The plates are spin spin spinning!


May 30, 2009
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I'm sorry but, you are the biggest douchebag I have ever read about. Let me get this straight; This woman inserted another man's penis in her. She fuvked another man, and you took her back? You are pathetic. No man, who has self respect, would ever take back a cheating woman. You are in desperate need of a case against you. Either you will get HIV, probably already did from the Peruvian, or you will get a rape case, or even blackmail soon. Good job bro.
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
trent81 said:
I'm sorry but, you are the biggest douchebag I have ever read about. Let me get this straight; This woman inserted another man's penis in her. She fuvked another man, and you took her back? You are pathetic. No man, who has self respect, would ever take back a cheating woman. You are in desperate need of a case against you. Either you will get HIV, probably already did from the Peruvian, or you will get a rape case, or even blackmail soon. Good job bro.
You are the most negative person on this site. You don't even know the full situation, so here's a quarter now keep your judgements to yourself.

I was never exclusive with the girl. We had a fight, and broke up. When people break up, they see other people. She didn't cheat, we were never exclusive.

I did the same thing she did. Banged girls and didn't like them and she did it and didn't like the guys.

Now we are back together. If it happens again after we had our little stupid exclusive talk, I will be gone.

Don't be a hater bro. I'm happy right now. You can't even get a second date with a chic, and I have them crawling back on their bloody knees.

I'll take my situation any day of the week. Welcome to dating in the 21st century kid.

trent81 said:
Either you will get HIV, probably already did from the Peruvian, or you will get a
Why would the Peruvian have HIV? Are you saying Hispanic people have diseases? Don't you mean I should have HIV from my black girlfriend? You are a racist and it's incredibly ironic you call me the douchebag.. look in the mirror.


May 30, 2009
Reaction score
You are pathetic, immature, arrogant, and plain stupid. YOU WILL get blackmailed, disease, rape case, or something else soon. This is not being negative, this is telling you that your life is about to turn for the worse soon. You may even get shot. Something bad is going to happen to you. It's coming soon. You're view of women, relationships, and fuvking are completely insane. If you were here, I would beat the living fuvk out of you. Do you have a father figure in your life? I would ass rape you and take your manhood away. You stupid little boy. Do you think you are the only one that gets laid? Do you think that what you are doing is not something someone did when they were seventeen? Wake up fuvker. What you just found out (having multiple women as partners) is not new. Your dad was spinning your mom as a plate before he decided to shoot one in her and got stuck with her. Your own mother was a plate. You ungrateful sack of ****t. Like we give a fuvk about your life and how many women are at your knees. Go make some money instead of trying to fuvk your coworker, you unprofessional pussvy worshipping ****t.
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
trent81 said:
You are pathetic, immature, arrogant, and plain stupid. YOU WILL get blackmailed, disease, rape case, or something else soon. This is not being negative, this is telling you that your life is about to turn for the worse soon. You may even get shot. Something bad is going to happen to you. It's coming soon. You're view of women, relationships, and fuvking are completely insane. If you were here, I would beat the living fuvk out of you. Do you have a father figure in your life? I would ass rape you and take your manhood away. You stupid little boy. Do you think you are the only one that gets laid? Do you think that what you are doing is not something someone did when they were seventeen? Wake up fuvker. What you just found out (having multiple women as partners) is not new. Your dad was spinning your mom as a plate before he decided to shoot one in her and got stuck with her. Your own mother was a plate. You ungrateful sack of ****t. Like we give a fuvk about your life and how many women are at your knees. Go make some money instead of trying to fuvk your coworker, you unprofessional pussvy worshipping ****t.

Call me Daddy. How's that frown coming along for you?

I'm happy as hell! Now you can really hate me. You only wish something bad will happen to me. Nothing bad can happen to me. I'm invincible, b!tch!

Go back to blaming the women for your problems. Can't get a second date? She must have a man! Last girl I went out with who had a man blew me in the backseat.

Good luck with that though, you are an angry person and I already know you are a racist and a homophobe. That's why your game is so whack because of all the hate inside yourself.

According to you, I should have AIDS from my hispanic girlfriend, and my black girlfriend is going to kill me. If she was white would I be OK?

Whats going to happen to me thats so bad? I knock her up? Ohhhhh I'm scurred!


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score
First thing tomorrow morning, im getting legal rights for a TV show based on this nut case drama.

Vlad will continue to do all the writing for me while i make gazillion dollars. In the end, i will spend the rest of my life on a remote island with hot babes serving me margaritas, while Vlad continues to get mentally fycked by his BPD!

This is pure gold.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
Deniska said:
First thing tomorrow morning, im getting legal rights for a TV show based on this nut case drama.

Sorry, man. You're too late. I already tied up the legal rights a while ago. The networks are now battling to produce it. He who hesitates is lost. ;)



Don Juan
Sep 10, 2009
Reaction score
trent81 said:
YOU WILL get blackmailed, disease, rape case, or something else soon. This is not being negative, this is telling you that your life is about to turn for the worse soon. You may even get shot. Something bad is going to happen to you. It's coming soon.
More wise words gone unheeded. He's well on his, this morning (see his other thread), to catching a case. I am guessing that there will be police involvement within 24 hours.

He has no idea what sort of monster he's come up against in playing with a BPD. To him it is a high-school game; To her it is her LIFE. He's a rank amateur up against a seasoned pro.

Were it not for his ego I'd pity him but alas, he's begging for it.
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
Ever since I dumped the Peruvian, she is OBSESSED with me. Funny how that works eh?

Won't leave me alone. Calls all the time. Wants to drive 10 hours just to talk to me. Says she loves me in all her texts.

Unbelieveable! I am going to cash in on this and tell her to come.