The Modern Middle Aged Woman: High Notch Count, Big White Collar Career, Lives for Herself


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Yep, men move to Denver because it has the combination of being a bustling major city and the convenience of mountain sports nearby, while women not so much; that said, Denver has the lowest proportion of fatties, though not really cuties.

I wouldn't say she is really all that "attractive"; she has a "mask" face:
That said, she is trim, and so if she fell into my lap, I wouldn't kick her out of my bed, and so I guess she's plate-able, hence her experience getting plated all these years. :rolleyes:

The "mask" is the #1 thing you have to look out for with these kinds of women (white, 35+, childless). Combine the mask with the hat (top pic in the OP link), and it's an easy no-go. Imo. any hat that's not a cowboy hat or a sports cap is a red flag.

Jillian Sanders is the name (index this, google).

The mask:



The hat

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Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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I find her attractive. She will have no problems attracting men as a 40 something woman.
She's physically attractive, but her fakeness is off-putting enough to kill it for me.

And in practice, this fakeness is going to translate into deliberately overstated interest on her part in the dating field.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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She's physically attractive, but her fakeness is off-putting enough to kill it for me.
I can see your point. If you read her writing, she comes off as both feminist and entitled. She is a Millennial and Millennials tend to act entitled.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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trying to tame Buck wild Chads.
"At 38, I left New York. I was tired of wearing heels, blowing out my hair and running through a revolving door of relationships in which I gave more than I got and accepted less than I wanted."

These are the words of a woman chasing vaginal tingles with Chad on the penis carousel.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I don't understand why this woman didn't have a lot of social circle options. At age 21, she moved from suburban New Jersey to New York City. We don't know if she was in Manhattan during the entirety of the 17 years while she lived in NYC. It's likely she lived in Manhattan for a good portion of that type, because she mentioned a breakup occurring outside an Apple store in Manhattan when she was 34. It is possible she lived in Brooklyn or Queens for a part of the time.

There are plenty of people from suburban New Jersey in New York City. In her early years in New York City, it seems like she would have had social circle options. It seems like she likely wasted whatever options she may have had from social circle.

Thirsty men in Colorado now will simp over her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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I don't understand why this woman didn't have a lot of social circle options. At age 21, she moved from suburban New Jersey to New York City. We don't know if she was in Manhattan during the entirety of the 17 years while she lived in NYC. It's likely she lived in Manhattan for a good portion of that type, because she mentioned a breakup occurring outside an Apple store in Manhattan when she was 34. It is possible she lived in Brooklyn or Queens for a part of the time.

There are plenty of people from suburban New Jersey in New York City. In her early years in New York City, it seems like she would have had social circle options. It seems like she likely wasted whatever options she may have had from social circle.

Thirsty men in Colorado now will simp over her.
Does Manhattan seem like a haven for fake people to you? Lol

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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Another stupid woman blows her ultimate opportunity all because she didn't get all of what she wanted.

She could have put her disney fairy marriage idea's in the garbage and still been with this guy and had a beautiful house that he paid for. But no, her desire for marriage destroyed every bit of that. No more late night scrabble games for you sweet cheeks! Flannel Fred has other plans.

Use your emotional brain and win stupid prizes. Now she can spend the rest of her life convincing herself she is happy.

They always want something from you, you're always a provider to some extent.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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This is a story of a woman who is in her early 40s now. She's an early Millennial. She claimed to be 40 last year and turning 41 in February according to a post on LinkedIn today. That means she was born in February 1982, making her an early Millennial. With more and more Millennials starting to turn 40, there will be more and more stories like this. This type of story almost always happened to middle class or higher White women,

This woman moved to NYC in her early 20s (age 21) and started riding the penis carousel, imitating the "Sex and the City" characters. "Sex and the City" was still in production when she moved to NYC, as its original run was from 1998-2004. @Jesse Pinkman

This woman proceeds to ride the penis carousel in NYC until she's 38. She builds her career in NYC. She then moves to Colorado. Her LinkedIn indicates she lives in the Denver Metropolitan area. Denver has long been known as Menver, due to an abundance of penis in Denver. @MatureDJ

She gets some thirsty rich guy to propose marriage to her but the relationship falls apart due to disagreements over a pre-nupital agreement. This 40 year old ex-carousel rider ends the relationship.

Now, she's a "You Go Girl!" feminist in Denver proudly proclaiming her feminine empowerment while operating her own public relations firm. She is an attractive redhead. Would you bang?

Her personal website links to her LinkedIn and Instagram too.

What are your reactions to the essay she wrote about her story?
I always wonder how you're able to find these articles. Yet another classic, embarrassing story of a woman lived her best years being a 304. What stood out to me is the fact she shamelessly said she went to New York for multiple princes, rather than one prince. It's reality , I know , but it amazes me that she just outright said it like that.
The "mask" is the #1 thing you have to look out for with these kinds of women (white, 35+, childless). Combine the mask with the hat (top pic in the OP link), and it's an easy no-go. Imo. any hat that's not a cowboy hat or a sports cap is a red flag.

Jillian Sanders is the name (index this, google).

The mask:

View attachment 9597

View attachment 9598

The hat

View attachment 9599
Thread worthy topic by itself.

At some point you are able to see right through women like this.

Grounded eagle

Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2020
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I just wanna say... Penis carousel sounds hilarious to me. We got a nice vintage 304 here aged 40 some years who definitely isn't ran through and delusional about her worth and ability to form a healthy relationship.

This study was done by CDC and The Department of Health and Human Services. Sample size is about 10,000 women (men were not studied) ages 15-44.Women in the 6-10 range begin to see a drop, other studies correlate this as well. A sobering study for sure.
Don’t you just love it when the conversations here are backed up by facts,statistics and data?


