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Opinions on the Novavax Protein Subunit Vaccine vs. mRNA Vaccines?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2023
Reaction score
Thanks. I'm glad to see that they adopted a light touch. There are doctors who very successfully treat covid with steroids alone (eg. Dr Chetty) and, as you say, you probably already had rather broad natural immunity by that point.

All great reasons. Why on earth would you take medical advice from politicians or journalists, from professional liars, of all people?

If you look at the medical and scientific evidence, practically everything they (governments, MSM, big tech etc) said about covid was
a lie. It was and remains certainly the most audacious conspiracy that I've ever seen (I guess 9/11, if that was also ultimately a conspiracy (and if so, one I'm far less familiar with), might come the closest.

Yet in this country (Oz), particularly from recent election results, in which most of the covid dictators were returned, most people are
still completely unaware of this and essentially cheered on the institutionalization of medical fascism, which is likely now here for
good. It looks like the doctor/patient relationship, central to traditional western medical ethics, is now dead in this country.

A very clear graphical exemplification of ADE. Geert has been worried from the outset that we will ultimately see similar developments in to the virulence (severity) of the virus. Then things will not be pretty at all. That might finally begin to wake people up here, though no doubt it would do nothing stop the ceaseless flow of lies from practically all our public institutions here. So who knows what would ultimately happen then.

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