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Opinions on the Novavax Protein Subunit Vaccine vs. mRNA Vaccines?


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Did ya'll forget this guy:

or this one:

or this one:

or when Trumps doctor started talking about Alien DNA in the vax?

or when JT and Biden told everyone they shot down a hexagon with tentacles that dodged an F22's sidewinder missle:

Remember when China found their own and got it on video?

Remember this just before Haiwaii went up in flames?

Remember when Gary Mckinnion hacked into USDEF computers and found non-terrestrial officers and then the US tried to put him in prison for 70 years?

Edward Snowden?

Luis Elzondo?

Anyone remember the US govt panicking over the Area 51 run in Sept 20th, 2019
and then 2 months later COVID arrived?

They wanted that vax in EVERYONE on the planet and it had nothing to do with covid. They did everything they could to make sure everyone was on board and removed and ridiculed anyone using or seeking alternatives. Novavax was not even allowed to be used in Canada when it was released because Trudeau and friends wanted everyone injecting MRNA fuel. The Chinese vax that was given out in Mexico with very few side effects was also banned as was sputnik and you weren't considered 'Fully Vaccinated' until you had their MRNA in your blood. Do you think this was by mistake? Then they tried to seal the lab results for 75 years. What a trustwothy company right? When they were saying 1 and done, a hacker in Calgary found spaces for 8 Booster slots in code on a Canadian Government website. Did you all just forget this? What kind of vaccine needs to be injected and re-injected every month? I'm sure it's all just a little too gluten-free for most of you.

TLDR? Take your booster.
I'll call your ET DNA in the vax and raise you one ET Technology in the vax.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Albert Bourla, the Veterinarian CEO of Pfizer, has some intriguing things going on with his neck. Interesting top comments on both these vids.

1:51 - 1:57


@BoomToTheMoonAlice I'll further raise you one ET CEO in Big Pharma


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Without veering too far off topic, we now have a "Joe Biden" who has balls in his chin:



So yeah, keep taking your boosters boyos!
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Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
So a thread that explains the difference between the vaccine tech that’s available and in some cases has been for more than a hundred years, that asks about whether or not the reader would consider vaccination using older non-mRNA tech based vaccines has become this.

A lightning rod for every single possible whackadoo theory and just endless bloviation.

Interesting how this subject really brings out the weirdness around here. It’s comical.

It’s also impossible to discern much of anything as result of the SNR ratio dropping so precipitously now. Is the respondent anti-vax altogether, just anti COVID vax, or just generally trolling with secondary accounts - it’s not hard to see you boys…


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2014
Reaction score
Why the fack do we keep circling back to this shiate?
Take it or don’t take it and move on.
There’s more presising matters when the world is almost at war.
And that’s no conspiracy theory!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2023
Reaction score
Why the fack do we keep circling back to this shiate?
Take it or don’t take it and move on.
There’s more presising matters when the world is almost at war.
And that’s no conspiracy theory!
They need this war to make people forget that they royally fvcked everyone with vax juice and spent all the tax money in Ukraine propping up a transvestite and bio labs.

Pierce take the vax bro, you're a perfect candidate. My wife calls guys like you 'True Believers'. We need more people like you, it's good for the economy. The more people that drop, the more jobs available. The more people taking the vaccine, the less overpopulated the world will be. I should work for the WEF.

There's a great documentary on cults on Netflix btw.

Hey remember this guy? What a legend! He's dead now, but it could've been so much worse!

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Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
Again, you’re confused. Or just obstinate and want to speak your peace about vaccination on a thread that isn’t about your beliefs or whether or not I need your permission to be vaccinated.

If you want to talk about your opinions about vaccination or whatever make your own thread, you’re not adding anything of value to the discussion.

This thread is dedicated to find out whether or not those who decided not to take the mRNA COVID vax would consider novavax, which is using non-mRNA technology to confer immunity.

That’s it, nothing else.
They need this war to make people forget that they royally fvcked everyone with vax juice and spent all the tax money in Ukraine propping up a transvestite and bio labs.

