I am going to approach her. Five year love / oneitis. I. NEED. HELP.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
yeah, you could have six bachelor degrees, two ferraris and a horse and you would still remain a stalker.
You're almost paranoid with this girl. Posting about every insignificant detail about your interactions with her, your expectations, time spent, weather conditions...
did she smile? was it because I smiled before? was it because she was nervous? was it because...????

And the thing about she going to the bathroom twice in 10 minutes...pay attention:

SHE TRIED TO GET RID OF YOU by hidding in the bathroom the second time, because if she was remotely attracted to you she would have kept talking to you! but she tried to run away instead, sad but true.

Forget about this woman, and go see a therapist.
Mar 25, 2014
Reaction score
pyros said:
yeah, you could have six bachelor degrees, two ferraris and a horse and you would still remain a stalker.
You're almost paranoid with this girl. Posting about every insignificant detail about your interactions with her, your expectations, time spent, weather conditions...
did she smile? was it because I smiled before? was it because she was nervous? was it because...????

And the thing about she going to the bathroom twice in 10 minutes...pay attention:

SHE TRIED TO GET RID OF YOU by hidding in the bathroom the second time, because if she was remotely attracted to you she would have kept talking to you! but she tried to run away instead, sad but true.

Forget about this woman, and go see a therapist.
LMAO! Someone get the 2 foot flaming pole out of "pyros'" ass please. It's been shoved up in him for quite a while.

tell me dude; why are you hating on OP? I know him personally in real life. Is it because of who he apparently is, or is it because he is trying to get together with a woman who is indeed attractive and dresses great and loves to cook (i.e. a woman most men want?)

Stop making a fool out of yourself with your non helpful posts. he read your first post earlier today when we were together and stopped after 3 lines. theres a reason he's not replying to you nor is anyone quoting you for truth. because the truth is, there are other people here who disagree with him yet they gave logical reasons or simply tell him to go and ask her out. you are simply writing up shiiiit for the hell of it seems. if you're not going to help in either side, simply stop wasting your time and energy and don't enter this thread anymore dude.

the girl tried to rid off him? LMAO. She's a GIRL. every girl loves the damn mirror they check themselves out before and after every damned class, movie or dinner. and what did OP do? he negged her perfectly. called her 'sick' but didn't go deeper. it had her hamster spinning and what does she do? checks herself out in the next available restroom!

I talk to girls. I date them. we all do, that's why we are here. when a girl wants to not talk, they .. you know, DONT fkin talk. they stay silent or hm hm. and then they leave at the available opportunity. Over here, SHE talked just as much as OP did. they walked to her lab together. and right at the lab, where they were going to SPLIT ANYWAYS, she asks to use the restroom. how the **** is she getting rid of him when HE was leaving anyways? THEY HAD REACHED HER LAB ROOM.

do you even read the things you write? lol

it's final exams week. last classes to get the last lectures and good points in for good grades. she is headed to LAB which as OP said, are usually critically important components of classes, anyone who went to college would know this. yet she didn't move an inch when he approached her and only started walking WITH HIM when HE said lets walk, despite the importance of classes in the last week, she still not only stood with him and moved on his orders, but talked to him, walked around with him.

That actually sounds like OP could have had her standing there for a damned half hour and she would not have budged. It was only until he said 'lets go' that she COMPLIED. so OP actually now has the "leader" portion of dating already started. he already is leading her around and this was during a small 6 minute interaction . well played OP


Don Juan
May 13, 2014
Reaction score
Flakey_Woman_Suck said:
OP sure can brag, that's for sure :eek:
''They're all 7.0's to 8.5's''
''I've got two bachelor degrees and a supercool physique''

You should bag your poopoo and sell it for a grand a bag.
So giving descriptions about me so you fellas have a better understanding of me is bragging now? The only reason I even bothered saying I have an athletic body and a great job etc, is so no one can tell me "workout dude keep urself busy, or get a job". I wanted to dispel any of those responses from the get go, so no cards can be played.

But sure, I'll sell my crap. Im sure youll be my first customer


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
LoveAfter2009 said:
Btw, dating is cake for me. I have around 12 plates right now, been ignoring them. 3 of them would die to have sex with me. Its that easy. I just dont want them. Theyre all 7s to 8.5s
If you typed those entire two first posts up just for SoSuave, then you are really a sad dude. Because why waste all that time writing up something so pathetic and ridiculous just to troll one forum?

