The number one reason the dating market actually sucks for men is because.....


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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there are a lot of different factors at play

SOME modern women do seem to believe that they have unlimited options and will treat men like toys , this is probably the most frustrating aspect of dealing with modern women but its also why its important to learn to respect yourself and just walk away from her

When you walk away from a woman who doesnt respect you , you gain a little bit of that respect for yourself back

There was a chick in my gym last year who was blowing hot and cold with me , looking back now I can see why but at the time it just seemed very confusing

One day I just stopped talking to her and withdrew from her , I just ceased to acknowledge her existence which by default gave me some power back

There are a lot of lonely men out there who have little purpose in life , a job Is not really a purpose , being interested in things like playstation and xbox or even gym are not really purposes

Women have always been and always will be attracted to men with goals bigger than them.......... whatever they may be

So we have a dynamic where women overvalue themselves and men undervalue themselves

This is the biggest issue within both the dating and relationship market

you dont need to be a top 10% guy to get a girl , you just need some confidence and grounding so you can value yourself above her

The competition is low it really doesnt take THAT much to stand out to her


Mar 6, 2017
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There are a lot of lonely men out there who have little purpose in life , a job Is not really a purpose , being interested in things like playstation and xbox or even gym are not really purposes

Women have always been and always will be attracted to men with goals bigger than them.......... whatever they may be
That´s Interesting, bro. What is your purpose?


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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The biggest lie told to men nowadays is that the top 1% of men are fukin all the women.

What you describe is the invasion of simps, that has been going on for the last decade or two. Society can give you everything nowadays but genuine "love' from a women. Its why men are simping they are frustrated they cant have that one "thing" a relationship with a women. I wouldn't be surprised if someone did their research and gathered date from youtubes, self improvement, dating coaches ect. and found a billion dollar indusry filling up mens head about how they need a women to feel complete. And women being who they are take full advantage of this not knowing the ramifications this will have on society in just 100 years. What simps fail to realize is women by nature can only "slow you down". Its why people say you are settling down when you marry.

Men are only lonely cause society is telling them they are.

The dating market will correct itself when men collectively find purpose outside of meaningless sex and hook ups.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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There are too many men when it comes to prime dating ages. Here let me make it easy for you using this map, just set the age from 18-39, look at how single men vastly outnumber single women in every major city.

Why is it that women can get away with the worst possible behavior?

It is not because of feminism. It is because there will always be your fellow straight man there to simp for her, empower her, and do anything possible to ensure she is protected from consequences. This is why women have been getting away with outright toxic behavior in recent decades. It is not because of feminism or any of that, it is because there is an abundance of single men that will do everything to make sure no one hurts her.

In case no one wants to hear it, especially not Red Pill morons seeking "brotherhood", your number 1 enemy is your fellow straight man.

Right now, America is like a dive bar where 80% of the patrons are dudes and the 20% who are women have immense power.

Who is the most likely to fight you? Your fellow straight man

Who is most likely to backstab you? Your fellow straight man

Get it across your head, the Red Pill lied to you, your fellow straight male is not your friend. Your life is better if there are less straight dudes walking around. In fact, society as a whole is better when the amount of straight dudes is reduced significantly. You only need a certain amount in order to carry society on and the rest are worthless to it.

"But but but manhood and uh men build society and uh"


A small number of exceptional men lead and carry society forward, the rest are only there to take up space.

Look at who commits most of the violent crimes in society and who is likely to be the weirdo incel that goes on a rampage, STRAIGHT MEN.

The idea that the Red Pill pushed of a brotherhood is nonsense.

Just look at "self improvement" communities.

Anything remotely black pilled? Dudes making fun of each others appearances and dragging each other down

PUA? Most are scammers that con their students with thousand dollar bootcamps

Red Pill? Full of some of the most racist and hateful dudes around who only want a following

Lose the idea in your head that your fellow straight man is your brother or your friend. Lose this idea of a brotherhood. Your fellow straight man is the reason you are, factually speaking, not having your ideal dating life.

In fact, the next time a woman acts like a c*nt, it is because:

1. A father did not raise her right

2. A simp empowered her

3. A whiteknight stuck up for her toxic behavior

That is literally it.

All of this would go away overnight if Thanos used the Infinity Gauntlet and programmed it to reduce the straight male population between the ages of 18-39 by half.

Other than that, no social movement is changing anything.
It's OVER for OverpopulatedCels.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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A big crisis of our time is that there is currently no mechanism for the dating market to correct itself at all. The concept of one-man-one-woman in marriage until the end has already been dissolved. How does it self correct now?
The only way is war; Mother Nature produces too many men because many of them are meant to fight & die quickly for the tribe.

