She's a Man Eater.....


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Whoa-oh here she comes, watch out boy, she'll chew you up....

Okay, so I met a couple of girls I know out last night for a drink.

One is a good friend of mine. Great girl, I love her to death.

The other one I have posted about in the past. She's the one who was cold and aloof among our group, until one day she opened up and became very friendly.

I finally got a glimpse of her personality one night, and it seemed that she might hold promise, since she is physically attractive as well.

The next time I saw her we got along well. She was friendly and we talked and flirted back and forth all night. So I'm thinking "Ok, maybe she is a decent girl after all".

She has been out with our group several other times since then. This is the girl who I joked about having multiple personalities who didn't take it very well....

Anyway, so my other lady friend and I always talk about dating and stuff. I dated her best friend who moved away and got married in a period of about 35 seconds, so we always have some interesting stuff to discuss.

So.....since the subject usually ends up on dating, that was pretty much the theme for the evening. As usual, my good friend and I don't see eye to eye (she IS a chick, after all), but at least she has a positive attitude about men.

The other chick, though.....OMG.....

Lets put it this way. She is EVERYTHING that is wrong with women today. I found that out last night when I was asking her questions about what she thinks about men and how women "should" be treated.

She's a TOTAL princess. Basically, all men in our area "suck". They don't know how to "treat" a lady, which basically means that they won't kiss her ass, from what I gathered from our convo.

An interesting point to note (and hopefully Rollo can chime in on this one) was that she claims that dating in this area is "good for men, but bad for women" because "this area is full of younger girls who are 'easy', so all of the men are just out for the quick kill, leaving the 'good' women like me with nothing".


If this isn't the biggest crock of sh!t I've ever heard! I almost pissed myself when she was telling me this.

It seems that she feels that the men back where she is from "know how to treat a lady" and the women "uphold a higher standard and don't give it up so easy".

Now I know this is utter BS. One American city isn't much different than the next, especially if they are in the same state.

All this chick was doing was finding EXCUSES for her lack of success with men in a given environment. It couldn't be AT ALL her fault, oh no!

Actually, Deep Dish met this chick one night, and Rollo was attending the same event and I wish he would have gotten an opportunity to meet her as well.

Last night I alternated between wanting to continue mining information from this rare specimen, and wanting to throw up on her shoes.

I had to smile and bite my tongue a few times, but I actually learn a lot from interactions like this.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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All this chick was doing was finding EXCUSES for her lack of success with men in a given environment. It couldn't be AT ALL her fault, oh no!
very interesting you would say this



Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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KontrollerX said:

Gonna be the one to try and tame her Str8up?
No freakin way. Her haughty attitude makes me sick.

Unfortunately if I want to hang out with the others in the group (who are all cool), I will be forced to put up with this one from time to time.

I think I'm just gonna have to ignore the fact that her attitude is offensive, and turn it into a game. I have nothing to lose so I might as well have fun with it....maybe even learn a thing or two.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Metro3pilot said:

very interesting you would say this

I'm not sure what you mean. Would you mind clarifying?


Master Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
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In The South
Usually the things we dislike in others is a reflection of our own self but you could carry a puke bag :crackup:

Dam that hurt I know... no offence.



STR8UP said:
No freakin way. Her haughty attitude makes me sick.

Unfortunately if I want to hang out with the others in the group (who are all cool), I will be forced to put up with this one from time to time.

I think I'm just gonna have to ignore the fact that her attitude is offensive, and turn it into a game. I have nothing to lose so I might as well have fun with it....maybe even learn a thing or two.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
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Unfortunately a lot of men think the same way as her.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
my daddy used to sing me that song... when i was four... i thought it was about elvira the vampire lady because it said she was a man eater.
how woulda thunk?


Feb 10, 2005
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She's sounds delusional and would probably make a worthless gf.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
STR8UP said:
All this chick was doing was finding EXCUSES for her lack of success with men in a given environment. It couldn't be AT ALL her fault, oh no!

Metro3pilot said:

very interesting you would say this



i highlighted the important word for STR8UP to help him understand what you meant. :D


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score

I will be in Orlando, April 12-18 for some training and would not mind at all giving a few of your rejects a try .... I have seen the pictures ! !



Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
STR8UP said:
She's a TOTAL princess. Basically, all men in our area "suck". They don't know how to "treat" a lady, which basically means that they won't kiss her ass, from what I gathered from our convo.

An interesting point to note (and hopefully Rollo can chime in on this one) was that she claims that dating in this area is "good for men, but bad for women" because "this area is full of younger girls who are 'easy', so all of the men are just out for the quick kill, leaving the 'good' women like me with nothing".


