I'm back it's my first real time at home on my own since uni where I can game girls. I did some daygame just before I went and I'm meeting a girl this week who I gave my number too, of course she was going to call, she was keen as anything. I have a feeling she wont put out though because shes 18. I'm also meeting my old fückbuddy from when I was at home before uni and she text me outright asking if we wanted to fück again. Who am I to refuse an offer like that? :up:

A while ago one of my goals was to get into more conversations with people and to make more random statements as I'm going about my daily business as a hook for girls. Well I'm doing that, ended up talking to a lot of people over the last week, I was stuck on a train for 3 hours and ended up talking this Canadian chick the whole time, she had a boyfriend but were vibing, I'd say a potential in a few years if I'm ever visiting Canada...scrap that I'm never going to Canada because the people annoy me. I was talking to a pregnant engaged lady yesterday too for some reason and I can feel the bug coming of just talking to people. I don't feel nervous about doing it, so hopefully soon it should become part of who I am.

I've also just seen the template I made which will be making a weekly appearance from now on.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Well my main girl has ended things, which is awesome because for the first time in many years I feel completely single, there is nothing I'm "having a thing" with or anything like that. Going out tonight on "the pull" but as usual as I'm at home now I don't have anywhere to bring the girls, which sucks. I guess I'll be seriously screening for girls from out of town who have accommodation which is easy to get to. It should be a load of fun, will probably end up meeting a bunch of Americans.

I've reconnected with an old FWB and we're screwing again, which is fun. I've missed her bum. But I'm also seeing the 18 year old, went on a date the other day, she's really into me. I had some time to kill and text her to come up to town to see me and she was there within the hour, shy but receptive.

I also have a mental list of some girls from uni who I never got the chance to get with at the time because I was with someone but it should be okay now. One of these girls lives in London, towards the end of term we were drunk, chatting and she seriously started flirting with me. I think she's hot, so we'll see what happens.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Haven't updated in ages because I've been busy. Finally starting to get the kind of life I want to live in London, I've had a sniff but now it's time to get a real taste for it. Been going to dinner parties,

I've always never bothered with online dating but set up a POF profile last week and started mass messaging girls. My first impression was that online dating is not hard, if the girl replies, she's generally interested and you can get her out on a date within 2-3 messages. Went on my first date yesterday, which actually went pretty well. Considering I don't "date" that much, I was surprised how easy it was. It reminded me of just chatting to a girl on the street for a bit, I used similar themes and threads. Got another date on Thursday, one on Friday which I will probably end up flaking on as the chick has some pretty weird tats which after closer inspection are not for me. Plus another one for Sunday, oh the joys of living in a city I guess. I think I'll end up deleting my profile after getting a few more dates and going back to it periodically when the metaphorical well runs dry.

I'm a little annoyed at myself because I'm seeing this 18 year old and I promised myself a few months back no more virgins! But once again, I've managed to find a cute girl who hasn't been there with a guy. I swear I keep getting with the same type of girl. She's generally the cute nerdy type, usually privately educated, rich family, brunette and into fashion. I've come across and done well with that type many times. But it's fun to still be able to date 18 year olds, seeing the older guys complain about not being able to get these girls makes me laugh, I'm at the perfect age for this stuff.

I've also been semi-ignoring my old FWB because she messed me about before we fücked again. When we hooked up, I could tell she hadn't been fücked like that in ages, she goes for indie guys. Anyway I just didn't message her or anything for a week and one week later to the day she was like "how come you haven't tried to hook up with me again?"...and she now keeps texting me, which is annoying. I think back to 3-4 years ago and I used to text all the time and now it's the opposite. I like this way much better.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
I've finally got my life in order, I've got girls at home who I can get with and whatever. I also have a job lined up which is awesome stuff, only officially unemployed for like 2 months.

Went on a date last night and the conclusion is that this girl is really cool. It was so easy to get on with her, I was trying to work out what would annoy me about her but found nothing. She was really into me, lined up a second date already which is close to her place. That is deliberate because I live at the family home so it'll be easy for me to walk her home etc etc you know the deal. As for actual dates, I have pretty much worked out what kind of guy I am that good looking, charming guy who is easy to get on with. But then there's that edge; that slightly devilish side which seems to be the kicker for most girls.