I was hoping it was delicious copy pasta from the bodybuilding Misc forums...but I did a few google searches and couldnt find any similar threads on the net to this one. At least if it was a troll thread from the Misc, I could go there and read it for some lulz.

What attractive man with multiple options would get all sappy and lame over 1 chick and then write a college length essay on the girl? I mean jeez...whats with some of the new posters weve been getting the last couple months?

obvious troll is obvious.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
That conversation sounded ok, nothing special. I would have tried to grab her number and mention something about catching up, she most likely would have agreed to it, if she was interested in you as you seem to always say. I wouldn't worry too much about the kino part. You haven't spoken to each other in years, and it would seem kind of weird to start feeling her up if you too don't have that comfort level.

Overall it could have been a lot better considering you saying your such a ladies man. You clearly have oneitis for this chick, and when you have onetis, things typically don't end up well. I would suggest you try to grab her number the next time and ask her out to catch up. I would try to make your encounter with her seem as if it was coincidental rather than you purposely waiting for her which screams stalker. Good luck and keep us updated.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
LoveAfter2009 said:
Btw, dating is cake for me. I have around 12 plates right now, been ignoring them. 3 of them would die to have sex with me. Its that easy. I just dont want them. Theyre all 7s to 8.5s
Firstly, I call bullshït on this because who has the time to have 2 jobs, study and see 12 women at once. This is the SS equivalent of a red flag. Secondly, you called the girl a "9.5-9.8", which is the second red flag because you've felt the need to break it down to decimals, that's weird.

The original post is creepy, you remember things she was wearing like 2 years ago, it's not cute or fate, it's just weird. I wouldn't be surprised if this stuff would end up being used in court as she gets a restraining order.

You can't see the wood through the trees

She's not really that interested in you, you are actually deluded because you want her to like you so much. You try to make these situations fit these fantasies that you have in your head and that's weird. I wouldn't be surprised if half of the crap on here was a complete fantasy concocted to make people say "you have a real shot, go for it" which will help compound your mental masturbation.

The conversation seemed like it went well but I strongly suspect that if someone asked her how it went she'd have a completely different story to you.

And even if she did like you, you'd probably chase her away because you come across weird and really intense. She'd eat you alive in any relationship because you'd never be able to say no to her and don't pretend otherwise. When you get something you crave so desperately, you bend over backwards to accommodate and it's only a matter of time before she'd pick up on that. This won't end well. Count your losses and move on.

Kudos for coming to get help but you're asking the wrong advice, you need a whole mindset shift rather than a quick fix.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
ConcernedLauries Bed w/ olivia...NY/SoFlo
If not troll...



Wait for outside of class or run into her, say hey...I feel like I always see you ,

Btw my name is loveafter2009 (put your hand out to shake her hand) ask her name with a huge smile on your face...as if you guys never met. (if you wanna get fancy spin her when you shake her hand)

Proceed to make convo about things you both know eachother know about (nostalgia) but keep pretending you dont know each other. this will make her heart melt i can guarantee this.

Its funny, it works field tested many times and maybe the only thing that wont make you look desperate at this point.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
The reason you freeze with this chick is you still have the mind-set of when you first met her - i.e. a 14 yr old boy.

That was 9 yrs ago, right...? That makes you 22-23 now. You're f*cking man now dude.

I am 31 and if I have the balls to date chicks your age, so should you.

As most of the other lads here have said, get on with it. If she declines: NEXT. You're wasting a lot of people's time here; not least your own (by writing such novellas as this, rather than acting on impulse), hers (by keeping her waiting), and ours (by asking long-winded questions that you already know the answer to).

Crack on son. Crack. On.


Don Juan
May 13, 2014
Reaction score
thunder_god said:
That conversation sounded ok, nothing special. I would have tried to grab her number and mention something about catching up, she most likely would have agreed to it. I wouldn't worry too much about the kino part. You haven't spoken to each other in years, and it would seem kind of weird to start feeling her up if you too don't have that comfort level.
Yeah, like I said, I originally wanted to kick myself for not getting her number but as I thought of it later I am content that I didn't. The approach worked better as a way to break ice, and now that we talked, I can get her number anytime (as in, the next time I see her). So no loss. And yeah, the no kino definitely played into my favor. Glad I didn't go for it.

