Need advice bad!!


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2009
Reaction score
Me and my girl got back together, she been all over me, We hung out last nite with her and her roomate. n And lots of drinks etc. It was her roomate girlfriends day off, they went to mall etc. After work i got to my girls pad where drinking she wants to check my phone. I say no. Just being mystery, later she all over she has great sex with me, and gives me works. She keeps telling me she loves me, and i wouldnt tell her back and she was more needy. She's all for me, I act kind of lame and look into her phone when she went to restroom. Her roomate told me she had her txt him for her, when I got their dont know why. When I check her phone it was alot of txt msgs. And i got upset and told her wuz up! She wanted to call her roomate, and explain to me which she try to do. I threw my jacket at my girl, and said forget this. She said i always try to acuse her of things etc. She got mad kick me out. Today i try to talk she was acting stuborn and her ego up, after she got jealous over myspace before and delete her account and want me too. Shes acting like a stuborn *****, she was going to treat me out with her girl friends b day. I know what bar they are going to hang, Im tempted to meet up. But shouldnt I know thats so AFC. Need advice should i ice her??


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
I dont understand the whole texting deal you're talking about.. Can you explain a little better?


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
Sh!t is very typical.. I remember when I was dating women back in college they would want to check my phone all the time cuz they knew I was talking to other chicks and then I'd check theirs and they were talking with other dudes as well.

Whatever bro, it's just a phone. While a text message can be very telling, there's really no point in going through your girl's phone.

If you think she's talking to other guys, then she probably is. You checking her phone then becomes irrelevant.

If you're confident she isn't then she probably isn't.

And you definitely can't go flipping out on your girl unless you're finding some rather shady sh!t being said or late nite phone calls from or to other dudes.

Either way, I repeat, going through your girl's phone is pointless. It's a lose-lose situation. If you don't find anything, you'll just keep looking everyday till you do. And then when you do you're going to flip over something that may or may not be happening. And if it is happening, IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN ANYWAYS.

Go do what you will as far as starting to talk to this chick again, but don't give into her power move.

In other words, if what you found on the phone was scandalous, then she should be apologizing, not the latter.

If however what you found wasn't scandalous at all, it's you who should be apologizing for going thru her phone.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
How old are you ... reason i ask is because you write like you just got out of a second grade.

How do you expect advice when half of the people cant even understand whats going on.


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
My advice is that this girl should next you because you got some serious grammar issues.

Joe Stud

Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Upstate NY
SchoolBoy said:
My advice is that this girl should next you because you got some serious grammar issues.

LMAO! I was thinking the same thing, but didn't want to hurt his feelings!