I just thought of a great idea for a 007 movie. Some incel megalomaniac discovers a new poison/bioagent that affects folks with a Y chromosome (except for those who have take some drug that only this guy knows about), either killing them or making them impotent :eek:, so that he is the only one on Earth that still breeds. Oh, and his character's name will be Adam.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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I find Colorado women quite pleasing, fit, and outdoorsy; few princess mindsets exist. If you like blondes and gingers, they are overrun with naturals.

Maybe your personal experience has something to do with your looks, style, approach, and method of meeting chicks.

I find Upper East Coast chicks insufferable.
Colorado women are definitely in the best shape, but they can be on the rough side from the neck up. :eek:


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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I don't think the typical 50 year old man is excited about his numerical advantage with women 45-50.
Yes, because what man could resist a late-40s gal like this: :eek::eek::eek:

Kate Mulvey.jpg

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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That woman is NOT in her 40s; she's an example of a poorly preserved woman in her late 60s. But you keep believing a 45-year-old cannot be hot. You've posted her picture several times, you sure she doesn't secretly give you wood?


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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100% agree. Gen z and late millennials are going to realize that they are royally screwed in their thirties after waking up from the Get-Rich-Quick-Hustle-Bachelor Snake Oil fed to them. They are going to be mentally damaged to the core, broke, and possess zero skills to properly sustain them.

Agreed lol

I made a point that most of these self-improvement communities are dominated by hopeless black men revolving around urban logic. You have some white & Asian men in the picture, but at the core it is black guys & unskilled immigrants. The RP used to be dominated by racism, but they went underground after Youtube started shadow banning them. You have Fresh and Fit and other Brown casters trying to retap this audience, but it has mainly failed.
It was inevitable that The Red Pill would eventually go the way of vague, amorphous concepts like Mindfulness and DEI... Such terms can inherently mean anything, or nothing


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
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Nature produces men at almost the exact rate as women. It's almost truly random if the conception process is un-tampered with. And nature is not a decision-making entity with a stream of consciousness. You're thinking of God.

What exactly do you men by the only way is war, though? Because in the current context, the war will be either:
1. fighting for Ukraine, so that aggressive NATO policies get solidified against an enemy that explicitly expressed multiple times through actions that they are willing to leave the West alone to focus on their own sphere of influence in Eurasia / Asia.
2. fighting for Israel, so that someone else's people can form an ethnostate through the perish of others in the lands they wish to conquer while forbidding us to think along the same terms.
3. fighting for Taiwan, such that a handful of the Western elite can maintain its price points in the semiconductor, textile, and commodity manufacturing industries while the American empire continues holding military bases in East Asia.
4. proxy fighting against Russia for market shares in African material contracts (eg. Uranium ore). But this is more of a French thing.

Neither of these possibilities fight for the tribe. They all fight for someone else. Arguably, we don't even have a tribe to fight and die for. The recruitment crisis can't be ignored, and I don't think very many of us will decide the right thing to do is enlist after our leaders have broken everything we love and left us nothing to hold onto.

If you're going to boil down a man as a mere brainless animal-creature interested in nothing but fighting for the sake of it and its own self-reproduction, then sure. I guess? But is that really accurate? We are civilized people, motivated by honor, truth, good causes, prosperity, values, and worldviews. So what war is going to correct this marketplace? It's already clear the US won't dive into civil war, regardless of what angry some landscapers in Alabama say. The military is not split in the same way that eg. France currently is.

So what's the corrective mechanism that will fix the broken sexual marketplace? Women have the monopoly. It isn't even free-market.
We are mostly uncivilized people actually. Take away the comforts of fed helicopter money and for the moment a dominant military industrial complex, introduce Great Depression level hunger, and you'll see how quickly civilization crumbles.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
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Nature produces men at almost the exact rate as women. It's almost truly random if the conception process is un-tampered with. And nature is not a decision-making entity with a stream of consciousness. You're thinking of God.

What exactly do you men by the only way is war, though? Because in the current context, the war will be either:
1. fighting for Ukraine, so that aggressive NATO policies get solidified against an enemy that explicitly expressed multiple times through actions that they are willing to leave the West alone to focus on their own sphere of influence in Eurasia / Asia.
2. fighting for Israel, so that someone else's people can form an ethnostate through the perish of others in the lands they wish to conquer while forbidding us to think along the same terms.
3. fighting for Taiwan, such that a handful of the Western elite can maintain its price points in the semiconductor, textile, and commodity manufacturing industries while the American empire continues holding military bases in East Asia.
4. proxy fighting against Russia for market shares in African material contracts (eg. Uranium ore). But this is more of a French thing.