If this isn't the biggest crock of sh!t I've ever heard! I almost pissed myself when she was telling me this.
You're spot on with the crock of sh!t reaction to this numbnutt. She, like most AFC boy-men, will blame society and use every other excuse to extinguish themselves from the fires of mediocrity instead of doing the legwork and repairing those issues within themselves so that another person will find something to admire and become infatuated with.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
STR8UP, this is my take on your girls night out.

She is literally complaining the same way you complain in here. And to your credit, you has reached the same conclusion (about her) that we have reached about you (see below):

All this chick was doing was finding EXCUSES for her lack of success with men in a given environment. It couldn't be AT ALL her fault, oh no!
Simply change "chick" with "dude", "her" with "his", and "women" with "men". And you will get

All this dude was doing was finding EXCUSES for his lack of success with women in a given environment. It couldn't be AT ALL his fault, oh no!


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Latinoman said:
STR8UP, this is my take on your girls night out.

She is literally complaining the same way you complain in here. And to your credit, you has reached the same conclusion (about her) that we have reached about you (see below):

Simply change "chick" with "dude", "her" with "his", and "women" with "men". And you will get
See, this is a big part of a lot of people's problem here.

First off, there is a huge, HUGE difference between posting your observations of the women ON A MESSAGE BOARD ON THE INTERNET, and telling a man straight to his face, IN PUBLIC, IN REAL LIFE, that "all the men around here suck".

If you can't see the difference in that, you might as well stop reading right now.

Secondly, once again, this message board is a place to sound off about women. If this were a cuddly teddy bear dating forum we might be talking about how GREAT women are and how we should send them flowers and candy and kiss their feet all the time.

And lastly, I bring up points and illustrate examples of how women tend to be this or that, but I NEVER say sh!t like "all women suck", and I don't advocate anything like the opposite equivalent of what this chick was spouting.

What would be the opposite anyway? She was basically saying that a guy should CATER to a woman, should buy her drinks and sh!t like that. Like if your are born with a pu$$y you are ENTITLED to be treated better.

I don't know what the opposite equivalent of that would be, but I'm not saying anything of the sort, I assure you. Lets get things straight before we start comparing apples to oranges.

Now, would you like to change your response?


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Metro3pilot said:

I will be in Orlando, April 12-18 for some training and would not mind at all giving a few of your rejects a try .... I have seen the pictures ! !

Haha...actually, this chick is in one or two of those pics.

But trust me, as a guy who posts on this board and understands how poisonous these extreme types of women are, you wouldn't be able to spend more than ten minutes with her once she lets her true self show. Chicks like this are only good for one thing- bending over the chair and fukking them doggie style and dropping a load down their crack before you send them on their way. Unfortunately I couldn't bring myself to listen to her man bashing garbage long enough to make that a reality.

Oh yea, and if you wanna get together for a drink when you're in town let me know. I'm down.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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STR8UP-- I like your posts and you lead an interesting life and I think you're a cool guy on the MM forum and you seem genuine in your quest to learn and understand, and yes this is a great place to sound off about stuff.

Having said that, when I see your name I just assume it's going to be complaining about something that happened with a chick or chicks in general. We can get "hooked" on our viewpoints and that becomes our identity and you SEEM to be the "guy who's getting action and disillusioned with how chicks are" and you don't see any light at the end of the tunnel.

I think there's a chance you find comfort in your disillusioned state. I am genuine in this. I do enjoy reading your stories about what chicks do. I learn from them. But your happiness is what counts here.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
reset said:
STR8UP-- I like your posts and you lead an interesting life and I think you're a cool guy on the MM forum and you seem genuine in your quest to learn and understand, and yes this is a great place to sound off about stuff.

Having said that, when I see your name I just assume it's going to be complaining about something that happened with a chick or chicks in general. We can get "hooked" on our viewpoints and that becomes our identity and you SEEM to be the "guy who's getting action and disillusioned with how chicks are" and you don't see any light at the end of the tunnel.

I think there's a chance you find comfort in your disillusioned state. I am genuine in this. I do enjoy reading your stories about what chicks do. I learn from them. But your happiness is what counts here.
I just went through a very rough time in my life, but things are getting better my the day.

My experiences over the past couple of years have given me a lot of insight into how things work, and my attitude might be better some days than others, but I have developed certain core beliefs that have proven to be true time and time again.

It's not that I don't see "light at the end of the tunnel". I have just become hyper-aware of the importance of maintaining your masculinity and being extremely vigilant as to women's motives so I know how to proceed in a given situation.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Cool dude. I agree with what you said. I have actually gotten quite a bit of knowledge from your posts. Change is a weird process. I think I'm becoming hyper-aware myself, probably why I posted in this thread to begin with, lol.
I guess I just see you getting frustrated, I remember my own frustration, wanted to point out how we're really the ones in control, hope you don't take it personally. :rock: