No dates+No ass+Boring life=Intraining


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
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holy crap my whole family is involved in a relationship except me!!! My aunty,my two younger brothers,and my mother.Then there's me......


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2007
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Daddy The Pimp said:
-get ur ass outta house ,

-stop masturbating .. Very important

-find new friends [ good ones ]

-have lot of fun - this is attractive for girls

-read djbible and if u can buy some pickup books ..

-watch some stand-up comedians performances - to get some good humor ( to make people laugh ) this is very attractive ..

Find a hobby [ sports , working out , music instruments ]


And ur gonna see that ur life's gonna be much more richer that it is now :D..

And one more thing .. dont try to get women .. first try to have fun for yourself .. IF UR NOT HAPPY , HOW IN THE HECK ARE U GONNA MAKE SOMEONE ELSE HAPPY ???

And do NOT hurry .. Greatest PUA's havent been laid before they were 30 .. and now they get laid everytime they want ..

exactly what he said


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, I find myself in a similar spot.

I'm not feeling quite that bad, but I do sometimes lack things to do on a friday night and I KNOW, not getting myself out among ladies isn't helping me.

I think, if I can immerse myself in people, and girls, I have the skills to succeed.

So, how about we post suggestions of clubs or organizations to join where you can meet people and ladies. I'd like to know myself.

Like, right now, if i was gonna do something, join something, I dunno what it would be.

People say go "make friends". Well you can't just go "make friends" like build-a-bear.

I've made contact with a couple girls, and got numbers like at restaurants and such, and seems like, I will have to say something to em every couple weeks or so to keep contact now, or I just wont hear from em again. I was hoping to use them, that sounds bad, but sort of use them to meet friends and build my circle. These two in particular, well, ones hot an with a bf, and lives out of town right now, and the other is a black girl, nice, but clearly not interested in me, and I'm not interested in her, other than as a friend.

Any ideas?
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Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
No advise better for you than a good kick in the as$ and all of you know it.

Things to check out:
Gunwitch method
paul mcKenna instant confidence
articles by interceptor (just a warning, they will tell you to man the fvck up, not like here "awww it'll be okayyy")
johnny soporno videos

Have GOALS: even the smallest ones, but always have a purpose. Take your body and mind OFF autopilot.

For the love of whoever god you believe in DO NOT buy sh!t by Mystery, Deangelo, swingcat. NO ****en "seduction books" because they will write nice-looking ads that say "sleep with 20 women/month with zero effort!" - Yea suck my dyck, John Alexander.

And of course the obvious stuff like exercise, eat well, etc. what others mentioned.

Post Scriptum: If you're just goofin around nothin better to do- yea nice joke as$hole, you got me, HA-HA-HA.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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I would suggest signing up for Martial Art/Self Defense classes

Tantra Yoga classes

An Art Appreciation club

Comedy Improve/drama classes

Book reading club

Wine tasters

gentlemen, there must be a path for you , a mechanism of sorts to TRANSMUTE that sexual energy of yours.
For a lot of guys, it is eating them up alive.
The NEEDINESS and is totally killing your chances with women.

This has got to stop.

You need to RE ALIGN yourselves to YOUR MISSION, not Women.
I will tell you again and again until you hate to hear it, but you need to build confidence, self esteem and a better life.

You and yuor dreams and aspirations are the NUMBER ONE thing in your Life.

I know you want female companionship.

But the MAJORITY of the guys on her are looking at this from a perspective of neediness, obsessiveness, desperation adn despair.

THAT is NOT a 'better life'.
No woman wants a part of that life.

Look, let's be honest. You want a Quality Female?
Byut what kind of life expereinces to you have to share with her?
How about intimacy? Do yo kow how to be sexual and masculine romantic?
Are you ALWAYS in control of your desire and emotions ?Or are you running around like a desperate hungry junkyard dog?
Are you looking INTO WOmen? Or are you looking AT them?
Do you see a woman there? Or a piece of meat you want to bang and eat?

Are you looking at ways to DEAL with your emotional and psychological issues???!
Are you secure with your desires? Or are you embarassed and ashamed of wanting to bang the sh*t out of some chick?
Are you comfortable with how WOMEN view Sex and want to be pleasured?
Or are you there only to satisfy your hungry starving needs?