Will def keep you guys updated.

j0504s said:
If not troll...



Wait for outside of class or run into her, say hey...I feel like I always see you ,

Btw my name is loveafter2009 (put your hand out to shake her hand) ask her name with a huge smile on your face...as if you guys never met. (if you wanna get fancy spin her when you shake her hand)

Proceed to make convo about things you both know eachother know about (nostalgia) but keep pretending you dont know each other. this will make her heart melt i can guarantee this.

Its funny, it works field tested many times and maybe the only thing that wont make you look desperate at this point.
I already approached her and it went well :) the update is on page two

TheMonkeyKing said:
The reason you freeze with this chick is you still have the mind-set of when you first met her - i.e. a 14 yr old boy.

That was 9 yrs ago, right...? That makes you 22-23 now. You're f*cking man now dude.

I am 31 and if I have the balls to date chicks your age, so should you.

As most of the other lads here have said, get on with it. If she declines: NEXT. You're wasting a lot of people's time here; not least your own (by writing such novellas as this, rather than acting on impulse), hers (by keeping her waiting), and ours (by asking long-winded questions that you already know the answer to).
Yeah I realize. It's so easy for me to take with others but I always had trouble going upto this woman and talking with her. But now that I did it, I truly feel like I could have done it before as well. But I regret nothing to be honest. Because I am better now than I was 3 years ago. Everything has it's own time. Now that we started talking, all time spent between us will be spent good. I am a very optimistic guy when it comes to anything really.

Now for the useless posts accusing me of trolling or calling me stupid without any proper understanding of anything I took time writing here so far.

Jaylan said:
If you typed those entire two first posts up just for SoSuave, then you are really a sad dude. Because why waste all that time writing up something so pathetic and ridiculous just to troll one forum?

I was hoping it was delicious copy pasta from the bodybuilding Misc forums...but I did a few google searches and couldnt find any similar threads on the net to this one. At least if it was a troll thread from the Misc, I could go there and read it for some lulz.

What attractive man with multiple options would get all sappy and lame over 1 chick and then write a college length essay on the girl? I mean jeez...whats with some of the new posters weve been getting the last couple months?

obvious troll is obvious.
I feel sad for you; you think a little writing like that is hard or something that takes time? Have you ever even written in your life? Writing is one of my hobbies and something I started doing since 6th grade in 2003 when I was barely just a teenager. These few posts I wrote, ignoring that fact that they were written to aid SoSuave members in getting a better understanding of the situation, took merely 30 minutes to write, and about 5 minutes to edit. Believe me, I have enough leisure time to take out 35 minutes to spend on something that revolves around a woman I love and someone who has high potential of being someone I want to be together with, establish a LTR and if all goes well, progress it into marriage down the years. Don't tell me how to make use of my time. You, however, are more than welcome to not waste your "precious" time by simply not replying, because I'm sure I came here to get some motivation to approach her and many helpful members did just that.

I have multiple options yes, but they are, as the term implies, OPTIONS. I am not interested in them as much as I am in this woman. What am I doing wrong by trying to pursue one woman I have a clean slate with and with whom the ice has now been broken and endless opportunities await us?

Mr Wright said:
Firstly, I call bullshït on this because who has the time to have 2 jobs, study and see 12 women at once. This is the SS equivalent of a red flag. Secondly, you called the girl a "9.5-9.8", which is the second red flag because you've felt the need to break it down to decimals, that's weird.

The original post is creepy, you remember things she was wearing like 2 years ago, it's not cute or fate, it's just weird. I wouldn't be surprised if this stuff would end up being used in court as she gets a restraining order.

The conversation seemed like it went well but I strongly suspect that if someone asked her how it went she'd have a completely different story to you.

And even if she did like you, you'd probably chase her away because you come across weird and really intense. She'd eat you alive in any relationship because you'd never be able to say no to her and don't pretend otherwise. When you get something you crave so desperately, you bend over backwards to accommodate and it's only a matter of time before she'd pick up on that. This won't end well. Count your losses and move on.

