Sex and Relationships


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by MetalFortress
Nice job Stalin. For a moderator, you're a terrible judge of what this forum is about. His problem, like it or not, has to do with relationships, which have to do with chicks, which this site is about. If this were a pickup forum, it would be ASF. This forum has included relationship problems since I started posting in 2002, and it is not bloody likely to stop including them anytime soon. If you don't like it, you probably shouldn't be a moderator unless you can adjust without trying to conform everyone to your view.
His problem is not about the relationship, it's wether or not he is ready to have sex. Thats a moral decision - you really think a board dedicated to seducing women is the best place to come for moral advice?

I think i came over wrong. I am all for relationships as much as the next man here and everyone here has different goals with women which is great, but this isnt the best place to ask wether or not sex will 'spoil' a relationship.

To the original poster.. Instinctually relationships are about sex(the chemicals that create 'love' are a result of sex), it WILL make you closer. However, i'm not a religious person so i dont really want to advise anything - i can't relate.