It is hard not to care............


Jun 16, 2000
Reaction score
Toms River,NJ United States
People on this site and elsewhere say the key to being successful with women is not to give a crap whether the girl likes you or not, or care if you get rejected. While I do agree with this because it makes on a challenge, it is very hard to do.

I am 27, fairly handsome, tall and a gentleman. Guess what, the longest relationship I had was almost only 4 weeks and I have not "clicked with a girl in like 8 years. My whole point is, it is hard not to care, while other guys have girlfriends on their side and have been in tons of relationships. I will admit I am very insecure that I have never had a long-term g/f before at my age and I would be embarassed as hell if any girl found that out. I find myself constantly getting depressed about it. I think I have an inferiority complex about it to,,,,,basically it seems my happiness evolves around whether women like me or not because I am so lonely. Sorry to vent and sound like a sissy, but I have to vent. Any one have any input. BTW, I still live at home which I know hurts confidence in a major way. I still have a mother who is constantly on my ass and smothers me. Due to the jerkoff currently in office, I was unemployed for awhile and had no money to save...however I plan to be out by this summer.


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2004
Reaction score
Well.......hope things get better for ya.

The pain of rejection or whatever will eventually fade. (I'm telling you this?)

"I will admit I am very insecure that I have never had a long-term g/f before at my age and I would be embarassed as hell if any girl found that out. I find myself constantly getting depressed about it."

Stop it. Stop it now. STOP IT!
That's no use to you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
man, I feel your pain. I know what you mean. If you are not like me, you are fustrated because you know you have alot to offer, you know you are not unacctractive, and worst of all, you have do deal with all of the loosers with babes and you don't have one.

However, all of your problems can be summed up with one sentance you satated.

"admit I am very insecure "

that's it. Woman can sense insucirity. Men can sense it. Woman don't imagine their dream man being an insecure scared MAN. Everyone has flaws, but just that; everyone has them. I am pretty self confident, and I know I have flaws. However, I can take a perfect 10 and point out just as many.

Nothing is going to change for you, you have to make it change. I would be depressed too if I sat at home and thought about anything all day.

You need to repsect yourself before anyone else can. That's one thing I have learned in the last couple of years, and the biggest difference between HS and the real world.


Jun 16, 2000
Reaction score
Toms River,NJ United States
Originally posted by backbreaker
man, I feel your pain. I know what you mean. If you are not like me, you are fustrated because you know you have alot to offer, you know you are not unacctractive, and worst of all, you have do deal with all of the loosers with babes and you don't have one.

However, all of your problems can be summed up with one sentance you satated.

"admit I am very insecure "

that's it. Woman can sense insucirity. Men can sense it. Woman don't imagine their dream man being an insecure scared MAN. Everyone has flaws, but just that; everyone has them. I am pretty self confident, and I know I have flaws. However, I can take a perfect 10 and point out just as many.

Nothing is going to change for you, you have to make it change. I would be depressed too if I sat at home and thought about anything all day.

You need to repsect yourself before anyone else can. That's one thing I have learned in the last couple of years, and the biggest difference between HS and the real world.
Thanks, I do feel I have alot to offer. The frustrating thing is the last few chicks seem to flake out on me after one or two dates. I have also tried very hard not to kiss their ass, give them compliments etc. You always wonder if you are being too nice without realizing it.


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Southern California
I know exactly what you're saying, man. I feel the exact same way, and I've had some serious relatinships in the last several years. I also live at home, and I wonder if that is a contributing factor to having such low self-esteem. I don't know when or where I lost it, but it went out the door really quick.

It doesn't matter how many girls I talk to, go out with, etc......I still feel worhtless to women every morning when I wake up. I sucks, and I'm about to give up on trying to fix myself. NOthing seems to work. :(


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2004
Reaction score
Knox, Tenn.
Originally posted by mahon83050
People on this site and elsewhere say the key to being successful with women is not to give a crap whether the girl likes you or not, or care if you get rejected. While I do agree with this because it makes on a challenge, it is very hard to do.

