The plates are spin spin spinning!


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
jesus christ people, he's a troll, dont feed him any more.
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
piranha45 said:
jesus christ people, he's a troll, dont feed him any more.

I'm a troll?

Everything I post is true and from my life.

You are the troll because all you do is hate on me. Why do you hate? Because you have no plates and no women. Right?

It's pretty obvious.
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Danger said:
This right here is great advice. It have been avoiding mine for the last couple of weeks and let me tell you, it is tough, but you need to do it.

There was another poster on this board who compared BPD's with The Tolkien books and the "Ring". Goofy I know, but in a sense it's true. The more time you spend with this woman, the more twisted and corrupt you will become. Get away.

It's too late. She is supposed to be coming over tomorrow night and she told me she wants to have a "serious adult talk"... I think she is going to try and get exclusive or something. I was planning on just telling her what she wants to hear. I already messed up and talked to her when I was drunk and she thinks I love her and want to be with her exclusively. How the hell should I handle this other than canceling the plans? I think she has in her mind I will marry her and let her live with me. That's why she gave me the sob story about losing her house.

If I play and lie to this woman and she gets attached to me, and finds out I lied in a few months and am seeing other women, there is no telling what she may do. But I can't resist.. I want to play with her anyway.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
My question is why do the mods allow this attention seeker to have several IDs simply to overflow the forum with nonsense and refused to take anyone's advice.
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
amoka said:
My question is why do the mods allow this attention seeker to have several IDs simply to overflow the forum with nonsense and refused to take anyone's advice.

I am an attention seeker for making 1 thread? Let's see about you:

And that's just 1 page! You have 4 pages of threads. What does that make you if I am such an attention seeker with 1 thread?

Leave me the f-ck alone and don't read my THREAD haters. You are all just jealous because you have ZERO women.
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Danger said:
It is not too late. Have her come over, fukk the $hit out of her, have the stupid talk that she wants to have (which likely will NOT include her becoming exclusive....that is not the bpd way), and then never talk with her again. Do not reply, do not initiate, do not visit, do not answer your door when it's her. WALK AWAY.

Do you know why anything else is not going to get you to win? It's because she really doesn't care. I know that's hard to believe, but she doesn't. When you are not around, you do not exist. She already has other men lined right up to get a chance with her.

When you think you've hurt her, all you've done is make her "split you out of existence", which is just a coping method that BPD's used to avoid coping with painful will have not existed in her mind, she is on to the next in a line of never-ending victims. At this point, all you will be is a connection to her abandonment pain when she needs to feel that again, which is exactly why she will be contacting you after some period of time. Not because she wants to get back with you, but because she needs to temporarily re-experience her abandonment.

The only way you can really win, is to not feed her, because she can never lose....there is nothing to loser in her mind, she has others to go to and she will forget the pain you caused her immediately, and only recall it when she feels the need to feed off of that emotion. Everytime you feed her you are damaging your own psyche. BPD's have a chronic acute form of PTSD, and they have the nasty ability to pass it on. Do not play a game where she can't lose. Walk away, that is the only way to win.

Interesting! Bang her all night and then drop her.

I'm going to try it. If she shows tomorrow.. .She could be bs'ing again.
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
Well, she's here and she's taking a shower and I'm about to feed her a bottle of wine.

At least someone on this forum is getting laid like a champ tonight.

Keep hating on me though, I love it.

I guess I should have taken advice and never talked to this girl again right? So I could be jerking off to porn tonight like the haters are doing who say I never take their advice.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Vlad the Impaler said:
Well, she's here and she's taking a shower and I'm about to feed her a bottle of wine.

At least someone on this forum is getting laid like a champ tonight.

Keep hating on me though, I love it.

I guess I should have taken advice and never talked to this girl again right? So I could be jerking off to porn tonight like the haters are doing who say I never take their advice.
No, its just that most of us have at least an ounce of self respect. You my friend have none.
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
cordoncordon said:
No, its just that most of us have at least an ounce of self respect. You my friend have none.

I have plenty and I'm doing great. I beat the recession and found a new job after I got laid off. I will beat this BPD b!tch and bang her to keep me busy until my other plates pan out.

It's all part of the master plan.

I should have treated this woman like sh!t from the beginning, then she would have been obsessed with me. I was too nice. You can't be nice to these BPD psychos. They want to be treated like sh!t. I will start now but it's too late.
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
I met a saucy little latina tonight from craigslist!

I like this girl! She is under 5 feet tall, very cute, 25 with no baggage. A sexy little accent, and very feisty! The date started rough we met for coffee late tonight and she had an attitude and a poker face. I was trying to break through by acting ****y and funny, she even threatened to leave once but said she was joking. I thought she was going to walk out.

I recovered and got her laughing and we changed venues to a bar with music and videogames. We played some games, it was fun. She was touching me alot, the KINO was going.

