The plates are spin spin spinning!

Jun 14, 2008
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I just called a girl I met online and have a date tomorrow night. This girl is from South Africa. Anyone know anything about South African girls? I know nothing about South Africa any advice will be appreciated. I'll make sure to read up on it.

Tried texting the Indian girl, no reply lol. That one is dead in the water. No suprise, I totally stood her up but she never called or anything so I doubt she showed either.
Jun 14, 2008
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Here's another shot of the babe I banged this week. I didn't just bang her, I straight up seduced this girl using some top notch game. It would have sucked so bad if she left that hotel bar and didn't come back.

She went from saying she won't even kiss me at the beginning of the date, to my hotel room until 4am. I am proud of this one. I had to work for it. And she wasn't drunk at all, she had half a Corona all night. She was a log in the sack, but she just needs some training. Banged her again right before she hit the road to go home.
Jun 14, 2008
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I met the new girl tonight. It went well we had a 3 hour date which consisted of a couple drinks, food and talking. I can tell she wants to get busy but since it was the first date I did not try and advance on her.

We already made plans for another date next weekend.

The Peruvian was blowing up my phone all night, sending me texts "what is wrong with you why dont you answer the phone". OMG, she is getting clingy already and she is a LDR.

Not a good sign but she told me she is flying back here in a couple weeks to see me.

So this is plate spinning eh? This is fun as hell!

Then I tried to hit up the BPD to make it a 3 plate night, and she ignored me LOL.

Can't win them all.

I'm finally succeeding at this plate spinning man, it took me many years of failure but it's happening.
Jun 14, 2008
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Last night the peruvian said she is flying here on the 25th.

This morning she said she bought a ticket to come here THIS WEEK and I already made plans for the weekend with the new one.

I told her too bad, I'm busy this week. Told her to change the ticket. She said it can't be changed or get a refund. Now I have to tell her not to come.

What gives her the right to think she can tell me she is coming one week, then change it up without even asking me?
Jun 14, 2008
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Alright. I can see my thread gets no replies anymore so I will stop updating it. Here is my final update. If anyone wants to know what happens then ask because I am done with forums for awhile.

BPD chick - This girl has fallen off the radar she is a completely different girl from when I met her. She never initiates calls anymore, she never texts me first, she said someone in her family is terminally ill but I can tell she has lost interest. Talked to her today and tried to run game and treat her like a girl I just met. She said she will come by this week but I know she is lying. She won't come. She is just trying to string me along because she knows I still care.

I turned into an AFC with this girl. She was on my nuts hard before this happened. Once I turned AFC, she was never the same. I tried to go back to acting Alpha, but it's impossible. The damage has been done.

Peruvian chic: She tried to switch up the plans on me and come here a week earlier. I told her I can't do it but I changed my mind tonight. She is still coming and we are going to meet up. My only obstacle is the new girl I met. I have already made plans for Saturday with the new girl.

I can either flake on the new girl or tell the Peruvian I have to work this weekend (lie). I don't know yet how I will handle this.

New girl: She called me this morning and wanted to get a slurpee at some concession stand. I've got a slurpee for this girl but it's not at any stand. I didn't see her because I was at work but we had a good talk on the phone. We have plans for Saturday but I am thinking of flaking so I can spend more time with the Peruvian. The only other option is lie to the Peruvian and I hate lying, but when you spin plates there is no choice.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
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I would spend Sat. w/ the Peruvian, sounds like you already have set plans with her. The new girl won't mind if you reschedule, since you guys just met. Or you can seem em both on Saturday. Don't feel bad about lying, girls do that shyt all the time to us.
Jun 14, 2008
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Sandow said:
I would spend Sat. w/ the Peruvian, sounds like you already have set plans with her. The new girl won't mind if you reschedule, since you guys just met. Or you can seem em both on Saturday. Don't feel bad about lying, girls do that shyt all the time to us.

Good call. I already came to this conclusion. I told the new girl something came up and she was cool with it, so we are meeting tonight for a drink instead. I told her I forgot I already agreed to help my buddy move on Saturday.
Jun 14, 2008
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I made out with the new girl tonight and she has made it blantantly obvious she wants sex. She said she wants to come over tomorrow night. Then I have the other one flying in to stay the weekend with me. And I don't give a flying sh!t about either of these girls that's why they are practically begging for me.

