The Game Is In The Comfort - PUA


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2006
Reaction score
Okay I can DHV, neg , put on some nice body language, and I show the body language of disinterest. I can ask fro the number, ....but I dont know how to proceed after that ?

what to do after you get the number, mystery says "the Game is in the comfort"

The openers/transitions/etc are comfortable, but People tell me THE REAL GAME IS AFTER you get the number.....

I dont know the 'strategy' , the game plan , the steps, after that if someone can delineate that ...that would

The one girl that didn't flake, I ended talking to her for like 10 -20 minutes..thats it...
some of my numbers have been flakes so far, but others haven't ...

any advice, any steps someone can give me.. because i find it really easy when you have a 'set of things to do' like mystery outlines or any books to follow....

do i just keep asking questions ? do I call them up and let them talk alot and just bounce the conversation, do I try to make for interesting conversation..and excactly how do i do i make jokes, how can you do all this and still be considered alpha male??


Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Screw getting numbers. Go for the makeout NOW. Take her home TONIGHT. Push for it, mess it up, learn, and go do it again!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2006
Reaction score
raiz said:
Screw getting numbers. Go for the makeout NOW. Take her home TONIGHT. Push for it, mess it up, learn, and go do it again!
awesome , :)

more opinions !


New Member
Feb 26, 2008
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I think your first mistake is assuming that the "game" changes after you get the number. Think about it...if all the things you mentioned work before you get the number, utilize those things after you get the number. Just keep that indifferent attitude going and be assertive...and don't think so much. The biggest "game" is the mental game that all DJ's must overcome.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
TheStew said:
I think your first mistake is assuming that the "game" changes after you get the number. Think about it...if all the things you mentioned work before you get the number, utilize those things after you get the number. Just keep that indifferent attitude going and be assertive...and don't think so much. The biggest "game" is the mental game that all DJ's must overcome.

according to mystery, once we've establish attraction we can cool down the Negs/DHV...but we still do them but to a lesser amount. the next parts are building comfort....
Jul 31, 2007
Reaction score
This thread breaks my heart. Your mind is sick. Sick with PUA disease.

Listen to yourself:

KneghtRyder said:
Okay I can DHV, neg , put on some nice body language, and I show the body language of disinterest....

I dont know the 'strategy' , the game plan , the steps...

any steps someone can give me.. because i find it really easy when you have a 'set of things to do' like mystery outlines or any books to follow...

do i just keep asking questions ? do I call them up and let them talk alot and just bounce the conversation, do I try to make for interesting conversation..and excactly how do i do i make jokes, how can you do all this and still be considered alpha male??
These thoughts aren't normal my friend. Seduction does not work this way.

You cannot just jump out of the shadows, perform some memorized special moves and use them to bring unsuspecting females back to your nerd lair.

DHVs, negs, active disinterest etc. is useless to you because you have no foundation. These are just tools used to help bring out your best self but you do not even know who your best self is.

There is a disconnect in your mind between being yourself and attracting women. You will never truly succeed until you fix this.