Terms for SoSuavers/Game


Dec 30, 2022
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Someone asked about these terms in a post.. I figured why not just make it a thread so it can help more people who aren't aware of these terms. @Vero Della Rosa

IOI's -- Indicators of interest (signs a girl likes you in public or otherwise)
Spinning Plates - Balancing act of having a romantic relationship with multiple different women, unbeknownst to them and keeping them all hot , meaning interested.. without one of them losing interest and falling. it comes from a circus act where some guy is spinning multiple plates on multiple sticks.. the idea is to not let any of them fall aka lose interest
FWB- Friends with Benefits
LTR: Long Term Relationship
AFC: Angry Frustrated Chump - Basically an incel before incel got popular
Redpill: Someone or a community of men who basically fed up with women's bs and believes most women are intrinsically evil or selfish and thus works hard on themselves to become successful, have good looks, and be their best to be able to deal with women and their nature
Bluepill: Someone or a community of men who sees women as not much different than men, who believes having women as friends is healthy, who usually doesnt have any hate or disdain toward women but may sometimes be naïve to the evil manipulation that some women use on men's emotions
PUA: Pickup Artist
L7: Pimp/player terminology to refer to a lame, loser, someone who isn't cool
Rizz: Most modern word for game, sauce, swagger when it comes to picking up women.. Usually someone with Rizz is slick witted and knows how to talk to women
Unspoken Rizz: Same thing but means like without having to say anything.. Basically just exuding from your style/appearance/actions
Rizz God: Someone who has tremendous game
AMOG: Alpha Male of the Group..
Flake: A girl who makes plans but either cancels last minute or doesn't show up.
Day Game: Pickup in the Daytime, ussually any old scenario, can be a mall, public place, park
Night game: Pickup at night, usually bars, clubs, or the street, an event, etc
Field Report: Detailed report about a date, or an encounter with women or a list of reports of your day and the women you've approached and each of those encounters.
DHV: Demonstrating High Value.. as a man this can be like talking about your accomplishments indirectly or telling a story that demonstrates how interesting you area nd things youve done recently, places you traveled or whatever.
Escalation: Escalating is basically going from simply eye contact and talking to more and more sexualizing the interaction, through touch, through getting closer, through kissing, making out, etc .. eventually leading to sex.
Kino: The art of touch, using touch to make someone feel closer to you.
Number Close: Closing an encounter by getting a girls number. as opposed to:
Instant Date: You start an encounter with a woman, but it turns into a date, and can end up in a :
Sex Close: Closing an encounter by meeting a woman, turning it into an instant date, and closing with sex.
**** Test: Psychological tests women do to see what type of man you are, and see how compliant you are. They use this to gauge if a mans confident, if he's a nice guy, if he's an alpha male, etc
Social Proof: An important part of game for many. It's basically signs or proof that you have alot of friends and are a likeable person. This makes women feel more comfortable around u and makes you seem like a worthy catch. Social proof demonstrates value as well.
Wingman: A buddy that acts as support for picking up women. The wing usually talks to the woman you like and introduces her to you so you don't have to feel awkward. These days wingmen more or less are just dudes who you game with and help distract the other girl in a 2 set so that you can focus on your girl without her friend distracting you two.
Bodycount: How many people a person has had sex with in total.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2023
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AFC) In "The Rational Male", I recall "AFC" meaning the "Average Frustrated Chump", which implies a much wider group than Angry Frustrated Chump.

"**** Test" may not help those who need a glossary, so you might use "Sh!t test" instead.

Is a "Natural" somewhere between "Rizz" and "Rizz God"?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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AFC) In "The Rational Male", I recall "AFC" meaning the "Average Frustrated Chump", which implies a much wider group than Angry Frustrated Chump.

"**** Test" may not help those who need a glossary, so you might use "Sh!t test" instead.

Is a "Natural" somewhere between "Rizz" and "Rizz God"?
It was always AFC back in the day. Nowadays does Simp equate to AFC. I know Simp like behaviors are similar to AFC. Orbiters are also normally simps although they can all be categorized as AFC's


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2023
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It was always AFC back in the day. Nowadays does Simp equate to AFC. I know Simp like behaviors are similar to AFC. Orbiters are also normally simps although they can all be categorized as AFC's
In "The Rational Male" (published 2013) table of contents, under the third section: "AFC - Average Frustrated Chump". Right in the table of contents of the most well known red pill book. Do you have a better source for your definition?


Sep 10, 2014
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I don't agree on Spinning Plates...at least in the part "unbeknownst to them". Many people, including me, let the woman know they are not exclusive.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2021
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Shouldn't the first term be "Don Juan" since that's the point of the site.....


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Someone asked about these terms in a post.. I figured why not just make it a thread so it can help more people who aren't aware of these terms. @Vero Della Rosa

Spinning Plates - Balancing act of having a romantic relationship with multiple different women, unbeknownst to them and keeping them all hot , meaning interested.. without one of them losing interest and falling. it comes from a circus act where some guy is spinning multiple plates on multiple sticks.. the idea is to not let any of them fall aka lose interest
I don't think it means that otherwise you are lying and cheating with different girls you are in an exlusive relationship with who each believe they have you. If the girls are aware you are seeing other girls and they are seeing other guys themselves then that's more like spinning plates.

RazorRambo24 said:
AFC: Angry Frustrated Chump - Basically an incel before incel got popular
It's your interpretation that that means incel. It actually means simp before simp became popular.

They had different categories for AFC. You had BAFC, which is Below Average Frustrated Chump, and then WBAFC, which is Way Below Average Frustrated Chump. The WBAFC category would be incel before incel got popular. AFC is Simping before simps became popular. BAFC is more of a grey area, probably more like a nearcel, fakecel or escortcel, etc....

In terms of looks-spectrum, AFCs are generally sub-8s with little/no game that generally fail at OLD and need to incorporate cold-approach or warm-approach to meet women, BAFCs are 5-7s, and WBAFCs are sub5s. What is in common is little or no game other than supplicating behaviour with the hopes of winning a girl over time,. That's assuming that game has little or no impact in today's market and success is more determined by looks and what you can bring to the table. If you are over an 8, you don't need game, other than not to look retarded or mess it up. The biggest impact of tight game is if you are between 5-7 in looks and are a BAFC and try to score with an 8+ hottie, and hit at or above your looks-match, and I think that is what most people are aiming for who opt into this thing.

Agree with the rest of the terms, but put in own your interpretation/opinion on the above two I've mentioned and that's open to discussion.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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In "The Rational Male" (published 2013) table of contents, under the third section: "AFC - Average Frustrated Chump". Right in the table of contents of the most well known red pill book. Do you have a better source for your definition?
It was a term used on sosuave years ago. Have no idea who originated it but it's a good term indeed.