I still want the BPD which is freaking scary, I'm working on tapping that again too but I caught feelings for this one and she is pushing me away. It's the complete opposite behavior of the 2 girls I don't give a crap about. That's how it is.

It's time to go complete no contact with this one and see if she ever comes back. If this BPD girl never comes back, I know it's for the best but I can't resist her if she does.

I have done what I came to do. Thanks sosuave I owe a lot to this place. My transformation is complete but it's been a long, bumpy painful road. It has taken me years to go from total AFC to this point.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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Vlad, you're doing a great job. keep it up, and good luck.
Jun 14, 2008
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amoka said:
Vlad, you're doing a great job. keep it up, and good luck.

Someone in this thread decided to "call me out" because my previous name on this site was My Name is Nobody. I think it was The Bat, trying to shame me or something. Pathetic move on The Bat's part. He did something a woman would do.

The Bat said:
You guys do realize that Vlad is the artist formerly known as "My Name is Nobody"?

Before he got banned at NLG, these types of threads were very common there since there is no post limit.

Some of the $hit this guy does and posts about makes me think that there is no way this guy is 30 years old...maybe 13...but how is a 30 year old gonna go act like this and still consider himself a DJ?? Especially when he has access to such a wonderful resource like this forum and guys on it???

Vlad is a lost case....recite the last rites...and let's move on gentlemen.
How "next level" of you, Bat. :rolleyes: Using shaming tactics like a woman. You should be ashamed of yourself because the joke is on you. I am probably pulling more ass now than you ever will.

I got news for you. That wasn't my only previous name. I think My Name is Nobody goes back a couple years. I had names before that which go back 7 years.

The point is I have come a long way and The Bats attempt to shame me in this thread just made me try harder so thanks for that. While at the same time Bat just destroyed his own credibility. Go post on I hear she is going to be running that place soon, so you will fit right in. That's why that place is such a joke because you and other posters there pretend to be all high and mighty but underneath all that you act like a woman, even worse than what AFC's do.
Jun 14, 2008
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Well the new girl just left, and I had her naked on my sofa stroking my d!ck all night.

Where is Batman? A real man would come back here and either apologize or stand up for himself.

So much for that Next Level P/ssy.
Jun 14, 2008
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I am becoming an unstoppable beast!

A new plate just came into the picture. I get a text this morning I need big help! Are you busy today?

This text came from an old plate and I deleted her # a LONG time ago., I replied:

I'm busy. Who is this?

She said

It's -------!

I asked what she needs, and she needs a ride from the airport. I told her I'm busy, but I wish I could pick her fine a$$ up from the airport. She replied:

LOL! Thanks for calling me fine

I told her to come watch a movie with me. She said she has to do stuff today. I replied I'm free tonight

She said:

Lol call me when you get off

Game, set, match baby.

Everything is starting to go right because I just don't give a f/uck about the outcome anymore and most importantly I don't give a f/uck about the girls. I'm going to call her tonight and see if she's down for a late night romp and add her to my pile of plates.
Jun 14, 2008
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Ease said:
I read all of this and i have to say i think you should relax. I dont think you're in a healthy place right now mentally and emotionally. You seem to make it a mission to spin as many plates as you can but you seem erratic and restless.

The situation with your ex is something i think im going through aswell. Although you seem a lot more extremely disturbed than me, i think we both need help.

I think I'm going to pass this new plate up. I need to get ready for my out of town plate to fly in tomorrow.

As for the EX, that's the only one of my plates I remotely care about and she is running away while the girls I am treating like crap are begging to see me.

It all makes sense. I told the ex this morning that I am spinning plates, and I don't care about any of them and they all want to be with me. I told her that I care about her and she is running away from me. I figured I would try the direct approach and see what happens, maybe make her jealous.

She said she cares but she is going through alot of things right now. I asked but she won't tell me if she is hopping on other d!cks. I want to know for some reason.
Jun 14, 2008
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This will be the last update before the weekend hits but there is some funny sh!t going down in my world.