Pierce take the vax bro, you're a perfect candidate. My wife calls guys like you 'True Believers'. We need more people like you, it's good for the economy. The more people that drop, the more jobs available. The more people taking the vaccine, the less overpopulated the world will be. I should work for the WEF.

There's a great documentary on cults on Netflix btw.

Hey remember this guy? What a legend! He's dead now, but it could've been so much worse!



Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2023
Reaction score
Again, you’re confused. Or just obstinate and want to speak your peace about vaccination on a thread that isn’t about your beliefs or whether or not I need your permission to be vaccinated.

If you want to talk about your opinions about vaccination or whatever make your own thread, you’re not adding anything of value to the discussion.

This thread is dedicated to find out whether or not those who decided not to take the mRNA COVID vax would consider novavax, which is using non-mRNA technology to confer immunity.

That’s it, nothing else.
The fact that you are still asking that question to the un-vaccinated shows how tone deaf you mudbloods really are. You really don't know what happened do you?

I'm WELL aware of how Novavax works. The jury is still out on how everyone keeps dropping dead from the vax in the first place, if you do any of your own research, it seems to be the Spikes that are the things causing most of the damage. What's Novavax loaded with? What's it built to do? How many people experienced 'adverse' reactions during the trials? I know, do you?

You assume we're stupid or something, my wife was a nurse and I worked in an 'off the books' government facility here. People like you peddling your bvll**** forced us out of work and to flee to a 3rd world country. People tried to bar us from buying food and at one point threatened to imprison us. I got calls everyday saying I was a murderer and a child killer for not taking an un-tested gene therapy. I was getting ready to go and start a revolution that would have seen half the population of Earth, 10 feet under. It's an insult for you to even mention this, so no, anywhere this bvllsh1t is being peddled, I'll be there to make sure people are well informed. I would love you fvkers to continue shooting this sh1t into your arms, as far as I'm concerned you people are fking traitors to the human race and the only reason the governments stopped pushing this was because they realized people like me meant business. We won't forget. I hope that answers your question.

I've never been more proud to stand with the remnants of the human race. Thank you pure bloods, thank you truckers. We stand on guard for thee.
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Senior Don Juan
Jul 21, 2023
Reaction score
Oh agreed, however, SinoVac wasn't MRNA-based. That was just what they were handing out in Mexico. It's funny that China now has all sorts of trade alliances with Mexico and there is an entire city run by the Chinese. Mexico has an abundance of young women, and China, , men, so it makes sense not to kill off your allies. Canada expressly forbade any non-MRNA vaccine and even successfully cut off all air travel. I was banned from re-entering my own country by the court of popular opinion. Then I was harassed every day on the phone by a 'Compliance Officer' from INDIA after the restrictions came down. She threatened to charge me 70k if my wife and I were found outside. Isn't that strange that everyone just forgot about that? Where did these jobs go? I question what sort of person would want to take a vaccine when no one has bothered with vaccines for almost a year.
Actually there were people who took SinoVac or the other Chinese vax and died in Thailand and Brazil. Yes, all the Western countries offered only DNA or mRNA jabs. Canada and Australia had the severest restrictions. I see that you are in Peoples' Republic of Canada (PRC). I left that hellhole almost 30 years ago. I couldn't enter the country during the mandates. All of my family in PRC took the jab. I told them not to. One family member died. The others were lucky and didn't die.

The whole point of this is to introduce vaccine passports, social credit scores, carbon credit limit, and "You Own Nothing and You Will Be Happy" (look up this phrase if you are ready for the rabbit hole).

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
Jesus man, take your meds. Seriously.

The fact that you are still asking that question to the un-vaccinated shows how tone deaf you mudbloods really are. You really don't know what happened do you?

I'm WELL aware of how Novavax works. The jury is still out on how everyone keeps dropping dead from the vax in the first place, if you do any of your own research, it seems to be the Spikes that are the things causing most of the damage. What's Novavax loaded with? What's it built to do? How many people experienced 'adverse' reactions during the trials? I know, do you?