In general, I've just been finding women really easy to deal with, it seems that some/most of the issues that guys come across on here are a bit alien to me. I can't work out if it's because they happen and I now just ignore them without engaging with them at all or because they just don't happen to me. I've noticed it's pretty easy to frame your way out of most bad behaviour on the woman's part. Just subtly tell her you don't like "XYZ" a short while before you encounter the problem and you're done.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Yeah, a few weeks after joining POF, I am leaving mostly because I get hotter girls in real life who have higher interest. It's that simple, it was a good experiment, got a load of numbers which I really need to start chasing up properly just to see where it goes. But in general it sucks and it's lame, online dating just isn't that great.

I've decided to talk more about my general life on here, firstly because I'd like to think it's rather interesting and secondly maybe someone could learn something. I specifically wanted to talk about my female friends. I have 2 close female friends, who I talk to on a regular basis and I have learnt ton just by hanging out with them and talking to them about various things. They're both hot which is good and I've actually got with both of them and gone further but not slept with either of them. The thing I wanted to mention though is value that their friendship has brought to my life, I've got with their friends, I've dated their friends and it's not had an affect on the friendship because these girls know what I'm like. I've also observed their dating habits and it's interesting, both of them are 21 and have slept with 9 and 16 guys respectively. They're pretty accurate numbers because I don't throw out any judgments and they know I'm worse so it's okay. What's interesting is how different they are, the girl on 9 guys(and one girl for that matter :whistle:) is pretty much point blank refusing to sleep with this guy that she really likes because she's too aware of her number. So this guy has been getting LMR the few times hes got her in bed half naked because of that. Take of that what you will, it just showed me that some girls just need time to get over some stuff.

The other girl's seeing a guy long term, they're not in a relationship but he treats her like crap. I don't really get involved, I've just told her a few times what kind of things I've done and told her to make up her mind from that. But it's not my problem. She really likes the guy but she's also slept with a few other guys whilst seeing this guy. He doesn't know though, which is interesting and I wouldn't say she's even hidden it that well. It's obvious to me because she's told me but if I was in his position I would be really skeptical about it.

Anyway, these girls are fun to hang out with once a week and shoot the shït, their birthday parties are always the best. Hot girls everywhere and they actively want you to hook up with their friends which makes it that much easier. At the end of the day, the easy way to get laid and meet hot girls to have a lifestyle which naturally brings them along, I'm sure if a straight good looking guy did photography for models, they'd be rolling in it. So for me it's about attaining that lifestyle through my social circle.

Got a date tomorrow night with the girl who lives away from home. In all honesty, I should bang her and if I don't it means I've fücked up somewhere because she's really into me. If I don't I'll probably just head out dolo and try to pull some foreign chicks who have a hotel near by. That's why I love living in London.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Today on the journal I am going to be talking about how the community has a warped perception of women. If you read community literature and lived by it dogmatically you'd believe that all women were:

- Manipulative towards men
- In complete control of social interactions
- More socially intelligent than all men
- Never nervous or flustered
- Totally secure about how they look and feel

In my short life so far, I have found the opposite. Guys seem to have these views of women for some reason and I have never seen enough of this behaviour to attribute it to firstly an exclusive female trait and the trait in enough women to consider it a general behaviour. Sure there are women out there who manipulate and use men but it's not all of them and they're definitely not as bad as some guys out there. I know I'm no angel and am definitely guilty of using women and being manipulative from a very early age.

Women are also not these amazingly socialized creatures who are leagues above guys in terms of social etiquette. I've definitely been able to call girls out on their behaviour(in private) and have seen when girls get nervous on dates they do "break the rules" and slip up. I think that's why girls don't like guys who put them on a pedestal, it's a lonely place up there with all the expectation. Some chicks just wanna chill and be normal, wear sweats, swear on weekends and blow a dude just because they feel like it. From my experience, women are far more insecure than men and that's reflected in the culture we live in today, the make up, the way women dress etc, they want to please men whether it's consciously or subconsciously.

So that's my mini rant about how the community has got women wrong in the sense that they're all being judge by the worst archetype and women do the same thing with men too.

Now I had my date the other night, it went well. The plan in my head was to go and get something to eat, then somehow get myself invited back to hers and bang her. And that's exactly how it happened, it was easy, no LMR, no BS. I'm glad I'm not coming across some of the issues that other guys come across, maybe it's because I'm coming across as more laid back rather than pushy. It's the "girls keep coming onto me" thing again, which can never be a bad thing. It kinda reminded me of one of random scenes in Californication which I thought were a little farfetched but apparently not. We actually got on really well and the sex was great, I'd see her again mostly because I kinda have to see a girl with her own place. One slight problem though is that I can tell she really likes me already, I can tell shes already lining me up to potentially be her next boyfriend but I think I can skate around that issue for about 2 months before she starts making serious demands. Which kinda sucks because she is a genuinely nice girl. Meant to be meeting another girl later but I kinda can't be bothered, it's Sunday and my tired because I was out all weekend with friends. We'll see, I might have to throw out the "I have tuberculosis so I have to reschedule" :whistle:

I'm still seeing my fückbuddy but she's going back to uni soon, which is going to suck. She wants me to travel halfway across the country to see her but that's never going to happen. I also need to get better at texting girls back, I was meant to potentially see another girl but just haven't replied to her and this is becoming a recurring theme which is definitely costing me girls. I feel like I need a whiteboard and a list then tick my way through to stay on top of things.