I am 27, fairly handsome, tall and a gentleman. Guess what, the longest relationship I had was almost only 4 weeks and I have not "clicked with a girl in like 8 years. My whole point is, it is hard not to care, while other guys have girlfriends on their side and have been in tons of relationships. I will admit I am very insecure that I have never had a long-term g/f before at my age and I would be embarassed as hell if any girl found that out. I find myself constantly getting depressed about it. I think I have an inferiority complex about it to,,,,,basically it seems my happiness evolves around whether women like me or not because I am so lonely. Sorry to vent and sound like a sissy, but I have to vent. Any one have any input. BTW, I still live at home which I know hurts confidence in a major way. I still have a mother who is constantly on my ass and smothers me. Due to the jerkoff currently in office, I was unemployed for awhile and had no money to save...however I plan to be out by this summer.
I am in the exact same situation (sans no ltr's) but I feel like I have found my twin brother, lol.

If you find out the answer, let me know. I'm working out to get rid of my cabin fever, and trieng to grow my balls again. Shoot me a PM bro, maybe we can form a support group, lmao.

Sep 28, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by mahon83050
People on this site and elsewhere say the key to being successful with women is not to give a crap whether the girl likes you or not, or care if you get rejected. While I do agree with this because it makes on a challenge, it is very hard to do.

I am 27, fairly handsome, tall and a gentleman. Guess what, the longest relationship I had was almost only 4 weeks and I have not "clicked with a girl in like 8 years. My whole point is, it is hard not to care, while other guys have girlfriends on their side and have been in tons of relationships. I will admit I am very insecure that I have never had a long-term g/f before at my age and I would be embarassed as hell if any girl found that out. I find myself constantly getting depressed about it. I think I have an inferiority complex about it to,,,,,basically it seems my happiness evolves around whether women like me or not because I am so lonely. Sorry to vent and sound like a sissy, but I have to vent. Any one have any input. BTW, I still live at home which I know hurts confidence in a major way. I still have a mother who is constantly on my ass and smothers me. Due to the jerkoff currently in office, I was unemployed for awhile and had no money to save...however I plan to be out by this summer.
confidence is important... but confidence is based on outside stuff. I personally have very little. That's not going to change until I get something major going for me once in a while. I have confidence in certain things... but it seems like nothing of value to any women, not that I'm obsessed with what they think all the time.

I'm in a very deressing point in my life as well. Between jobs, no females who are remotely interested, etc... I feel like I'm on a treadmill... trying to improve, trying to go somewhere, but I'm always in the same place... So you are not alone.

BTW, I do my best to keep my dorkiness to a minimum, as well as any chump tendancies that I have. I shower, I shave, and I have an ok fashion sense. While I am sort of between jobs, I am fairly hard working.

I just can't get a woman to give a crap about whether I existed or not.

But again, I focus on other things than confidence. Confidence, while important, can easily disappear. So confidence is not always everything.

So good luck. Just keep trying to better yourself, and try to think about other things than women. And it's going to be tough. Very tough... but you will see it through if you really want to.


BTW, Mahon, you can't spell smother... without m-o-t-h-e-r.


Don Juan
May 15, 2004
Reaction score
fight club

The way that I gained 100% confidence was when I hit the worst point of my life, and then I stopped caring. I have a "I don't give a fuk attitude" I dont care what bad things happen to me because the worst has already happened. Well thats just me.

Oh yeah and one other small thing that will help you. Watch the movie fight club, it will change your life.

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!

I read your post, and to you I would say that your past results aren't your future results.

I'm also reminded of Einstein on the definition of insanity being : "Someone that does the same thing over and over expecting different results."

Once you know that nothings gonna change if you don't change... and everybody still does go through the rough patches.

As far as what you can do to improve your results is to do a Boot Camp, in short.

You could start by walking and talking just a little bit slower, I am guessing. Or something that you do unconcsiously that shows that you lack confidence or something. I'd have to see you in person to say for sure.


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Southern California
I would love for someone to spend a week or so with me, watching every move, and analyze me. Then, maybe I could know why I give off such a low impression to everyone, including girls.

All of my life, I've always been the target of bullies, and the subjects of jokes. From the first day of kindergarten to this day. Everybody who eventually gets to know me will always describe me as a "dork", even when they generally like me.

I simply cannot figure out what it is that I do or say all the time that makes people think of me as a "dork", and obviously why I don't have luck with any of the girls. Except the dorky ones, which aren't always the best pick of the litter. :/

I don't walk around with Star Trek shirts, I'm not fat, I'm not short, I've been told that I dress rather nicely, I'm humorous, I'm well trimmed, and decently toned......I just can't figure out why I can't shake the whole "dork" impression. I've even had girls online, who never met me, and only talked to me for a few minutes, call me a dork. WTF is going on!!???