Kudos for coming to get help but you're asking the wrong advice, you need a whole mindset shift rather than a quick fix.
See, your negative post even starts off with lack of reading comprehension. I NEVER said I have two jobs. I have a steady job as an assistant executive at a BMW dealership. That is "ONE" job. I am a part time student taking college courses 2 days a week. That leaves me weekends, and countless hours during the evenings free to do as I please. Top if off with the fact I only sleep about 6 hours a night, you have a man with more than enough time to enjoy his social life while working and going to college. The woman I am pursuing goes to college while doing TWO part time jobs. You either mixed her jobs up with mine, or mixed up my to-be-two bachelors as my two jobs.

People have college, two jobs and more going on in their lives. Sounds like you have terrible time management skills if these things are shocking you so bad.

I remember what she wore because I said it write in the post. "Do not badmouth me for remembering details, I am God gifted with good memory". I just happen to remember details that matter to me. She matters to me. Of course I will remember what she looked like. And seriously? You thinking remembering things a few years back is a superhuman trait? I would hate myself to bring up your memory and put it next to the words "short term" now.

Count my losses? Lol what losses? I have a 100% CLEAN slate with this woman. We have history together. We aren't strangers. We have had years of eye contact and run ins. And now I approached her and voila, we had a great conversation, walked around, and have broken the ice with multiple topics of conversations, smiling and laughing.

Thanks for trying, but I came here for advice and motivation, not half assed conclusions without any efforts. And I am getting more than enough support in these threads and via private messages.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
LoveAfter2009 said:
See, your negative post even starts off with lack of reading comprehension. I NEVER said I have two jobs. I have a steady job as an assistant executive at a BMW dealership. That is "ONE" job. I am a part time student taking college courses 2 days a week. That leaves me weekends, and countless hours during the evenings free to do as I please. Top if off with the fact I only sleep about 6 hours a night, you have a man with more than enough time to enjoy his social life while working and going to college. The woman I am pursuing goes to college while doing TWO part time jobs. You either mixed her jobs up with mine, or mixed up my to-be-two bachelors as my two jobs.

People have college, two jobs and more going on in their lives. Sounds like you have terrible time management skills if these things are shocking you so bad.
I rarely post negatively, I usually stay away from it but this is some low hanging fruit. Okay, you have one job but that wasn't really that relevant to the overall point. You're deluded and talking out of your arsë. I'm sure 95% of the guys on here will agree that you cannot successfully main 12 plates. We can help you with deception but not with self-deception.

But the biggest give away is the fact that you're pining over this one chick. The point is simple you are invested about 50 times more than she is. She might fancy you but she's not obsessed with you to the point where she's waiting outside your classes to "run into you" :crazy: :crazy: A guy who has 12 other options has an abundance mentality and wouldn't be acting like such a creep.

LoveAfter2009 said:
I have a 100% CLEAN slate with this woman. We have history together.
For someone who just railed me for making an error, that's a pretty stupid thing to say. It's an oxymoron :whistle:

LoveAfter2009 said:
Count my losses? Lol what losses?
You've been staring at her for 5 years, you've lost your dignity!!
I'm sitting here at home with another case of "phew, I'm glad this isn't my life."

LoveAfter2009 said:
I remember what she wore because I said it write in the post. "Do not badmouth me for remembering details, I am God gifted with good memory". I just happen to remember details that matter to me. She matters to me. Of course I will remember what she looked like. And seriously? You thinking remembering things a few years back is a superhuman trait? I would hate myself to bring up your memory and put it next to the words "short term" now.
Your post was a novella so I skimmed over the sappy stuff and managed to gather that you're going about this completely the wrong way. How can someone you've spoken to much matter to you? You're calling her wifey!? You're getting info about her from her friends like a private investigator.

Again you're taking what I said literally use, your God given powers to evaluate. The fact that you remember what someone was wearing on each occasion when you were staring at them from a distance over a number of years is coocoo :crazy: it's stalkerish. As I said, this is the kind of thing that gets read back in court and sounds exactly what it is. Weird.