Is your life FUN?
Are you doing cool things in your life?

There is SO MUCH for you guys to take in to consideration.
And until you do you will still be banging your head against a WALL.

Will you defnintely get ALL the babes by doing this?
It may not be a guarantee..

...but I DO guarantee you that if you do adress ALL these things and TAKE ACTION and be PRO ACTIVE you WILL have a better life to begin with, without any woman needed.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2007
Reaction score
a house
The advice given on this thead is good. However,until one starts applying it,then they will not see results. I have realized this for a long time,yet for some reason,whether it be fear,or lazyness/procrastination, I am unable to apply it and change my life arround for what I want it to be. Its like I am denying myself.

This whole not be a wussy be a man thing,has really gotten me thinking about what I may or may not have been doing wrong all these years. I could never,ever approach girls. As I get older,It gets more bothersome. Why I ended up this way,I don't know.

But do you see where the frustration comes from? Perhaps it is an inferiority complex of sorts,but over the years, everyone else seems happy and successful and those such as myself and the op,feel increasingly left behind. I have been reading about this incel and love shy thing,I think that may be part of the problem. Also,I have always looked at pornography,even from the time I was rather young. I was never abused in any way,but I am concerened that the exposure had something to do with it. Or its just my own fears and inhibitions. But when you feel so lonely and not accepted almost all of the time,it is hard to overcome that.

Perhaps it is a fear of rejection,or not feeling good enough/about myself. I need some help to overcome this.

For me,some of it is easier said than done,getting out of the house,stop looking at porn/masturbating,making new freinds,this has been quite a problem area for me over the years,I try to have fun at all times,people tell me I am funny,and I am not sure what I would say my hobby is,of course,the guys with the cool hobbies always got the chicks.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
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intraining said:
Time and time again i make thread about this but dont seem to do anything to better myself in between these posts.So the title pretty much equals how my life is going right now.Never been kissed and have never had sex and im 22(23 in march) and if that whole 2012 stuff is true im truly ****ed.My life is pretty much clockwork....wake up go to work 9:30am........go home at 6:00pm.......get home at 6:30 or 7:00pm.Thats how its been the past few months and i wont get into my last girl experience cuz even though it had high points i didnt get the girl and she was feeling me(no experience and i ****ed it up with my AFC ways).I get invited to go places every now and then but i still dont go because something is holding back and i dont kno how to shake it.

All i want to do is date someone but that is to much for me to handle i guess.Im stuck in the whole im ugly and no girl will like me phase with no near signs of letting up.Im inexperienced and its going to hurt me in the long run.Im stuch guys and i need help and yes i kno i need to help myself but agrhhhhhhh...... i need more friends/i need to date/i need to get my first kiss/i need to have sex/i want to feel wanted/i want to be busy over the weekends/i want to see a new movie(just been buying renting movies and watching them alone) this a true story??? Dude, just go out and have fun and drink and then snatch up some girl at the bar and then work your way up to finding a serious girl. I can't believe that you have never been kissed. Are you morbidly obese or something??? Something must be going on here.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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You need to start focusing on what you will be in the future.

You need to focus on your Mission.

You need to find out what is your Passion.

Get in the gym

Take up Martial Arts

Look at ways of improving your Character.

Life is about decisions and Expereinces.

Real Masculine Men, wether they have a fantastic life or a challenging one,
sre NEVER Afraid of failure or rejection, they make decsions based on their Character, their pursuit of happiness, and wealth, and in AVOIDING REGRET.
All real masculine men realize their challenges and difficulties, and limitations.but it does not stop them.

They go out into the world and engage in Combat and perform Courage EVERY DAY.


What if you were in some desert in Africa?
Or some deserted Island?
What if you had a family to feed?

What if right now, you knew you could never walk again?

Are you SURE you are really THAT Helpless and Weak?


