Should I text her? Need help with text decipher....please

Captain Rahn

New Member
Apr 15, 2018
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New to this game, just separated from wife of 18 years. Listened to RM once, then went out and plied some game stuff, nothing crazy like I said I just unplugged like 2 days before. . Was sick tho like the fog lifted!! what I saw unfolding in front of my eyes at a couple bars . So I end up picking up this chic and we head back to her place for a bang. Shes quite a lot younger than me like 15 years I guess maybe more.

Stayed the night and rolled. Some texting over next few days then was supposed to see her again, last night before I had to head outta town on Biz. . She flaked last minute via text saying she had an emotional day and blah blah. Asked if it was something I said? Said it wasnt me, etc. I told her "feel better" and waited. 10 min later some "I hope you dont hate me im not blowing you off." comes in. thats like 9pm.

So I roll outta town without answerin. Next day I get apology at 230p... Hmmmm. Sorry to have disappointed1!! she says...yadad yada...I wouldnt have been good company...have good weekend! I respond with its all good, but thanks for sayin, then bust her chops a bit.

OK so, no contact all weekend....its Tuesday at 6. My gut says send a quick ... Hey you. You doin alright? thoughts? ideas? I normally like to text vibe a bit but Im not sure on this one.

I wanna bang her again when I get home of course. Do I need to show her some attention yet? Im outta town another week, so dont want her to think Im all hurt by the blow off or whateever. But dont want to get in to this big texty thing all week with some build up just to have me blown off again.

Even if shes not gonna see me again in her mind now, Id like to go out swinging at least not just ***** off somewhere. anyway, this is my first post. lemme have it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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Silence. You are giving her too much attention already. Geez. You're 47 and you are running after a 32 year old like a lost puppy. You can reach out to her ONCE PER WEEK. Don't text like a pvssy, pick up the phone and call her. Phones are for setting up dates, not for chatting about nothing. Talk for a few minutes about things she wants to talk about, then segment to I'd really like to see you again. What's your schedule like this week. Set the date and already have a place in mind. Text her the place and address w/ time and you are good to go.

Stop being so available and so ready to jump at her beck and call.

Over the next week, you should either read or listen to the following books in this order:

1) How to be a 3% man by Corey Wayne
2) How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie
4) The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi

The can also be a chance that she just wanted to bang out some frustration. You know, one and done. You are too attached. Fix that sh!t.

Also, you said you are separated. Are you legally separated? If not, be careful. Your wife can use this against you in family court if you have kids. She can say that you are a bad influence with all the women you are bring to your place. Thus, supervised visits and crap. Be careful brother.

Captain Rahn

New Member
Apr 15, 2018
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shes interested. wouldnt really blame her for anything. didnt/couldnt meet up with you for whatever reason but sounded like she did actually want to.

probably started her period and not feeling herself

never ask if its about you. signals too much insecurity. even if you know its about you. a simple "sorry to hear, feel better. maybe next time" woulda been enough.

whats that in your profile pic? red grouper? vertical jigging?

Yeah its a Nassau Grouper I shot with Hawaiian sling. Turned a weird color soon as it got in the boat.

I thought on rag too possibly. Im with you and I didnt want to convey blame, which I guess is what Im feeling now. Like silence is the insecurity. I also agree with RUG, I gotta get my **** under control, I guess this post is me trying to do it right. learn something new. I wasnt proud of the is it me question either. Wont let that go again.

Captain Rahn

New Member
Apr 15, 2018
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Silence. You are giving her too much attention already. Geez. You're 47 and you are running after a 32 year old like a lost puppy. You can reach out to her ONCE PER WEEK. Don't text like a pvssy, pick up the phone and call her. Phones are for setting up dates, not for chatting about nothing. Talk for a few minutes about things she wants to talk about, then segment to I'd really like to see you again. What's your schedule like this week. Set the date and already have a place in mind. Text her the place and address w/ time and you are good to go.

Stop being so available and so ready to jump at her beck and call.

Over the next week, you should either read or listen to the following books in this order:

1) How to be a 3% man by Corey Wayne
2) How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie
4) The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi

The can also be a chance that she just wanted to bang out some frustration. You know, one and done. You are too attached. Fix that sh!t.

Also, you said you are separated. Are you legally separated? If not, be careful. Your wife can use this against you in family court if you have kids. She can say that you are a bad influence with all the women you are bring to your place. Thus, supervised visits and crap. Be careful brother.

Yeah legally. Thanks for all that. I read RM already and DC way back when thats a classic, Ill have another look good advice.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2016
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Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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Never ask a woman for their feedback about you. Shows weakness and despiration. You need to always walk around and carry yourself as you do not give a fvck about the world or what it thinks about you. You have give off the illusion that you are the sh!t; even if you are not. If you are not, then you should work on yourself in order to become the sh!t.

It's just part of the life we all live.

Captain Rahn

New Member
Apr 15, 2018
Reaction score
Never ask a woman for their feedback about you. Shows weakness and despiration. You need to always walk around and carry yourself as you do not give a fvck about the world or what it thinks about you. You have give off the illusion that you are the sh!t; even if you are not. If you are not, then you should work on yourself in order to become the sh!t.

It's just part of the life we all live.
Got it. I'm Captain Rahn n people Fvckin love it.