I've started reading Richard Dawkin's The God Delusion, which is pretty interesting so far.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK

Looking back over the past year or so for the first time I can say to myself an honestly believe that getting laid is not hard. I have sex on a regular basis from multiple sources, I enjoy that, it's something I'm pleased about and these reference points will stand me in good stead in the future. My male friends are in a tough place, they are openly talking about not being able to find a good girl or having sex again. I think their dry patches are a few months to it must be nearly a year. That sucks, I almost feel bad for them. But I don't because I know they can get laid they just don't put in the required effort.

I've just had a little trip down memory lane and realised how much I have changed as a person in terms of women. I'd say I'm a lot more socially intelligent now than I was a year ago and it has been reflected in my results and type of interactions I'm having with girls. But my biggest change is how simple everything has got, there's little resistant coming past a certain point, which means I'm screening and framing well. At this point in my life, I don't want stuff like LMR, a relationships or even to be going to nightclubs because they're really expensive and I'm saving up to travel the world. I've realised that the places I want to go to travelling to do not have hot women, maybe apart from Russia, which is interesting because usually I'm all for sticking myself into places where there are girls I want to bang.

Also I see a lot of journals popping up which have tons of goals listed and of course those goals are rarely met in full. This is a problem because failure like winning is contagious. Which is why I'm moving this journal away from a "goal" oriented mindset to more of a tracking mindset. I will track what I do rather than lay it out to begin with. Now this may seem counterproductive because without the motivation from the goals, how am I going to get going!? But I firmly believe that this process for me is about results not about dreams. I can work results but I can't deal with ideas and concepts. They're not tangible and just don't work for me. It's going to be about the moment and that's it. It's not about going outside and making 20 approaches because if I make 1 approach and get laid, I'm happy. It is a result. Goals look good on paper but you can't hide from the results, I could write a pretty interesting list of things I want to do but it means jack shït.

Another thing I wanted to talk about is this SoSuave obsession with the word "alpha", I personally think the obsession with being completely non-reactive and not giving an inch to women is just stupid. For christ sake this isn't a war, we're just trying to live our lives and I guess some people need to live by some strict code to feel whole and have respect themselves. Like I think I mentioned in a previous post, the majority of women are not out there to get you, well at least from my experience. They're too busy playing with their hair and makeup to be concerned with engaging in such games. Some people are really overthinking all of this and surprise surprise they aren't happy. This whole concept of nexting straight away is stupid, there's no dressing it up. It's fücking stupid and it will cost you lays and even good women. If she barely knows you, why the hell would she act like you're the shït? It doesn't make sense but this "alpha" mindset that guys feel the need to push so hard on here dictates that if she's not super into straight away she's a waste of time. It's laughable, it's blatant approval seeking from other men, which I thinks kinda gay. It's an online version of dïck measuring, it seems to be a contest of who has the most women to next and who can bang the skank who clearly has daddy issues and will get super attached and inevitably turn into these BPD wh0res I hear so much about. In my mind, the "alpha" and "beta" divide is pretty simple, the more a guy is trying to convince you that they're "alpha" the more chance they are not going to be "alpha"...it's classic online bravado. It's like well done for nexting a girl who did not reply to one text message, you win the Golden Online Alpha Trophy. Maybe, just maybe, you can trade it for some püssy one day :up:


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Mr Wright,

I enjoy your posts, may be identifying more than with some of the US-based dudes.

A couple of comments;

- At this point in my life, I don't want stuff like LMR, a relationships or even to be going to nightclubs because they're really expensive and I'm saving up to travel the world.

A lot of guys seem to reach this point after a while of (successful) 'gaming'. The thing that a lot of (other) guys don't realise is that, far from simply being 'b1tches', being difficult, or 'selfishly prioritising their hypergamic tendencies', a lot of women simply reach this state of (independent) being too; i.e. they just put their own interests first and if some suitor comes along that they like the look off then sobeit. That independence is a right (that should be) afforded to everyone (at birth) and a lot of guys get all emotional when 'their' woman exercises that right.