Neither of these possibilities fight for the tribe. They all fight for someone else. Arguably, we don't even have a tribe to fight and die for. The recruitment crisis can't be ignored, and I don't think very many of us will decide the right thing to do is enlist after our leaders have broken everything we love and left us nothing to hold onto.

If you're going to boil down a man as a mere brainless animal-creature interested in nothing but fighting for the sake of it and its own self-reproduction, then sure. I guess? But is that really accurate? We are civilized people, motivated by honor, truth, good causes, prosperity, values, and worldviews. So what war is going to correct this marketplace? It's already clear the US won't dive into civil war, regardless of what angry some landscapers in Alabama say. The military is not split in the same way that eg. France currently is.

So what's the corrective mechanism that will fix the broken sexual marketplace? Women have the monopoly. It isn't even free-market.
There will need to be a large and influential enough mouthpiece to change public sentiment...those are usually installed but I would simply advise men in the west to invest as much as possible and achieve financial freedom to become geographically free. There are pockets of the world where the negative messages pushed still have not infiltrated completely, and this is because these areas are intended to be kept intentionally poor.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
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But that's not entirely true though. Times of hardship or poverty have historically fostered more cooperation and bortherhood than not. But that's because we've had barbers and neighborhood butchers and pubs and such to fall back on. Today we have SuperCuts, WalMart, and a gap instead. Church attendance is mostly seniors. Historical preservation facilities are most seniors. Old books are no longer taught in schools as relevant. Etc.

It's more accurate to say we are definitively civilized, but we've watched the mechanisms of maintaining or developing civilization erode. This leaves us alienated and atomized. This change has occurred mostly in the last 80 years or so. With some aspects beginning to die at the industrial revolution (eg. Nomadism, as Carlyle puts it).
Fair enough this is true. I would say many of the problems accelerated greatly starting with Reagan in the 80s.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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That woman is NOT in her 40s; she's an example of a poorly preserved woman in her late 60s. But you keep believing a 45-year-old cannot be hot. You've posted her picture several times, you sure she doesn't secretly give you wood?
She was 48 when the pic was taken.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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I honestly think it’s about the girls virginity the laws that favour women and society that protects (young) women at all costs:

If a woman had to be a virgin before marriage, and could not divorce, men would be so much more motivated to get a woman and keep a woman. But now, by the time the man’s figures out it, the girl
has already slept with all the guys she can handle and now needs a man with resources: As a result; there is no motivation for a man to get a woman:

It’s like “work my ass off to get a 30 something woman who has been with 20 genetically blessed men in her 20s and now is sexually reserved until I show her commitment with the option to take half my money in case she wants out?”

No thanks.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I honestly think it’s about the girls virginity the laws that favour women and society that protects (young) women at all costs:

If a woman had to be a virgin before marriage, and could not divorce, men would be so much more motivated to get a woman and keep a woman. But now, by the time the man’s figures out it, the girl
has already slept with all the guys she can handle and now needs a man with resources: As a result; there is no motivation for a man to get a woman:
What you described was somewhat of the standard in 1800s and pre-1960 United States. The 1960s is when there was a loosening of sexual cultural standards in the United States. The introduction of the birth control pill in 1960 and the adoption of no-fault divorce in most US states in the 1970s are 2 key events in the loosening. California was the first state to pass a no-fault divorce law in 1969. This 2009 article is a good history of divorce in the USA from 1960s-2000s.

The loosening of sexual cultural standards has been associated with pre-marital female promiscuity.

A lot more men are getting a woman now with a substantially higher notch count than in the 1970s. Also, the 2010s data points end around 2012-2013. Imagine what it is like now in the 2020s.

A lot of men figure out how to use elements of Game (looks, money, status, and personality/charisma tactics) between 25-34. A more Game-aware guy in his late 20s might be using psychological seduction tactics that women were using on him 10 years earlier. If a 29 year old guy is using seduction tactics on a 26-27 year old woman, he's using them on a woman who has had 10 years to put up notches.

It’s like “work my ass off to get a 30 something woman who has been with 20 genetically blessed men in her 20s and now is sexually reserved until I show her commitment with the option to take half my money in case she wants out?”

No thanks.
This is a common scenario for men in their 30s/early 40s. The more Game-aware guys will use this knowledge and focus on either casual sex or serial monogamy without legal commitments. There are still enough single male thirsty betas out there who outnumber single females who will commit to a woman with a high notch count.