LoveAfter2009 said:
Thanks for trying, but I came here for advice and motivation, not half assed conclusions without any efforts. And I am getting more than enough support in these threads and via private messages.
Your interest level is way too high for someone you've been staring at for 5 years. You're building an image and forming a personality for someone at a distance. It's false. It's a pipe dream. I can't understand why you cannot see why this is very unhealthy. I could sit here and tell you what you want to hear, I could make you believe that I am your biggest fan and give you the best online rimming you've ever had. You'd run outside, walking on air, thinking that you have this chick in the bag because the power of positivity always wins. But it won't change the fact that the real world will deal with you much differently, you will get dealt with in such a way that it will crush your spirit and we'll see you in 6 weeks/months/a year talking about how all women suck. Playher Man needs to come back for this one to tell you straight up that once you put a woman on a pedestal like this, the odds will never be in your favour.

I wish you well, I hope you get your Hollywood ending and your Disney wedding but this will not end well for you. Don't say we didn't tell you. I know you're not going to take my advice and this is going to fall on deaf ears but it needs to be said, I could have put it across a little better but I don't actually want to. You're going to get f*cked over, get your head out of the sand and get over this situation.

Mindset shift > This joke of a situation

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
If you want a real action plan, here you go:

1. Get your 12 bïtches and assign them a day
2. Consult your copy "Wifey's" timetable(you probably have one)
3. Every day parade a different chick in front of "Wifey" to the point where she's so beaten over the head with your pre-selection value that she just f*cks there and then :crackup:


Don Juan
May 13, 2014
Reaction score
Really, who cares if you rarely post negatively? No one gives a damn if you are one of the most positive bible thumping door-to-door missionaries who has never said a negative word in his life. The fact is, your post full of negativity. And it showed from the get go.

95% of the guys? So now you're pulling out percentages out of your ass. I played the 12 plates over the course of around 9 months. Of the 12, 3 stuck around like flies. The other 9 slowly became on and off. Since 2014 started and I started running into my desired woman more in college, I pushed the other plates away. For all I know, most of them probably labeled me "as a jerk who was just playing with us" and probably moved on (and they better, cause they mean jack **** to me now). The three still actively message me, and I just ignore them (because they also mean jack **** to me now). I'm sick and tired of talking to girls, it's the whole damned rinse and repeat thing. I want something meaningful, something lasting, something with someone I KNOW, not from a pickup. And that's where this beautiful woman in my life comes. And from the looks of it, all I had to do was wait and approach, it was a long awaited and slow start, but it was worth every second and now there are countless new doors that have opened up for us.

Me waiting around for her this one time so I can approach her no matter what, without losing the chance if I leave it to accidental (because college is ending and I rather approach her in college where she is always alone, whereas with girl friends outside) makes me obsessed? Because of course, I rather stare at ceilings during the break I have between classes instead of wait around for and to approach the lady of my dreams right? Try harder kiddo.

Those "12 other options" are, again, as the name implies, OPTIONS. I dont even give a flying fvuk about them; been months. They can all go jump off of Mt Everest holding hands together for all I care (ok, I don't want them to die, but you get my point).

Oxymoron? So me saying the fact she and I have a history together automatically means it was a romantic relationship, or one was tried? Since you were too thick to understand, by history I meant we go back nearly 10 years; we aren't strangers per se; we know each other's names and basic information (friends, living address, etc). By a 100% clean slate I meant that we never really talked, we never tried dating, we never hung out, never nothing. Clean perfect slate. We have so much to open up to each other about. And man am I glad we are going to do this now than years ago; when we are more mature and developed than we were 2-5 years ago.

Stop using "stare" so literally and heavily. Walking by each other with strong eye contact not only was from both parties, but signs of high interest. Here's some simple psychology for you: when you like something or someone and they attract your attention, you LOOK at that person or thing.

Wifey was a substitute to the commonly used "HB" here. For some reason, I digress using the term HB. I do not want to label or refer to her as "hot". Nothing serious. I just dont like the term that's all.

Like I said before, I have good memory. I can remember what people said when. I remember the events of my elementary school; junior high school. I remember certain conversations and certain events. I remember people's names. I remember close friend's birthdays and whatnot. I am one of those types of people who actually remembers phone numbers by mind, instead of contact books nowadays. Remember the days where people used to dial numbers off of their head? Yeah, I'm 23, but I am of that generation nevertheless. My dream lady is someone important to me, even if I don't have her officially yet. If I don't place importance on her, she would be like every other girl. Until things are not made concrete, she will remain as such. So yes, I will remember everything about her. And guess what, this will play in my favor because girls love men who remember such details, from past interactions or during conversations. Gaming 101 buddy.