Goals look good on paper but you can't hide from the results, I could write a pretty interesting list of things I want to do but it means jack shït.

Your first post on this thread had a bunch of lists that you made. I think dismissing other people's plans is as easy as those people making (and potentially not fulfilling) those plans. I would not judge your complete lack of objectivity in your own original lists, because it's your thread at the end of the day.

You may not realise now (you have probably forgotten, as results in the cloud of success) that the motivation gained from fulfilling or indeed failing your own early objectives has actually enabled you to get to that state you are at now. I will take a read through the whole thread. As I say, I enjoy it, but with due respect (from an older man) your posts are written by a 21 year-old, and it shows.

Do not ever assume you have reached your pinnacle as some kind of 'special one' and that you do not need to continuously improve and come up with more (and more objective) plans, because someone will come along (probably a woman) and mentally knee-cap you just when you start getting comfortable. Please understand that this is just the voice of experience speaking, rather than personal criticism. As I say, I knew everything when I was 21 as well; now I realise I never will.

Another thing I wanted to talk about is this SoSuave obsession with the word "alpha", I personally think the obsession with being completely non-reactive and not giving an inch to women is just stupid......It's like well done for nexting a girl who did not reply to one text message, you win the Golden Online Alpha Trophy. Maybe, just maybe, you can trade it for some püssy one day

Leading on from the previous comments, I agree and disagree with you about 'alpha and beta'.

Some guys do seem a bit obsessed with 'game', 'approaching', PUA, blah blah blah. A definitely concur with quality over quantity when it comes to 'approaching'.

Then, again it is a free choice. These are all terms that people use to comfort themselves or to describe a mindset that encompasses many different variables. Also, some view techne as a magic pill cure to their individual problem; how many threads are posted with 'what should I do....?', 'what will stop xy and z women ignoiring me.'

There's one simple answer; be a more independent and confident man, and so we come full circle back to the top of my post. Alpha, primary/secondary beta, sigma, whatever. Yeah guys bang on about it; a lot of guys spend far too much time thinking about theory, techne, women in general; therefore the alpha-beta-sigma-omega chitchat continues to have it's place.


If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
TheMonkeyKing said:
Your first post on this thread had a bunch of lists that you made. I think dismissing other people's plans is as easy as those people making (and potentially not fulfilling) those plans. I would not judge your complete lack of objectivity in your own original lists, because it's your thread at the end of the day.

You may not realise now (you have probably forgotten, as results in the cloud of success) that the motivation gained from fulfilling or indeed failing your own early objectives has actually enabled you to get to that state you are at now. I will take a read through the whole thread. As I say, I enjoy it, but with due respect (from an older man) your posts are written by a 21 year-old, and it shows.

Do not ever assume you have reached your pinnacle as some kind of 'special one' and that you do not need to continuously improve and come up with more (and more objective) plans, because someone will come along (probably a woman) and mentally knee-cap you just when you start getting comfortable. Please understand that this is just the voice of experience speaking, rather than personal criticism. As I say, I knew everything when I was 21 as well; now I realise I never will.
Yeah, my posts look like they've been written by a 21 year old because that's where I am in my life. But that being said just because I'm 21, that doesn't make me wrong.

I'm not saying I don't need to improve at all, I'm saying quite the opposite. I just think I can improve without setting definitive goals because improvement has been engrained in my lifestyle for a number of years. If got to the end of the year and I was to quantify what improvements I have made, setting tons of goals would not be the cause of those improvements. Setting goals is not improvement, it's an intention but you can't do anything with it. The results are the improvement so I'm just saying focus on the results because that's where the gold is. I focus on an area and not overstretch myself in terms of the number of things to focus on because it is unrealistic to enforce that much change on yourself. I think the general culture is based towards goal setting as if that's a means to an end. It's a bit like "look at me, I set a goal look at how committed to getting better I am." But it's all smoke and mirrors unless the end goal is being tracked. I could set goals that appear to be useful but in reality haven't really got me anywhere, which is why I just focus on results. This is why I also think it's important to stick to improving one issue at a time because then you can see quite early what is and isn't working. Mass goal setting just encourages people to put too much on their plate like it's a challenge and it's unsustainable over the long run. There is too much going on in the brain for a person handle, especially since goals are very simple. Either you hit them or you don't. Whilst with results, you can track progression.

