Sense nonsense!


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
hey guys,
for quite sometime I have been reading stuffs out here.....but due to my studies I am inable to hang out and make new freinds.....mostly I try approaching women on the streets(especcially on my way to the university)....80% of the time girls seem uninterested in me(I do everything as said here i.e eye-contact,smile,C&F etc.).the other 20% who do talk never end up meeting me and also don't answer my call the first time and generally ask me to call them a day before the date(pretty fickle minded a?)...which ofcourse I don't unless they give me a proper explanation(which has never been given :))). and so I don't call.
Let me give you a brief description of myself.I am a preety good looking guy brown guy studing in Russia.and there are a lot of women who find me attractive,I even have been asked out by a girl once but since we were studing together I chose not to date her.Am 22 yrs and have slept with only 3 women in entire life including prostitute...and with one had sex on the beach on our first date(don't know how :)))
Any advices?.....because I really don't know what the heck is going on out here?


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
hui said:
hey guys,
for quite sometime I have been reading stuffs out here.....but due to my studies I am inable to hang out and make new freinds.....mostly I try approaching women on the streets(especcially on my way to the university)....80% of the time girls seem uninterested in me(I do everything as said here i.e eye-contact,smile,C&F etc.).the other 20% who do talk never end up meeting me and also don't answer my call the first time and generally ask me to call them a day before the date(pretty fickle minded a?)...which ofcourse I don't unless they give me a proper explanation(which has never been given :))). and so I don't call.
Let me give you a brief description of myself.I am a preety good looking guy brown guy studing in Russia.and there are a lot of women who find me attractive,I even have been asked out by a girl once but since we were studing together I chose not to date her.Am 22 yrs and have slept with only 3 women in entire life including prostitute...and with one had sex on the beach on our first date(don't know how :)))
Any advices?.....because I really don't know what the heck is going on out here?
Improve your looks as much as possible and just keep on practicing. With each approach you get better and better...:up:


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
squirrels said:
Here's some in the right forum if you want help.
where should I be posting exactly?


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
Now again I met this girl on the streets who seemed to show high interest in me but later when I called her up she asked me to call her up a day prior to the date and said NO you call up only incase you won't be able to come....and this morning I got a a SMS from her saying that she won't be able to come since she is going out of town....what the hell.....I mean I have ingrained all stuff out here but how I am gonna use it when I am unable to get a date?