Stop using generalized bull**** when it comes to putting a woman on a pedestal. My older brother put his love lady on a high pedestal (they also met at age 14ish) and they are now happily married for the past 7 years, with 2 daughters and a son. I can pull up more scenarios like this if you'd like.

1. I am trying to rid of the 12 biatches, thanks. And it's actually going pretty smooth save for the 3.
2. Trust me, I wish I had her timetable. Problems?
3. Lol. The last thing I want is "My Wifey" to see me with one of my plates. She sees me interacting with girls many times; but I don't want to be seen as a player.

I'm sorry to tell you that you are one of those easy types; who give up before anything even happens lol. I wish you luck in your everyday endeavors. Don't forgot to eat everyday just because you have to "work" for it. Things don't happen on their own. If you know where I'm getting at.

Proper planning and execution > taking heed of bull**** and weak advice built on the foundations of "Don't even try, just give up!" ;)


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score
Playpen, Chicago.

OP is a Pandering Beta Faggot and should stick to sucking Learningandimproving off in the stairwell in between classes instead of writing emotional essays about chicks who don't give a fvck about him. The gunk on the bottom of her Tory Flats means more to her than you and your creepy elevator speech.

PS - OP is panty-sniffer

Piers Nivens

Don Juan
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
OP, ignore posters like pyros and Mr Wright (or Wrong). I went through a nearly similar situation like yours a few years ago except the girl I was after was more religious, she wore a scarf, was a virgin and very sensitive to me at the time.

I read through the whole thread last night and finished this page now. I was originally also going to ask why you waited so long but if you feel like you could have messed up back then, then props to you, you waited all these years and now finally approached her with positive results.

Speaking of the approach: Like others, I would say it sounds like it went really well. The fact you took her by surprise by talking to her out of nowhere is a plus from the start. Because she was so used to you and her just giving each other eye contact and nothing more, she definitely had her heart racing when you suddenly approached her after all these years of training her to to just look, walk by and expect nothing more. I am surprised she even mustered up the good conversations with you. +1

She definitely sounds either depressed or as if she is separating herself from people for some reason. This is perfect timing for you to come into her life "actively". If she is depressed, she must also be wanting someone to come into her life and fill a role of more than just a "friend". And that's where you come in. Perfect timing at the perfect moment. +2

You said she had her earphones in when she saw you, but took them out when you approached her, that's another plus. Why? Because of something called "conditioning". Girls are emotional beings, as such they get conditioned to emotional things and memories and attach whoever or whatever present at the moment to those memories. She was listening to a song when she saw you, now subconsciously she is going to attach that song to you and the memory of you approaching her. So every time she would hear that song, she would remember seeing you in that hallway, and you approaching, smiling and talking to her, and her removing her headphones to talk with you. +3

You established authority as well by making her stand and talk to you and then telling her to "Come.." to which she instantly complied and followed your leadership. +4

You put out yourself as someone with inner self pride and confidence, and automatically put yourself as someone with high status. SHE was the one who instantly brought up the fact that she has seen you around so many times, when you didn't say such a thing about it. She learned about your two bachelors, so that shows her that you are leading yourself seriously in life, and are a man of dedication and the "do it type". Then she finds out you are at an Executive position at your job, so now she thinks "he is so stable financially". Then there's the icing on the cake, she asks YOU for help, she subconsciously put herself below you, that you are the superior one here, when she asks your help to get her hired into your company. ++++++5

You walked her around like a gentleman. Right to her labroom. This is equivalent to dropping your date off home. It shows you are a man who cares for his woman. + 6

You negged her with the sick comment. She tried to brush it off by asking you why you would say it. You perfectly played it off by changing the topic. Yet it didn't leave her mind as she had to check in to the next available restroom. Hamster-spun played well . +7

You didn't kino her. This showed maturity and separated you from the rest of the thirst guys out there. To her, this showed that you are a comfortable man who has no desperation to feel up a woman because you are confident you can get it anytime. Now she would wonder "when will he touch me?" +8