So last night the new plate came over and I was taking shots before she came so I was feeling good when she got there. We watched the movie and started making out my zipper came down and she was stroking it and I told her to suck it a couple times and she resisted saying "not on the third date".. I tried to get her into the bedroom and she resisted. I was cool with her resistance the whole time, I didn't care. When she left she thanked me for not being forceful. I was like "i'm not a rapist b!tch it's all good"

This morning, I admit I felt like a bit of a jerk for telling her to suck it but I just blew those feelings off since I don't really care about the girl. I didn't contact her all day and she started blowing up my phone when I left work. She APOLOGIZED for not putting out last night. I told her it's all good, I didn't have expectations I just wanted her to come over to hang out I didn't need sex. She wanted to see me again tonight but I told her I was too tired and blew her off. She called me out on the blow off, I just told her I'm no fun when I am tired. She just texted me saying goodnight, and she is thinking about me.

So plate #2 is flying 1000 miles to be with me tomorrow morning and all weekend even though I have to work most of the time. It will be fun, she was in chat tonight saying she loves me and wants to meet my parents. I am just completely playing her telling her don't worry everything will work out.

I am playing both of these girls. I'm getting used to this numb feeling and not caring. This is what works. Also it will keep me completely distracted so I don't obsess over my BPD ex which I think about for some reason.

When the EX comes back, it will be because of the plate spinning.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
Vlad the Impaler said:
It all makes sense. I told the ex this morning that I am spinning plates, and I don't care about any of them and they all want to be with me. I told her that I care about her and she is running away from me. I figured I would try the direct approach and see what happens, maybe make her jealous.

She said she cares but she is going through alot of things right now. I asked but she won't tell me if she is hopping on other d!cks. I want to know for some reason.
It is not in your best interests to ask her or know whether she is seeing anyone else. How is that going to help you ?

Secondly,you may have revealed a valuable method of getting rid of an ex -Just tell her that you 'care" about her...:crackup:
Jun 14, 2008
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jophil28 said:
It is not in your best interests to ask her or know whether she is seeing anyone else. How is that going to help you ?

I want to know because if she is seeing someone else then I know she is lying through her teeth about having family drama and that's why she can't see me. Every time I ask any question that tries to pry into her love life right now, she goes completely silent. She won't even give me a hint of what she is doing. She has dropped a couple hints that maybe she has taken a break to "find herself" or whatever the hell women do when they need a break from men. Does this really happen alot? I have seen some signs that this is possible but I'm not going to think about it anymore. She told me I don't have to "wait for her" and she encouraged me to go to my other girls when I tried to make her jealous. She is stringing me along like the BPD's always do.

I don't even know why I am still trying to talk to her. I am going cold no contact from this day forward.
Jun 14, 2008
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I tapped the peruvian all night and we were drunk as hell and did it without a condom.

The first thing I did this morning was pay 50 bucks at CVS and she took the Plan B morning after pill.

Always get the plan B if there was condomless sex gentleman... it's the only way to have peace of mind. I didn't even bust in her and I still bought it.
Jun 14, 2008
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I sit next to this middle aged married woman at work and she has given me her # twice and she has taken mine and she requested I call her on her lunch break today :crazy:

She is cute too.
Jun 14, 2008
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The BPD is back! I told you guys I could beat her. We have always been in touch but I gave her a lot of space while I was spinning. I even told her I was spinning. Now she is getting sweet and nice again, and today she dropped the bomb. She told me

“I want you to be real with me and tell the other girls to get lost and I will be real with you and lose my address book”

So, she comes out with this after 2 months of not seeing her, and I don't even know what she has been doing or if she will be faithful. She has never been faithful. The first 2 months we dated I found out she was lying and seeing another dude.

I told her to come over and we’ll talk about it and she is coming over tonight! I like this one more than my other plates so I am going to tell her what she wants to hear. I'll tell her I'll drop the other girls and she is the one for me. But she is not dumb, will will know if I am dating someone else and then she will kill me. She is the type to show up uninvited when another plate is over. If I don't tell her what she wants to hear, she will go away again and I don't want that.

I could really end up dead over this one she own firearms. What do you guys think?


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
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If you're gonna start hitting that you know how she's gonna act. She's wants a relationship and will freak out when you say no. I would tell her the truth and just say your not ready to settle down. Do you think hitting that is worth her going crazy over you? I don't know, a bit risky if you ask me. Personally I don't think I would do it