How the hell can anyone be a DJ of even have a shred of confidence (especially regarding women) when you're labeled a dork and a loser everywhere you go???!!

My problem is not simply a lack of's the machine within me that won't allow confidence to reside!! As long as people keep calling me a dork, even in good fun, I cannot have the confidence I need to have to pick up chicks. So, simply "gaining" confidence is not a solution to the problem. I have to find a way to shed the "dork" skin before any confidence can live within me.

Any advice on this??????


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Southern California
If this doesn't get enough replies, I think I'll start another thread. I definitely deserves one.

Genghis Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Boston, MA

There are two things you simply must do when you first encounter this site:

1. Read the DJ Bible or skim it at least.
2. Do the DJ Bootcamp.

What you will learn, is that your happiness and self-validation/confidence should not be dependent on women. Until this happens, you will always be feeling lonely and inadequate.

You need to work on yourself first (socially, physically and financially) before you can address the woman issue. Fix up the house before you put it on the market.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
Re: fight club

Originally posted by Canadiandon
The way that I gained 100% confidence was when I hit the worst point of my life, and then I stopped caring. I have a "I don't give a fuk attitude" I dont care what bad things happen to me because the worst has already happened. Well thats just me.

So true. I had no problems getting ONS stands with that atitude. I had "the girl" tell me "I dont feel that way about you now, I never have and never will". This being after she led me on for the summer. This absoulety rocked me. I knew deep down it was coming but I never would admit she would play me like she did for an ego trip.

I adopted that "idont care" attitude. I still have it. I can get away with some much with it. Nothing hurt worse than those words she told me that day. i will never forget them. So I now have no problem approaching girls because nothing they can do or say can hurt me as bad as "the one" did in a matter of two sentences.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
fight club

The way that I gained 100% confidence was when I hit the worst point of my life, and then I stopped caring. I have a "I don't give a fuk attitude" I dont care what bad things happen to me because the worst has already happened. Well thats just me.

Oh yeah and one other small thing that will help you. Watch the movie fight club, it will change your life.

YES! FVCKING A!!! That right there my friend could be the first step in becomming a stronger more confident person. This movie also started me down the road to ditching my old wussy, depressed, self pitying ways! It should be part of a required course in high school for men! The key message you should focus on is this...

"You have to know... not fear but KNOW... that some day you are going to die. Its only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything."

You are stuck in a world of bull$hit. Just like the other message in Fight Club - we are consumerist SLAVES. Corporations have us chasing clothes and cars, working jobs we hate so we buy $hit we don't need. What is all of this going to matter when you die? What will you regret when you are on your death bed? Death may seem far off to you, something that won't ever happen but it WILL. You could die on your way to the store, or in the shower. There was a family here in Colorado a few days ago that was killed by a piece of an overpass that collapsed and fell on their SUV - killing a man, his wife, and their little girl instantly. Bam. Gone.

It took a few years of hitting bottom for me before I finally got the message.

What you need is personal growth. But it doesn't come easy, nothing worth while does. You have to forge your soul in the fire of your will, and in the end you will either have what it takes or you won't. You will either achieve the right attitude or you will continue being depressed and lonely for the rest of your life. The choice is yours! When I was depressed I kept thinking that someone would show me the way out, that someone would say something to me or help me out somehow. That was a mistake!

The real trap for you is that when you are down in the pits of despair you can't SEE the truth - that confidence and attitude REALLY ARE what its all about! Think about it - what's the difference between George Costanza and Vin Diesel? Attitude and confidence. I can say these things with certainty because I was EXACTLY where you are now not too long ago.

I wasn't living with my parents but I was going bald at a young age (started when I was 18). It destroyed my self confidence, my self image, my whole outlook on life. I was severely depressed for many years, not just because of going bald but because of many things. Going bald was just the start of it. I used to focus entirely on looks, I COULD NOT IMAGINE that it was my own attitude holding me back. But it was.

Start right now, make a promise to yourself that you are going to STOP being negative. Being negative will make sure you die a lonely, bitter man who didn't get his full lease on life. Pay attention to your mental "self dialogue", the way you talk to yourself in your mind and start thinking differently! This is not easy and takes a while but if you are consistent and if you WANT to change badly enough it will REALLY start to turn things around for you. I can trace back all my current success to this one technique. As soon as I started thinking "I can" instead of "I can't" its been much easier.