You didn't get her number. But like others have said, since you two run in so much this shouldn't be a problem. Again, this shows her that you are a man with no desperation. Now she would be wondering "when is he going to ask for my number?" and when you do, she will write it for you before you even finish asking her. +9

Lastly, you asked her if she remembers your name. It doesn't matter if she used it at the beginning of the conversation or not. You asked her and "made" her say it to you. This again shows authority, equivalent to making her do things for you [ in this case you made her say your name ] and both of you laughed. This will be on her mind for a long time. +10

You're doing great. Keep us updated. You don't see or hear something like this every day. Good luck bro.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
LoveAfter2009 said:
Really, who cares if you rarely post negatively? No one gives a damn if you are one of the most positive bible thumping door-to-door missionaries who has never said a negative word in his life. The fact is, your post full of negativity. And it showed from the get go.

95% of the guys? So now you're pulling out percentages out of your ass. I played the 12 plates over the course of around 9 months. Of the 12, 3 stuck around like flies. The other 9 slowly became on and off. Since 2014 started and I started running into my desired woman more in college, I pushed the other plates away. For all I know, most of them probably labeled me "as a jerk who was just playing with us" and probably moved on (and they better, cause they mean jack **** to me now). The three still actively message me, and I just ignore them (because they also mean jack **** to me now). I'm sick and tired of talking to girls, it's the whole damned rinse and repeat thing. I want something meaningful, something lasting, something with someone I KNOW, not from a pickup. And that's where this beautiful woman in my life comes. And from the looks of it, all I had to do was wait and approach, it was a long awaited and slow start, but it was worth every second and now there are countless new doors that have opened up for us.

Me waiting around for her this one time so I can approach her no matter what, without losing the chance if I leave it to accidental (because college is ending and I rather approach her in college where she is always alone, whereas with girl friends outside) makes me obsessed? Because of course, I rather stare at ceilings during the break I have between classes instead of wait around for and to approach the lady of my dreams right? Try harder kiddo.

Those "12 other options" are, again, as the name implies, OPTIONS. I dont even give a flying fvuk about them; been months. They can all go jump off of Mt Everest holding hands together for all I care (ok, I don't want them to die, but you get my point).

Oxymoron? So me saying the fact she and I have a history together automatically means it was a romantic relationship, or one was tried? Since you were too thick to understand, by history I meant we go back nearly 10 years; we aren't strangers per se; we know each other's names and basic information (friends, living address, etc). By a 100% clean slate I meant that we never really talked, we never tried dating, we never hung out, never nothing. Clean perfect slate. We have so much to open up to each other about. And man am I glad we are going to do this now than years ago; when we are more mature and developed than we were 2-5 years ago.

Stop using "stare" so literally and heavily. Walking by each other with strong eye contact not only was from both parties, but signs of high interest. Here's some simple psychology for you: when you like something or someone and they attract your attention, you LOOK at that person or thing.

Wifey was a substitute to the commonly used "HB" here. For some reason, I digress using the term HB. I do not want to label or refer to her as "hot". Nothing serious. I just dont like the term that's all.

Like I said before, I have good memory. I can remember what people said when. I remember the events of my elementary school; junior high school. I remember certain conversations and certain events. I remember people's names. I remember close friend's birthdays and whatnot. I am one of those types of people who actually remembers phone numbers by mind, instead of contact books nowadays. Remember the days where people used to dial numbers off of their head? Yeah, I'm 23, but I am of that generation nevertheless. My dream lady is someone important to me, even if I don't have her officially yet. If I don't place importance on her, she would be like every other girl. Until things are not made concrete, she will remain as such. So yes, I will remember everything about her. And guess what, this will play in my favor because girls love men who remember such details, from past interactions or during conversations. Gaming 101 buddy.

Stop using generalized bull**** when it comes to putting a woman on a pedestal. My older brother put his love lady on a high pedestal (they also met at age 14ish) and they are now happily married for the past 7 years, with 2 daughters and a son. I can pull up more scenarios like this if you'd like.

1. I am trying to rid of the 12 biatches, thanks. And it's actually going pretty smooth save for the 3.
2. Trust me, I wish I had her timetable. Problems?
3. Lol. The last thing I want is "My Wifey" to see me with one of my plates. She sees me interacting with girls many times; but I don't want to be seen as a player.