You assume we're stupid or something, my wife was a nurse and I worked in an 'off the books' government facility here. People like you peddling your bvll**** forced us out of work and to flee to a 3rd world country. People tried to bar us from buying food and at one point threatened to imprison us. I got calls everyday saying I was a murderer and a child killer for not taking an un-tested gene therapy. I was getting ready to go and start a revolution that would have seen half the population of Earth, 10 feet under. It's an insult for you to even mention this, so no, anywhere this bvllsh1t is being peddled, I'll be there to make sure people are well informed. I would love you fvkers to continue shooting this sh1t into your arms, as far as I'm concerned you people are fking traitors to the human race and the only reason the governments stopped pushing this was because they realized people like me meant business. We won't forget. I hope that answers your question.

I've never been more proud to stand with the remnants of the human race. Thank you pure bloods, thank you truckers. We stand on guard for thee.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2023
Reaction score
Actually there were people who took SinoVac or the other Chinese vax and died in Thailand and Brazil. Yes, all the Western countries offered only DNA or mRNA jabs. Canada and Australia had the severest restrictions. I see that you are in Peoples' Republic of Canada (PRC). I left that hellhole almost 30 years ago. I couldn't enter the country during the mandates. All of my family in PRC took the jab. I told them not to. One family member died. The others were lucky and didn't die.

The whole point of this is to introduce vaccine passports, social credit scores, carbon credit limit, and "You Own Nothing and You Will Be Happy" (look up this phrase if you are ready for the rabbit hole).
They are the carbon I want to reduce. ;)


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2022
Reaction score
They screwed me up once, it seems I didnt get any side...didnt finish "the cycle" and surely not taking part in others.

Wondering if there is any test available to check if that sh1t is still in circle within me.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2015
Reaction score
Wondering if there is any test available to check if that sh1t is still in circle within me.
Good question. This sort of thing definitely has been discussed, though no test that I am aware of.

If I remember correctly, Dr Peter McCullough said he thought it would take about 18 months to get the spike from the mRNA products out of one's system. I don't know that they've ever found anyone who has completely cleared it. It came as something of a surprise when it was discovered how persistent it was.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2015
Reaction score
Just some observations.

If you mean the now comparatively long standing product, I did not take it although I did have the chance before being fired for not taking any of them.
The Novavax COVID-19 vaccine is a protein subunit vaccine. It introduces a HARMLESS part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus—specifically, the spike protein—to the immune system. This allows the immune system to recognize the protein and produce a targeted response, preparing it to fight off the actual virus if exposed in the future. [My emphasis]
From quite early on people (eg. Dr Robert Malone) suspected that the spike protein was the most DANGEROUS and so HARMFUL part of the virus. Of course, the mRNA vaccines literally flood people's bodies with spike (far more than a natural infection would); hence all the (seemingly, at this point, millions of) vaccine related deaths. The medical evidence seems to suggest that the mRNA vaccines are, at the very least, more dangerous and, in all likelihood, much more dangerous than covid.

As others have noted, Novavax has had a more (in many ways 'the') conventional Covid-19 vaccine on the market for some time now, as much as its arrival was long delayed (esp. in the US).
The fact it was released in 2022 undermines any argument it was fast-tracked as it wasn't even an option until the case counts started going down and the beginning of the end of the pandemic.
Novavax was rushed like all the others, but, as a more traditional vaccine, it took longer than the others since the mRNA technology facilitates rapid development. Its phase three trials were better than the others, but that is still all there was. People seem to have forgotten, since we don't seem to test medical products for safety any more, that vaccines, prior to Covid, took 7-8 years to gain approval.

Also, perhaps not in Canada, but in Australia, they were still firing people on the basis of vaccine mandates after Novavax became available early in 2022.
Novavax isn't based on new technology, which was a concern for many regarding mRNA vaccines. So, I'm here to see if there are any specific objections to Novavax. It seems like most concerns now revolve around the fast approval process more than anything else.
Novavax does contain new technologies, such as the adjuvant and other technologies, although nothing on the scale of the mRNA vaccines. Some have thought some of the adverse events may be attributable to these.