Instead of saying "man, I'm such a dork and I live with my parents. I'll never get this Don Juan stuff down, I don't have what it takes" say something like "I have a long way to go but I can do it. I can get my own place, I can get a great job doing anything I want, I can go anywhere, be anybody I want, I can be the prize, I can have my choice of beautiful women, I can change WHO I AM and HOW I SEE THE WORLD if only I want it badly enough."

You get the idea.

Yes. GO THERE NOW. Do something to change instead of sitting behind your computer wasting another day in your life, thinking about how you want to change things but not doing quite enough. Starting that program has changed my life, much more than being here on sosuave. We talk about the things women want here on the sosuave forums all the time... looks, confidence, personality... changing your physique in a substantial way will give you more of ALL those things! You will look better. You will be stronger. You will FEEL better about yourself, have more confidence, and see other goals as reachable because you had what it took to forge a new body. For me it as almost reached a spiritual level. That's what most people don't understand about being in shape... the mind, body and soul are all connected.

The guy who made that program, Anthony Ellis, used to be a scrawny computer guy. Now he's a huge, ripped dude making lots of money helping other people achieve their dreams. He won a nice car doing it too :) A few years later he met the girl of his dreams and married her.

I've been on the program now for almost 2 months... only TWO MONTHS and I can see a huge difference already. Not only in my body but my attitude and the way I feel as well. Exercise and proper diet are the BEST anti-depressants in the world! Screw medication, depressed young men should be sent to Anthony. Oh and the ladies have noticed too! The other day an hb8 said I was "hot". I haven't been called hot in my entire life! What's even better is that I don't feel desperate anymore and I didn't jump all over her after that - I had the confidence to play it cool.

I hope to see you on the skinnyguy forum! Of course, in the end its up to YOU. There is the easy path and the difficult one. The red pill and the blue one. Make your choice.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score
what's so special about

i'm on an undefined, loose bulking programme just now (a little less severe that diesel's guide, but still pretty close)

i guess i'm still pretty scrawny the now at 150lbs

[edit] dayum, i didn't know that about fat. from now on, i'm eating so many more nuts

i'll spend more time at that site


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States

So, simply "gaining" confidence is not a solution to the problem. I have to find a way to shed the "dork" skin before any confidence can live within me.
Look, you have to realize the the only reality that REALLY matters is YOURS. You don't want to be a dork anymore? Great, so change your wardrobe, your hair, your speech, your mannerisms, etc. That will help, and it will start you down the right path. But these things are only on the outside - the real challenge is changing who you are on the inside. And there is no straightforward advice that will work for everyone.

For me it has been many things - playing guitar in a band again, working out and eating healthy, studying astronomy and skywatching (now THERE is something that will make you realize how trivial all our BS problems are... when you realize there are over 400 billion stars in our galaxy and more than 400 billion galaxies that we know of)

That's why I so highly recommend the skinnyguy program. Because when you change the way you look in such a profound way it will change the way you SEE YOURSELF. Forcing yourself to lift weights, wake up early to do cardio, eat better than anyone else you know... this goes a long way to forging your mind as well as your body. But its not the ONLY way.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
what's so special about

i'm on an undefined, loose bulking programme just now (a little less severe that diesel's guide, but still pretty close)

i guess i'm still pretty scrawny the now at 150lbs
All respect to deisel and all, but his bulking and cutting guides are no where near the quality of the skinnyguy program. Without the skinnyguy program I would not have known how to eat properly (Deisel's guide is alright, but missing key elements and a lot of info), I would not have bothered to track my body measurements (which has been a HUGE factor in my success so far), I would not have known what to do at growth plateaus, and I would never have been as motivated and consistent - which are the BIGGEST keys to success in anything not just lifting weights.

I was on Deisels guide, had looked at the skinnyguy program for a while but never bought it because so many people said things like "you can get the same information for free on the internet. Just do Diesels guide"... well that's all well and good but I wasn't getting results and I lost motivation. 6 months later I looked exactly the same.

The skinnyguy forums are great too, full of some of the coolest people I've ever met (online of offline) and you can chat with Anthony Ellis if you have any questions! How cool is that?


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score
um 80 dollars?

don't think so

i think i'll stick to my own methods.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
Go ahead, and in 6 months if you look the same will you say the same thing? LOL $80 is not that much :rolleyes: But you can get good results doing your own thing. This guy did:

Really the most important thing is consistency and motivation. But the skinnyguy program is WELL worth the price.