I went for the kiss but I got the cheek after the date. She is playing the conservative game. No problem we are going out again tonight.

She lives out of state unfortunately and she is leaving in a couple days but she is talking like she'll be moving here soon. I wonder if I can get her back to my crib before she leaves but it will be tough to tap it before 2 days when she leaves.... but I'll try.

I like this one. Now I can officially dump the BPD and not think twice. Thank god! I've been in a good mood since I met this girl.

Craigslist. Who woulda thunk?

And I got another girl from there I am meeting Thursday.
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
What a crazy week! I wanted to post the FR this morning but I would rather not have my supervisors knowing about my escapades... my new job monitors internet use like a hawk.

I met the Peruvian princess last night for the second night in a row. We have been meeting up late because of my new schedule. We met up for food at the restaurant. I am the only one who had a drink, she stuck with Pepsi.

I tried to get the first kiss in the booth and she still resisted. She started telling me she won't kiss until the THIRD date. That was her story, and she was sticking to it. She said she was just looking for a guy to "hang out with" and she is not the type to fool around with someone so fast. Things were not looking good at all.

Still, I never flinched and just stayed calm happy and cool.

We went to sit outside. She started saying that she wants to hang out more but in a different place. It was almost midnight. She didn't want go to my place. Where the hell are we going to hang out? I read the signals she was giving out and I got an idea.

I told her I don't feel like driving all the way home, and I'm staying in the Hotel across the street. I told her we can go chill at the hotel bar. She resisted, saying there is no way in hell she will stay with me at the Hotel.

I told her that's fine, I always stay at that Hotel (which is not true at all, I just made it up) and we can just chill in the bar and she can leave, no problems. She agreed. We went to the bar, I started with a huge Long Island, she had a Corona light and she refused to even taste my long Island.

In the bar I was acting not very interested and I stopped trying to advance on her. She loosened up and started advancing on me. She was like "Ok I can kiss you now" so I finally got the first kiss in the bar and we made out a little.

She only drank half the beer and she started talking about having to leave because her sister is waiting on her and in her culture it's very bad to be with a guy so late. I told her "you are in America now" It was funny, but she insisted on leaving so I just stayed cool and said "fine, go. see ya". I made a joke about calling that 45 year old cheating wife to come to the bar and keep me company. I think this may have struck a nerve with the girl because I told her about the cheating wife who wanted to meet me.

She left. I just accepted it as a loss. I gambled that she would change her mind and stay, but she didn't. At this point there is no way I could drive. I was going to have to drop 150 for a room because I was not going to drive after a big ass long island.

She left, I ordered another long island and was cutting my losses. 20 minutes pass and the phone rings. It's her!

I answer and she has some story about her sister not being home because she is visiting someone in the hospital. She told me to come outside because she is out there.

I went out, we talked for a minute I told her to come with me so we can get the room. She went with me, and stayed until 4am and then left. She did what the man usually does and left after the deed lol.

Was her leaving me at the bar a huge sh!t test to see how I would react? To see if I would turn into a b!tch and beg her to stay? I think the way I handled the situation made her think about it and come back to the room with me. I had some great game last night.

I saw her again tonight, she is heading back home 1000 miles tomorrow. She will be back though, she is calling me her boyfriend. She is going to come over tomorrow morning before she leaves.

When we met tonight we were walking into the restaurant and I found 60 dollars in the parking lot. What a crazy week! Now I have to go meet the indian girl Thursday evening... I still haven't seen a pic but she said she is hot and she wouldn't lie right?


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Nice Vlad. The way you handled her resistance with indifference is I think the way. I can't believe she left and came back that fast though lol.
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
ketostix said:
Nice Vlad. The way you handled her resistance with indifference is I think the way. I can't believe she left and came back that fast though lol.

I tried to send you a pm tonight it said your box is full.
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
So I haven't heard from the Indian girl in a few days and still haven't gotten a pic. I haven't tried to confirm the date or anything and I am feeling too lazy to do so.

I wonder if I should even bother showing up.

She's probably a HB10 or something.

I looked up her email on myspace and she has a page but NO PICS at all. It's weird.
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
What kind of weirdo chases a girl who he hasn't even seen a pic of? Not this weirdo.

That's why I don't feel like confirming the date. In fact, when I agreed to meet her today I told her "I still need to see a pic....."

I never got the pic therefore I don't feel obligated to show up to the date and if she says I stood her up I'll say I never got the pic which was contigent on the date.
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
ketostix said:
Nice Vlad. The way you handled her resistance with indifference is I think the way. I can't believe she left and came back that fast though lol.

She had to come back fast because she was only in town for another day. If she was a local resident I would have never been in that Hotel in the first place. She is talking about coming back this month before classes start.

I wonder how her boyfriend back in her hometown is doing?