It's simple, lets say a guy gets 5 new phone numbers a week, and then 2 of them turn into dates but nothing comes of them. This similar theme happens for 3-4 weeks. He can look at those results and think firstly he could approach more women. Then the next week he has 10 new numbers, goes on 4 dates but still nothing comes of it. So he knows the next area that needs working on is how he is acting on dates and trying to move things forward. So that week he knows he can get 10 numbers and 4 dates, so he works on the general area of escalation and tries something different one night and he ends up getting laid. So the next week he tries it again and gets another girl. It's just results based calibration rather than goal based action. It's not, I want to get laid so I'm going to do this. It's more like this is what's happening normally so when I change it, this happens. I've just found it's much easier to track what the hells going on that way.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
You seem to be content with your progress Wright and that’s great but i will offer a piece of advice

I thought i had hit a similar enlightenment with women last year and through my own arrogance and laziness i lost it as quickly as i had gained it.....

Just something to bear in mind

Anyway I also find your posts slightly more relatable than those of our American cousins so keep up the good work

One thing i will ask is how come you never seem to speak about your male friends much are they all useless with women ?

I enjoy chasing tail as much as the next guy but i find doing it solo to be incredibly strenuous particularly on nights out

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Bingo-Player said:
One thing i will ask is how come you never seem to speak about your male friends much are they all useless with women ?

I enjoy chasing tail as much as the next guy but i find doing it solo to be incredibly strenuous particularly on nights out
I have spoken about them on SS but maybe not on this thread. Mostly at university the guys I used to hang around with were good with women, all got laid weekly. Some guys were on about 50, but on average was about 20. They were all pretty built.

At home in London, they're not so good with women and don't really like to go out as much. Which probably explains why I put an emphasis on getting my lifestyle sorted.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Bingo - I thought i had hit a similar enlightenment with women last year and through my own arrogance and laziness i lost it as quickly as i had gained it.....

This was kind of what I was getting at. It's very easy to transition from confident, independent single 'alpha' player into 'beta' provider (for 'the woman you love') in a LTR without even realising it.

Mr W - At home in London, they're not so good with women and don't really like to go out as much. Which probably explains why I put an emphasis on getting my lifestyle sorted.

I find exactly the same. There are A LOT of soft guys in LDN. In more ways that one. Planning to go out with Spence in October, if you fancy joining us Mr W and/or Bingo (and anyone else for that matter). Getting bored with the guys I go out with right now; they're either drunks, insecure, attached, or just not bothered. PM me if interested.

Regards your improvements they aren't to be doubted. I just need to take a more measured and objective approach myself, just to know I am making progress. However, I don't really take a particularly measured approach with regards to women; loosely, I may be have 7-8 women I could make arrangements with and when out, if I see something I like I make a few moves to get close and talk to them.

Aaannyway. Just don't let yourself get complacent. Ever.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Fück nexting

Okay, the whole nexting thing has been well and truly blown out of the water for me. Today, I was kinda bored, I'm looking for a job so I sent a few random texts. One of them was to this girl who I met really quickly, she was a 2 minute number close from about a month ago. I tried to get her out but she kept telling me she was really busy and didn't even bother to reply in the end. We had a good initial interaction but there just wasn't enough comfort there. However, I felt that all was not lost, so I sent her a pretty generic message and she replied. I asked what she was up to and she said she had a day off was just messing about so I went for the meet up and she agreed. I'm definitely an advocate of using this technique with girls who don't really know you that well. Like if you meet a girl in a nightclub and she's drunk or quick number closes. Getting them to commit to a date in a future gives them more time to rationalise things and in most cases just end up flaking. But if you message her that day and go for the "here and now" meet up, you might catch her on a good day where she's looking to meet a guy or whatever. Then if your game is tight enough you can turn it into something more solid. Not the first time this has worked and I'm sure it won't be the last.

Anyway, I was really glad I did message her. I kinda forgot how hot this chick was, like totally my type, dark hair, blue eyes, good figure and tall. I'm a sucker for those girls. I saw her coming down the road and was thinking "damn, I remember why I picked you out of a crowd." So we went for coffee, chatted and just chilled. Dead confident girl, knows what she wants and how she wants to be treated, I like that in a girl. She liked me, she was asking me loads of questions, start qualifying herself a lot and we made out. It was good, definitely a girl I'd see again and I'm really starting to get the hang of this dating thing. Today taught me one thing, fück nexting because you never know when her situation might change and you're because you were the guy who didn't bïtch and moan but also stayed on the radar. Checking in once a fortnight or even once a month with a cheeky ping text, keeps you in the game. At the end of the day, she was never going to message me first but was receptive to actually meeting up. A classic maybe girl, which today I may have turned into a yes girl.

Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