Like the mRNA products, it has had problems with cardiac injuries (myocarditis), though presumably the risks are not as great as those products as the amount of spike involved is far less so such issues have come as a bit of a surprise. This has all been rendered rather unclear by the fact that the regulators have not been kind to them (presumably because, as a small company, they are hardly 'big' pharma and that seems to be what governs the treatment of one's products in these days of pervasive regulatory capture).
This thread is dedicated to find out whether or not those who decided not to take the mRNA COVID vax would consider novavax, which is using non-mRNA technology to CONFER IMMUNITY. [My emphasis]
None of the C-19 vaccines provide any immunity, since they are all based upon the spike of now extinct variants of the virus. Since Covid-19 has long been vaccine resistant, they actually confer NEGATIVE IMMUNITY (since at least Omicron and so before the Novavax product was even approved anywhere). This AED (antibody dependent enhancement) was well understood to be a risk (not that anyone was told about it, for instance here in Australia, where we at least used to have laws requiring, as a very MINIMUM, informed consent), from the outset. For instance it was mentioned in the FDA's initial provisional approval of the Pfizer vaccine and no vaccine against this type of virus has ever been successful (in SARS1, notoriously, the vaccine test animals all died due to AED).

On why a mass vaccination campaign was only going to create the ideal conditions for the evolution of a 'super' (that is, vaccine resistant) virus see Dr Geert vanden Bossche:

So why not just get infected by covid itself (presumably this has already happened by now), gain natural immunity and get on with one's life, as the world's leading academic medical scientists, who were of course censored for saying it, recommended very early on:

There is a huge literature on the superiority of natural to vaccinal immunity:

Vaccination just misleads your immune response (with an extinct version of the spike), making you an increasingly soft target and so inevitably just an incubator for the further evolution of the virus.

You said you work in a medical role, which may obviously mean some sort of vaccine mandate. If so, I do not envy your decision.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Good question. This sort of thing definitely has been discussed, though no test that I am aware of.

If I remember correctly, Dr Peter McCullough said he thought it would take about 18 months to get the spike from the mRNA products out of one's system. I don't know that they've ever found anyone who has completely cleared it. It came as something of a surprise when it was discovered how persistent it was.
D-dimer test


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2015
Reaction score
D-dimer test
The D-dimer test is a test of clotting which is one of the more important possible effects of the spike protein rather than of its presence, so perhaps not quite what Who Dares Wins was after. Though I gather a very useful and important test all the same for those affected.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2015
Reaction score
Wondering if there is any test available to check if that sh1t is still in circle within me.
One source for my comments in the above post:


The lengthiest interview that I've seen from McCullough on (vaccinal or viral related) myocarditis in particular.

Includes a discussion of the endurance of vaccinal spike within the body.

Some scant timestamps:


Novavax and myocarditis gets a mention.


We have no conclusive evidence that vaccinal spike protein ever leaves the body at this point.

Thehighwire is a good general source of interviews with Drs Peter McCullough and Geert vanden Bossche in particular.

Also, if you are into supplements etc, nattokinase might be of interest as an agent which seems to be able dissolve the spike




Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score

[Note: there are no dead nor live attenuated virions in these COVID "vaccines"; thus, they are not vaccines proper, but, rather, slow kill bioweapons.]


"Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.

People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes.

They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones.

Banned from their families' tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money ... but they didn't care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation ... but they kept going.

Never before in humanity has there been such a "casting", now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.

That's you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand.

You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark."


Do NOT comply.
Had covid 3x

The delta varient I ended up in hospital for 5 days and on oxygen for 3 of those days.

I'm healthy and strong and trusted my own body to heal itself.

Never took the vaccine and never will.

I'm 100% recovered, however I know people who suffer serious health issues after getting Vaxxed.

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