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2007
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a house
No,I am either just lazy,procrastinate too much,too far into my own comfort zone that I just have little if any effort now. Its always been a mental thing for me. It like struck me at a young age,and it just took over me. I mean, in my head, I can like pysche myself up,but I haven't been able to go for it all the way. I am slightly fat,but not obese,I have dreams/passions,but find myself daydreaming alot,I see everyone else going for it,or having it,and yet I don't,or cannot seem to find it in myself. Its like the want is there,but the action isn't.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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ItsOnNow said:
No,I am either just lazy,procrastinate too much,too far into my own comfort zone that I just have little if any effort now. Its always been a mental thing for me. It like struck me at a young age,and it just took over me. I mean, in my head, I can like pysche myself up,but I haven't been able to go for it all the way. I am slightly fat,but not obese,I have dreams/passions,but find myself daydreaming alot,I see everyone else going for it,or having it,and yet I don't,or cannot seem to find it in myself. Its like the want is there,but the action isn't.
The bad thing is , since it seems you are pretty hard to jump start and motivate, my gut feeling is that you may just end up a statistic.

You contniue on this path, young man, and if you think you got it bad NOW....just wait until you see yourself in middle age....

You think it's BAD NOW??

Dude, you are on a collsion course for a serious attitude readjustment and Wake Up call.....

Unfortunately, doing what you're doing now is only going to send away anyone who can really help you.

But the truth is the best help is Self help.

And ultimately, the ONLY help is REALLY Self Help.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2007
Reaction score
a house
I know. I know only I can help myself. I have realized this for a long time. In all ways,from social,to learning,to just waking up with a positive can do attittude everyday. Its my own mental state. I feel like I have always had it bad in a sense. I have always felt lonely and left out,and this may have affected me in ways I do or do not realize.

I don't want to send anyone away. I don't, but I do realize only I can change, but its like,I am on this one track way,and it is hard to shift gears. This is probably why I always feel the way I feel,while it seems like everyone else moves forward.

Believe me,I want to be the successful,confident,happy guy. But when you always feel alone,it is hard to feel that way.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
Alright i got a new haircut and im feeling good about my self.Next saturday is my birthday(23) and i really wish i had done something before then(kiss/lay/date)


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
intraining said:
Alright i got a new haircut and im feeling good about my self.Next saturday is my birthday(23) and i really wish i had done something before then(kiss/lay/date)
so that's all you've done in two months. Look man, it may seem hard but it's not impossible. Just have some confidence and go out with some of your friends. If you have no friends then try to be social and make some. Getting girls with friends is always easier. PLUS I think you're place too much emphasis on getting a gf. She really won't make you that happy in the long run. I think you have other problems in your life that you need to work out first. You seem depressed but not completely.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
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ezily said:
so that's all you've done in two months. Look man, it may seem hard but it's not impossible. Just have some confidence and go out with some of your friends. If you have no friends then try to be social and make some. Getting girls with friends is always easier. PLUS I think you're place too much emphasis on getting a gf. She really won't make you that happy in the long run. I think you have other problems in your life that you need to work out first. You seem depressed but not completely.

I never said I need a girlfriend I just want to date someone.I want to kiss a girl and lay a girl


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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intraining said:
I never said I need a girlfriend I just want to date someone.I want to kiss a girl and lay a girl
Well I know some girls who kiss guys that whine all the time and play the pity card because they feel the world owes them something and they shouldn't have to work for anything. I also know girls who kiss guys who don't take themselves too seriously, enjoy life to the fullest, join sports, dress well, know how to cook, have good bodies, make alot of money, have alot of friends, and don't complain at all.

The first set of girls are in my dreams, the second set of girls are everywhere.


Don Juan
Mar 2, 2008
Reaction score
hey guys,
i have read the book art of approaching,but i am still unable to apply what it says.
for the past couple months i failed at all my attempts to "pickup" women.joseph matthews and swingcat are all giving americanised advice.i am not sure if it will work with the women over here.

everytime i meet someone,i am always the one doing all the calling and texting,and she never ever ever text back.what am i to do?


Don Juan
Mar 2, 2008
Reaction score
there are many people i see that i like,but i am not sure how or what to say that will me appealing to them.

actually,i could never think of anything at mind just goes blank.

the thing about me is that i am very introverted and not accustomed to dealing with others and that makes it all the more harder