I'm sorry to tell you that you are one of those easy types; who give up before anything even happens lol. I wish you luck in your everyday endeavors. Don't forgot to eat everyday just because you have to "work" for it. Things don't happen on their own. If you know where I'm getting at.

Proper planning and execution > taking heed of bull**** and weak advice built on the foundations of "Don't even try, just give up!" ;)
Okay, I was going to post a series of condescending remarks about how a guy who has had oneitis for 5 years shouldn't be using the term "game 101" (which ironically is probably approaching but that's besides the point) :nono:

I just want to say, with whatever has been said before aside, that you are coming in way too hot. She doesn't really know you from Adam, no matter how you want to paint your history, it's weak sauce at the best. Just stop and think this through, if she does end up liking you and you go out. Can you honestly hold yourself back enough to allow her to like you? In general men fall for women a lot quicker than women fall for men and you're already half way down the lane talking about "dream woman" and marriage before she's really got a chance to know you. You'll not be able to mention any of that for the first 6-12 months without coming across as too keen. She'd need her own space to grow into the relationship because that's how they work, guys say "I love you" before girls and honestly the girl is usually not ready for that, it freaks them out. Talk to a girl, she wants to take things slower and it's the guy who's running in head first and it very well may scare her off. She's not going to be in the same emotional space as you for a while and that's going to be telling in the relationship...but here we are talking about the future when you've had one 6 minute chat with her. Take things one step at a time, getting ahead of yourself will only cause heartbreak in the future, that's coming from experience, you need to prepare for the worst. A few moments of eye contact doesn't mean happy ever after but your post strongly hints that you think that. You have to put the breaks on the emotional roller coaster now.

Read this and take in the general message, I can only hope it helps you.

How would you react if you asked her out and she said no? Honest answer, no playing Billy big bollocks
Mar 25, 2014
Reaction score
Dgwizdal said:

OP is a Pandering Beta Faggot and should stick to sucking Learningandimproving off in the stairwell in between classes instead of writing emotional essays about chicks who don't give a fvck about him. The gunk on the bottom of her Tory Flats means more to her than you and your creepy elevator speech.

PS - OP is panty-sniffer
LMAO. nothing more satisfying than knowing you are doing doing something so good that people start to resort to immature high school insults.

Have fun sitting behind your screen while LA2009 gets a high quality woman who is highly attractive, mature, responsible and cooks amazing food while loves cooking and wants to be a housewife

A guy who easily games chicks he doesnt care about turns to focus on a woman he believes he wants something more than the usual fling and he becomes a beta? lmao people who over qualify themselves by picking up 4.0s and thinking they are alpha. take a chill ma dude. No one is forcing you to read this thread or help him

Piers Nivens

Don Juan
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
narcissist said:
This is the worst thread that has ever existed on SoSuave.
Damn, you guys must hate your lives. Who the fvuk has you at gunpoint lol? Why do you feel the need to post here if you don't like the thread? There are people who like the thread, you don't need to be here.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to LoveAfter2009 again.


Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
New York, NY
I am not here to argue. I am trying to live life more positively. I am here on this site to better my life son.

I am merely stating my 2 cents. This post was a huge waste of time for me to read. AND guess what? I take FULL responsibility for wasting my own time. I could have easily closed the website and spent my time elsewhere in a more productive manner, but I didnt. My actions, therefore, my own fault.

Nonetheless I want to post something that may in fact save OTHER peoples time from this post, because I know how valuable peoples time is. Hence why I wrote this:

narcissist said:
This is the worst thread that has ever existed on SoSuave.
Anyways good luck learningandimproving and loveafter2009 and piers nivens. Hope you guys get on that righteous path.

Loveafter2009 has already gotten the advice he needs: Ask the girl out. And drop the undeserved ego. You are an ape on a ball, chill. Maybe meditate a bit a realize you aren't the coolest dude out there. Become a little more humble and maybe your game will improve.

Done. Nothing else has to be said. That is sound advice.

I wasnt going to give advice because I am pretty sure this is troll territory but the odd chance this is real maybe itll help a brother out. But as of lay, that is all the advice he needs. Now I am backing out of this thread.