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2022
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Don’t you just love it when the conversations here are backed up by facts,statistics and data?
To an extent yes. I think statistics can be a good indicator of trends and correlations, but I think with most things in life there is a degree of nuance. I think sex and dating is something that cannot simply be defined by statistics and studies alone. At the end of the day there is a lot of emotion involved, but the stats can help reinforce a point.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Yet another classic, embarrassing story of a woman lived her best years being a 304. What stood out to me is the fact she shamelessly said she went to New York for multiple princes, rather than one prince. It's reality , I know , but it amazes me that she just outright said it like that.

Thread worthy topic by itself.

At some point you are able to see right through women like this.
Yes, her opening paragraph essentially showed that she fantasized about being a 304 without realizing the downsides of being a 304.

"I was 21 when I left my home in suburban New Jersey and moved to New York. I imagined my life in the city as the fairy tale sold to me by romantic movies — an endless parade of handsome princes who’d compete for my favor, pulling up beside me in long, black town cars to whisk me off to some pre-war palace."

She was 21 in 2003, right near the end of the original run of "Sex and the City". She wanted to mimic the "Sex and the City" characters. It seems like she did a decent job of that. For many years, she has worked in public/media relations, which is the exact career path of one of the "Sex and the City" characters.

"For decades I molded myself to stay in relationships that weren’t right for me. But I now have a new outlook on my future — and my worth."

Men do this all the time. I'd say men do this for women more than women do this for men. She's now acting like "Miss Independent" and she might be able to do it with her own PR firm. This article might have been a ploy to get recognition for her business.

Another stupid woman blows her ultimate opportunity all because she didn't get all of what she wanted.

She could have put her disney fairy marriage idea's in the garbage and still been with this guy and had a beautiful house that he paid for. But no, her desire for marriage destroyed every bit of that. No more late night scrabble games for you sweet cheeks! Flannel Fred has other plans.

Use your emotional brain and win stupid prizes. Now she can spend the rest of her life convincing herself she is happy.

They always want something from you, you're always a provider to some extent.
It is amazing that after nearly 2 decades of carousel riding, a rich beta male was willing to commit to her. This beta male wanted her as a live in girlfriend and she wanted to be a wife. The beta male had a good idea in not wanting to pay her off in a divorce even with a pre-nup. At some level, he or his attorney must have realized that she was a divorce risk based on her relationship history.

Feminists have told women for decades to "Never Settle" and this woman took that message to heart. She wanted marriage and wasn't going to settle for less. However, she had scars from top tier men not offering her marriage earlier in life.

Is she better off holding out for what she ultimately wants? It's unknown. She passed up being a live in girlfriend to a rich man for not breaking her principles. However, it seems she spent her 20s/early 30s breaking her principles for top tier guys in NYC. That would be some combination of men with good physiques and men with money.

Mar 9, 2021
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I don't understand why this woman didn't have a lot of social circle options. At age 21, she moved from suburban New Jersey to New York City. We don't know if she was in Manhattan during the entirety of the 17 years while she lived in NYC. It's likely she lived in Manhattan for a good portion of that type, because she mentioned a breakup occurring outside an Apple store in Manhattan when she was 34. It is possible she lived in Brooklyn or Queens for a part of the time.

There are plenty of people from suburban New Jersey in New York City. In her early years in New York City, it seems like she would have had social circle options. It seems like she likely wasted whatever options she may have had from social circle.

Thirsty men in Colorado now will simp over her.
Girls like her are spoiled and expect some anomaly Chad to settle for her 49er @$$. Yes, he will have sex with her, but he will not fully commit to her. Rinse and repeat this 50 times lol.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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People who are successful and make money tend to understand their value in the world. They would sooner rotate through a bunch of women rather than settle with one. You cannot hate on that. Even the uglier successful guys do this. And I bet some of these women like above have even gotten with said uglier guys and regretted it everyday. End of the day, that 38 year old is still going to get some poon cause there's always a guy for people like her.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I am curious what her notch count is. She's about to turn 41. Let's try to figure that out. I'll make a conservative estimate.

She moved to New York City at 21 and left NYC at 38. She mentioned a 3 year long relationship from ages 33-36 that went 2 years too long. The guy tried to break up with her when she was 34, but she got him back into some sort of relationship for another 2 years.

In 17 years in New York City, it's likely she had at least 17 sexual partners. It's not difficult to put up those numbers.

You also have to consider her number of partners from when she lost her virginity (somewhere between 14-17) and age 21 when she moved to NYC. That's easily 3-5 partners,

Then consider any partners in Colorado prior to Jim. Add 1-2 there because she mentions she was using a swipe app in Colorado. It's easy for women to get laid on swipe apps. When women don't get laid on swipe apps, it's because they are overly fussy.

Lifetime, she likely has a 20-25 notch count. Her notch count could even be in the 30-40 range.
Wow this is some next level whore-nalysis.
In 2014, Roosh wrote an article called "The Most Reliable Way to Tell if a Girl is a Slut"

"If you want to estimate a girl’s notch count, simply multiple the number of years she has lived on her own by the number 3. If she has lived on campus in college for four years and then moved to a large city for two more, you can rest assured she’s had over 15 ****s in her vagina, and god knows how many more in her mouth. There are definite exceptions for girls who are relationship minded and had boyfriends of more than one year in length"

If you apply Roosh's formula to the woman we are talking about, you would come up with a notch count of 45-65, depending on how much time you exempt for her extended relationships. I was conservative and estimated 20-25, but it wouldn't be surprising if it was 30-40.

I do like Roosh's formula overall, but it doesn't do a good job in accounting for extended relationships.